THE UNIVERSITY 01F MICHIGAN DAILY. JUST A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-NEVER IN PRICE. HIDBA THE NEW TAILORSI DI 120 WASHINGTONST MICHIGAN CENTRAL "The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Takin.g Effect Noeinbher 19, 1899. Detroit Night Express........I....555 A. Int. Atlantic Expess..........7 45" Grand Rapids Express....'.....11 1tO Mai and Exprsi.............. 3475. N. Y. Boston Speial...."........458 Fast Ea-tern. . . "4 MaiosotdlExpress.. .......940 eA 3. Boston, N. Y. tant Chicago .. OP....81 Fat' 0NNceters Expreso...o .......a1 38a,. ja. G.5R. andotEat. Ex.ress ............545" Chioago Nighot Nxpresc...........94:i FacifleExpress......c........1 )0 3A. . r Steatmrhip Tickerts, alt Closses, tt to d ifroo Euroegan points t k est'o.rates. Frail infor'- moation o aplication O. W.RGGLES, H. W. HAvES, G.P. & AgCicg. Ag'trAnn Arbor, ..OD ioagg.'=T -,0 Y ER TIME TABLE Taing0Eff-etSntday, May 21, 19899. TraineavceooAnn Arbor byl.Cntral Stad- 'trd r. SOUlTHiNORTH~l *No. 6.- l:25 A. Ai No. 1.- O.LO A. At. No. 2-1t:33 A. tM. *No. 5.-160 P a. No. 4.- 8:30P, . . No. 3.- 4:56 P.At 'Ran etweecaArea Arhor and Toledo only All htras dolly ecept Scuday. N. S. GILMORE, Agent. WV H. BENNETT. G. P. A Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars leave far Detroit and Ypsilanti every half hour, beginning at 7:15 a. in. until 7:45 p. m; After that to Detroit at 8:45 p. aaa, 9:45 p. m. and 11:15 p. m. Waiting rom, corner Ann and Main eta. Detroit. Ill (Griswvald st. BREAKFAST - ANN ARBOR SUPPER - ST. LOUIS, MO. WABASH - FAST TRAINS FREE - CHAIR CARS R. S. Greenwoiodl, M. F. A., Chicago HOCKING VALLEY RY. 4 TRAINS DAILY 4 EBeweenTo'oleo:asd olintttusoing tnian dep~ot into to tl iier. Throagh Sleeper to Waslisgton ssd Ealtimeore-. GREAT RtglLROAD 1Reyt0ccbter, the flpotographer.o "Alarm Clocks SI. L n ., . s .,. .cam..,i.". ;. n . r; u..s U. ,e. M. P sS c to $10.00. Fine Pure Li'ne C~f1ollars __at Cost! J.LCHAPMAN EWELER, Those aire slightly soiled, hut are of the latest aitd best style. _Dade by the heot u-Manfactrers. 15c. Collars, - - - 10 Cents. 25c. Collars, - - - 17 Cents,-- SeorFn.,30c. Collars, - - - 19 Cents. r j axv/e Y ou SHiRTAS, SWEATERS AND TIEShen O RCELAINS?:cFi0:05 AT NEARLY COST PRICE. hrt andtr~u Main St., and Liberty. iM\GI 2 & 00~~~ U~TST EIR ~~-Oe coannlot al asiw tlll jult whait CHORAL UNION NOTICE. 1111 IGFFIa d[IStui~lo Sousa is goitng to do whoenrecaditng an10 Notice of chantge of ialeo. 'fle 112 W. Haron St. N. S. Phrate 119 ann1010oun eent thuot irs bandoo is to giv e( Choraol Union rehoearsaol soill be 10e1( ii co00110 ee ala is ahp a y1010 055otf110Mondiay of netsoeeL inoteadtof t e springaitngntovel sorporiseson hlislo the regulor ltoimie.111 tal ocoruauinesalyiteiorejy-wlrhaset7:0'l oc a thesahe tr able becauose oooiqand admt iotoirabole. o onedI. Thoios will too tolloweodlPy'tile THURSDAY, FEB. 1S. No bile soet. averiage Soousa cooniert is generail reheoaorsal at 7:78. Alden ieneoliri'C toaceh like a fatoiliair tote, thaere areI spoeciaol features in llmsoost esvery one The Ann Arbor Mtuaic Co. have FA BI O ROJVIA N I thaot 10110 it specifie andolchaoracter- some inducements to offer atui stio charmo, for Sooooa's coanstant ae- dentas011 table board; also one suite I an iices, nra 25, 35, tdT5 . t cuonmulatiotn of 11ew 11101c10i1a woodoer- of rooms. fool deository of thae laot onod beet Noxt -Attractiooe n Whell am that thae natical worl produces. MIt..,onda ,a N. m ibo.Uiersity Fne laavenue,- O TO 1 0 R rO O N c5 - This accuomulhationa is unceeasine, 1110 retuarn to 411 E. University eve. 4 M1toece and sNi0t.Popl ar Fricd25 mat Souisao is lihely to give thoelatest prco- _inee.__Evening_ 0.0rNc et 25, 35 andt50oentO . I douction of conoequetoce atea momnot'o LOST-A toir of gold-bowed l asses notice. He haa a numnber 0o- us'.eltiea s in cse, stamped ~lDr. looois, hranool hap- for his concerts on the present tooar, ds. Leave samocith bL3. o.Sssog, 326 S. State atod receive rewvard. I02 his only American tour tisoseason, __________ in fact ..ais programs bristle witha them. Track Notice. There are two newe Sousa marches, Thae followving achedule baastbeen "The MhanaBehlind the Gun," from nmade out. Candidates fec the varieous "Claris and the Wonderiul Lamp," and events are requested to report at the "Hands Across the Sea.' Other spec- bouco indicated: ial features ore drawn from the Fwnole Sprints-4:30 to 6:09 to Westphaol; realm of naew music. The only Sousa quarter-mile-4:30 to Hatch; half-mile concert toot will be given here this -4:45 to Hayes; mile-4:45 to Emer- season wni50 occur on 'usoeday, Feb. sono; hurdles-4:45 to McLean; walk- 20. The special soloists are Miss 4:45 to Brookfield; pole vault-before Rertha Rucklin, vilns, anld Miss 4:00 to Director Fitzpatrick; shot pot Blanche Duffield, soprano. Certain of -afternoons before 4:00. or any time the regular soloists of the oand will i h oeont ietrFtpt be heard also. rick; high juimp-4:30 to 0:08 to Arm- '03r TRAC MENI..NICE!'lrml strong. firanger's School of Dancing 2nd Semester Academy on ltaynard St, READ THE DAILY. '7mAIM Cl~ocks ! Warranted for 1 Y ear si.Co Win. Arnold, Leading The Moast Complete Liar of LOWNEY CHOCOLATES too the City coos be fouad TU TTW 'S 338 S. State St. There will be a meeting of '03 track ineet candidates ot 607 S. State, on Friday, at 7:30 WV. K. BROMLEY, Mtanoager. A new' line of Mtanhattan Shirts just in at Wodhanos, Ryon & Route. See thenm. Southo Main street. NOTICE.I All candidoates for quarter'-backo for thtis year's 'Varsity repoot for tpractic-e dlaity t the gy'io at 4:30 to. oo. N. IV. SNOWV. AUCTION ! !!' AUCTION ! ! ! Finaol closiong-otot sale of the cotire stocik of Books, ifaol loPper, S'tatioooary' etc., etc., recetly owvnedl by WV. W. \Vct- moore, tote Souoth Maion St. Atuctioto soles trill be coondacted cacho day (ex- cept Modays) at 4 o'clocikantd scveno oclock p1. ot. Eve'rythinog Tsios tood K1,ill Co. Do notl .liss Thois Lost Chanoc. H.-I. I H r , Truostcc, to9 te6 Sothl Maini St. 0. M. MARTIN.,, FUNERAL DIRECTOR THE HOCKING V6ILLEY ie t L. Wv LANDMAN, ttv. FotSt, Deitroi Etubalming a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th Ave. Ambulance night and day. Mee- idence 302 Fiftho Ave. Puriten -o m0 hoes forume.. $3.50 ",Seth 1New Puritan" Last 110 F. Huroin 5t. Evr IdENOCH DIETERLE Embalmer and 6UnaisEast William Sre Eov, r Ki nd ee.Ea Fu net e l Diectad oAria tasi. 'S yjuto n-hall oke ll iuad a Fine I .AB RMs.Eoh it rleAsita,ee vest olcha ldn.l itnwst BtPhnsNo 5. .19 O.Warhing- No. 111E. Liherty Street. Eeeidence b33 S Shoe Sh fo rp airing ertadesel Photos lonSt5., Aun Amear. I Fsurth Ave, Both Phase e129. I ~ 'q .L m et WE PATR0NIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE