4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. lWc. 1 OCR AYe have bought the re- -mander of the editljee of the 10000o In Your Inside Pocket Iscwhat yucan sae ntsut or ovecoat had toyurorerby us. W guree a perect fit or nosale. Call andsee, no obligaton to huy. Our imense assortmetotf sver 3,000 samoplee wilpleaseyou.All Wl lSaits and Ovco ats froma $12.00 up. Goodrich, W ler& Murphj, FotRo vr Ntoa D. fR TINKER & 0SON HATTERIS AND FURNISHERS Headquarters for and Complttlineeof GYMcNeAU GOODeSand SWEAERnS. AGENCY FOR Od NGLEY HATS 334 South State Stree ORfIGL[ 1 / i sole Wettestday, Jlllll- lly 24tht at l0c [ACM Sh66Ihan & Go. Publisiters, Booksellers, Statitonero, antd Engravers, -32058 STIXTL ST., i l -kNN .ARBOR- - - - - rIICFIIGAN U. of M. Barber VAPOR BA5THOS ' Shop and Bath te itRe-1 RP' OT n, 1322 STATE. J. R. TrjannwskiY ' z.lDf2 N EERIS3RTHS- F TION , UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF e DANCIN~G Gten lnnn'nhbeinning claw, Mondy8to 10p.me. Ladtli'ob'nning clotss, WetlO8 to 10 p.mc.d PINK BROS., Instructors t Offiace and Academy, Nickel Hall, 334336 S. State SPACIA[ HOLAY OFFER ! A M A NK E inll i fIIanimT!tt EON E Y Coo plainocnd.cllsleehlcts. Ccptt , ea Ote. Srpls, $3000. Tcnsct DURING VACATION gReral cr.i~ Slodott Agents Wanted to Sell FIRST NATIONAL BANK t nnAlie Capital, $10,t00. Ottpits ecn l Poi, ES0,00 r H EE D E S et. rresacsgenercallbakin sicesscic. Foiec tc Fcld rnocih lttes of sedit.eo~tn od r..-B IN D R cE D.INNE, Poo. HARRISON SULE, Enquire at 340 South State, F. J. SCHLEEDE. m ~ ~~rSvn~Bn aptlSokE50,0 . Srplsee ,0 . D O T ® ( ® " heocrc. $1,00,00.. othIlic State. Receesdpoit, ly and ells ecneoen the principal cities o the United State. Healer cashed pec popee idetifiation, . $.j..g.$.I.H~jq.j...j j. .ISaetcy depsit boxcc to ent. TOeccnto UCcitian Mach.Pee.; W. D. Hri Hrian, Vice-Fre.; Cha. . Iicoce, Cahie;M 4 itsur 5C L o - - - . FitM, Asitnt Cahiee 6 Bill Anthloiy Cigars for 25c d,. a. B, PEar . STfTE W RoDltVcprs4 Brunswick GCaias for - .25c Ja..~H icpe ~ IO Old Number:op 44 S0,MAIN S., D AN & OINK ANN ARBOR., MICH. I M N d"C . ranants ageneral CNIVERSJT'Y (OR COSMOS) CLUB. Calendar. Bankitig Business Those who- acs received ards le re- lsumsdoy Fe. I- Faculty Cotcert 7"Makst mof altio Ila theoposed Uiversiy club l- COLLEGIATE APS, -or cwhatovos it mtay be calledae ree Memnos-lotHll. GOWNS and HOODS, ugdtot mate an early esone.A rday Feb. 3 (eeing), firt seete- 1 I Reellea a spec(i comte i okngu oue e coeCAPS nd GOWNS slc~cal cetctlle 10iotoltt~, t o oesoletrlsIl 5SPECIALTY. and mansy 10plaetesioie, amoncg Saturday, Feb. 3.-First semeter ex- CLASS CNES, ethh Knse iught lhouse ti'double smcatoea conmmenee. ( COLLECE FLAGS. homenof0 tie Alforitoanot oherssnearby Thursodaly, Feb. -John . Crosby o -CLASSSTAIOEY, *ogl hTax i'nccchbe Goc clF~e c 1 l ood Oosertttcot I'lb COLLEGE PINS, I i and oStat0 e rtsheo ldt Masontscct out seCOLLEGE crcct-hos tte o odtccvuean FidyFeb. 9, antieal Junior Flop IO..IRN& C vaiu /ohr. ledietrshv.toeVcater~cmanGy'mnasoioumc. 'lee-led r F.11.Ide-Ill sectr''andl tOEtFit-eencthStc e CH. Teneysctcyreacutes.Anocther meet- 5Frda, c trt9-Michig'oes-Pensoyla. - OltIAilI, IL. in, of stockoholdler s ot11 sowncsbhoheld usa debate ot cchicchthetsnamesqciarticlso for Feb1S-Annutal concert o te 'Var- Asiet nu oosshec sssoand oiher matters oct11 be city musiclal clubs at Univerity all. U)I, pipeul" dcetermincstoo The mi-meeComos seemesOMonda-yhFeb. 12, secontd semeseter - oeran tb Osuch~ I ins faor. bgins. Pipe~fr ! oerao A ne line of Mhanhattan Shirts Saturday, Feb. 17.-St v alentinens Tobacco . why Old En- clst isa at Wtadhams, Syan & Role. Kse-eo Drum at Harris hall-After- .ntctErotAa uh uv doe themt, S. Main st neon and evening. - ls uv Ar THE THEATE. uleesday, Feb. 2--Sosuss d it S.Cut pipe TETto.. .Core R:et-yloody'e faoree, artistic anolacOISS Thursday, Feb. 22. -Freshmse loose locor Foaney Rioe, etinetly an act- bnqcuet in Elks, hal. popular ... 'ec of ge-at merle sand pSoessritng a0 rigisoal feed of butteor, wch s 10ous- Friday, Feb. 23-A Pcrs-in Garden,' " The curved -croled by aeyother womoaen on the in Choral 'Unions Ser. lace,suppolored hrton ad-mirable out tin box ifot fits any pocket is another sooy, soill be the attratioe at the A omplete line of Adler ro. fne tilesestheatre tonight. uts at WY.dh, m, Rtyan & Reule, RB0 reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever Seudents arecrordially invied oh in- 02 . Main St. made as many friends in so short a time. rest our ocompioite lines of snit, ever- "tdsponsn n. gate, mn's furninhings and hats. ENJOYABLEF HEATH] EXE ILdspoit o n. IVdhamni, Ryan - Rule, S. Main st. CSE. A trial box will be sent to any one OST-A 3-caliber revcoler on 2 Pogramesill ho isedolThersday anywhere on receipt of ten cents in ocolock car frocm Detroit, Friday mightstamps.nAddressdOldcengCishsDe- uight. Finder pleaseoeas's at Daily dauciug. A couple of houseelax-a- p.AdesOl nls e s~oe -5. lconfsoo sct-koril Isyoc ~ to4 partment The American Tobacco _________________________ Co., t[[ Fifth Ave., New York City. a All dealers sell it. ATTE TIONSPALDINGS Official 101,VIPATTRACTORS Iltbetic Goods Our ~i~ow f Oicially adped y the Ieading Our /irdot ofColleges, Scoel o d Atleic Clothe of the Conty. -SH RTSFOR Fl~ , RAD VF NCY SHIRTINGS _EVERHRcEQUIITosEsORe Ian 11.11 Tennis - COAT "UP-TO-NOW" Ret Bal Athleicue COLOREDeleO H heRieaSiT PRDCIN Spaldig's Official League Bll - OR WAGNER & LO. strOiilantd 1I lteedNgotionale caosse Spldings Base Ball Guide fr 100, to * 'i i WHIT tlaberdaslers ~ ojosoe e;e aA. G. Spaldig & Bros. 'anyaddres. sNcE OR,CemAOtENVR M I L A DNOBBY TAILOR STATE ST. ? .;,; g .;.; ,, .. ,,;Y . ., _tr:;:; , "'i ,; ,;' ; I Z '' i .11^!x. At ' " l r ''I K' , ' . ::: ' are .q 1 h'.= 4 'tit '1 T:. . ,. tv 1' Oneo ese $3.00 E LAUGHLIN FOUNTAINL PENS =_ set,ostepaicd,onets week'stisal S itesotlsuiteyec,WEeneUY eU ssocsoandclofferpyou !$1n10 far it. f it sails YVflHlAnE If itldnes sal sailt tu MAuE A Any may yoa figure it PROorIT Tiis thechet pent tce. tiere- iesseurchancert It c i-FIST tinlytoeoen1settroetina ddress i e fis o c. ii "G&A gifttofcev'r endlincgusefuls- tess'andacclat~tt leavntc' retm- i vindcer ef thie cr. Get posseorer sits caly-order tcoay. State wheteladoy's tsr- get' tyle is deied. Ao'drett LAUGHLIN MNEG. CO. 129 Griswold St., Oetri', Mich. fAy akorExpressCoio-pany in C 1' n C' S a c V I i, Tj lThe... A NORTH SIDE ) LAUNDRY TWOS. RhOWE, Frapr. 1003 Broadwnay. 057 Bell Phone THOSE NOBBY . GOLF