be '*of Srl VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, -RICH., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19. 1900 No 105. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD CO. We hav e just r eceivedl our line of spuing woolens for men' war It includes everything in staples that ar suit'able andI ie- sirable foi the season. We are also shoswing fall ranges in nonv- elis n qualitysort style to soi tshe most exacting taste, consisting of 1Top Coats, Suit- ins ancy V\ests andl Golf Ii osriinns VsWe insvite you5ito) call andi inspect oiiiline at WILD'S 108 E. Wasbirjgtorj St. PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED wehv AT rcnl ALL ' sio iiea ar Wilder's Pharmacy loFsandw arsetsreat saulillieorLnetis, sue TEL1,B asiTOBACCs O.i siITOBACCO0. YiYFst-m ASI'E 05. ta'"Y. R. E._JOLLY & CO. II[ I. I i IMPORTANT RESOLUTIONS and mre asseliated with athletis in Closes a successful course oil Lec- the shols should cootest the fels tures Action ofl the iacultq Conference meet assdlmakie rules ansi arry out te The ecssrse of lettsesgie unr Practically ills W.1.A A A pagamle. Searal at the delegates the asspes of the nies clasPY. il. Viseeanfrene of ssacavisth oas jeted o this sateament of he ase; C .h r tis ago hri The onfrene o nie wichwasthey sinted out the fat that the CAll. clos enlastingoObesithth hseld in Chieaga last Satusirsayairived Ceatlise, isosedtheasraniiato watsimit at the eanelusioisthat it sas qite as tee as a as shtttitit ceaisi not e mi- eeing isa Univseisit ball I le in- caaleo lmiIsiseatltisaspoes upon; thsat str a long seasona creasng atteasaeasieesimop- eapaeba ra isintrlainds a sultgrssesd testiied ta teitsal iteres siaelill udfasisai iiias Iea oft set the committee hlars aeceesi io the sjets trseaed, ansi the r- waiscatsiand tissedsesisoslitionsinss erng$0 swihswsatlpsresent oaraiie ailiy of tie seaet to at weiciehsiseass deatis tosthe Wester5 ilaCi g ald vi neet Intercollegiate AnateursAthletis As nlei strlitsira'iss nerswiths seep quhestisils hilsophiy aad sisstisonislly osereligonin C a sholiril alliand sriuoss sncaeisis o bndisegsc orceO ti mle uepiosenie thelietsse massnn~ie. Iitheseinst file lectures, oless ha v iehins ptsein so e apseseby eetieral asi ,aioolsn'amngthm elwiel werofata isatie natisie. Dr. eoiiee solsea epesse il oby i agSsriatm 'isos tess it'-Iing shmowes thai t the faets of Chris- theesalsisi psinssess obj hested itoInthe flii thsial tvosotstiass3 aylii, sisisteisess-oasbrought litseisceelegislsatinto eanlos o ofasrules-si visas te ipreseine ondtinsisises ii istina as a thei suecs S li rasinesse 5 ii ofty athltics is the Viest Dne oaste recoined ad tht i prctiallyallmai obictass orihscsiee ansd philsphy centend. reeissseul oi elotis iiach sl~ 51 isci ouselsusessgt rt o1 the encon- ieesa a rsatls'toelage os it sies sin.ITle resoslutions psssesiby uti sisas ies-exist shee se si lettii ttsfeosasle ouar it miust he assesd separastey' he the s ise s urus of these ii ssse n ttnsanenssatll noads enstit a esls 1 le et essey at Chicago to enosete i the seiee has o meet isiths eery-frsts logos intelrestedt esre tiley awit hasve aniua meet bsst nt in the dua itn- dsoery01) holetuesivegan Salsr- any free. Ht ele sentimient ex tests. It wcs uslttlsi htaihdyaslSndyas-oe prensedl n istat elsehe ssot influential ecosditions are clearly nsut of tse spirit Wh~iat are no to think on to mirc- minil i the ahletic circles afthteir at the athletic sls, utsswhen it came lea epcieuiestisadti cinansi trvidece?' Sturday, r:0 renueciveonveritis ad 50 ctiisto the s-te wsether the present rsles p. inm, Tappan al. of the conferensce is indicative afthtie shosld stood or others e nmade it 'niate ocrig pae t shat the middle-western colleges sans-soteal that they shat stand o Smday, 3 p-, Midillan hall. have hecome tired of the unatifac- the fact that the rulea cul nt so In Dr. Kings lecture last evening tory Westerns lntercolle ate Asocia- formsulated in time to affect te met aaealreauine epoe than. an they arc plannesd thin year. himself one merely a scholar ut 3 The end of the W. I. A. A. A. will However, on a motion, ChairmanpwefiortrawlDnauet not ameuntl lsmeiatey atertheashte ppointesa a committee cnsit- wavs, "Signiicance at Christ" June meet as silo graduate committee ig of Profesors Pattengilat Mihl- He said in prt: Jeas Chrit ame hs already spent cosiocrohhe time igao, Jones, of Minnesota, and Hrtn, wt leepospipn tfudn gettinsg poasunder aay oc thisanO~- of Illinois tolmakese attf rleadl a kingdmi universa siritual nalotevent Afte us yiar ithe on olan tosdrawsusiphlns bciwicttutie ant-He ia the salesandsushimpeni- fercnce aill talse thse nates iniits uual meet can te r1n10fdiD heIle setent De ansi[aone hasonreolized the ossns hanis.aritthe paticusits tints as the on-lotly standaod dfatheusermousnusnteo Tise coleesscre afi ably irepic; uitees wor01kand it wascaspeciied thst Vs i st Hs csrcte is suchethto sautesd oustthse nteestsofasltseretevnadst be suchss to cuuform withssithout acusshscktseascn tasfer it welt losedsssafoter.Judgeo. -I.Lane thsi prentulsnihsvichtsoev-rnuh-sac lteiaty t Goy. nhimuhawaas mild-cn- representedi Michigans as Proatf. A H h. altculldtl all IThe caunusatse w5il(iaous abiiy to redeemisenands.ouutes lsttesgrilt sas tinaolelto55attendtassisagIhasvs-uutil Novusa,,as , uslaseureotumt aIssitsau-esssst t to lila iluess. The ameetinig5was at titutial'-o Ihenmonfereuce whtiehlsoluhentus lt uinllnssa. We comiso t stusuls, by tithlow ig:AinG. Sithi, willmethin t l sit s--i slie tile f- s a ppr1e cisast iofHim st u'aryig is Ioswo; C. A. WalteinPursumhe; C.S balt 50ason.hIsursene 's see comse to vahe ss lihes Viiscaussis;Judge 4'.I13 iLoe Ater ue adjoisu'menti-rsth le csieosnetswork if terotuase oe rtusbsi long cnu- asd hlees Camel, Michigous;-F. S-ice the conmmistteeaswIis as as tailon-tmplatston ofnitu. Jonses, innsoa; Pro'esorni i te site s teabolitonuiofitheo mile wals anud Di.Holister, Nrthswestern:-ndth- cylecntuesset. ue Courses in Commercial Education. GeoreoHenfcost H C.aton ills-smemsber s sresentlsereS tasgo ht- s 'I he tBnardsoatRgentsoth tie -isiser- nts; IProfesor SsampsnInudiana a-n, Eggeman nf Ntre 'ae hffsits at ue hmetinghigesl Wedeseday JhnisFuhars Viseuisius A. A.Stagg ofIlitnishBaidohMichianumansi -Fessoars-14, consideredh tie sdvisabi- Chico. Later us the aternuoon Fia ,orfat iscnsin.s Vie latter uty at etablislhng everalt ne curss CharsesEIgersnuat of asoue )asie at pinstedsictm lie at thut it hisetsac is he ltetrry deartmsent shach tendsed, cptoinhus 0 hasaller an.. that thsiona-asoushI meetmloteleretlyp-the peu- list meetinug' -asuprlnugedbeig 1111 out thour5trice captainuldasdsmithiartneus o cetrtaissinterets or car- oight aouris is ems thu-and lmace s -5 unaize-their teamo a ate it Iho titles at these curss re cussion wn-ondusaugig n s uehsg'udeiessd that the evntsutanatossiushey (1 Diploastisuind Cnuasr hEsduca- recommnodcelat somse means be tok soeuntil nxt yearswhen it \was ie tan, 21Higher ussuuuecial Edca- on by swheh the athletics a- thec West onimiensuod that ele shosssaolsish the tiu, (31 Preparation tnt Nessppr ho putsn a bonus at equality; tht events. The bcyyeovtisare o bhork- et, 4) Preparoatson tr Pastala riles be adopted avhidhsaould hoeuni- nmadse ssepae vent Ions themeoet. WkartsoutPuliePhlhanthroepy, i5) foarndouethtthe prsetusteslabe Instructioun iuPubi Admnistrtions. abslished, nd finay rhocsiterence Nu Sigma Nu Coce~tion ahe tcouss iuDipoatiad ousmCn- ltsookavoteoncefollowing resole- Vie annalsuconvmentin f the No soilar -oiusctio nd lusHigherc Coi- ion, which passed throughon01 a scer Signa Nu cod Saturdayswith a osrcial ducataun,ahen orgnile, ohlot by o vale of 7 Is a,: banquuet at Detroit st the Russel swith ay stress upon special atalu- Resolution-That on aunualtfild housne. Dr. Vaulghanm ated as toast mncts along thrcc lines as folowlss: uset be hld every year to swhich the maser. To'asta seo respondehd to by (1) An underatmnding of te legal scools in the northeruscentral states, soeu-alof the faculty menbers and 'ightstandd dutie of buines relation esuprising Ilinis, Mieigan, Wiscous, vsitiung delegates. Thoe delegates ald as expound lus geera cmmuueria sin, Indiana, lava and -innssota, wilt5auunmhr at local members left for lw, (2) falmiirity sells the eslution be iuvioed to seud cometitors. This Deroit Saturdasy noams ater the ee-ofatiudustrial organizuations a1d1businss mot nill he condiued by the con- tion of offceers There scre thirten ntnss as expressed in poiiclo, so- foronm. haptesto r eresented. Officrs neroea and industrial history and (3) all In raisinug objections to the present elected as folsws: appreeiation of the physical cond- method of unning the association, Honorary president, Nichilos Senn, tions aud econonic lass undcrswhich this being one cause foc its dissoluion, t,_. ., Chicago; president, James . industry an-. commerce mst e a- the gcaduate commisae was tbuenos Hyndna-nV. ., Cincinati; vics counmrcial pegerap han doia upson. It wao pointed out that the pcsident, W, A. Evan, V. D., Cbs economyn poitca membecs of the gaduate executive cag; secctacy Will Waiter, V. ., The subjects from which the majoc committee are men who have ong Chicago; teasurer, . Ervatt Mathec, potion of the 'work enteing into the New ork;histrian Dr. allaeive coorses now being considered is since gaduated fcom the alnma matter,Ne Tokhitra D.Wlac taken' ae: Engish, histoy, econo- and that they ace not in close enough Syracuse; cstodian, Thaddeus Wal- mies, sociology, statistics, intenaion- touch 'with athletics as they exist. It r, V. ., Detroit. Jefferson college of al law, general and commercial law was shown that a body of men more c,.-..adelphia ansI one or two others, history of education, philosophy soul closely connected with the colleges have applied for charters. lauages. meciicai Dictionary 75c I CAL KI N'S PHARMACY SWEATERS ...GOING AT.... l WAHR'S i