'2THE UN VLL ,lt)UOf ICt lGAN DAILY Pushie ed Daily (Sudas ecepte) dueing the Clege yea, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. oricue The Inand Pes, Hening Bok. Bth Poes,.147. MANAGING EDITOR. F. EuuseIARDu, '1 L. BUSINESS MANAGER. , PH. HASee'0L. EIUTORS. ATlILETtCS, . . . G. D. fleNTsuT, 'It E T. R. Wesset,'II L. A.I. MeDOinheL,'I E A. . BONE 02. E. J. B. WOD, '0, L.J.MsuseeuEuM,'I0, W. 1,II ICKEY,0lE, The ubceipton pieeot the Vle cea S2.l0o he cllege yne, ith a etulr deliey beoee nonechbdy. Notice, cuianctoe, end othere teettee eeeein tnd eorpulietieneeeet be haded in at the DAeLY elce bfre bep.tm. oe umailed t the eeitore betee 3 p in. et the heay peeios to ethteon hchtheyae epecteeedlto appear Susceripions eeey be let et the. tAILtvoefice, Lye'e eerSteetit eweeeeeed orteth Bsines nage. Subcibeestwll cnereeaefavoreby reperting ptteely ee theeoffite y faile eoe carrieresleoeeliee pper. All caesineadertsiengt"eteeeeest bee the eonce by 4 p. l.o lclypvwt ht on hich Ithee III to Musical Clubs at Detroit Lst Nght. Th'e meen of the L tierilv 01 belli. gate Glee Banjo 11111 bMand~olnl I ha gave a cotcert at telEmpieylcteael', Detroit, last tight.Itith11 e rs ime that tiec clubs 1have., been in D21roit sitnce t850. Fortyor 'toee were taken ahnd an excellent rogram egvee. It wls m121110 501e a scety' affair, given unedeer tie ases of 11tll. tni- rersity club acd maly sotiety wom11en0 acted as paetrlneses. Mrs. 1i. R. Coyle "gave i'theeeiver- ity mn a iireceptione at ee reiece, 194 Carlotte ave., iete afternoon, anti the unoverity clob extentedl the courtesies of its rootms to te cla after tile concert.'. Alpha Nu To-Night. A mock trial will be the program of0 Alpha Nue literary society tonight. Mr. -enel ante Mr. 'Thompon will bring eit against the eitors of the Sybil for ten thoueand iololare damages for libel. 'Tne attrneys for the prosec- tion are lir. Wood and Mr. McGee. For the defense Mr. Sonnenchein and Mr. Mboore. A enior law will act ae juedge. 'ihe trial will begin at eiget oclock. Gave Reception and Musicale. Dr. and Mrs. J. . Angel gave a nmesicale andl reception to abolt one hondred friends lat evening. 'The musicale lated euntil after 11 o'clock, end 'was rendereit by the scool of mosic faculty member. Refreshments were served afterwards. Among the thesis behg swored up1 by fle seteior studens its mechaical engineering io a deoign for an air cotopreeoer, with a liqud air attache ment, wvhich wll delisr air at 5,000 pounde to the sneare inche pressre. It is said that if thienacine were beilt it coldl manefactere liqtid air- at the rate of a b rel an hoer. Thec homeopathic department are sending out circulere announcing their third annula gradate coure of clin- ics and lectures. The coureee coin mence Monday, April 23, continuing through May 4. The Faculty of the homeopathic department will be as- sited in this 'work by Dr. J. n. Lee, Rocheter, N Y.; Dr. Frank Kraft, Cleveland, Ohi; Dr. J. C. Nottingham, May City. Sousa's Special Soloistrs. Parker' rm p io Soosa has made it a rule in prepar' fr is ousJhroghth conty) to present each eeason epeceal soluiets Cajff never before engaged on zoouea tours: and this rule has been adhered to en FURNISlIESOFIRST- moet cases, with one or two excep- REGULAR BOARD $2.75. 11Ee tione. The public rather fanciea a orders promptly flleld. Fresh Hoe change, and has grown to expect it in with thc famotes Spongc Caranmcl a the musical firmsment, and ousa _. and saltcd peanuts non rcady. Co ever on the louk out for thoee of great. er magnitlede. For the present Ameri- can tour-the "shortest in the hietury of the Smesa band-the distinguiehed______ ________ leader has engagete two youneg artestes of 'whom most flattering things are . !':.2 said in the reports of the concerts. 'These are, Rise Berths Blecklin, z violiniste of ralpidity extendeng repeeta- tione, and Mbiss Dlaenche Duefield, so ' perano, whosb esieehad seanteflel voect. ,4 has dieceted wide attenteote towats / ' hlersell, acednmade Iseerenlchssoueght eein affaees of tonseqee.teBotieh hveap +I' 1 pleared to spleeld eadvatagec po 111)011f' -- mlany enmpotant occasions and en wie ly dieffeeneteregiotsas iteli s siOceent enconmetenatoad12111 tie h101 flly ai taine the highlepttilon tile Sou1121,l,, cotererts heavse alwaysa enjoy ed for thi1r0 e'xcellenciees it sloists' performanes.lsl iet lells~tls tls those'rceeularly attatilee to tilt 1, n e.pleng Mtorsel that thee lover w111 be Beatrd lsefixeelupo.112111 us re onlfeci fotnscantnot reseost i1. csoneceerewl cu nTcd lsioscooaew aea vnnFeberouarsy "0,eofat T nIls 12- East Wainagt1,on andll316 Sooth1 sItt hlel11ecteer the ausplices 01 the S. resas.Eseyiotlng intee candey 1..ine i mcete eu ee fide a Haste French Cook in Charge .CLAISS BOARD. AL TICKETS $3.00. Short mc Madc Candy now on hand Lspccialty. Pop corn halls me in and try thcem. W S. PARKER 709 N. Unive-rsity Avenue )ROOFS printed on Japan Tissue of the Gibson - Drawiii Taen Ictopthe Originl. For Sale at ITS tablers Art Store 217 south I3ICYCLES STE FOR THE WINTER Altlthe Iow cate o 25 i1 cen t tt oti L.EON SHAW, - 17 E. Ann St. Typewriter Copying, 01a1Y 1"34-c iee 100 woj-ds. >CHOOL OF SHORTHAND 'j07 N. IJNIA-ERSaJTY AV E St 'salentine's Fettle Drum To-Night. lhe St.Valetntinee s edanethas he " ceete oneeeeo01fleleadeineg attractions __________ tfte tAeneAebor society' peole. Th afe tenoebrigs all thec yoeenger peo- AS AND I ple tregethet for meerrientt anelMtoe ing. 'pleessear, Ias lesualet exielibt- glee at 3 o'clock. At 3:30 theret ill A 11111TY be a Malyepole (lance, aftter ss'hiche all swhet ceeme canteenjoy 1a twostept teea ewalte. to Tics. 'Tyler's inlet excellent. muesic. 'fleeewsll be tables asithe fantcy 2articles, andtIa~bles setlecaneey I11 foe' saele, buet all Ire inviteed to eliink @ a clt of tea made in the Russian Saneovas, whiche youeng colonial ladies CO 'will serve. 'fle evening is given tipII L entirely to datncing. AND A copy of thec orgiginal edition of COPES the Mormon bible printed at Palmyra; ULL 11 111111 CLt, lUlIS,-) L UI 1 ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC.,, bANITAYPUBSEMA NDe HOetse.seaea T weWAeuaTP HETN. J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST.- OLMES' LIVERY... )ACHES For Parties, Receptions Etc,. Good and Prompt Service Guaranteed' N. Y., in 1020, haesiteen presented to ______ the geneeral library of the University by James B. Shearer of B~ay City. The bouk was formerly in the library of( Students' Lecture aqssociation Course his father, Janees Shearei, who svas a5'___ regent of the University doting Lee ~ years 1000-88, and was chairman of Ohl sepervision the general library of the( Listen to the Band! University was built. Preof. Dean C. Worcester will deliver a lectuonteIhe Philippines at the tUniversity of Wisconsin next Wednes - day.Sua ~ C(~ Ebinlc tilessonFEBRUARY 20. liinll tdisionesersved,------- --- ------.25. 111I~e Sonseacend 6 otheer numbers,- -- -- --1 50 PIPE OBACC Sosae aend 0other inmbers rescervedS. --- 2.00 ( La ffFOR SLE TRsredetCartcleeoe ato6p. cee. elFeb. .TICKETSeow onegtleeat LST~LER&~~4J~ 5ILDER1'S PHARMIACY, 5TATESTREE'T. JOSEH MIN T ruks Valises, Telescopes, Dress Suit Cases co esc .c GOLD MEDAL, PcAIS EXPOSITIDN, 1889, EeeyDeteriplies. TRUNK AND VALISE' EEl AND THE CHICAGO EXPOSITION AWARD. HORSE FURNISHING G EMS EFC FPN.37SuhMi tet PERFUMERIES AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE. PAsIRY G at LoReest Poiet. tOoDS. ANTON TEIJFEL. i