THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY - TH-NVRIYOFMCIA AL Fine- Writing Paper 10000o In Your Inside Pocket D. fl TINKER & SON~ HATTERS AND FURNISHERS Is what you can saeon acsuit o ercoatmade to yuoderebyus. We guarantce aperfect fit an no sale. Call and tee, nobligation to bay. Oar itanse asoratmnet oatotr 3,000 samtpeawillplease you. All Wool Suits andl Overcoats froni $12.00 uap. Goo ric , alkr & urp' Front Roam aner Fist Ntional GoodrichnMuAphor. Headquarters for HAT, CAR, MN'S FUNSHINGa9s and Complttline of GYMSIUM BaOnD and SWEATERSt. AGENCY FOR LONGLEY RATS 334 South State Stree &E f iarliFY&41k1~nC & BY TilE POUND:- - DO -4OUTSMOKFE? YOU ')Or 7.rLand Z~ Envelopes to Match. Agents for Geo. B. lords and Cranes Fine Stationery. 100 Visiting Cards Engraved with Capper Plate, $1.25. A~merican Torchon, Raw Silk and Chevtot Mat "Boards. MOUNTING BOARDS. Poster Papers in all the Popular Colors. Pulblishlert, Booiksellers, Staione hrt, tutu Etlravers, 320 S.cSThITL ST1., ANN ARBOR - .- . IMICHiIGAN U. of M Barber TVAPOR BOASs Shop and Bath theCty.Rean- Cat. Main and Hturon Stets. . . ........... ..Capital, 0,00tt. Strpicts, 830,0SS. Ttnneactt 4 Pittsltillg Stogiles fotr - - - 5c ftKopr , Pres. C. E.GaEENE,Vie-Peat Zn n FREaDa H BH a ,Cathler 1Bll Alltholly Cigars for 25G 4 Buiiwie Cieilt fr . 25c FIRST NATIONAL BANKtOgaitdlArbo Captal, bl00,tSS. SurtplustandtclProftts, boaCt 'Old Number: rraiisactaenerttal at cibuiness. Fattien 44 SO. MAIN ST., fle AIhJ tatla ouhtccctat solt. Furnaishle tters af ANN ARBOR. MICH. 0 K t 5t~i et.tAlttt tttt At the Athens Theatre. ICalendsr. S. W.t3LARIjlt Cash itt ITursaccy aternttandtela eeittg Tttisda y, Feb.20-Stousa13ccand11n S. ~ ~ Svng a promisaett to tectimetty 11oy3aithlie I.A ICcittsa. Ill1111101 11hurcaday, Feb. 32.-Fresiaent awa I Cital Sitcl. 85Nit00 tttltltt 5. 00.l ' ticencstheatre twhiere thisee sitde-spltt bcle ccl11,cl itt- Restur ces.ett500,000 t L ingc omedtaiia, Oaeewa and acStier cFriadayt,..3r. 0 ".. of t tici.Scate. RBet-at.depolc-i.-,cat;.ccian itl 1ile. Ca , .PersiaGatrdean, eacace ontae prin iplpcitie fte, e i Ua n ittd aopentt aceir ae ~netetitt thir leats n Crli on c ri es . Sicetates.' rafts ca lte c teln prope identiication, avrsionfth iatifuny secedesvilie aiaet Saturday, I cb . 2..-11id1001-irvlciccmeet Sact3yrcle hicai tia Ia cant.,Pe.W.D ari etta "By tie Sed Sea 1vat teaS ctcSice ii lillattt tl, p. Itll. rane, Vita-Ptes.; Chcas. E. HiacocK, Cashier; M. lat sr-aon, thcese resouceul fn tMonaty, Feb. 21.-B. A. Finery, J. Fritz, As-istat rasbier ttmaikers natser beent busy gaticecrills statraoptican lecticraeton tetcere in W d. BaOOTH, PRES..AT eUneiliaaritctyeena-iiv e tc.P cluctb coutrse, Unitarian ciarvl. . .ARNOLsa, 1tcVicepreataeiladauignvlisi heI .SEHN (,iepe A IG Puseay, ednsday Thrsda, JHetC. WALTZ. Asst. tasthie nayce msiccl, frcclln vu e FedayFeb. 27, 2t, Mcarch 2 antI 2-tlSIlS ailie eentertcinnment. Pleapoleairty F-trmers' lRounda-ueeaInatitteeBAN at the piece with theatre goers lacy be Saturdcay, Mtarch 3-i-Ieee. Jehen Teem judedecit s npahenomeenal rtin atflt3 pliGraven in 5. L. A. courae Transacts a general nights at the Herald Sqauare theatre, Sunday, Marcia 4-Anti-Saloon Sun- New Yorkc, where it played to large day. Reward H. Ruissell and Judgie C. aend deiighted audiences nightly. Ita B._Grant,_speakers. manlagera, Dainne & Ryiey annaunce Stadeatnt a rardially invihed to in- tisa easnn tWat cevey teatare includ- sped eaur c'impistelinea af saita,onear- ing Matnews and Bulgers new special- coats,ocenstarnishings and hats. ty hs neer een een n te stge adhams, Ryan - Route, S. Main ot. betore. Ie tact the title at the piece SAX BOYS? Rooms 022 TITC 1 0 Troinoasint. A distliguished critic eased ee Cigeearr, e16Fact Hueraonsireed., tar .flD ~ kItha e atmedy abililtiee ofalfinlatrineeoflpipes, lehabaoaedcdigars. B B Mathewssend Buliger wicen ihv declated W i AiPac ouf~fN EBS SfT1FflTIN.that theauecdiences lentthi-er specelne A nraw litne et Manhtattata Shirts UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF e-diaens beamte the ceetre uc tte ii cIN G laon. Arounthlistitin eetillatincene ri ltOSTI 0. jewericdharroaw lat, hetwveen- ofcmeytis season, rd ateagrouplth1cr 71 vlicirist Cittrche andetallie PhBela it housr. Tinevr lvaisaieret Iat aentlcmin'i-tacituislit-it, aondcatS i-etcp11 ilthv teav rd's oifire. -I05. Lde'beginn ls, d, o 0pu. teetr rodcaiitioin. PINK BROS., Instructors A aniv line at ManhttnieSlirts jsa Office asd Aeademy, Nicttel Clt, 334-"326 5. Stae in at Waiciiactis, Ilyata & ileclle, Sea __________________________________ Ducringtgh-le molnicth flatniuary 10 hi em.artSiorth Maclet treet. ptatietsiterertegisi-ercidatthlilaUtti- S ILHLIILAY OFFER! vesily hitcial. 01 tisleenumeber l94 Tracy Schledule. - - (01 iseve cact-paitiiets cinde66e-paltialnts. 31ccetfoliwiengascedille hsbaiceen Oneifthitts 2 Thre ighcest enumber eoleitattirets reg- tmadtt-edt. Candtidaitstat- tileitrioiua Jl ire atanyoneline as- 83 an-ievenotsa 1re reqieteied to repert at tile $3.00 err dl=tl2icat7t Ieaa nle1ti LAGLI OUTIN n hiie lowietetmber 72. 1 cc11et re- Spinta-4:311 Ia 6:0i-ao beatpthal; rAhI O NAN eictsafathile hodstitlfocr tile tacntet qualrter-maie-4:a30 tRatcht;talf-mnile PENS iwa-ce $1,b97.ta. -4:a5 to Hayea; ntile-4:45 teoRener- caII et, postpaccid, ntcweca ti aal I_____ _saot: hturdliea-4:a45i -a iMcLean; iwal- lice onlyiy4:45 i-o Broaokfieldl; ple vault-baetere t h i r. J. IL. Sntyder, eresid~etot he40tao tDIirector Fitzptricka; shaoi-put "00 ichriigana Stale Agricutueral College, -aternotons betoea4:a0, or ally tiee Itfcitre at SnttctoattiWas iti will ice i-he cuest- ot Preatiett Jctate ea inlteetorenoto-aDirector Fiteztat- TBACt.aeniloffer youX15.10 foititt, Al il.0A A at-e-ridk; light joenp-1:30 to 6:00h i-aArm-t- I3. AtgellwieinAnabrted troetg. YI0a1s see intg tile fifthannuial routnd-upltotftte , Fieai-eitvritci Ifit1 does nt suitl nAsE A farmrs'rinst ittescta be laeclFebru-~ Anyway you0fitguret P RnFIT tihitlagi, Ihaa recainmeid itet-tial ___ary Z7 anti 28 and Marc 7 aad 2. si-rentgi-t reeordl tritetiWaiter S. Ren- A tidy, c-who ao recetray scoredIita.ttat i~ cit riictc sta tt i tttet iTe 'Uiois ilt- of Mintnesota will 11'Icaiecn clai iita ail QUAt cxLTYDIAMONDtcIT(TOLDBars-iI ;iha latcdlt the atekat -t,_38 Iontasc tecatEa iieas issueea daily listead at t weekly Itaperwheiiui trtttyatedaraetei ill li et tptnise ttt t,. ctaddestertiiil ro abystnifr o e Banking IBusiness COCLCEGIATC CAPS, GOWNS ond lHOOD~tS, Rentiss at CAPS ord GOWNS, A SPECIA1LTY. CLASS CA1NES, COLLECE FLAS.S - CiLSS PIPES, CLASS STATIONERY, COi-LECECPINS, SPECIALiTICS w, . KERN & co. 411 K Piety-Seirectlt St. U~bE one reason ineTbacco - why Old En. _ 1pt. 7. lish Curve Cut pipe to. Q The curved in hox that its any pocket is another reason. No other pipe tohacco has ever sade as many briends in so short a time. It disappoints no one." Atrial box will be sent to any one anywhere on receipt of ten cents in clamps. Address Old English Do. partment, The American Tobacco Co., III Fifth Ave., New York City. AlI dealers sell it. SPALDINGS Official jllbketic Goods Officially acdopted by tte leadcinga callenca. Schoosancd Atletic Cluibs oattcan ct y. ..t tict lquISI~eaTneFOn.., Bse Ilall TenstI Font OBall AOtllics t Bolt Bymaasum Spaldiog's Official League Ball Ithe Offiieial Hall afthtie Natioalt Leaguesantd all leadintacolleesso ciattn. Spaidings Base Ball IGuide for 1900, 10a HAltttaea tae/itta A. G. Spalding & Bros. ofJAthletic Sot ,e-c ottny idt-oes. tNEW tYOt, CHCO DEVR NOBBY TAILOR STATL . ST. nesa d it icntt ttt le te- I,, Beti cite crdeetr ierly-ceder todiay. State whtel i ay's at gets-ste sdsitrediti. Ai'ctdest LAUGHLIN MNFG. CO. 19Giwl t.Dto+ ih Any T ank T E. s o..pyi irrT..NORTH SIDE 1! LAUNDRY TauOS. ROWE, Propro.s 1003Broawity 4VBll Ithone THOSE NC)BBY GOLFS i . : ;, _ ;j ,. a a .. c - ' ' Openin~g of Sprin~g Wooens.... a Wooteons foritoeattming sasoan haave artrisvad, i-heottnaive lino over produced Itero itsasproad tn our tableasatad nan-apetn fori-oat to sneako sloctions. Woelhavo mado ovary proptaratian ta strictly retain i-Ito pteviotus standard of our tailoring and to promptly aorveouor paitros. Weolaticit your inspoc- than at an oarly dato. WAGNER & Co., Tailors, w 123 South Main Street. A S Is L c: MIL WARD