.ASLAmft..A 3t*0( 94 PaIl VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICil., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1900 No. 104. Spring Announcement 6. H. WILD Sc CO. Wi he ssejust 1ecerivtil 00r line ,of spring wooleins for locus wer t inclurles ev erything in -taples that ar suitable soil Ie- sorslle foi the season.\Ve arc aso shoingss full ranes iusnove- eties, in quiality ansd style to sits the imost exacuting taste, consistinig of ITop Coats, Suit- insesFancy ests sandGolf Ii ossserisngs We invite yosi to call aiad inspect oiii line at WILD'9S' 108 E. Wasbirgtor) St. PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Wehv AT rcnl ALL i u HOURS prepared t illP Wilder's Pharmacy Knight Templars Will Hasve Exhibi yses are made bath as ts sugar con- I tior. Drill in Gym. tent and as ts parity. The program fsr the entertainnsenthigihl as 400 atmospheres), anai ana. of tise visiting sir knights and ladies Analyses are als being made of swho will be here at the mactine of sdiffereat portions at beets to deter- the Grand Commandery, Knights Tern- mine hew the sampiles sheoild be taken lila, is as follows: trans the beet to insure a representa- tive partion. Tuesday, May 15. Duiriing the UCiristoase vacation P. Forastionat coluinns as escort olf F. Trowbridge, the instructor in this thse ttraindlComansidery trosm its hsead- subject, spent several das insathse lab- qiiarters taoltheasyliinaat 1t o'clock p.,ioratory at the Hay Uity Sugar Coma- ns. passy, isnvestigating the variouis seths- Opieningseoftthe 44th analssi iconclasve idestftaretisganassnaslyzissg. afth ticGraniiiComimasaandrKnsighsts lisaecheisists sait tare imasters at Teispilar at Michiganiatsitue asyliuis thevaiosefactorisasre isnvitedl to sit Anns Arbor Commandsiiiery5at 2:30Ip"maresetih tilesugar cemisists oathtes is. tUniveassitsyandi agricusltrasl callege in Addrcess of uselcoeetoiGraidissil sans oeasrseceat the cemnical lahora- msandeary. tory diinig thse meetisng at thseAlicia- During tliseassion ofatthse ,randis a iii State IFarmes'aInstitute. Comsmsansiery ass rie afternooniiofat aay - - 15, by speciail invitation at the nether- New Outing. itries at the U. oat as., tesi ating ssrCaspar Wshitnev withs ten ethers ihas ksnights and ladies, undes escsirt at a bought Outing ansdswill torthawiths be- committee at Ann Arbor Commsandery, cease its editor. swill visit the diferent departments eL The eothers" are: Fletcher Harper, the University. great grandson sit one af the three At 7:30 p. mn. a complimenstary ama- original founaders at Harper & Heath- sical entertainment weill be tendered era; Roert Bacon., one at the Cermn- the Grand Uommanadery ani visiting thian yachtsmen that sailed Columbia sir knights and ladies by the faculty againat Shamrock; David M. Goodrich; at the achool at music, unader the ace- captain Harvard '98 craw; S. R. Hart- picas at the U. at M., at University ran and Walter Camp, beta eld Yaia hal. athletes; a.. U. Cuyler, the well known 9:30 p. m.-Immsediately upon the Princeton ax-athlete; S. F. Houaton, elese at the muisical entertainment, an the prominent University at Pennsyl- exhibitien drill will be given by thet vania alumnus; TI. H. M5. Carueza, wvho drill carps atfiDetroit Commsadery, No. 1, in the Waterman gymonam. A- mission bsy ticket. Wednesday, May 16. 9 a. m.-The visiting Iknights and THE Fr sverl wekswe avetheir ladies will lie tendered is trolley THEOL yig D soc fr herule tos Ypsilaisti, asnel sill visit thse RELIABLE GStateNnrnaTOUACCage i1-it-, 5 A ht-'UGIAvst'y. Fresh Laie Banquet. R . E . J 0 L L Y'& C 0. ]-hli sa hm slsen lure class has coss- I plated arrangeimseits ft° a banquiet ts iibe givsen on the avasisiagoftFtb. 225, as I LElks' hal.It is thse first appearace R f lthis class us thesa ssture at asocial ll "dana tosmaae it a represenstative gath- Jf gtia sgAaiNvaytais Lsshel mveuicai Dictionary 75c I VeyC lut 5 UptoDais CALKIN'S PHARMACY QUJEATEDq acing at the '02 Lasws. Several msembers at tie faculty asill rasposid, as weell iaasosetrbrs asthe class anid those whlo attesnd sisy be sara ofatnssexcepstionsally interesting pirograsm. The following committee has been appoisnted: M. A. Downing, Indiana; A. H. Ba- aisle, tUtah; H. S. Uramer, Misesuri; S. D. Montgomery, M~ichigan; G. J. Jocheas, Illinois; A. A. Featherstoll, Jr., North Carolina; WV. H. Lancaster, Illinois; WV. D. Weilis Ohio; I. .1' O'Briens, Michigan; U. 0. Diets, Illi- nois. Beet; Sugar Chemistrui. lives in Philadlelphia when noat seeksing new fields for exploratioss and big game; asidUCsarles Hoedgmass, an nil- s-sand sportsman atf- _ Louis, devote esecially to solo assdlhunsinsg. These names are soentioned osnly to suggest lisa stressgth at the corpora- tin sandithse chsracter at tiheillnes- zinea likely to result. Apsart troms swriters beet qualsiedslinitelisheldl at shunt,ipurea nailsimplle, Ositisigisls incluesamosnilg itoslprospective cola- tribustors, Rtudy~ard Kiplisag, Ernest Seton-Thsompson, Governor-gtenesral LeuonisrdWXoodl, FrederickReHmsinsgtons, JohnssFax, Jr., Goversior Theoidore Rloosevelt, t-auil Des Ussaillis, U. Grant Las i-are, Hichsard Hardisag Davis, Paul Leicester Ford, Gilbert Parker, W. A. Fraser, F. U. Selous, Henry Sasv- sge Lansdor, Owen , istar, Uharles F. Lamis, Jesse Lynschs 'Williamsa; and amosng its its artists, A. B. Frost, Bose- arsd Pyle ansi Walter Appletosn lark, in addition to Mr. Remoington. Hveart' deapartment at short will be treateu only sy experienced and aisle writers, ad the field of travel and adventsure bsy mass beat fitted to entertaisn ansi instrusct. Isa short, it is thse intesitioa to develop Outing to the utmost maga- sine linsita at its especial field, swhichs awill be further covered by the pusbli- cation at bookes, timely soil interest- insg, and later ssa Weekly of csirrent Nu Sigma u Conention. The Na Sigma Na fraternity mt in triennial seiess yesterday aternoa in this city. Delegates from turten chaptero responded to ro-. call. In the evesnilug an initiation and smke wsnsead ill rie .-.is' hsall. After the busiessosmueting this msoning the del- agates auatise active membesrs at the local chapter aill go t Detroit, awehr an entertainmenut will ha gien by the theta saeusrr ot Detroit. The sesin usill cose w5ills a tanquet at tlisadUi- llae hotel isis whih ocasions Dr. Vaughn swuil t as toast master. Re- sseses wsill iso isadea by Iprmsient sact sis- mbeiuhrs is atrenantlca roms thesinesrentshaerssr. .e is eigmalu asis ..sa oldestse- siertlue. cal Israternity lun the cuntry. liaheAlphsa chatassueisstisied at AnnlsAirhue in 1883. Sissee rien addi- tionltehelapersavluu-abeess stablishsees at Detroit Cislago, Minieaplis, Sass Franscisco, Cisscinnati, Pittbrg, Syra. case. Abassy, New brk an..- adel- Song Serice at Unitarian Church. The follouing programs will be given at the aong aservice at re Unitarina church tonorrow: Voluntary: 'Prayer'' ram Lhegria Miss Smith. Anthem: Aria, Shine, tr Thy Light Has Came ......... Bck Miss Young Mrs. Kemp, Dr. Polck, Mr. Wrrn. Wnens Night Invlvs lisaSies. ... . . . . .. . . . . Sh lla ia Ar. Warrenansd Quartett. ReHsponse: Peace I leae uits Yoss.......Mrs. Beach Solo: Recitative and Aria fromu 'tansuslusisr' ......Wagaer ''Thu Susihsu, Sweet RFvuing Star-' ir. SWarren. Bues: Songs oat 'raise. ..Shelley AMisYoiug, .irs. Kmp. Sle: Lrd, Aly Sorrws Tasuk. loldals Ars. IHstritr. Qtuartte: 1 Shall BaSStifid..- ... ... l.. ouisalD egaii tQuattte: Hecssional...... -..... ..Kiplilug-Da Koens Offertory: Serenade.. -..Schubert (By requeset) Violins aind Organss........ -Ai...r. Long assel Nass Smith Postlsude: March rans ini -Waglir Short sermeoss by :,r. Creaker ass "Wiashinigtons and Lincoms." A Kern Fraternityj at the Unisersit. Anotier protssinal ratrsity makes its appearance in this Univr- sity; Kppa captr at Phi Alpha G amninasas istitutd last nigt isa thse hosmeopathicie dpartmaet. Tea Isratessity ssas isitiatd by AMesr. Hyde, Newland and Lnmberto, at Zeta chlaptersoathtesaCleveland Homoo- pathiecsMedicnl Cllege. Phi Alpha asisaswassfirst sorgasizdinusthe New Yorksomepathic College in Marcsuh '94 assdanow has tn chapter, with us mesbership at about 300. Af- ter ti'eisnitiation a tag bnqet was given with appropriate toata and r, apouses. The charter meabera are ns followvs: Dr. Cadisus Kinyon and Dr. Ray- mond Clifford, honorary; T. ac- miter, John A. Balah, Wi. H. elk- nap, A. . Carpenter, J. M. Steven. E. C. Banning, C. M. Williams, E. R. Zimmerman, E. W. Litle, C. D. Mlder active members. VT9 L VtIV T4i 41 ) Iha demand for beat susgar chemsists' line seen susficienut to make it desir- Well Shut Down. aisle that the beginning causeeha tha 'thue campus well washust deuwe ..GOING AT.... subject be repeated us the spring aa- Wednesday, rise drill being dee-ms1,320 meater. tea etvvNether this will hue permanent Beats for analysis have bean freely or not is soearethat uncertain. At if sup~plied by the variousefactories and 1,300 teat the lime rock became some- also by the farmers. Samaples of sag what softer, and more easily penetrat- 1 - 4 0 are~ juices, molasses, etc., have been ad. The sandediluivian aromantic min- 4 obaind fom te fctoiesso hateral still appeared in large quansthties. obtanedfro th fatoresso hatThose interested are in hopes that the the students are given material tar well may ae put down deeper so that analysis under faetory conditions. 'what is under the eampus can be de- The advaneed students are making citded. Either good water, oil or gas some interesting studies at the sugar will prosably be faund within the next 1,000 ar 1,500 feet. Any one of the 1 AA L J ' content aftIhe heeL. The juice is ex- three wauld be a big thing for the V V ~ F 1I ~ pressed under various pressures ( as University.