THE UNIVERSITY 01" MICHIGAN DAILY. _______ ____ W.____ F WVWWWW7N7PY - - -a - o'W JUST H ILDEBRAND r Y " v v v vy v v v y v vvvvvvV-yv yvv vii\L i / /VVV'9/ V A' STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-NEVER IN PRICE. THE NEW TAILOR 120 WASHINGTON ST. MW -Z ;Z ZA&- , MICHIGAN CENTRAL, -he Niagara Falls Route. CNTRIAL STANDARD lIME. TaigEffect Noemcbr 19,1899. Dietroit Night Expriess ........55 .M AtlanticExi es . ............74 GranddIRapidsExb'press.........It 10 " Mailoand E pes ............. 34 a t N .Bo sto n Seil......... 4580 Fast Et er .... . .. .. .. .. ..94 Bosto ad NIl ad hi cao.......81 Chicago Night iExprs.... ... : Pacific Exp s. .............1p0A t Stemship TiOckt, llt Claseto andfrmi Euope apoints atbi west rtes.hal infor- miatincoc appclicaiona 0. W. RUGGLES, it.W.HAS, t.iP. T.AgtCbicago. Agt AnnArbor. 2 iFIAD I .iTD S71 n.S I-aIM It'. 5 S TIME TABLE Tacking Effei ctuday, May "i,5199, Trains ileveAnn Arbor by Central Stood- ard Time. SOUITH NOSCI'H *Nc.6.- 7:25 A. a, No. 1.- 8: 60 A. M. No. 2i-l:a) A. M. *Noi. 6.-i2:30 P. M No. .- 8:30 P. M. No. .- 4:56r. M *Run betweena AinoArbor coil Toiledo oiy All traios daiiyexcept Sooday. Et. S. GILMORitE, Agent. W H. BENNETT. G. 1i. A Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars lelave for Detroit anil Ypsilanti very half hour, beginning at 7:15 a. ni. until 7:45 p. mc; After that to Detroit at 8:45 p. in, 9:45 p. m and 11:15 p. m. Waiting room, corner Ann and Main ste. Detroit, 111(Griswold st. BREAKFAST - ANN ARBOR SUPPER - ST, LOUIS, MO, WABASH - FAST TRAINS, FREE - CHAIR CARS R. S. Greenwoodcc, M1. P. A., Cicagoc HOCKING VALLEY BY. 4 TRAINS D)AILY 4 Btweaen Toledo acid Colctmbus, iing Uniona depot io both ctie. ThroughiSleepier to Wasinlcgteon dhBltimcore.I GREAT RAIILROAD THE HOCK(ING VEILLEY Write L. W. LANDMAN, 11 W. Fort St, Dtcreit. ITE BET MAKES OF -c- lRentschlev, the pihotographer.Mnoisdi! H F I andBrucncc'sicaonse eic L.J C Fl I 1m.(E) sohcke omuiG Storo W. Liberty, only 2 dccci iroiiMaisliC-orer The Fine Tailoring Trade of the City. Hlave You senou ORCELAINS?' Fineet thngot-ny c e te city BURCHFIELD, 106 EAST HURON STREET CltGIL RTES[TO SENIORS I - - - - - - - - - - - - I . - - - - - - . - . - . - - . - - , - - -- " I Would Hare the Meet at Madison. Tihe Universityof Wisconisin hac bieeii liabingIii attempit to liave:the W. I A. A. A. meet hold at Madison Tlie ioehaonicl engineers were il Potiac A altlrllay lestinig tile ipoer of tiii enginie for the Poiitiacek& Detroit electric railivay. Ihy BarFFmandHStudio 112 W. Hucron St. N. S. Phoce 119 HOLIDAY MATINEE tuis year. ']lilt toe iattempct 'wi ibe A n001linhof0gManhoattan Shirte justol h a r a fallure is a foregone conlionilas10ici at iVadhams, Rtyatn & Rteole. Sec A t e s T h a r the constitution of lice asooiationl pro. tbemo. South Btain ntreet. video a mneetling place aiid tile constitu- ST RA ,FB T tion can be changedl only at aiianiial AUCTION!!! AUCTION!!! SADea Y eBrsen meeting liceliext of which will take f inal: closiiig-oit salt of lihecitire ilce it thce tioce of 0he meet linier stock of Booba!, l~aul aper, Stat~iinary', MAT1HEWS AND BULGER qulestionl. e., etc., recently owvned by \V. V. Wet-i le ~lc~esoii mlore, iob Soithlin StS. Autiloic Howard huts at Wadhamc, Ryan& saies still be coicdueted eaech day (cx- BY THE SAD SEA WAVES Rcule. Host hat on the market atet 1 oicdays) at 4 o'clock and seven 35 -GONIE.DY STfARS- 35 $3.00. 200-202 S. Slain st. o'clock p. in. Everylliiig Mustafn0di PRICES: Maineeii: 25,35, and 50 cnt. li~il Ga Do iof liasTlii Loaveinig: 25, 50, 75oad $1.0 LOST-Between the Alpha Della Caliace.Grne'ScolfDaig Phi bouise and the law building, a H-. H-. HEos, Trostee, ~ rne' colo acn small red memorandunc boolt. Finder rig ioh Sooth Alaiii Si. will please return to 0. B. Niehols at the Alpha Delta Phi houise and reeeive The Ann Arbor Muoic Co. haveem e er rewrd.som inuceens t ofer tu- nddents on table beard; also one ouite LOST-A pair ot gold-bowed glasses of roomo. Academy on :Maycnard fit, in case, stamped Dr. Inulo, Grand Hap- ids. Leave same with SI. A. Sony, 321 Those in the city that partieipated READ THE DAILY. in the Spanish-Ameriean was are re -_________________ S. Stcte and receive reward. quested to parade with Co. I on Wash ington's birthday, at 2 o'clock p. P m AIlm lD PnP sI Fire brokte out in the Laite School The secretary will try and reach all blllby UIUoXJ of Shorthand, owned by Wv. Lake, card, but some may be missed. __________ Warranted for 1 Yearb 'Sb L. It was caused by dtist in a fur- nace pipe. Tile flames passed up Professor Henry C. Adams ot the $1.Q0 along a stairway and into the room dprmn 1pltcleooyi h r o d Leadie uoed as a typew riting school. The University will deliver the commence- 'vm i' Jeweler fire had made considerable headway ment adress at the C~niversity iofTeNetComplctc Lioe of wehen the department arrivetd but was Kansas.ThBsC soon brought under control by thce A complete line of Adler Bros. lisaLHOCOLE TE efficient efforts of the firemen. I-owe- suits at Wadhcms, Ryan & Heiule, is200C OC LAE ever, two typewriters -were destroyed 202 S. Slain s1. Ic the City coo bo found and a nuimber ot articles of furniitui'e T U T T L. E '8 badlyidamcaged, .NOTICE. All canilidates frqarhc for 338 S. Stale SI. Chester Glen, brother of Glen the ~.. -., . tailor of State street, died at the Utni- versity hospital F'riday, February 1t, at 11:, p. m. from heart disease. H~e had been sicka less tiuan a week. '1 ae rcmains wvere tak-en to L~onidoii,Oni-f tario, for btirial. daily at'the gym at 4:30 p. m. U. M. MARTIN.. FU NERAL 22ND DANCING PANTY. !-W.L - 1{ Washington's birthday dancing party DIEC O at Granger's Academy 'Thursday even- Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th ing-:30to _:30o'clck. Ave. Ambulance night and day. Rea.. ing-:30 o ~-20 ocloc. ~ idence 302 Fifth Ave. IPurtenhoesfor omn..$3.50 See the " New Puritan" Last 110 E. Huron Sjt. O L EeyKn ENC ITRE Embalmer and 613 East William Streety Evr!id NC IEELFuneral Directoric estiut n-afboc etF - mWA.WW WW, Mrs. Esoch tilelerle, Ledy Assiest f lew huildiog. All kinse K M, le Sc.E B, A.e Inofreepirng neatly done. R nd l jFn Beth Phonso Ne8 .10t9Wshisg- No. 116 E. Liherty Streert. Rleidesce 1M S Shj~j~foe ho E. Lambert.I a d I P hotos WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S' DRUG STORE