4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY 4 TUE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY i Fine Writing Paper BY THlE POUND- 15c, 20c, 25c and 30c. Envelopes to Match. Agents for Geo. B. Hlurd's and Crane's Fine Stationery. 100 Visiting Cards Engraved witi) I Copper Plate, $1.25. ST8BENTS D. 4:1 TINKERF & SON HATTERS AND FURNISHERS Headquarters for I remember thiat we cau supply you with a $1.00 HATS, CAPS, Mas Ns FURNSsisaas Fountain Pen), the Laughlin or Waterman, wvhich asd Compete linecof GymNSaUM we fully guarantee. What muse can yen ask? Try us. GOOnSad SWEATSa . IRTN CHA1IIER AGENCY FOR IONGLE HT M A R 17I 334 South S tat te DO YOU $SMOKIE? 4 Pitttstiro, Stogies for 63 Bill Athoniy Cigttrs ft 4 lrttstswick Cigars for Old0 Number, 4S0 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. MICH 5c 011 . 25c 25c -At the Athens Tl-catre. Calendar. American Torchon, Raw Silk and Cheviot k novel eintertainment, pleasing S aurdasy, Feb. 17.-St valeistine's thiroughoust, trese from all vulgartK. s. rm at Harris hsal.-After'- mat Bo rs. ad the siniing of which is tiil om i-oin and evensing. inal in v irilty and power is girensbha Tlocays Feb. 20-Sosa's Band to S. JohnsiW.Vl Iham's Ortorooins, the orxl L A. Couise. MOUNTING BOARDS. atrartioni atl the Athsens thseatre ti Poster Papers in all the Popular Colorse. in banqs oiso awi iuetinsday, heb. 2.Fehe a tizzy ahoutithlis shsow. It is a igh soetiulils. - classs affairins every respect. Tset.e Fidas, Feb. 23-"A Persian Garden," aricj people in this compiany the gilin ChssiaiUnio Series. Go bemnandsme, wilte the conmedias Saturday.. Fcb. 24 -Inidoor tracta miiet are all eccentric. The opening sketch l11 gyiiinasiiiii, S p. i1i. 6 0 7111-77" is original, and deais wills Publishers, Boksell ers, Statices, policy playing, crap ehooting, etc. Students are cordially invited so in- anod Eisgravers, Diurig the action of the first part, tou ~m e trlnsingfanduhts . r specialties are introduced and the 1st- csats,me'funsig adhts 320 oS RTE 7 et sogs re sng.Dancng lsoWadhams, Ryan - Beule, S. Main st. forms part ot the entertainment. The SAY BOYS? ANN ARBOR - - - rlIC"IGcAN cliteto a strung one, headek, by Beiie I l'isem down town call atltieic Nw Davis, who was the hit ot Hammer- Cigar Siore, 116i East 1uron stsreei., tsr U. of M Barber TVAPOR1 BATHS stein's Victoria theatre, New YorE. ali a fineeliue of pipes, tobacco aind cigars. Shop and Bath ths Cty.BRe- sunmmer, followed by Smart and Wit- VX.DA'SPrp O mS 32aae.sonmble sates. hiams, the Brittons, Rastus anid Banks, AnevleatM htanSis Win. Mozaimbiquse Engliish, Hilly Miller just in at Wadhams, Ryan & Reule. WARIREN Thle P. L. Plankey, and others. 'rho last See then.S. 5 Main it IIIIL 1 BRRB[R suction o- the program to devoted to LOST- A bsrclorocps etwrein CU RBlN TE SHTISFPBOTION ''iiyttniesAoi theOra, ue Methiodist Church aind the Pt Beia cast to thse fill strength Os theerum- Phstihouse.Fimider please reiiirin to UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF piany. The chorus is notcdhfor its tic stcwards office. -105 D N L G tiiitisiieansd lharmnmy, aind some A isess- tine 01 Mamnhatan Shirts jusi extiraoirtinasr singing is doiie during ini at Viadhams, Byan & Beusie. See Genleens bt uun ltSS Moda, to10p~.the opera tir soiree. 'The scenice eqoip- iheim. South Main street. Las beinninglssWed.,sto 1it.m I tsanidcitstomimng is aiilstatcould PINK BROS., Instructors be deireid. Tahen 55 a n-hole, the Trach Schedule, Offic end iAcay Nicel Hall, 334-"336 S. Stats irigramsipreseinted by this famouas or- The followiiig schedule lass biein loclMinissandiiiicn Sreet. Capia, Otltot, siriitii, $3al00. 'ransilen geeirtlhoiskingbisines. B, KEePes C.r- N Otis -Vie-rsi F ii HA Bis a s Chie. FIRST NAIONAIIIL BA K o udM Capitial, 5i5,iO. Saiipinsd Poisi,40,00 Trasacsaiiseral ~haitiethiiietis. FPriegn iiiiieiougt nd sold, burni lts o E.i).KINNI. icres. IHARIIStN SULEI, Vice-Pes. Ihelnthn fArbor Sains BanN aptat stock.$0. Sutrp 5ii$10,00i0N. lesnntocc,.91,60i,000. Oraieid siiucstbc Genecal tiskintIa, otiaiStoi. ecevs ideposits, bhetandsls it exhneon tlbspiciplcitietis othentie td Statas.Oifts cu sed Olon popr id ii'ctin, Sfely eposit bses to ent. OFCE:Cricstin MacPres.;W. D farici mantVie-Pe.;Chas. E. Hiscosst, Csibe;M JFrtAssitnt Cashieric W. AaNoan, let Viecpree J V. SHE-isAN 2siVice-pcec AVNG louN.C.Sao.WA Ast. Caher III -BAINK Transacts a general Iankisig Business 7 sakers'soa 7 ~ COLLEGIATE CAPS, CAPS d GOWNS, Al SPECIALTY. CLASS CNES, COLEC FAGS, 1 CLitASPIPES, CLASS STATIONERY, COLEGE PINS, COLEGE SPECIALTIES W. C. KERN & CO. 411 EN ttySacVtii S. . VC,. - one reason Tsbaccso - why Old En. gish Curve Cut pipe to acco is so D The curved tin box that fits any pocket is another reason. No other pipe toacco has ever made as many friends in so short a time. It disappoints no one." A trial box will be Sen t to any one anywhere on receipt o ten cents in stamps. Address Old English De partnment, The American Tobacco Co., ill Fith Ave., New York City. All dealers sell it. SPALDINGS Official Jltbietic Goods itiisatty aped ibythe Isadilg Ioletges. OScosirnd ti hlti Clus aofithelCointcy. I ...E- - itwltssi r ic v- .. / lane Bal T'n's Boot hall Atles GolE Gmnaiu Spalding's Official League Bll 1 lathe Offiial1B0llofthestsNaina I Iegu and aidlleadig ellgaso iais. Spaldings Base Balstutid for 10,l10 HaniieiiCatagilteAG pa Sldsog & Bros of Adtl is Sjotsree P NOBBY TAILOR STATE ST. (1 SP DIAL HOLILAY OFFER! $3.00= LAUGHILIN FOUNTAIN k M semis, postpaid, onitiweeck's til $1massliitpost0 0 5a i Ii tdoes sal sailtYUMAcE. Asy way ysu figure is PROFIT Tislis tlimesmatlpen ma eier is your chansceto teat it-FINST5 QULsIa DIAODi sOINT'asGaLs onl~~y on pncinmtii~a'sddress- OAthitiffer. lietiti nest amditmmcomsttoipiea--nt sal m sinerofthiver.ia Gtyor orderin earlcorsder gets tli'sre.A dremo! LAUGHLIN MNFG G0. 129 triswold it., 5Detroi,Mich. Try The... NORTH SIDE LAUNDRY THO. OWE, Propr. THOSE NOBBY GOLFS gaisizaltoms will go ahead at lhst seen nadieslut. Candidatses to,- the various in more pretentious houses. 'rie Or- events mre reqiuested to report at the toroums enjoy-eliso altl smmer run at hours imndcated: Madison Spuare Root Garden, New Sprins-4:30 to 6:00 to Weotphal; York, and were an inammeinse success. qsuarter-mie-4:30 to Batch; halt-mile _________-5:45 to Hayes; mie-4:45 Is Emer-I Hioward halo at Wadhmams, Ryams& - son; hurde-4:45 to McLean; walk- ERaule. Dest lint on lime market at 4:45 ta Hrookfield; pole vault-before $3.00. 200-202 S. Maim st0. 14:00 to Director Fitzpatrick; sotustmi I-afteroossbeore 4:00, or mny time1 LOST-Between lime Alpha Dells inm the toremmooms to Director Fitzpsat- Phi house amid the law building, a rich; high jump-4:30 to 6:00i to Arm-t snmll reid memorandum book. Finder stromig. swill please return 1o G. B. Nichlsh at the Alhsa Delta Phi house and receive 'Thiere are three Umniversity alumni reward. attendinmg lectures mlaim th niversity -- -- __-- of Leipsic during tie winter semester LOST-A pair ot gold-bowed glasses sit1899-1900. 'They are John E. Laumt- imn case, tamped Dr. Inohos, Gramid I-ap- necrmand Miss Feltsa W. Baffner ohfttme ido. Leave sanme with M. A. Soy, 76 literary classofoh1895, any. Miss Agnso S. State anod receive reward. M Mason oh the litemamy clasofoh1Sh6t -. Snrint! Effects IN NECKWEAR The Englishi Squiare JsIlseriml is ELUS (A esipecially' a snews shapile, also the - Poisntesd End lBatXWing,.'rhiese willthumnyuthesocmass le roundl wtiths uso. We inivite yoausho take6 a lotok. Wagner & Co., kfHeadquarters for 121 S. Main -- , All Articles of Furnishings E I, MIL WARD