4 It You Want.... Drivers Brassie Drivers Clubs Mid Irons Lofters Putters Caddy Bags Golf Balls YOU CAN FIND THEM AT We carry in stock the Morris- town, Spalding, and are city agents for the celebrated Willie Dunn Clubs Bring us yoor old GOLF BALLS and exchange them for new. SHEEHAN & CO. Promoters 32 TASS of~o~f ANN ARBOR MICH4. S.L.AC THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DA ILY I JA all U. of M. Station- D. R. TINKE5F & SON ery for all depart- HATTERS ADFRIIM Sments. Y~e eHadqaarters for Fountain Pens... adCmltlieo 7vx from $1.00 to X4.00. All are guaranteed. AGENCY FORuNGLYAT TIII 1 nu A I I ED 0------l.T334 S5uth tat050#ct IVMIJni in s)UMLLcl, DOOKSLLER UOWN I OWN, 146O South M31ahi Street HOLMES' LIVERY, Larger and better limo ever. Nearly twice ao many harks ansi many more horses than last year. Leave your Trunk Checks with us or we wvill call an(l het them and your baggage will be delivered promptly. FPhoes1a6. 515 East Liberty Street. L A.MPS FOR STUDENTS We hatve n~rntotf Cente rft, Nicktl-plated Lam ntludinge The Royal, The Rochester tnd the Plaumewood, The Berlitn ant Perfectio te tLmpst1 The New Lamp,. tlumtrwod, is an advance isnILampe. It givrestmore light frtheotil tsent thatn any L~amp of its kind. 'We oatsrive ou the best Ltamps for the ,EAST MO2 EW. Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. MICH. COMAE AND SEE. S. t. A. tices reserved tat Wilder s Calendar. Phrac odaOc.9 a a n Friday, Oct. 6.-Athsletic mass sneet- Unonsoa1 interest its gymtnasiutm work log in gymnasium. is beittgmansifested this year. Yestesr- Friday, Oct. 6.-Ceneral reception of dasy ovetr a thtousand lockersitad hera S. C. A. at Newberry mall. putrchsedit atd front prcsent indiea- StraOt .Vriyv.Abo tons atl thc lockersn sow in thte gynt- audy c.7-ast Abn siurnwtll be taken in a couptst of days. College. Provtsion far additional lockers will Saturday, Oct. 14.-Varsity vs. Weal- isrtatnly haxc to be tmade, ernateserve tUniversity. A complete line of Adler Garas. fite Wednesday, Oct. 18.-Varsity vs stis of W. dlams, Ryan & Reule, 200- Notre Dame Univeratty. 202 it. Main st. Sturday, Oct. 21-Varsity vs. Alutm- George Mt. Chandler, '99.in writitng -___ni.____ contract stpecifications int the ordertie- Reuben H. Kempf, from Raurapeas parttment of the Cisicaoaoffce ttfliteCcnversatory, Germasty, teachter of Vestern Electric company. Piano, Organ, and Mtusical Cotmposi Car. M~ain dndtssstn Mreean Capital, 150,00. Surp~lus, $30(000. 'Poaneaetm a gnesal btanking busiess, R, KExpr, Fret. C. E. Gasasa, Tiso.Feaa. FRED. HGBitsEa, Cashier. FIRST NATIUNAL B ANK ga ed1 Capital, V0an mt Strplsand PTesttz, 00,3* 'fransasa teralbankingsestasset. 7bre* exchngethoughi ttd hold. Farns3t t anvoa redsit. E 0. KINK Kt'tts.fIARRIStON SI)LI S. W. (LI2kS5N Cathics Ttio flln tArbor Savings lBank Cattital Stock 0.00t.. 5strpla 1G0, 6t. tResources, 1,5(Xe,te. tOrganized uter litGenerat Eanksing i1 Q of this State. Receitvcs dcpoteits, Itny and ell5 exchangseon thetrtintcipoal cities o et t ittd States. Dtstle rd upott prtopridratiftievl Stfety sdeposit lotxer to rent. OrisE ttrtChristiansMack,Pres.; W. D, erai-- sant, Vice-Pret.; Chts. E. isne . Cashier;t19. J. Felts, Assisttnt Cair W.J.itOOTH,t'tS.TfT W. ANOLDn,st Vice.pres Je..W cc A 2st.oChes SHi INGS ,rranisacts a general Bankting liuainess. U. of M. Barber Shop Vi;thos r and Bath Rooms. tell d"' 322 State an. i. R. Trcjanowski, Prop. Randall Fine -- - -Masons Ntie"L01;as o ne a ofteat i a tucso -PH-OTOS _ __Ntce1 .t tiitni.12__ - -- -- oee w111 he an imtortant meting 105, 1ivision) ISt. of thse ioasd of Directars of thte U.ttf TRACK MRN N0001 I heri ?1I.Mniclu lb at tht club rottms boll track practice will begiss Mon-WARRENl) 5PtBBLR Frisay cevening, Oct.6, t 7;30o'cloct.I cday, Oct. 2, at thte Athleticld. Al OsURGN TE an antT1bF GTtON. track menatare requnested to rcoras t s4 _----_- _ --- _ ----_- _ FredTr faverse, '99fis lorated at La- o'clack tsoxo ard . 10Hayxe a 5 st wtowils Street STUDENTS' LECTURE ASS- gnpr__aecageohesud.U versity 6j , aste il atlatosI ___lIx i ' tftleoftssd ltawlotl m% Aikne .ATpN.t ~,sllour coiteliyex o uts, osse-r-lthoe Shop E.tLambtrt oxttx, see's funshs igs n dohsti . C N.W itnetoy, tilt, Ias a t ___ ; - -- Twelve Numberi to be Given This WhItis sRya~n-lReusle, S.MainSt. ait ltheWeternt Iiteotrc i S P \ L L I N Year. Tickets to be On Sale O< 11g o.. I da olle th 9 Iis str.Ypi lti Operat otosTurdyIADE SoottI Soon. iottctt~rrittgtOtc ottts50Eckv$kMayoin hi rotd ts aiget lsusthes (sl it t v, nd , - toil ttiz..tioiot Marl tide gootdo) patut 155nboxtes atthe v' i lis t L NIlt i.) W4 SN.FOR 1509. COURSE OF 1 899 -1900. 4 ott ttx xcoostgc 06121. Liboerty StttTthe 4palding Official Intercollegiate f,- obalt 1. Lyman]J. Gage. I'4 .aii d'S.Mai St flt i 1 ndocect laie ot, totil fo1t .tt sJtinMartoot reurnhediohem 2. F. lHopkinson Smith. tUrto4t~ tt tt41 ItI 01 tl ite C bos aI d atve tynequoiiteItore 3. Max Bendix Conipany. JiitlitinlttoySlt. lc t t+;I.,tttt in<1lott 0ci - .00 b ~sir( 1111 ti' tilS 4.Jo n Te pe ra e. O li sot thellnl fsp o l)tr tl '7F liyfol)a taii t(trl n x~laoyn tesr~r.- iot in t i tOt 5. Oratorical Contest. slr Ct o to too to to 0 0011 itoftatlloo-poorntl G rcioto" , 6. Brig. General Charles King. dayOtto) 0,000(,totf trot I Ileothoot coot.Stoldiog B o , 7. Will Carleton.rEc ii'lel ci nnto > 8. Sousa and his Band. oli to el. v octyt toot orable cotlit tootoa ttee c00 o l ia roin t to 400105110 o MA lI "9. Congressnan J. P. Dollfiver. IFU E A 10. Chicago Alumni Number. WeoEiiAL. 11. Announced Later. 12. Announced Later. ~DFIECTOR EmbaXVngAGNEIRilty.No. 2111S.4th Season tickets $2.00. Reserved y ve A bui5 nghtan cy. . esi I4*. . l TAILORS TO M\E~N ,,,Large Collection of 1Exclusive Novelties . 123 S, MAIN ST .1 '~TTT L. UtYTTTTTTTTTTTTITTTTTT1 SNOW LAUNDRY K STATE PHONE, 520. Your laundry washed clean'and well setarchedand atoed.tEverything bleacherd and ared ut o do s ty us. p STATE STREET MILWARD, THE NOBBY TAILOR.