THE UN I V E;E1bITY 01, MICHIGAN DAILY 2 THE UN' VEIlSIlY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY Poiwbe d Daily (Stedy e,epteici dee g the Colieg.yer, tt THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHGAN orrice:c The tInlad Pee, Henig Boc. Bth thee, 1. 11:IAGAING ICICTR~. F. hEl r.n1.1ttete'Oh L. t1 i1NSS51:1: LGE'. rihti rH. 15 0 .)htehe,'iC . R. eceecie '0t L. A. tt. MD Ucitt1,'tC E A. G. Becececia '. . . B. lWool), 'h0, L.. J. M ce\ TtOEstv, 'hi, w 'h. tt.tettit. 'echM Theetioceiti eprice ftiiheL,. %!.50tfo he tlleg"ica- it teh aiegrgeieitcefortiet eonBabdh . ot cc,(ot ivtiicceanie htidei te tic iicii cciet ietoe s ptee, or maddd to ce edtc efioticec 3 p, iofth(tay ~ peti othaic iite niwhih theyc ar e'xpectito appe' Subcmi onrGn~ybe eftat ichiD t rfiiiiece HMna~eiii te hici herict e il ic eeca favo t by depoeteigpopl t ee1ciioi i yfiueo Carirtoic i .'- ccc c , the ci c b it. Ci cc ccci cc' cccii p eccccc tocthcii en eiCcict caeto cc1 Changes n Zuologicali Coures iecturceiroc m, ithiiiiuiiiiic iliccici Lietres 1h 2,c3,oicitevci iiciiiiiiiifrom Clasifictioni -Morphoilogy andciii'cc cii tili tiiitProiessirciiii rl;.. h idertioestication ad iniiti' icn cicicr, teccvhlecicic12,i 13lii'lice to atra fcesrceigha ci;ccc I e vor ivee ccvii 14utieiofi icceicerofessoDe I eii'ibi 1ecte etalcF 'hiaiveDe. Iiieeeuic ; i5cv Tie rlecteuvire wl er i hus Zooiloigy tcrse 3-Cyttloiy.cTiset newcoatere it tesretilitei Cliv 'e-i Zoliycoueccre 24 'live cure 'one Ct'iiiiiei I iiesivs iwithdtiircwciantcinc itsipee i givni Entologciiy-Leecues enCiiheivDevi vpentciei, Ciascihication, Peiicliitgy cccv Gecneral iolotvgyci Iseets Th'isitviie acon~tiiiiiation of couirse 25 f tefirst semveser ut ccciy ie tien cit ac sepaeraeiecciurse. Itcvi licueiai reeccieelofthy' cvort ci hitfirsteimeter. Leecuretwhivcecai ieeccltiiiirs isoie cr- raniged. Tw'o-chittrs- Dr. Genilhie- 'T'hose cc-io wcishiitice cliabocirtry ic-iri maiteci'rvt the cetisecit 24ai 'l'hree houirs-Dr. Gettie. A Crack Athlete. A iMilweaukiee edisatcieiscts: ''"Fred- erick Frantz, crelk member of the Milwcahukee Athletic club team, left to- night for Ann Arbor Univerity, where hie will stedy dentitry. i-nHeill also be a member of the track teem of that university, and will undoubtedly be their bet ten at pole vatlting, run- ning broad jump and high jumping. He holds several indoor and outdoor records now. He wan for two years a member of the track teem of Colom- bia Athletic club of Wahingon, D. C. Frantz will go with Ann Arbor repre- sentatives to the Paris international meet. Frant defeated nearly every craeck intthlceecuntrly" Medicaal Societtj Meeting. Parker's Camnpus The regular eceeticng ociteeicavvl socetyciclcvbiiie cldil'Thrsdavteetingtofci tis ceektith ccccer iletueertom viof C ........+* lice mtteil bsuiling. FUNSEOIS- It ices beeni lie timceof lice offivercs ofI~'E~FRS- the socety tiv te schene ccviiess rc REGULAR BOARD $2.75. 11lEA lice soivcclvccvcc cicitwowudnt livcccn vordeers pervmptly filled. Fresh Hut instructvii vcndibecnefivcialiiialkiiu en- ithi the famous Spoge Caranmel a teriteaiiig as cceli. anedscaled peanuts nowce eady. Cv frthcic ce cmedical depaertmcent cithcthe c-c ofi'- / hasconseitetioiv ccliies-c ts ceyT udyeeiguo h -tet"ilIeiPrstic cecofcMediciein ic China." r. N a.e. has pent te yerlnChnpat cn i st echoseni viio ca I h t m ettiigs 'of ite Ne: nI" aitel ttendice tesoityiid- Sited. French Cook in Charge -CLAlSS BOARD. AL TICKETS $3.00. Shore mc Madc Candy now on hanri o pecialty. Pop even halls, )me in and try them. W S, PARKER 709 N. University Avenue )ROOFS printed en Japan Tissue of the Gibson Drawings Taken from)tihs Origlnel. Per Sale at Statistician H.C. Adamts' Report aI, tcvi cccicethe InterstatComm Cerecee 1iasill ttthe Unceded State;ifcerte rear ccnii ii Jlie 30cc1i(). liii rcicit 1,cec;citet) cc lu te ii 55-estcthe-i '()it-il is piticicci offii ceiillWccciii ciil n iesea most horouh andcom it icie (4 c's k herpottauves clPisme 70tl i-ccsofstti tics Cvieringe suc p 5at- rodiliiheleUnite lte ecling hesci milege oa los cmeuet psell- toa e no eeccSe ciiecr ig the lest ;5 iiiiitii l thtis ei cport,'can it isi oncetoftie.mos atliii eport I XRV E Cql IPIPE TOBACCOM f STABBLER & CO, fi 301 a.MAIN CT.,i AT 6 P. M. FEB. 26 lice iballtig fce the $330ono Ludwvig piano il cviieace, andlthe 16 tcerehatc-s mcentionedtlbelo icc cearefllyv cunt 11cc baclvits aced awrard lice pianto vthc sc- ietvycwhcolhcve vorkecd icr it the mtec Perhiaps to votec, cr even cone vole, macy deeide thec winnetr. Dccc youer soceirewati? If cc, persuade vyour friendes ivonmahe as maneey to. purehacec ci tiece nmerecantc cc pocsible, steelreg- itier stiuc atmajrty ciflballots tcat youcr sveiety ciii he an easy cinncer. KOCH furniture, carpets, picture frames, nmouldings, trunks and valises. JOHN WA HR The Shtoeman. EINSEY & SEABOLT Grocecrten. G HO. HALLI4R Jeweler. LAM 13 & SPENCFER Grocers S. St ilEULIGx & SCHMID Hardware. DAYSHt & SEABOLT Grocery. HFU1SEL BROS. Bahkers. M11lLER & PRAY (irocers. H. C. EXINGER Fair Store. JOHNSTON & CO Groceries anod Meats, Forest ave. Thte ANN ARBOR ]MUSIC CO. C. A. HENDRICKS Millinary. GOODRICH WALKER & )MUR- PHY Tailors, ever First Nat. Bank. W. N. SALISBURY Druggist, L. C, WELNMAN, Vleats. JOSEPH GILLOTT'S STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL, PARSEXPOSITION, 1889, AND THE CHICAGO EXPOSITION AWARD. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. li-: -Stablers Art Store 427Sot r il r ICYCESSTORED -1eLi FOR THE WINTER * At te ccv ratle of spicle Mrselti ht h the loere 25 cenhills nthi i lv oecvtioCneannoetrecsiet is E NSH W -17E An tI leustcscceeolatelae ai t c ______________________ Ei Pant Washinegten nd 316 Soult ' cost. veytig n hecadyjTypewriter uCopying linein u erity you'l liliinda gt li-r'vC Onuly 1'e Ier 100 Werds. SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND 70 tN NIN-I CeITY AVE. f6 AS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, U PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., A SPTOCAC.TY. SANITARY Pi.t itiTNGTEAO~t M Cecil eOr sT e eTtR E ATING. J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. *0*IILM S'LIVERY... lINE COACHES For Parties, Receptions Etc. AND C OUPES Goed and Prompt SrieGaate Studnts'Lecture FlIssociation Course Studnts' Oh! S Listen to the Band! ~SOUSA~ SielcAthlsiiFEBRUARY 20. .0 SigeAdhehissioh, Reserved, - 2 - 1> } Sosichahnd6ether numbers,- -- - - --1 0 Soiucsh andi6eother neumberesterved. 2- - 100 WILDER'S PHARMtACYSlAtEL'ECET H-EADQIUPRTBRS FOR Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, Dress Suit Cases. Eveeey Descriton. TRUNK ANDI VALISE REPAIREING at Lasenst Priceee. HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. 307 Soutli Main Street. ANTON TEU.FEL. PERFUMERIES AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.