THlE UNIVER.ISI' OF MIC(I44N IDAILY. 3 EDUCED L $3.50 GL HE 29 SPECIAL [PRICES ON ALL LINESG 19SOT MAIN ST. MICHIG N CENPAL ~THE BEST MAK2ES OF The Niagara Fals oue." . fep't~hl, the 1fhebot'oy L er Mii A1l CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. G Ili Iiili1[1S } DetrottNight Expressl ... ..............4455. I,2Schn se B im ', ahbrs Atlantic, Expres. . .......... . . 4t Mal and E4.p44's......... . . . .3 47,'tIrI.sims4 liM.r~' Fast Eattou .......... .:4 Miltmand E r... ..........d014A ..4.4ibert,4on41241oor4 frot Mack'4144Corsor Boston, ,N.I. and Chicag2o ....... 8 I . . 1-«.........y..............' at' SeWstern Exptress. ... 8 ... I r.Iat', - G.M.' andit. Expres ....... 545 "Tepf~pnpT { Chotic g t .. . ..l. ........ 94 .' as us_.YFl Y e o PacificE.p444 ........... 12304n. . TheTirin Steamshtip Tickets, tl('astes, 444a4540frm - Europentpoittsatt l tes Full tinfor44_4een 4onePORCELAINS' Fnst: O. W.t444R41441tEStl 1 W. HII 95' H1 rade ofl heCit, Hh 444c44414 eau4net Them. G.P.i A t Chicago. Ag'tAnn4Arbor. _______________ .....SPEGIAL RAIES TO SNIORS x f_1 BURCHFIELD, 106 EAST HURON STREET tt 1 f~~NCL 44141I>1 E IES Uniersityi Purchases the AinchellTr a U1pnsui " 0" t Tihe 114t44 .27 1411lett4r 444444 44t4444 Estate. 112 W. Hron St. N. S. Phone 119 sAtu Dn G 1M Z14.NT= T.412 T .s i tited41. a t the 744nn Arboi44 4 140411 :1 't t r4 1 tr noon414 41114te trans fero TI ME TABLE F4 e tu anlt,;.1144Ida1444,2714' r c 14 4444 e1S\4Vtll proerty' 14127 itNor14th t /nicer 'i ti i', T h eatr "Takig .0 et, a8assy, 3~s 1 , la.1, 441ts991.14, sitt a1v44411 Je41 u1 e 19444 14t4 4 i tr t ' Iha cr 1atdIn lly . I L .11. Ii .L 1.. Trams letre A14 Arborn by CetalStaud- aC o Mcit. , \ ttr4.i t Benntt,44 J.444 A .l4 1.4it ' "44014 _______________fd(__Cmen___'ct t heL"6%rst a cnsn SATURDAY, FEB 17 SO TH5141TH 1.4dy, 1441 127.y;2 1ales, 44144 141d4e 4,4141. Tis is inlne4 wt114 e 4 441 1-- 14'ort, I . 1..1Ed144a4441, E(L I t 11 o.; 4411ti le~ l. 11444o41 Peide . Angel't1 1' hi99Jo st .No. s.- 14.9ASM No I t.:H c . Willi.OGilbet M A.Goud, lat anua reorttha th Unt'rit'® ® N4. 4.-1131 A. M, 'No 5 -40to ,4 .4412. (1141 21 4 old C 141 .14441 '1 1M111.i 1 No. 4. 8130 r. t. No. 3.- 41. 5 . M. GreenJ. 'A. 2 (Griffin~, 4444144 Gwinner111 ecureas4soon0 a5 prat11 be1a114 lbe .P~ ~ ~. L .P ...' Run between 4145Arborand4140Toledo only ,11it t II 11114444444 7 144444141It14411 11811 (111 itine and Night Alt rus du1 ,S. GILMORIE. Ages. 144441on144Presst Co.:4444" 43 It 141444 ttlEitg1811. PR CE : L . 124,43 , an id ,. .1 SE H. IENNIT'f. G. P. A Lt 44 14 ol 44414 144 41441149111te4e1p1'NEXT T 5Ec etI s , Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- 1Fr444114Pultsi,14Llt Qackenush, .1 27 o1( 1'44.411the Univriy fromllbing bor Railway. th ; Rennldi1-11uLo I;7oxProf Par-44141144441d4411 4ve4Ann Ar.bo1r4as wo44414By the Sad Sea Waves Cars leave fr 1Detroit andi Ypsilanti 44111, 51114111Chals 4F;Stelson,t Wal- 1411111113 141 1ave happened if teladhIlifor 144414175i. 114r41ea uEpio ; atnW t. o be ecrdbeoeitw snedd until 7:45 p. mo After that1 to Detroit W44rigt J. S. ; W4orcster, E. A. Drops 1114 considelratont paid 444 111 no te at 8:18 p. nm ,9:45 p. m and 11:13 p. m. -Ctdd141 l a nche;11414141 ftlne, Sofa; o4144. stMigrocreAnanManKgHretLe'rs ac2de Detroit.111 (ruld st. Ktg 144r;Le,21~ aly; Nagel, CHORAL UNION NOTICES m s e Gottlieb;Receml, PFred Taylor, C. W Notice of change of dates Tho n S~II~ (ii Fo~tgt-7l4illvra. 7Ir J.K.Choral Union rehersal will ho hld p'03 TRACKMEN tNOTiCE! no Monday of net weok nstad of Aademy ot Maynard St. BREAKFAST - ANN ARBOR There will be a meeting of '03 track ho regular time. Theo Maloehru tA HEDIY will reharso at 7:00 o'locK4 as an- REDTE AIY UPPER ST. LOUIS, meet cantdidates at 607 S. State, on___________ SPE - SLUS MO. Friday, at 7:30 . ino.nouncod. This will e followd by the y - --W .B O LY aae. gnrlrhasla :0 WABASH - FAST TRAINS W .BOMEMnge.gnrlleeraua 3,~m rfilocs 4fAnw line of Manhattan Shirts just AUCTION !111 AUCTION 111! " Warranted for 1 Year FREE - CHAIR CARS tnoat Wadhans, Ran & Rue. See Fial cosigott sale of thocetire sio t.. rnssssstt.PA.Ciiga them. South Main street. 8144o$1.C0ial ae 7i~osr, edn NOTICE. etc., ec., recentalyuwted by AV. NV. Wet- W .A n l All 'candidates for quarter-back fr tmore to Sotit--lat--t. Aucio--w-e this years 'Varsity report fr practice~ saeo will he onctducted eact day (ex Th Mst Cmaplee Lne of daily at the gym at 4:30 p. 1. cp inao t4 cukal cet LO W NEY N. 44W' SNOW. o'clock p. ta. IEveryhinlg Must Iad CHOCOLATES HOCING ALLYi . ill G.Do nt sto 714Tis Lat't competeItttte Ciy a be fud HOCKING VALLEY RY. 1e0~ooi toline of Adler Brs, fine Chance4, .i.HotoTseTU L29' sisat Radhams, Rtyan & Reule, tOO.. L''TL ' 4 TRAINS LDAILY 4 202 . Main 5s t. . ci,o6SotTr2144so.8Staeet. Betweena Toleo d44 tICl444444, ws si ssno Prof. H. C. Adattao of the 1. f ., depot is both cities. Te Ann Arbor Muse Co. haveo MMATN. Thra4,ettlloeper toWashigtusuud 541414444e hloacceepted an invitatiuot to deliver ooa isd em to o ulr att 0.M MA TN. the comenceeest day addres at the sm nueet oofrsn GREAT RAILROAD University of Kanaas at thte coming dents on tablo board; alou one sto FUNERAL commnemnent of roomns.DRCO TWr OCiteG V6LL befProetA Nlorthwe1te0140 n .4144-Lt.-'1-Ota N. Uaiverity ItTentt, Embalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th L. . ANMA , A ocratioit 11)114444 11o1p1i141 1.14414sity119Monday, a nminkc boa. Finher pleae' Ae Abulance night and day. teso- 4 185 W.LEN oAN , erit itC lo. oiFc.2returttto 1127 . University ave. 4 idenco 302 Fiftht Ave. ~Puriten Shoes for Women... $.50 See the "1New Puritan " Last 110 fE. Huron fit. T -tO-nLT Every Kind IENOCH DIETERLE, Embalmer and Un er ity East Willam S-e el 3iE M ~ Mrs . SnuchkDiterte, Ludy Assistasnt. of tow buitdns. Alt kinds, a d l Shoe crepirngsetly done K Both PhossN oO8. t99W.Washing- No. 110E. Ltberty Street. Reoidenre843 S eShop EPhaber IoSt., Ar or. Foorthi Aoe, Bsths Phos1s29.E am etP o WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DU TR