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October 05, 1899 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1899-10-05

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FAll AL-
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IFine Fall and Winter H
ESuitings, Golfl Suits, E
Fancyj Vestings.
WeCrythe LargestA
L In the Cityj.
W1-L D

Made by1 Lieutenant Mear~s in Phil-
IZ. Wi.:Mass, eas 'lit has retlurned
t Iff to comp Ileehis cause cwith
t he 'ol. law class. Duaring his absesce
traom the U niversity he has heen wtith
the Uinied States army in the Philipt-
tines, hy his daring deeds9 making his
name oetsotf the moat sssicuousa its
thes listoathtossearwha save was glary
ietentisat deasleftcallege as May
thserse enlitstedl as a 'priva'te itthes i'sta
Colorttaooautes.ISits tplendlsi rlit
sccrdletat toilstMay 13. Itscin
Isand lefTi rasnciscoaJune 16, arrlt-
inattttts ilastsy 6.Its tstopptted l
iii'thts--syga'ontJuitthift ata'e'sa
that landedt alt ased.' the tas iand5
Srpsat t'clssissll 5teislandtlislste
namsessf lt' t United'St tsa. Ontcewat.
:Maniila to youtng lieutsesstnt prs 'sat
ltlrstslf sstss'stf lte mstiflasrinsg' asttslrs

atd y itSergeasit West andsi sH-
BEFORE YOU BUY vteBgeo, lis adssse sareconatstissancae
YOR f hecuntry su srrssundsing Masnilta,
an sdrw sp ofst i. Fosr this serrice
DISSECTING CASES We ttvas adescond isisnn, n
oerdMeasstuoisaise sa recosnntaissasnce
ofIItsthe 1sotf s.tlusostManiltsassnAug.
10. Accomptanied by Sergtanit t lai-
as rhlie s prto'cee' dedsitosthe Cinsgalons
stats. Undethle prtt iontat ofsadriv-
336 South State Street. t ssttsstis s sitisrvrad
_____ _____advancedsttt upssthetbw ntot t the Spsanish
THE OLD&o eea eksw v otfiails l ouhdte wns
RELIABLE r.haildaftow yiso re5 i tIoemagsaianlidtestads' agant the
5 'tt'LE'a ful'-litt of LN 1S'l I it ttttta 's^ts Nv'ittheIs muzzletst fi tOsts
slis i aDs * attsaas rm( «st er e d sa sister tdfty .
D4.ttttoct'tlhts'a lt;titpst theforttss andi
(Il 1ilt s et s ,ts a'rtss'ofy st:i .t't'vsat'iss it
ytts svsti.tils s's lsts l acl ~ fs-tithe r 55c, 5555 istsunhItt froms
j )i sill"10 t'srtisi .lt. 0W C1
+1ttti'alleys'fitat t'tshim.sOlilthlilt' ofsa
d~iii Xs)i ts' Im e ett 'tly Nl a sMssst It' s'tridgeab'a he'dswtatus1
Ityou azW .+4 of, th(55 for1 issi s at I ts is m lt w s
.trO reat petitand onvel- + 'sssst asin thae sat'ttss ss o ~l .ti ' n
litls' 'stit lists'sss's'0's' stat.ic-
fin ill .1'1ii iltii I' e s('\is lasctiVIS a TtsW1 oib
in 'stii'isi1 ltttlaa foi si- si from lisnts rst's ls l istcn t s t'll -
-is Iltk stkil rie. rta l slt til tt ttitti ssecn ietr lts'5
15 0AL i N S TAT5 M IE S oET. N Yt t tr's slnisy iuttsyit" t ats
store yttts lilisitlfouttrsodalst tyoursasigtta'Bary.ii
msa s ssias jsi ti efrnedlitaiS aglid
W ART EaXis.O K icrtt it >is hstmistpertitlily.
ForallDe trnens, Lai an isiswetaiikedhi t'1Itoiiis cltiite a ss.h
and MdicaBoosOWBngWN twaadinr tecounsdattuackig t anyla
ill y.JourTS.E Ol p.d oob ls e iiiersutect ure is' fng tsesauitysa nd i -s
8.ste t. s yu la l i eso. t. vaitutakeis viithey ahoadtfever a ite

V 'cs'ie ssasas lits activeatiommsaid at hs WILL TAKE A TRIP
coaissl itsunisi t 5555s isustredt inti.
Whsilinasthisastationluhisafarther' distis- Unit rsitt musical Clb ouCs in
ttttaacthiselfi the camnpaigns lir Ening uear
aainsitse ilitpinos s a heUnivsiaity Glee, IBanjo ad MPw
Al te 5'~ tal f Mai'lia Lieutan ttsattist itin lu s heldi asmeeing i Itom t
Means sals satsyungest osier i the ateeigaddicse. ln o
Phhl~ns bhg bttenyyar fesuinga'yearIt ws 5.1e: = 'a
aigeandssshitswas Irmostd bsfore he he sassnuateaminsssatossof a s sid aS
bacaiss'twnty-o'snet 55 ciWadnesday'5'veninsg Ti, 1
Ilisa comastttad bingis"ralisaved at dutea eylag usbersof t si a"
saits te rest sit the valunters rrietbothl llf te istsarumeaantal ,Itfis vlsii t
at ~ s~l 5t5 5 ail it aiti~' cyar othlst'Bajtclustbhr iaitsng
titttii til ot OnIISpt aiod rnnarsicbash: Thassi isf gst.
Onsss'sssssg Maias'Masassoffered ~is sitdDiii the followina'sarie'tia
atsscommtaisssonbohtsinthletregtlara tittis ssss'sss of'ss tle Mandin lub -' ' ais:
atint isterrstiasl asolaeesisnaltbakStnNtoDvsndYv
i ieto isetilntotsMicigansocc- I css Soeantius't f i un werz:
1'it' lsai ssdiesslcte ctais'eadersfthe'isr 's0'trse'
O\htit i ts isoal t Xstlsthaittlit' sus sssisill isav's'charg t~'' s'.
mel tssrtoss, 's'la t'\', listis Vry pos a sntiln sal litt ansita' i'gat "his
tisitisly' t'tatgstdttl in I sassrs'talst' Ita burr l isto 'l's 55ills'e tansasI's' ' stts-
sat linttl wac il Lsiss'snnt I ciii tarsssttslitttsaocktt't'sts'l.sttsxra
f ir t d iho sits le sts' ll'sist iarkertandHabisrtmas - 'h trt.
s\heit'skedslisloinono esal-ll'sbtltfifte'i''''twustyIl wtizs s 't~sn1tetni-iaccrpid(" t tteexmntos
1.), list tst aispssustttsts one,5 and 55ell i()l is'oittts' ' lubst' it) cu ts stat
illa'dent 1151ansilist W er '"ce a s itvue t''e'titt ' T heetast t
sholdt' nevert i t u r salre ldown. ss'Ae ia's basst arts.1 Add itio alr en N_ ist.s k -
ais sirs it t he'1'Phtiltipinesis he o ddeit'th5ot er5pat'
co q u r, t en to ci iiz , nd f na ly to T e lu s ei d e tl i vetI'"t ' as
educaes the1,l isac 'itsss'AnniA boriJustssforitht
ites'elitsvetilt'h iswaretaossistlastat hoislias.s probablyts sis Vstdtessiy, Ic
reast a Scariytlas lisa Atnaic titt
sisal not ige' is harsh t'5515g15 sar - as " -.tiptssduras ing a a hissma,.t.
'fits' i'tt~stsastiit-' Tseasit list wirlltIscludeississ dsslaa'st
'Thaiettlilit istsih>fu da' xrm l FhdJcsn ;ad R li.dciflrcad d clare'sd thaItt ingan 'itisli t 's Iisaidslsi's Iz
ra ial a tis litn i it u'hstli st tus Adminstraie adwl -
lsat ag iii sai ls sem ayd theisy wolduigetatclts 'perissinto ev - ).,i
ve th risa si eryllqiekly. Motttaist ciyar.a Tist'ilusets frt -> h
sh ails o th 'Isenssig el ist-si lii ls 's av"taken riss'listhsr-IIa ~L
natve'sa nd wh'it',sa gi'isa ngsssts'atthem the ,96ssf' ,Aa'sr mi' itaieB a t
s te cst,1an11 tusl nea ne ca't- 1,a o bl to il! dt f , =,,
isa s is Sta al beesis, se s- s'
anhs' 'airli' sa firm'at'p'sssic a s'y U scwasss stai~n ri frsvs' y :r= t+r_ .
'55in 55ai"5 5'5' a'aiif itinugnske- b~ct}1 tt 'm os l'ltis
'I it ~ vtse 'n itil Stts ist'iIs
111W" sudy)e w sais lan'tgasas ha1[k
cull 5and inistl I i siistss Is itios Its il"i t :n tol,
coun stry 555 i55s'v r ic ni prl' i e lsa'ail h r*tlL "n
compatin ft\',ttilbly ML 11 i t s' ''ii i l' h: l t ' + o ;r , R . ti .il
ckitfslcs'' ernlbis~ r
s tia a il l assas 5r \ _ ' . 1 tiih I tutu hiI
Iacttor[ h>t::pain 19111 ~ ~ n 11 . 1 -. .
'tasasshas ss'sh ass 'at, si all. t5 cI ' s ail it'll "'il t 1L i.
\le .1tff m lrt i i t tts) stits i ii I
tahti ty ittss' 'va55list' c'tia rsa vlard'. i t _'is
e iros a i ii titsis atss'rws s's'' tit hiss' toit a''s\i-tlsst ~ ii'
i Ies fa ll Its is i b ats afad l ii a'sitirs' h' I i. 5lsit lach sit lit 1li
Tasss slsi Sc1 l~s uu t'y'alcott a ti 9 1 1ias ist sass lis 'saris Sc i'
sassatar uts its ist' ttig satstilS Iitsls lifisi sttstt its l asi itl ish1= as ir.
titlist mIsi s oiii ast yea 's lra clss " sas i--tb l 'a s itli<sf rtlsil
itas 1tsa yhssterat t oa n slaclssteasiu lsaatd'__ t____ ir________ ___ itc'
u as ioss t ha s e Ws.yWs sialcti t oeas ,o ltauets' asa y'estr ay atrnso
bethircasliat aif rtsily ei ses ear.lMr.Ta I 'Salt\ Ath i c' iasit ta byitit hs esisail
inlt ilht' tilt mhis elat p eit t555 i stsore t 'ii'o't teirt lit h aiks of Bedesa Ml(,
fo bafieha'sbsah bef o legand antishe'sot a ptaSlice ans a lfa abayk oth'sir0
en re Sta lles g lie a's ouchtune p SoydIcls s tamrad as estsas'lt'd.Ihisisser
sevss feshm eaantels'ss daltoatiy a isAa.Pierees'clo anaeitsd a ltr is
permasift hisctss'sveassuhihie t 'terhudeds epce oorw

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