'4evf 94ll PaiLt4 VOL. X. ANN AR~BOR, MICH., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6. 1900 No 96. Spring Announcement 3. H. WILD & CO. VWe have just receiveui ooi line of springawoolens for men' wear. It includies eereiything in staples that ar suitale and (le- sirabie for the season. We are also showing foil ranges ins nov- eities, in quiiity soil style to shit the moot exacting taste, consistings of ' OP ICoats, Susit- losFancy Ve sis soil Golf Troirserings.ViWe invite youi to call soil inspect oitulhue at W ILD'S 108 E. Wasbirgtor) St. W ILDER'S SPECIAL Thsfr oa arandoftooth thi rite.We rreceal Wilder's Pharmacy THE OLD Fosr weks'i weiiihave~i 5-'5'RS eA v-E, 01GAL'Y. R. E. JOLLYi & CO. OUR P~RESENT ART GAL- \iAmericanrNvorkPs reprsentsing scenecs irs LERY tire ULiedriStates hisetosy ansd also eurly _____ taintric s arid phooraperis. Curi cr- A Cursorq Innentorsj ofl the Re-ar-rio'-,ihang slice is"Surrendcer of Lee us ranged Worms ofl Art. Xtutasraiiox."Dirthec south isw'lltire liie 'srgallesry uscsierrngecby irs nc st t sicuvrced crisi scncsc fromi N\or dcii 055or Dcirit ets aCiiiry5Europeanihisoriscthecarthalf itri cisffcrent atitearasncc Iroms whitlint lid cii'iic ofsrierliis pisntisngs of tire old 1as cteacr at this time. Ihelic tre csiemses he mogteeaecpe rio longr crowdcccitogeteii adi- un sttilo' Is i srslure Cuoncetionis ind sir ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 tcrheisreastcriirt ic r'iarec mostlciopieIsf olrrrstersrIn ch ceneris neosR ph l's fmos"SS scsi siw r thc noutshirosimsconitaiin itr e ldn a eri is Gsrissorms tie usc ir ct urs. M s fti ms re cof .si.siscel.iT e th r ictureS -s 0n are no s r angedi o sn sthe wals we Ii iitr a l sr it istof men s rioDirnscntitn (lar c teirs hol sirs ri to-s st etir5c s tatll r t l 5sf sircirThrs lrgsst is lig tin ioftheroom.sof risc irsu precsisdent, Dr. I rime sir ''i 11gitrs coloredcc pictre; res sic tH;sr Abciii iti ssrne iof sCleo.P. \\ 11ills. isir"Tn esir ourtsciaimsi rsth cla ',p l l sier cassofsoi eirs an leo ei ac" y Cntn is. I t i relii sn s pthrei I leecr Prof. Graham Taujior's Address. Thre Baptist chorcshseas packed yes- terday afternoon to hear Prof. Graham Taylor, of rtse Chitcao Commironso, in is address to tire Studens'rCihristians as- clation oni "Knighthloodt of tire Triers- tiethi Cenutir." Prof. Taylor spokacfir a tiore of the knrights errans of tire old chivalry. Tire loot uniticr of life rare Peers rie very tragedy of history. Arid yet dir- istisfiedirier stnillreels fortis lo-rt unty.'lirehprttliarsbeers a seeking for unriforitiy, u hotie cry liar conic to he noss fos a rcalusity. Inrthrisciureecrisis of tire miiddie aeth fiskngist errant arose. He rc Isirsm tuly.I-cHerckineicgreat notc or reaIisyir religion. I-Icsaid that 51 prorserry' really' divided riers, Ire would riot allots piropcrty to rise higher than menc.r lecsirutck tire rote of a religion slar wa s a relationsrhip oi all riers to sire fthrci od.i Whatlarm s arid diipiomracy coulrdriot accompilishs, tis man accom- puished reins irs religion of reiigiosrip. We'lcomredinirstire palaces of tire rich, ire cast iris lot reins the poor. 'These our- casts of riers irstire cerelties of tire age fell upon iris bosomr as to tire lore of miothser. Tire consciosnress of universal roan is beginning so darn. Refined mten and wo'mencr arecerring,"Vie trill he tire peo- pie." It isnlt tire discontrent of tire poor thirt promises to ore tire soming of a betcr day. It is tire discontent of tire eriilege lsse ls to bircak dossnistire liii wh5 iicirhld thm.iint ocial coscioursne s's is tranriscenrdingrsall na- tios.A greter epchdshan -s ivdual- rsts is cuosing.r It is thcecepocih of unity'. sh oileteet irs n asexpressrin si tis, cris 5e of sociltir- Sis stirs is ai' ddre ss irith stereofpticoni roiernFrencsri school' IcNerr tis rcec tcr; irthirs NE.J.N sir iccklior iinnd cii tiiled Gourd Fienscd's."Nx s Plot-laosriSihepirsa Stoisrrm, snotass esprecirally snotciwsrtsirs pictrecbyA.PF1 rs. Schsenik.IFollowcingis s Ct sic ParessincirHullanid,"iby J. H.L. De DHaais.Nexcaniris he ilowiicici cre of ih ralsisiiii A PRussianrs )ay ir Sprinrg,"Ibs 1. Lhlmlrski Thoug1 his is ai sirslpicureit svluableone Thie ratmosphrii cfct i's mnst stuccess- fli. Iitirhows a Ritssian lipostillisontcii rcerrsng' '5villagsc'osis's foggy andclsitdy din pringii i il thirsssscalIsouch of the icte rise imo st ri cns ictri i s5 r re wlrs. We5st If hi e dcriiiis 4 he Dic' uisseildorf t i-rile y is a( l eI sj Skia anrd'isc rmade cc risgrat iss anfir Bishop Gallowvar's Leeturzs Sundaylevninsgdcliivecied thsirerdiiecc ture sn sire'.NWesleyaniGrild scisiatithlie Mhretlhdist cirrshislic Irasiunrdurscd hey Prof.'lTrcebloodsuitsrecferred so tire oblisteration of sectional'in ries so tire recent star for humssanity, and expre sscd a dciiie to secelire old chrurchr and tire chrsclisousths runitcdilto one. Bisioplo waLtirry lauredciat once ir- "TheIicre us wcrstubjects,'raid ire, of mtorc intries st 5 tostdylthsir riscpeculirr chrsactceristisisof thsclecdr s. "Vshsci Gouih niceded a dccli serihie wanitcdl aliprpheit 01ors cirishandcasllcui- Goid wresists annsof nreir ndcorisi "''Sri suntin emihs sandsouca ___ ____ - - trine, Inis cif tineflest A uierr'rnuselt scs. G ,' C '''- ' -' ""'' '"'' -i -L: sn eers err srrir's iii arid aron dtrhrie Court- ; _," _' - P i nt Slrai rr'md li - I p tire insst es-'ens urn n-sansie C of a tsa i snrrnii werue c-inl in fucrlGils,1h11iscii triis ctherg. Orr Dfe-rings iree trass-n to nmarintaims a * -u - fotri yearshccciitee irishan inee recu ehmnr rhia Iliitin - omnu s sms irineu"m u Am :i; i~;;saW ts eeemiae ndvtt.h b -su mrfr hoerisc mes fot mon ti Ih ateni mc isc I urcin frilsemGiio mciif ith isharp e iiis d(lc clis'fo i s eantor tie Deroit b - MI.i Ii~t~incde. umii hecrum alar tethihic crnt~mss tudces nt bco yreIsI.ris Is etr 7 z, C 'ci hsp i ctit 01 br tinsr, abs u the s d5re illjibe he rd at iesnni s 1uin., n i for a f m u p ict luresf"T i rimsr ts 'sby curts dit-erso I ntni 'u 1 rCu u e A. Botgerat . hic s unduhtel} th I wnc denfu mrainn- in lctheo pht reseibiTaiccieirthiDtIi D t io n r n)tvlal tttgi n tefal . i encustine. c sicdnmimsrro is0 sh-ioa irimen"he ofTr pHis Geis . ie hio rads f h si torknsmhv t this e nei e of hes orItorrosi or n - s fitheir wcitias sup frillndntof esi DUD4II) brouhtiii luch a iX75000 Dsiretly ruinsnuns eHanduhmyssionrsin Torindoi nil i :oath of n d lmiiw' r it hi this stntsr longre siposeeiod, sdoo isthati' 55 51id5555 reirepcu- Sic is a3 rerun Sictre ' ii'sturicresoneopathicePractitionerswCourse VeirtrreomiIls--n l itdc 'iris mccl hindsl m vci ensurnn Ii heomr atos criscals 'ie -sf tidnt I NG ate .. Gtreoun11ds c Dot'ic su y n in r'cus nnuntthuse s ae a isucdoninn soPint stu dyalo itieof ss u e cti. nie Ile \(inr sin usf thelfnce Gei-nt ris he eserl olee. 'iroiio s aJ n eloue t seakIer uhlmuhf"enuts'. catShi n 1hism"'is y n V xele:Specun n o is ic'c irttrri en WjCA KN S 5ofis o ni ric ifNca rft itsist1 lard ' bu t "icy sduesuhehdsuSummeruree- ino Sicus hoo'ilcugu The _a t. i n ir2se t den s o wuereus - tinswil 1obalyIe uriced sohissled inint caPrtle \ r arinntinsdri nll is 1t Iiuand y DrI'rusiannert o Cucchools risolonthen Ins tir cer~e of ths inii nr sis hisngsuis n c hei lani yIt w~iches thetres Inites Iit. einiU f th us e t uw rei eitcedo tens c peai doun es t 'f incus honun turnmfnsIrniecnho icr ofentite sto wrsn the s s ri n 15 ft on iilihses tear fewhfpfier cil hs ofline ite gsameii s e aer s . iey Dsuesi i tisdn ofthlirryho l 5 . s s tossd i54.tor:h wicaliiinrthof the cincu s 'TeR- nunarmn. Nicysx hs L~J ~ S in h - unerees ireC Nn' eisue l5iterr7 ''' 18 - hadb'e r- Ii Arat runs o d'i Isi Scy er. i Tiis f ire Ho ey atiCusstiioe'slurs.m