4 THE UIVERSITY OF! MICHIGAN DAILY For JUNIOR HOP All Styles All Sizes PAT. LEATH ERS GO~I$'I S°LL AGENTS 1F°RIINANNSU2ES 19SUHMI MICHIGAN CENTRAL 'The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Tainag Effect November 19, 1899. Detroit Night Express ...........555 A. . AtlanticExpresso.......... 7 45" Grand Rapids Eopresso....... i....110" Mailand Express............. 347P.m.. N. Y. BotonaSpecial ............458" Fast Eastern............... 9 43 Mail and Expres............ 940 A M BosonNY. snd Chicago........8 18" Fast 1Wrtston Expres........... 138 P.4M. G. R. and Kal.Epess.......... 545" Chicago Night Express...... . a..9s: Pacific Expres.............12 30 A. M. Steamship Tickets, 1 Casses, to and1froot Europeanopoints at lc.a st rates. Fail infor- mation oa application. 0. W. RUGOGLES. H. W. HAYES G. F. & T. Ag't, Chicago. Agt AaaArho. TIME TABLE Taking Effert, Snnday, May 21, 1899. Trains leave Ana Arbor by Central Stand. card Tine. SOUT11 NOiITi *No. .- 7:25 A. M No. 1.- 8:56 A. N. No. 2.-11:3J A. s. *No. 5-12:30 P. M No. 4.- 8:00 P. s. No. i.- 4:50 r. M *lRan hetweon Ann Arbor and Toledo only All trains daily exeept Sunday. E. S. GILMORIE, Agent. W H. BENNETT. G. P A Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars leave for Detroit and Ypilanti every half hour, beginning at 7:15 a. us. until 7:45 p. us; After that to Detroit at 8:45 p. us., 9:45 p. um. and 11:15 p. us. Waiting room, corner Ann and Main sta. Detroit, 151 Griswold st. BREAKFAST - ANN ARBOR SUPPER - ST. LOUIS, MSO. WTABASH - FAST TRAINS FREE - CHAIR CARS Rt.S. Greenwoo'd, M. P.A., Chicago HOCKING VALLEY Ry. 4 TRAIN~S DAILY 4 Beciween Toledo and Colombao, asing Unionn depot in hotcities. Through Sleeper 0o Waohngtonnand Baltimsore. GREAT REILROAD THE HOCKING VEILLEY Writo L. W. LANDMAN, 11W. FoetISt, Detroit. 'IRentschfer, the lib'otogwapher. Alarm Clocks SI, U. of AL Pis 50c So $10.00. Fine ~A~iGor ii~ot Clore Siirloiii Watch F louiing a Specialty. S e Our vvlfluow- Imprtlled Mtdi d ltSsiotl, J, L, CHAPMAN, JEWELERI Ieguilar $1.50 iantdl 2.tO) Shirts to(Close (Out at 8 1.15. no6M.1an Canth. SWEF1TERS to CLOSE r in.5t Redocedl $3.65 4.00 3 .0:) 3.75 .3 3.50 2.75 3.25 2 .50 Ihiercollegiote Sseaerse (Shtotr Stitch:) $4.!)5 IReduced S380 0.00 " 3 u0 3.50 2.75 HaeYou seenourotoPORICELAINS? Fitoes thi;ot-tgonl:y place in te city where yotu cont: gteltm. SrLCIALROTSI[ TO S[NIORS Thit R~pxminmSdII(1in Men's Dept. MfIOK & GO. Chemical Papers. Two News Publications at U. of P. The followving nmed arttics have Too ne~w periodicals save 1st: '.y tbeen 1 12 W. Harnn St. N. S. Phnne 119 jtust teen putblishsed 1:02omttechcbtal stateld Sty te tstletsof te U S . aoaoyo h nvriy eranOe ml ekypprc lle Ph th m h a r Synthietic Deriayve f afeieby Sxamnerst" devoted to te crticia~smtin Professor Gotobcrg intSie Janstary nsum- a satrtical vein of all moantner i ofder-t ++++ TONIGHTi r++++ ber of te Amst eriato ChemstialJoturnaltgratdtuate events, Slas already tapetaredl tBaltimore; Synltetie Prodtilt of Teolte:rtwhichis tillin05ptrepartiltn IS tct 00 s andCo,0ELDa ie Hot'sF:nis Strychionite, ThsroughitActotsof \letity ts to bet.of a Itorous charterlk lone Iodide by P. F.arowbitdge, from:sthet.Wrinklte, Yale Record atod t.e H-: e pe an e To his work at Sloe Untversity of Mit:burgsatrd Latmtpoon:. AnthSer putbitcatiotsof *e p rn O f it: teAreltie der 555a::osaztevolumi~t erte~tst 1 toetntsylvantiat ttten it.eavol-- 237; A Spteciai Alka:imt:::l:e l'tliod lotrtttite of t"Pentsylvatnia Stories" lately i1- NJ\ts ATTlACTION--Returo Engageen Salt-Formoitog ASSaltitdsby Drt H. TLslot.3 srt tentotby Arthttr Hobsotn tuinnoto . Li . ,* tGoriin ohiis woirk suptiortetd by thoc'1.4, whoo is ntowvatt ittru~ctor inth ie 12 FXIiLo..'JIT ~4 Phiarmacopoeia of tetUoited States it ollsiege. STese stories treat of tile at wriththe smt tceneytt 0 ffctl so te Journsal of tile GermsanoChsemtical te University of Penntsyilania, after Soa0e tow ont 'alt. Society at Berlin, anod inth ie Pitarttta- Sitoh tanner of simoilar volutmtes of Har- NWTR cetticai Review in titis couontry. yoacI atd Printetoot stories, ansd thoey NWT PHOTOS FOR THE MIICHIGANRN. Stare aircady lasted insa a thtird edition. DANCIN SIAN. The Antt Arbor Muaic Co. hansIvAeN The maximum tine limit allowed to sooni inducements to offer stu- seniors for handing in their photo- denta on table board; alao one ouite o om.G A GRSA A E Y graphs and cenauo alips Inc public _______- tion i0 00 follows: For literary and WILL WE GO? ( READ TiHE DAtl.Y. engineering atudento, Feb. 1; for law Ticsto snaiivaiotrayose studens, Feb 20 Th sixthannualinvitaion reay mee FOR RENT-A very pleasant noite 01 nouth rooms at 5122 Washtenawv ave. Modern iusprovemento. S9 A new tine 01fSManhattan Shirto jus1 in at Wadhamo, Ryan & Reule. See them. South Maint ntreet. Mianagers Fisher atod Eggetoan have failed So agree oto termos for te itodoor diatotratckcmsset at Notre Damse anod the mseet is tioerefore decided off. A. Riley Crittenoden, city editor of thoc Evensing Titsses, loas preseIedSo tse mseuoms a num~ber of Beigiart bares, rep- resenstinsg tseir growthl from3 the foetu:s to ful-grownt animsals. These hares are now0evbing raised extensively for tioc msarkaet becau~se of Sloequoaiity of tiseir be iteld 003Franintsfield, Satutrday, K ,j ht1ll'U1 Apri aS. -'"________ j li W~ acrooted for 1 Year Howard hoata at Wadhoms, Ryan & : $1.00 Rue Bethat on the markct at xvrn.m Arnol Leading $3.00. 200-202 S.Main at. ' 9Jeweler We have room for 12 or 15 more, The MtCsomplete Lioe of boarders at $2.71 a week, or 21 mseali ticketo at $1.08 at Parker's Cafe. Good board guatanteed. Steward ivanted. 709 N. University av. 9a WANTED-A partner for my law botineso and library. Liberal terms offered. Rdward 0. Mains, Lowell, iilco.. 103 Thte basebatll stioad of She Utiversity of Chticago evili be toaterially reduced in sotssiers Ibis oveek. So far tse best LOWNEY CHOCOLATES Itt the City ean be foand TUTTWB'8 338 S. State St. 0. M. MARTIN,. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Eli.mh lmi. .,14- AT- troll n ftL flesho for food, anthSle value of their pitchiers weho have developed are SmoithlI hsanmtng a specialty. iNo. 209 S. 4tb Ave. Ambolance night and day. Fes- furs. atod Rogers. idence 302 Fiifthi Ave. KBefore Buying PATENT LEATHJERS for the "J " HOP SethP1JRITArI" $3.50 ; New Line in 20 Different Styles for WOMENd 110IE. Huron St. Kin uMYCp Emnbamerand6iEatWlamS-e ENOCH ______ IE L, Funeral Diretoa U iver oit j set ohlf boctkwest O Every idEOH DIT oitn)- r t at ita RetFine t Mrs. Enech 0mb r, Lady ossystent. Boh hoesN 8 l !VWahig-+Na. 118 E. Librty. St je aeidne63 heShop E amet R d a I Photos WE PATRONIZE GO0DY"AR'S DRG 'STR