THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.3 3 lV EVI RED CED i 11,0 mistake in r styles here s =i -' fir- r- r=r PRICS-to close out remainder of stock-on the beet line of strictly cnstom-made shirts ever shown in the city. The patterns are choice and exclnsive, and they also have a featnre long songht and that yon can get nowhere else. At the price-one forty-nine-they will he snapped op quick. i ) IFI GoODPE u 117 MAI STREE -fi r- r- e- r-- .- ,- - ==r,=r r-z=- MICHIGAN CENTRAL?, The NiagaraFalls Route." 1Rentecb~er. the liboto(- CENTRALSTAhNDARD TIE Tiakiag EffetNovetmber191899. s , Detroit Night Exapress.......a... 5 A. MAl N C5 CoIlars- Fast Easern ...s ... .......94 GOING tea Es sT. These are slightly soiled, hut arc of the latest Boston, N. Y. ad tChits-o ...4...08i the heat Manufacturers. 15c. Collrs Fasti exstern pe ss..........1 8P .25c. Collars, Chicao Night E.-pats...... ilt9-3 30c. Collars, Steamship Tickets, alt Cl asses, to aidfrotam o Fn. )'Eran po i nts itiatils £rates. Full infor-fl maoesuatataesatson n alatttot RS STEA E SAi 0. Wt. RUES, H.t W.0I9 iVY O.P. &T. At, Chia-o. A't Ann Aror AT NEARLY COST P tt aJ Main St., nnd Liberty. AM fX The Coming Attraction. Athletic F _ t Sous's and , at isatcli still beheei e xlss t-t Tihe. -t. tansd ND iRICE G I Board 3raper. Alarm Clocks $1.' U. of Al. Fiats50 oi $10110. Fine Watci h epairiug a Specialty. at Co st! J.L, CHAPMAN, JEWELER, hesit style. Madle hy 10 -OCents. 17 -ICents 19 -9Cents. Ha(ve YOU TIES , seen on PORCEAIN SiFinest E ut -oi la plaei heit [K & G0 0 SPLGIIAL RAfTES 10 SENIORS d Meeting Postponed:.thrI.tUTUra"'HStudio oad wl etns 112 W. Huren St. N. S. Phone 119 a otbl oahfr etAthens 1 Theatre TIME TABLE Takin~g Etasat, Sunattty, Maryal1, 1599. Trins laaetAnn Arboaray Centrat Stad- *Nto. 6t- 7:25A. aM No. .- 8:6 t A. At. Naa. 2--ti1:3i A. Al. *Naa. 5.-11:30 P. M No. 4.- 8:3t P. at. No. .- i:5t6a'- a. *Ruan betweean AnArtior ad Toledo italy All trainsadiltyneet Sund-y. E. S. DILMOIIE, Agent. W tH. SaENNEoTT. G. P. A Detroit, Ypsilanti anod Anm Ar- bor Raiway. C.ars leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti every half hone, beginning at 7:15 a. m. until 7:45 p. ma; After that to Detroit at 8:45 p. ta, 9:45 p. m. and 11:15 p. m. Waiting room, corner Ann and Mlain ala. Detroit.,11(Griswold at. BREAKFAST - ANN ARBOR SUPPER - ST. LOUIS, MO. WABASH - FAST TRAINS FREE - CHAIR CARS R. S. Gtree.nwood, DIl. P. A., Chicagto Tuersdlay- eventinag atlltroaitlt-isdaa tathle larteg udttieniceofathelta ar i l tatl tat i Sity al.Thi sl a igle adissi tiet:; to i o na. erattis l aslr ilhis yar pot l e tl. ftroin at.e uth tat; itut- n l iit i herthanll , innA. -l hor. tataeata sitnoatw lt ha a ts ii haiti eet resered 1)vlia.arty frinStaliutae. A largeanumbiler tare coingitfIraomtY psi- tutntatad sale are cotaitang fromaa as tar is Watynte. This yar resenved seats trill taut he sall ofter slatclockfthel als cen- tag cif the coancert. Sin-gle tadmiissiontat Sticets waillibe reseri ed fear asmlex tra charge. PHOTOS FOR. THE MICHIGANEN- i SIAN. The maimum time limit allowed to seniors for handing in their photo- graphs and cenaus alips for public tion is as follows: For literary and engIneering students, Feb. 1; for law students, Feb. 20. A newT line af Stanhattan Shirts just in at Wadhams, Ryan & Reule. See theta. Sooth Main street. FOUNtD - A Lady's sall silicer waatch. Dirter roan tare sasie by call- lng ot this affiaceaid poayiag lar tis atiae. AnTttarti n rtt4 - Thuirsdtaystrati Te mtitterofaS fall will in all thlsais meting. Direcitora 11iii itdahbeen ativela iii correspaaiwi thiii e-act l comataiisenaat i andtadsseiract c piiiiisal- tillto susaitutothealasaratalHlt.ra- Stases t ii. e gate atticting tat thalasresults aS his coarrespoaace oec tsaahaaattlte. ++++ TONIGHr ++++ Win ad a~ad Taos. 'o uresatpreseat th geanaine JIEtERIES -SHIARKEY The Attn Arbor Music Co. hare PICTURES sonie inducements to offer ate- rires, - - - z5, 5, 7itanad $1.e0 dents on tolls board;l alsu one saute oi ross. totward hats at W a-dhanus, Ryan & Rcutle. Best hast ontthie markset at $3.00. 200-202 S. Malts st. WANTED-A partner for my law business and library. Liberal terms offered. Edward 0. Stains, Lowell, Alie... 103 "Cotant"Vilti, thesellntotaistaformaer footbaill player, las tmade Iis sltseits lt.e lodikeall. What heietnc rat titere; heis as tootn as 1he got $50050 liasi gointaIsiat. 1-ally" Samith, tas old centeraarushsucceedinsg its findllig o putrsachaerforCoutntstine far that tamout. Villawti rtes that lhe till be laste oat satis way ts the Paris Rxpositiona, tandi alaat laeasistensto spesome sayaa -rs LOSS-N a. til- of gold-bowredlgltasses an, asapedDr. InasGrtandatapIIs- ids. Lavse tsame iithala I A.Song, 326i S. Static aand reciv. rwadar Dra J.NW. I artlatfathliareatcaladae- ipateanataatwliilhastbencotnftnadtathis ho eis a-at ait cclasscs aganex 1FOR S aLE-Ia itit icil -aigan tlat ati Cha. 21-l Tatr tO10 Nest .tttraatiota-Adeta RenadCt's ..FABIO ROMAN.. . Granger's School of Dancing 2nd Semester Academy on MIaynard St. RTEAD THE Di )AILY. ciattaesat assiatambe of the Inter- HI 00 K I NGVALLEY IY a collegianaalasaffial ratn atoftalasti decat adtept artaeniaftheil Inlteraasatioatal 4 R IN AIY4 Commiasatteeof NVotattolien'sCutia-itata 4 T~f~lN DAILY :4associationappesas - at inteestingagr- BestaenToletdoad Cotumausi, utinlg Caion isle h-vParesidleat JamesII.Atgelitn Through Sleepr o ashingetnan Baslimorae. OpplortunaitisfoliiiClaraitnColleos GREAT RAILROAD atsaltNt THE HOCKING VILLEY Saecaaaad ,aetctanotwtopelliitiitatran- gera School of I11in-rvaeo t~aaas cla-at coats bla-aNIa aind t lMis. stGan- L. Wv. LANDIMAN, as W. Fortta, Detaoit.gl10 MIrn adocks Warranted for 1 Tear $1SC Win. Arnold, Leading The Mosat Complete Line of LOWNEY CHOCOLATES Is the City ca be found TUTTL E'8 338 S. Stale Sa. 0., M. MARTIN... FUNERAL DIRECTOR I Etuhalming a specialty. No. 209 5. d4ih Ave. Ambulance night and day. Rles- idence 302 Fiftha Ace. = 1'TZ-T5-11-_'TST__ 1 } T=LTi s-Z=L=TL =L=r .TL--t =t-1'_1_- L-p=tTLTL Pit' h for l uri on ),. o e,- i/® 3 * See the " New Puritan " Last 110 E Huron fit. a LMen. Enoeh Dieterle, Lady Asistant, at law bsildang. Alt kinds ,TA B:E , I ShoeSho orearnnetydn.Both Phoeast No .t;19Waashiag- Na.11 . i ber tyPhSResilenc b-tia5ho h p E. Lambert. d a l oto: ton St. An AmoraleurpainingBoneatlne s1a9 WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE