4' THE UNIVERSITY OF MITCHIGAN DAILY. 1 Fine Writing BY THE POUND:- P pe 15c, 20c, 25c and 30c. Envelopes to Match. Agents for Geo. B. Huord's and Crane's Fine Stationery. $10000 In Your Inside Pocket Iscwhai you can cave on a suior ccercoat made aayourcorder by cc. Weccarant ea aperect ft orno aaw. lall acdalecec o bbygatioc ao buy, ccanicme n-e c a nt noer 3,00 nampleswcla - yo u.ca AllWl noitR andOcal t fr om ann$1200 up. God ich, Vlhr' & M rpyFron aaoa acer FRto anal DO 'YOU $1'OKE4? D. fR TINKERF & S0P., HATTERS AND FURNISHERS Headquarters for HAcc. CArn. Maca FUNSInaona and Comletice lincaof GyxomASIni OOcDS and SWcATERSn. AGENCY FOR LaONGLEY HATS 334 South State Stree Car. Macn and aHacon Strecc. Capital, itic,(. Surplus, $ ,0W. Transact ceeacllanknbicctca ccs. R.Knxn'r.,Pres. C., REGaaNa, Vicc-Pros FREc). R1 PELa a. Cachie. FIRST NATIONAL RANK a) Caital. Sim.' in. Scricuc and Prnot, 940,00 Transcactsa a nlbingkbusia n. Foreign 4 Pittsburg'Stogies fear E' Bill Anithioniy(Cigars for 4 BrunlliwCk Cgios for * . . 5c * 25c 25c i niri N mhcar Nun100 Visiting Cards Engraved withl)~ 44 50 MAIN ST., AexIchang (~ e bought and acid. Fccrnish leaver:s.o1 Cooper Plate, $1.25. ANDARORNMIH-0 E.. D. HKINNEPesa.HARRISONM SoITLE, ViePe.Febiuary Outing. Calendar. S.W. iLARKacON Ccasbier American Torchon, Raw Silk and Cheviot Outing for February is3 atmagiciai's Friday, Feb. 3 (evening), fist names- 116ie A i 1rboravings Bank Mat Boards. wand that transportsisIsriaders 0ut of -er clones.Fb -Fit eetra Cpial tckd.adee .uo Gnral nking Lowe0 thseir ensironmoenttho ighahegales of StraResourac cnes ca g" Study Fbi.- isrsmsere-iagn d nerteGeeail.lccakic ael Enchiantmient to far oildlainds aindpleas- amoftiothimene. ceaeceiveradpos iiathuand slnd MOUTIG OADS alit pastimses. Thle South niaturally Thusrday, Feb. f-John S. Crasby an 4cac. a. caraftccashbed upccaprcola idencinication. MONIG "ORS claims a prepionoderance of spsace, for Single Tax in Good Gavernment Club t1 cEr-oChristian Mack. Pes.; W.DHarri- Poster Papers in all' the Popular Colors. luere Itse o)lortunities of outdoor lifte oo o.2mP.an Vcre. CasctEctier c.Cshe;M are its 11 way restriceod by olitiatic (Friday, Feb. 9, annala Junior Mop in(' c onditios. 1 sere is fishing for 1th. the Waterman Gymnasium. W. ARNccacI stVie- pres 81~E Ahn e n ( ransas as. off thoeITexas Coast.nia debate.JH.C AT, st ahe achtinII ~ 111 g en i-hoeidremy vsaloi s ooious conertNK F FebUI . Ns elan ec ti e 0 t . 10-Annual cner rthe 'Var-.AN -h o dl I Clary oeelheSouthernll llsolt ClubeAci sty muisical aloha at Unfvernity hall. 'Transacts a general Publiohere', Bllelkelle-cs, Stlittilucers, Northern irl'it 1v1111011of aiGaaalIt Monday, Feb. 12, seeond cementer lOcukii gliusines a11111Engravers, fro010 th1" p01' and 11011011of thelioftled begin. daulghter ofI Stoil111Quaiy.IThoire15 Saturday, Feb. 17.-St a alcntinec s Makers at Wi 110 lda l ting 11in oct Virginlila, T30ES fDrum at Harric hall-after- v COLLEGIATE CAPS. "T and the Skipper of theio ) eooti tellsi GONan 1DS loss 11e1ipilod hlrth1111011Illaeiidsunoon ana evening. ON n oGOS ANN ARBOR- - - * lIfCtIAN Ices 0o1110 Soili. 111o11 \eswNMo1k to ; Tuesday, Feb. 2l0-Sousan Band in S. CRSeSocrip ~Ns a Be1111011),11an1 111111). Diunn, 1110 0.1111 LC A.Course. It4 SPECiecOPY. U. oF V, Barber VAPOcR T ?s gt.ol expertIas nhs~l- isic~ally Ohurniay, Feb. 22.-Freshmeon law Gnn 5NS The Galci Clea n ty10,N 111 eilhISuleliSCvt 5 GNS. CASSo an BahteCi tiy lea-fomII 0Richmioild h e l iioliti !banniuet in Elike, 0.a11.COLLtEEFAS op nd at soaenble races. 'CLASS PIPES, Root 1S, 322 nTATE. J .Trajanosandb G(oolatote xreesouth of N clody, Fb 3"APrinGarden," LASSTAvTIONERY, Floida. I v11~clen he fitilln 1is 11ainly jin 1ChorallUiolun Seiios. COLLEGE PINS. t lllulSouther lvi lv olKentucky 711o11011-It COLLEGE 11brd; ad Ceitleiwito Ciinvoisiot A neline 11o001 Ii..uattan Shirts SPECIALTIES fIR ER 111reinIiii_ kl t hle Iintliill 11us111illat 'adleaiins, Ryan & Iteule. W, C OKDN- & CO. OUf5IeGN rEE S SFTISFnAG -ION vomall l d"indl hlial:Bousif lthe SoieeuhenS. Stain at!1EAfi=-- tdeZe"eaheuiulylusre. tFtRvnhSt UINIVERSITY SCHOOL OF Inded il iitill) 110 hesaiid to os- Dri Victor C. Vautclacs, dc-in of tlb11.1. p iavmakouluuililtfor litbnary. mi ca11011depalrtment, ri usill spook at th" '"A sice to Tlc Nlnli f tNatIll l-i1 annua l icutilugof utue WViscoiisin Alumnii 1' 'i 0 ili5 vhul lllllriana ~e' PINK BROS., Instructors Acrn elitoeline of A'dleriblsefi e no--1 - Sir- ua L ,5 V'I~~a-~oerao uitziWalliti s FRyci& Reuile, 100- A5n ine of Manhattan SiPsJst Tpe - Offee and Acadamy, Nickl Hall, 334"33601. hate i90 Mii s in at Wai-c s Ictlan & Reule. See Tobacco .lC why Old En- lhem. otShStain street. atnictn etia UII h Curve S1CI10 5N . M . -' CI l SP CAL HL'AY OFFERI All seor iisrerr 'rquested to cite Studenets ore cordielly inivitedl to in- n revui iroftieinit ailonsthe vsisv to i-reelt rc aecite li sonf0suaita, over- Cut pipe to- One ctftiese . vend nat sa uhey wuilile l -ipri-itoI ceat, t 'cnci a urnisi nge andi hats ac ss I i-cormthis le c OtulItittei-iolfCthe nm erc V dhaceeclRyen Iteutle, S. Mala at. aC is o $3LIN .00 ltov v isl __________Th omeopal~thic lhospital ls 50 pa- j \ ppular .,. NAUGHLIN FOUNTAIN t ii ots ileotsill uiIts Nvas. Tdv he mans waard. The curved tt. , o et ct ec..atGi-" Cl is cowvdeed to is fullost rapacity amid rente iostpion cu e kno ri ld i-CIet I it Ucivi-rvlty lu-ll. Fterr-iv toe ocely .. 1r \i i Co-onMServ ptiet s haive 11a11to lea turned away. tin box that tits any pocket is another $1th. JO l tma-oatSQ- Piaya0hosnotltrthani r e 01Cc ttebvu-iSamuel O NMast luas blieacappointed I l7h.pollendor7of Colgyinlope Collage. reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever Dr, AthurE._Gle______r.___ made B as many friends in so short a time. 5iAnywasyyoualigaro It PRceIT tte 1VI 0 i-t. cike ( iict us i ---1 Ps-retv- sill vieak in iiit e1.E.cehuchl. Bishop I; t 1- Tncc ei uci liceh1-dy-i-icc- Gtlloa1 iscase taong thcenmostI;A trial box Will be Sent to any one The itb u -eumecmncreheae ii urio c-etl iiicvi D,- I- ceuluntI tuuss intoeSotuthm and it seas I anywhere on receipt of ten cents in Itse yoiur-chictoticeatit, -FINci -llpesnti-' ylir~ it Ia .-t ollytle1cr very uinent solicitation that - n, cdte o n inonStanmps. Address Old English De-I' -1ATrc'o-r,71 "II't i a nue ocm oAnAbr acamynaveracecentcc a~oddeue tre eottev Onon ti I~ystulriotvsll boi-tropnto theparmeentcThe erian bTbacc ccciii' cul t-c. , kr iss ' t i p itt Ic it oguvusucut se N tHi ujc ilb . tohto h f:fra at fte rga ie ain. Co., IIl Fifth Ave, New York City. is n o teicndcplatoi re-_______________________________ All dealers sell in. -r c . cityoc cutrdari 'anal rea uciday. b one t t 6hee It 0-s cc gocti8anmyle dreicad.Aess. LAlGHLI+N MNFG. CO 129 Griswold SI., Dotrol ,Mich. Any asklor xt lr payi ATTEiNTION I .._ .. _._...,. ATTRACTORS Our WJipdow of FEWICY St-IRTINGS SPALDINGS Official Jibictic 6oods Oficialuly adcpted by the leading Coluleges. virclnltcud Atbleii Clubs of tun Country. ... neVERYREUSITEFR.. Bare 1c 11 Tr::aia Foot iSalt Atlirtlra Spalding's Official League Ball IsctheuOffical Baloila the Natictal Leecee an' all readiriaeaolle..aso ciations. Spaldings Base Ball Guidelfor 1100, 10. PHandsoeCatCoe A. G. Spalding & Bros. of AtleiSpecie re ane oyaddress. NEW YORK, t c AoaaaVE . COAT, SHIRTS C.OLOR1 OR Fn '"UP-TO-NOW" PRODUCTIONS CWAGNER & CO. Hlaberdashers - . w . x. ARD Ira NOBBY TAILOR STATE ST.