340!f "44 VOL. X. I ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20. 1900 Spring Announcement Q. H. WILD & Co. ; c iDaejust irscived1 0ur line <- it l wIII" ioolteis for men's Nv t ilds ts tIJthiiii5in Ataa it- iith-t aie suitalltandil se- t~l l i r te s-on. 'AWe-are -ms )5o is' full ran, s in nov- i n duaiIi lityas yl e ) tto soot eth-sos teitin( tt, ot-g of 'l'opCt s, iiit- ii'5 ac ests adsoi l fsl ii seinos. We invteue 0to cal itrIispicetoiiir lie st W ILD'S 108 E. Wasbir)gtor) St. PR ES CRIPTIONS FILLED Wehv AT rcnl ALL stranae ilder's Pharmacy THE OLD ifteuitit ; w bv RIELIABLE f~l ad nw e rai yS . C R. E. JOLLY & CO. A Medical Dictionary 75c CAKNSPHARMACY SWEATERS GAME WITH CHICAGO. masse tihe most of any concert that iseashIis snsme or else isot to play it A Fotbll ameha Ben Aranedat ill. The enforeenest of this rulii A Fotbal Gme as Ben rragedhas ha~d noucs to do i smitaining fior Next Year. Iis gs-eat reputtations and the standaird i It is annoossies on relitibie authority of isis concerts. Moreover, it assiures thai the costract fsr a foo,_,ai game the ipustlic of the sissilest tossnisonsis ini Chitago, next Tankssgiovingslay be-rut hsiltthevstill hear the saise issoseso Miehigani andiCicsgoisiha s ormeiie same' iilayeirs anslo bieens signed. ITiisganie li-s beuet n-iiOistsusandttssam i iiri gSiatutis, offiii i oisussis forCiii hiii lost ifthliis e eideindued, isliii piuliiio miotih and it wssthesgenoeraoils ii-Itlitlargest situ's -ranti" ie o ust iseteid spisin iothit iiis sill e l s1is ii hatiitn some of telot- i-i-hbllf-iose t' It ws nosut udefiuitely selltledni iilost cncr:"ae iea Sos a -~' sice ia It, hesume tioie is lihes-suie'-e iiiiire -11il Iikiisuit peiirailori 0/ 'Attry BLANCHE DUFFIELD BER-i HA bUCKLIN ecnference ersthe I'..A . . . -te osneert toiniughit. Svtril pioess A. Stasgg wishes-ielaisse tis be inserteid well Iknowusto Mielii iistudsenits save ini the piroposeidcosniiiait iby wish eesb n sswrittein ito tai scresttie ltad- Mielilgasiwo-osui iis hierseltfsnit to er feelingict-inisth-it sisehsa.savor pslay isiy gmsi hciossnthe will besappireeisated. souseslays -is Chsic-ago uisiersity had Sosussa tks but sne shsosttobus in gooses. -ThIis seas prtically cosospell- micitsthis seaison,3 sJanuay 31C to lng 1bicigai- n to slay is Clucsgo wsiths Api ii.I lie thsesntaket s tebasisdto onsly Chieago uivi esity, los thatitsstsi- uropue, opesninigthe V-sri-esxiosission tustionsis i gs-sies on verya-iil-ible SAoril 14,thenaesiious a5tbusrioithe slay. Otis boaird of toutsrol irefsiseid to constinent. Our owni cite is oeofsi sbibot to such ani arbitrary regusion. the complarastively lesswiiinihoss Stssgg seas giveni the choice ofii sgninug will pilayliefsore going ts Euursope.The a contract awithosut theot bjectionaoble slate is Tusesda-yiFebrsuary 20th. use clause or inot signsing otollucThre special soloists site Miss tBlaniche Dii- was pi-ospecet osfis'esssis sitoflost fitls, soiiiasuis anidMiss Bticstis ilici Tlosnissgls'ng slay.IThe late olfifiturie liiivioliiiistt. yeasrs is undidied.ilt- No 10. In a Persian Garden" will be Gier. bii the Choral Union Friday Night. This concertcitolle giress by ti folloig asrtists: Mrs. essliry Ford, ssorainso Miss Marsgerite Hal, isezzo sopirano; lt. Macenszie Grton, tieiior:I. David Bisphamsuo, baritone. sisi is Adsiela tPrintissIpiaiist It is btiiiiimisbereilthiat the art- Gbi o iisiill Itske piotbliiiii ses- 0 tn'nanieul i asss 'iifoilthefirst toiceti-lalst se--s i.I wtino iirle iatsfatiui-sha tu- iiseet is iainouiciiiat'it. w55 iii isius e t aoist sushi tli es-tlies t trly si-etes i st's Isis-mncesf-i's S- g Cyle, thethS ti msie ini 'si-storkst i'derteis dillsistisoisofiiMr.iVictor iiris Oss ' i- cesso 'sstriog- sissicompsesiteisha1be- usre't-t' sisicaseaisn0of 139-'93l isas at ian tissitwosisreognizsesd as ouine iofit'hesmostsorgiai, striking-sui uiforilyssucsscessulimsisssalwooiksa ever birssigt o the iotice o a Metro- IThesworkis55wiitten inuconiter t torim, that istis be gistn on liii soiert plt- form iiis thost these ietdotsceinesy or costsiess ands is to be readertil be a quatette otsigess-sopaiosotrtal- to tenor aindIbass-to the ccomnsai- meint o1 the pia505 It coisists of soes'sfosr the quatetste, ota sduo tfsi sopiraiso oandttinor-sissithe r'ss-ii- lug ig t toe the ulsferesolosoisssc. sortbu at lsilsiifl ii t-isi ssa-soges. Theiimsiisis etreemely meloiouiss, grattf'luansitcl' -is . e, iIais reprodusces ini ,,i most iii!iiiisfti iiioiithe ten- siss the dslt thus's hiiilosophyls of inn.Iotisissi Isis> is iarKhayy , hass esell St s-sethesoe rnise gi isn nisii-lthe CLsotwoisisStsosns, lt isot,so liiiidifent fiontiites-itl Tontinit oficonsuitslibrougt t'ipowes' is its inobsetxtsassdissusito isear ield undrits enchantmnt'toethe e ini a spiit fasciatedibylinsi liesuty' ofi greatithloughts ainsigreat texprets- sinss ofitosghts The perormiacee ofl this worskioctupiielessissom i50o5) miniiitesandiiltlepet'cedliii ts-a shosit itiseei-Oe '0-s hIt- iii I'sill heinter esti" to those 'h os-saies'reatoi or stuiedsilpoems espttiasyItoissse owio his-te sadei'a-stuiy ofsit inusthe I' ishdepis't-enst list ssmustsr Caps and Gowns Rejected at Illinois. lihestetniosia t the Itnsivesity o iiii ieussi by-iii uovewiut'minsg votetoiiadioipt 5aisisandiigowiss. Evi- iently thley- fearedsi stifstICs essaci thirstinhe-apipe-r-ice swiuldthroie tetts factuity by otst inhto ridicule. Oe respsetfuil senior cimuuediUtit the clas i cas'ados asnidsithis Cscsi- ty dre-isedh iassual sosulsdo:libe "a reg"iiu'uiii-en 'rguars aiusiCe's ariliuy Sousa Will Flay Some University ..., GOING AT.... Favorites Tonight. An auiensce that gathers at any time or anywhere to hear a Soosa if concert is sure to enjoy the very best that Sousa hiaiii store. A Sousa air concert is a Sousa concert, whether in 4 0 New Torts or Califronia, irrespective long ago made it a role to never do things by halves, and if it is ever a qnestion of whether a railroad train most wait, for him or he moat cot his Sprogramme short,, the train will wait, W A H R -YS or a special car will take its place. W A H R ' Sousa is enexorable in his role to Preliminary Traci; Meet Saturday. Grest hinterest is beingshtsowns bu the tracks wort at Clue gymnssiumn. ounce cisc close of exasminations clue' ________ number of candhidastes for the tean, Outdoor Track Completed. usas increasedlrsidsly andhtssee are 'Thienucshs tailsked of oustdoor tracks . sow ssoust 1.00nmen out 5 uly prac- lis finally beens halts uthe tenssi tieing fur the various events. Moat of ..ese 'will takse art in the mseet courts. If no fsurthser additionus are Saturdlay. 'a sae number of entries in nmadle, it will be an equipment of -doubt- the dashes, pole-vault sod weight fuil value. It suose consists of as circle events are especially large. No doubt of only two planks in width. The some records will be broken. There is corners are so sharp wuat a runner no fee for entering. Ass entries must will have to slack op or else atop com- be made at Director Fitzpatrick's of- pletely in order to turn Muem and fice before 6 p. m. Thursday of this avoid falling off the narrow plank week. path into the snow.