THE .UNoV }.l-,sll I Of MICHIGAN DAMI Pa tietod Daiy (Stnd aysexeptd) dr ng th ( oott er toat THE UNIVESI(Y OF MICHIGAN. ot The nattd P e, Hnnig Bok. Both fhtone. 147 IIANAG(1NG EIIT)11 iastl~aNtito.M NA(0I-!I. (.i itA 'CI.0 1. Uaa 111, 1. ttoot,010 . lt. ot toowO 0L.1 A 1 MOtUOwoot,10 A.J C}. too ott I'0( 0 J131. tiWoo,00 1 'rho O~w lt ttit Otprice; o t tt t .00 O Tot no -o t- tdy Notts, oto- niaina w ttotr1it o tt In t ~tfor t tht' toto oto h prntot c- o00otto tato owih 0,:Ot o lp01 ttdttto appear StthOcnttt~to o t, - let t t he Itn ofi 'a ye"', 0 or tot eto OttO o r wi0t h b-tit - Manag r.sot ClO ieh-t alootoo a avo - Altteoti tti t Jtoo tto tutt~ tu~ NatntalituSqdma Nu Conettion at Anti Arbor Thettotnttonait toati0010vCttitntof theeitot. tt tfrta tent o t tootttoNt will bototieltd ot a otoA rot- toxtFrit dayo toti Saturttday To troramof 0 theo11itro ttttodonc tites 1 oore ttonto dtotegatosa us ot tot tstorninttg110 metoinofheio ctooouncil ntdeeitet.sot fttr tottottoousbnesotnotottatttorotoonot with etrttt intt entt tof gues0ttts0hby ttte feltoloowofAphaiChpter,10000isitng oho iabortttatooiohosptas, ibtay atto oliitoo tottnotho00vetning al tia-ot tiion by Apha, fotiowooo by it sooteor. Satoturday toortnitg titere wiliat0 a bu. ne1s0seson~~, Iandtinit te afteroontheit oeogatsanti guestoowii viit iDtroit ond ino the vetning a10 7 ooloco a btn- quet ot theto Hotl Cadilla, at whielh Prof. Victor C. Vaughan wll bo mdo toostotinoor. Responses wit) bo mado by facty tnn from Chiago, Minn- apoli, hPhiadephia, Atotity, Detroit, Cininnati anti Ann Arbor. This til) bo the first eovntiono of a sooial nature in the iistory of tbo fraternity, which was fornmd 10 yars ago at Ann Arbor antd now has a mon- bersipl of aboout 2,000 in OttoeIUniteod Statos, limited to physicians having haid a university training. Prof. Vic- too C. Vatighan is its honorary presi- dent. Whist Club Will Hae Initation Tournament. The tUniersity of Mici'00 Whist clothextetds ih corial itovitotion to bparticipate i a wist toornamsent to behldoin Anto Arborots Wdnsoayot Fob. 21, 19000 Te tornamnent twil consist of a coottest for teamns of foor. blty to bogsntt 2, stool t conteotst for patirs, tplay to bgin t tt t. 10.5 Ani entranco too of 0 cns pr pr-I soto will ito askd for each game, ott i aor0iatet sotovtirs wil botawred toe witnners.tBothtafternoonosatodoevott usg contotosts till be 0o00n1tisall triott spectiveofottcloubor lagute nmembeorshoio ago0,000e01 or previhs0)010ath.It ts d-i sirood, iicoonvnint ta t all who con- tomplaote a'ceptin tistocotmuniti tion willcoummuncato tho act through cloub secret-aries, 01 othrtiso to D. T1 Jots, chiratnof1tootrnat nont conmnittee 429 S Dvioon st Attn Abor, Mch.,s soon as Fb 17 Assurances alreaoy rciveod inic to that the attendance will be large and of the sort to insure a good game C. F. Thotmpson lit spcial, of Rom- eo, has lft the University to spent) the spring and summer at Paris and other parts of Etrope. Fle will return to college next fall. Final Debate Mey Not be in Chicago. There is a possisitity --at the final debate botween Michigan and olinno- sota nmay not be heid in Chicago0 As Chicago atod Nortanwestern aro both otot of the final they have no special objoctions to hating tho contest out- sidio of ~ioioago. The toontuoreislhotot evtr 00ikieoy to bo a looing oneofinon- coily on Cticago. Lassovear it iost mny ada ldo ptoaoiuta 0l00 dooWes sal0v0 thits ye001 Michiganshsoutoitiac- tordn ott0 to oo ldlo haveto t oCictago in Chitatoo00 thusyearboot tihe debato 0'v;-tsotheld00ntnn .oor bcaosorCihi- ctot-totg o tfeari 10000oul 00ntimakeita O~ces otto o 0,01000 00 its000011 0lo .tottlr- Oatetattodostc-otdstantot)the neces- sartyotoins a-dtooti ttoo ttottt ist prob- abtlettt tttttoh0001000etttt 0.tobetheod in Crath Athleecielt))not Enter Otnztecrctolett s ott toottd Parker',s Campus C afe . . . . French Coek in Charge FURN'4SIJESaFlRST-CLA~SS BOARD. REGULAR BOARD $2.75. 1hEAL TICKETS $3.00. Short orders promoptly fieti. Fresh Honme Madc Candy nosy on hanoi wvith the fanouos Sponge Caramel a specialty. Pop corto balls and saiteod peanuts notw ready. Coomocits anti try them. WV S. PARKER 709 N. University Avenue t,++ ++,.o+-tot,00a '" e 'e .eE o~t...oI,++°°';' P ROOFS printed on Japan Tissue of the Gibson Drawings Totes front the Origistl.tFor hots at fo" iitto oot ottu ittt O 00 2)7 South 00000000 it to-tt tbtefotoe h0 rt lStblr A t-to e 4th Ave. detl deat met t bu-i t o u toldot oot , STPOREDI too to oot t oll ll.fn hetfohjo ___ Ot tf J FOR THlE WINTER ohotto is 0 lptosibility tlotO toh -a- opttOg lotsetihttat the o ver 25cotis leerttt I1t 0to te0000 -t t l c Otolege i000 le to tios anti res01it ito LEON SHAWX, . 117 E. Ann StEI LI , t \V;tlitoo tot t ootan lb16 othl tto-00000tcroil-got-it eto-t mto--toot ' 0s0A001Etetythig 00in to 0.candy7 JV ew riter C oip ing nt nto oa tos ora etlnei uiyyu1 fn tlayt wi otO oold a il e,00 wtoi lobe tot o 0111y 11 t-t it''100 V or'dx. Oompltttos o ixOtHell. 0tt00 Ot too10a00d SCHOO~L OF SHORTH-ANDI andHavad.reelL~titoo ofitrit~tl o AS AND ELECTRIC [IGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, too________ UPORTABLE ILAMPS.ETC.. lTe Yole 0710011titieam il ak 10a001 intt hoo fInercot , o 'i t otst inO ttoe C otlitotott ymna7 soium ono ooMatrchl 231dattha aso arrantgeola00ul) ott wtohtoCooloobiohi00lsriti -t), antl aojointt exoibtotn withloPtronceton ott iaro1clh31sot. Iton0n00ection owith tilt- neton tilMarch It) a lhand-lball toutrtoatment hetwee n Ya leintl Cooluno- Otto has(tt ben arnadat in fe)-soon-tintg coteost betweentietoans ftrom Coloum- lotia 00110)Coornell ovoll toateol-oce the osmeovening. Thoo foliotwitog is Wisconisini's oclotod- otle as foor as given otit: Sootourday, Atri) 21-tilinois ot .oatii- Satoirday, May 5-Beitlat lBelooit. Satoiroday, May 12-Northwtoestrnoat Mladison. 'lTursdaoy, lMaoy 17-Nrthwoeosternott .Evnton. 00 Fridaoy, Moty i8-lh.noio tot Chams- 'TuesdaioyIMty 22-Choicago at Choi- caogo. Totoosotty, May 29-CicatgotoMadtoi- OLD ENGLISI- SCU(RVE CaT jj lOc PIPE TOBACCO Lr{ S[AEBLER & CO., 4 1 A CATY. tvSANITARtY"P I J. F PLM IG t S 00,00tF t hIO 100005 0T W ii R 1000TNG _SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. S..HIOLMES' LIVERY... AIND O~E For Parties, Receptions Etc. COUPES Geed and Prompt Service Guaraneedi Students' Lecture (Issociation Course Oh! S Listen to the Band! ~SOUSA, SiogodioittiooFEBRUARY 20. 1.0 (Sitogie Adooissito od, - - - - - -.1.()0 / Sous oIi otloe t -is o unloese o.d - - - - ' - . . 1 0 Sousa aotd 0 otheor noumobooe tr od 1 a0 ReereSet atc tl osat 6o to w1. oe. 0. TICKETStno ton 4 ie t W~is tIDER SRAY, STATE 51101Ehi JOSEPHGILLO T'S fIEADQ3CUOIRTE,RS FOR JOSEP GILL TT'STrunks, Valises, Telescopes, Dress Suit Cases STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS EXPOSTION, 1889, Evoery Decrtion0t. TRULNKi AND) VALISE) iCIAttINO sILoots t Pices. AND THE CHICAGO EXPOSITION AWARD. HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. 307 South Pain Street. ANTON TEUFEL. I PERFUMERIES AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.