THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY, 4 TH UNIERSIY OFMICHGAN AIL Writing BYf THlE POUND:--Pa e S 0,25c and 30c. Envelopes to Match. Akert for Geo. B. Hurd's and Crane's Fine Stationery. '45 Visiting Cards Engraved with po.pper Plate, $1.25. 'American Torchon, Raw Silk and Cheviot Mat Boards. MOUNTING BOARDS. Paster Papers in all the Popular Colors.. 'lies, IBooksellers, Stationers, and Engr avers, STUDENTS remember that we can supply you with a $1.00 Fountain Pen, the Laughlin or Waterman, which wce fully guarantee. WIhat more ciin you ask? Try us. D. 4:1 TINKERF & SONL HATTERS AND FURNISHERS Headquarters for HATS, Cu'S, MENSFURNISHINGS aod Comsplete line of GYM,~NSU Goons snd SWEAERS. MARTINH ALL AGENCY PFlO LONGLEY FtATS ,$CATIN , LI(E___ _ 334 SouthSte re DO YOU $ IOKE? 4 Pittsbur'g Stogies Losr 6Bill Anthony Cieassfor' 4 Br'uuswicle Cigrasuf or' 5c 25c 25c IG dNumber: 44 50. MAIN ST.. ANN ARGON. MICH DEAN & CO. An a iss listie omeeliiag stil ibe betie Calendar. atte . t nveisiss' asveaue1.1hurihof Monay, Feb. 12.-Orienal enster- lhist ne t'sSindaysi Feb.11 .1 s ii s tatinmenst at Newsberry ball antler Ithe is .B exi itsoit etoist «-11 con-sitrectioin of Miss BensOliel. luct lt llteting'sstiils servicss \tttl Feb. 14.-islooKatliarine E. Oliver, nigt, xcpt atuda, a ,in flhe tLittle Minister," Uaiveroity Rses Mr. Newmssan is a1 spetak,-r 'iirare Satuidoy, Feb. 17.-St valentine's atiility . d situ espltt~tlt poipt1lariisibitt u,.e Dium at Harris hall-After- youniig lpteoitp lis Teiigs wall c ni5soost ad evening. tlie severaliwiis snd ise sitsrci str- Tuesday, Feb. 20-Sdousa's Batd in S. dlily isites all stidsisiattind, aindL. A.Coarse. assussres tisemsitlits ltsey wilind iii1;;i huisday, Feb. 22.-Fresbmen law stetei tt lttes' 5s.i titi sttbttii hanquet in IElko, boil. _____Fisday, Feb. 23-"A Perolon Garden," -sinChoral Union Series. 1,270 fret. 'ilTheidrill itsiworintg in lime- Students ore cordioliy invitesd to in. sbus ad gailns olyla'soutten'afret 3 speet our e'.tmpiEte linses of suits, over- -320 S ST+ITL ST., Wadhams, Ryon - Reule, S. Main st. Musical Clubs' Couuert Tromighit. _________ P-NN ARBOR - - - .rUICHIGAN TO RENT-Des'irable room weithi all IL OA1h A newv line of Monhattan Shirts 'Moderns convenliencees, twvo anid sac-half i aurThe OnyOnessin just in ot 'hadhams, Ryan & Reule. 1oisfssi onsi.Beiei tt 'Shop and Bath GheCty. fRes- See them. S. Main at streesstindOakiulad esisie, 717 Arbor nOOlMlS, 12STATE. J.R. trojaooski___ \LR[NAC'TION!!!i AUC'TIOtN!!! A eomple line of AdlerBias. fne ThiP P N ie161Final closinig-oust sale osithelis t iritatof V'itlltsssRyan & iReule,30 B RBER stocki..of Boos, also1dls'i 3 tititil y ___202_S._Mainst. _______________ ________________ tcls., 'e., rectlytittown~ied y . tNosir.or ' dWiet'i-st _I VERS I O L F s Ce wl b out e ealcists yT (es-Isi hnsis theatrIsis'. 'us e b. 2.- It isi riotldas a ococ ndsve hesunes ts oue 5aw. Iti il i 5es s i oGo . Dft ntr it'ss'iTis Lat irl ti t ti.The0 play'ts plen1tils. PINK BROS., Instructors 19io6 Ssouth 'MinS. fat i iiiust tilt soito. s ho-W Ofifi euand icademy, Nickel Hall, 334--330 i. Satene fe o Iaeaolctlcrrs (~ a Sin aod ErSrets. i Capil0,600ts.OSrpus, ,$30,00.Tasacsi RFRPEs. HBLE Csher..sePs FIRST NATIONAL BANK osatdid Cptala, fI0!05. Srplisssd Pois, 940,00 'Sansatseeral baingtfbutsies. Fog cret "Eiss tlss F.. KINNE, Pes. HARISON SOUE. Vie-Pes . W. C'LARKiSON Cshie 11e6Ann M oJr11 nSavings BanK Capistalst ioek. 50,00. SOtlse 50i,00. Resources $1600NW. Olrganized iunderithbeGesesaltBnksintg ass of thst atse. eeies ideoits, 1ti3, ossisells oohsogs o e pipalseties tithe siib'ted iSslits. Drftlcsesd tupnpoerosdetfiio, Soely deostibaoxsoet. liriEeoitCrstiano Moot. Pe.; W.I. FHorist mua, Vie-Pres.; Chas. P.N Otoesa.Csir; M .Fritz, Assisant.Cashie W. ARNsOD, lesVcere J.Aoss,st 'lie SVING BAINK 'transacts a general Banking business. M akers'soa COLLEGIATE CAPS. -' GOWNS sd IJOOS, Renuong of CAPS ayd SONS, A SPECIALTY. CLASS CNES, COLLECE FLAGS CLA5yfSO PIPES. CLASS STATIONERY, COLLEGE PINS. COLLSEG E P ECIALTIES ~jrjg~ ~ "A slice to L ~ 'sC~ one reason Pipe Tobacco .'' why Old Es. glish Curve Cut pipe to. - acco is so \ popular... o The crved tin hox that fits any pocket is another reason. No other pipe toacco has ever made as many friends in so short a time. It disappoints no one." A trial box will be ent to any one anywhere on receipt of ten cents in Stamps. Address Old English De parthment, The American Tobacco Co., Il Fifth Ave., New York City. All dealers sell it. SPALDINGS Oficial JlibkcGoods Ofiiaily adopited litheleaingt coleges, Shosss sIssd Athltice Clubs of te Countrty. Iuas 13.11h Tnnis Spalding's Oicia League Baitl .. Is th icia lllsl of the Ntoniasl Leauesasd all leadingsoalleg ssos- ciiaon. ipadissBase all fuid fr 1900, t0e Hal~IsIne, ti//ago- A G Saldis & Brs NOBBY TAILOR STATL ST. SPt CIAL HOLILAY OFFER! i i vi - . -w I, '? i } II , , I, h' I i l s Onetsof thsie $3.00 LAUGHLIN FOUNTAIN PENS re lospion awek' tia $ 1 .00 ifsitdoes nottsiuit Tsil,. ism ifit Isits flHAsVo If tdoesssal suitYO MADE A I(Ay way you figure it . eROFIr is yosurschanceoistos ti-FIsoe Onsly' onse tessen oss onesad'dreusis u50"A gfiltl ofnvriesutiutus oelal- nesstuadsauconstantitlpltesiatlre- muindter o'fte givsi. Gel yosu sdtr'iniiearly-orer itdaty. Statswter lIaly's as gensisyle is deiired. Aidss LAUGHLIN MNFG. CO. 129 Glriswold St., Deleol', Mich. Any nk lor .4'iirsCou',iusy in Dosrsit. ,; Fill i i ii ,i I r ,p p i ' Ao sin ue of Manhbattua Shirts josti sue. ini at 'OWudtamss, anis Gisule. Seae _______ _ themssi SoustIhiMainhiusttiteeets Ypsilanti Opera liouse le onto- lathe. Li0ti rStorissi()-Last lilrnstr' ueet.,.o SATURDAY EVE. FEB. 10. us flutelitseotf pipses, t0itisue eatdtai eatrs. Wis. 33'. DAY' IS. P~rop~. Iii vS o E I The Newberry hal boo been secured for MusicsilfBrilliantthele sor to be given bts lcay iss Boa Hit IT O1 V S r I o liel next Msonday evening, under tho Parisia auspices of the locat T. XV. C. A. As of the / 11 R Hvrisithfe lowstaotge has provedl a drawback V ! entertainmentsa which appeal to the Year. eye. the stage wvilt be raised on thin ® = oecaion, and footlighsawsil be added, johme will add materially to the en- Esili Fy, sii 5e~55 Puiip i.Atl rjonsntof menmbers of the auidience. ORIGINAL PRODUTlION. CHORUS OF 30. Menibers of thse V. W. C. A. have the Pi'iet(, 141.00 .5 10 25. Seasts stile BaGers aCu. privilege of busying t--..e5 31 at tickets Thur sdays Felt. S. I a. is, 'Phonue -No. at. for tO cents. ope[1in ~of pii /ooIens Wooleno for the coming season huave arrived, the most cxtensive line ever producedi here is spreadl os' our sables and nose open for you to msake selections. We have muade every prelparation to strictly retain the previous standard of our tailsor- ing and to pronmptly serve our psatrons.'We solicit yousr inspection at an early date, WAGNER &CO., Tailors. 123ret.Miu TlyThe... y NORTH SIDE - LAUNDRY THOS. POWE, 1'rapr. 003 Broadad y. Rs7Bel Phonie .~imi~eaoemssfusaouissseasermeosnsa I ______________________________ THOSE NOBBY GOLFS MILWR