PRCE -to cloeoremrainder fGtok-on the et line of strctl
custom-made shirts ever shown in the city. The patterns are choiceiREUE 1 l adecsvanthylohveaftueogsuhtndhtyo
can get nowhere else. At the price one forty- nine-they will he
snapped ip riic.
Ike mistake i styles hee (3O DSPEEMDS
The NiaaraFalls Route" lReuitschlev, the lhotorapher. T E ESTMAKS O
si eSADR iMEa, Mdno is 111111
Taking M m 9ircEfc ieber59,1899,,, utr
Deri i ht7 i-5 Es.n[Sich asJsiph Birman ,',Weihitnsu' ±
Fae s tie-iLnesic 9i,2e1ee3.tsecNe" ise
Mail a die c . .. ...........9 40 A. ML
iiceeNgtSes9 43 he F !ine Ta4lor inga e You
Pacifi L c . .... ....-. ic1 0 '5 c-
Steameship Tici~ecisal Casses iCadmciit
Europea poiiets tiroecstraes. -Fullii nior -5 ur OCEESINS Fne
m ationo pi c a ton . cthingotolypaeintect
O. W.BRUGGLES, 1.I. S, Trade of the City. weeIo a e hm
- t ?> p BURCH FIELD. -106 EAST HURON STREET Th I5urum uStudio
A - --.- I'i7ADI)ENS 1111CC (F FLATS. SF.rNiFR MAY O1AK1ItS F.
Tic ti-i e iccipr t en ertae-ineer Her eii Regnir, c-hosna tethr 112 W Huiest St N SPhone 119
AN ,TEIIVLHTI 2 THKH, MrlFarielees Rost orfpltsF' iiilee l eennlec i ecC f he-(er lcFtc
TIME TABLE thlie celicam eattrcion it theAeses sirsXii isicc' Haresd s cmngcirs h ate
Taing Er, Sunda, AMar 21, 1899. iieae lis risiy, Feb. 2nds. -The Flat'eest"o C iilhiceagos criiti ~ Ath atr
Trains leaecAnnsArbcr by Cets-at Standc- isaIegiiisicrir1c n ierhe lerc e-iii ccerl
SO T n m ks1 ig- bisror piuilicrfacoi.seesik eeaticiani. tisse cttil b1Jll 5ad FuF nny Riin
5OCT11 N T h icks s i a it i i an i n i e 1055 Friecrri cM ernii'ec Feesit."
No fi. - ellA.,it N N . Mla drlc escseandei i ecf surissiicitccigl 4 dIii. s r icir, aletse dfereu
c- e .1 5o -lc . >".A W ndrfl oman"
No, 4. 8:60 c-li- iNo. 3.- 45 P. n. siclile; lihiisccnci sede iii is byole it er A cere l n iegei tte cW nci
_therus-ua cluiiexlii ofilthe 51111pr-- ylounglgors, 511i155re151 nr
ka rbe rcx line Arbicir andelToedo sly enis use isrocionsiidc rt1111 oIn ie il t s"el'or "Sy eelslisls," a oloer f WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3
Al trin dal yexlv cpt Silday. lllslse l sen I csgtirPasu iil l i\ iu rd Scph.u lls r ie
I' .N Et' . LnaOl, Agnt. aldi 15511s5a5,P0 1 ill Sc isht 911
Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- isccasisual oI ie-ssclass miceaee el dide ts his ples sbishedeaspot e
bar Railway. comises ch c ec -rsie d sel cineg r- o cri ers ie 1515 clii, I a.d' - p
ss -s Tiseseistis& (I ineie ieFoi5ur t- alnI dliced s beat, t,- ie s ald s~ ArrA ites MFfiOEN S eOW OFFLTaS
Crs leave for tDetroit andiYtpsilanti ercseliie -Loi iei y ies cTiicllt
every half hour, egitning at 715 a. m ox. o uiLzl CniaCa."ePreeLln-
until 7:45 p. on; After IliaCticolDetroit A. Moirgn, IBobbye Uleccee, Fulls.dc- Hes awicarddcthe lies tl orNEW TERM
at 8:45 p. u, 9:45 p. ox. and l1:s5 I.un, cen Harry Wasoni, W. A. Rocbitnsoc Isis -i siks by lies FrsenchAaeyn
Waitiug room, corner Ann aud Mtain anid a coterie fcarinlg eand tleedcie linle89,ws ade cshaliero h A C N
sts.; D~etroit, 111 Griswrold St. gil o icrme5a cries. "HsFeeiteiciscLegiineocrHoinor. Fas scranyluce nams
eumptuouos tmannecriis ses atnd PHOTOS FOR THtE HCHIGANEuN GRANGER'S ACADEMY.
will no doutbt rpeat its succese cC ihe SIAN __________________
BREAKFAST - ANN ARBOR paseaos. The maximom time limit alowed to RA IGDIY
M.seniors for handing in their photo- REDTE AIY
SU R- S L UIS, NOTICE ALL-FRESHMEN. graphs and censs slips for pbic _
9Wtion is as follows: For literary and f "
WAAHAll mney oIr Al-Frcshmectsswea-gnern students, Feb. 1; for lawCld
WABASH _ FAST TRAINS rs ms e in to mc by oext Thus- stdets, Feb. 2. I .da.H .CAFS arnedfrIYa
FREE - CHAIR CARS- The Ann Arbor Music Co. have -f-
Howard hats at Wadhams Ryan & some inucementu to ofer stu $100
Rcule. Bst hat on the market at dents on tsble board; also one suta W M.Anld Leding
R. S. GreenwoodelIVY.5FA Chcago $3t0. 20-202 S. Main t of roons. 1~'~ f~U Jeweler
We_______ hu have room for 12 0r15M more The Saurdyevciening asseenby 'at The Most Complete Line on
boarderdsr at $272 a week or 21 meal Grangers-8:30 oclock-Chesioain s i LOWNEY
unticketo at $3It at Purers Cafe. nmusic. Univrsiy sudcntsls ste9-tr5i4 CHOCOLATES
H C0K IN G VA IL EYBY. Good board guarunteed Steward Sigma Kppa Upsilon tienIond at Iu the ciy an bo foud a
wanted. 0 . University av Pa thc solesr class social mcy be secuess
by calling at Dity ofcec.13IL~~
TRAINS DAILY 4 WANTED-A partneu fot my law -H. V. 13 55 GOD 338 S. Sate St.
Breteen Toledo oand Clumobus,ussiogCUniin bulsiness nd libay Libeal termsB-
dpot in boils citics. offered. Edward O0 atns Lowell, 'WiANTED-steward frcia huse a- jj MARTIN..
Thog lee oWsigo n atmr.Mcl 0 oroaigtev ores n ,GREAT ROILROAD lusre at 1H215S.LUniversiy a-ic to3FUNERAL
TH OKN ~LYiThc record cdrop kick (notCci go ) DR C O
i172 let S ichs;licheet piece kiklo le pCcce nsltomso rr setmDIECTO
Embalming Writebeuplacedhonssine toneiteessisis5200 fe-miugA a peilty. No- 209 . 4th
L.wfrOIN udrteseo o ees sssI isg aci95occlock at 1-telersdow-i town, 0Ave Ambulunce night nd dy. Ie-
L. 5. FortMi, Dirli 5inchecs. endaccIHanserer's, SIsic Si. idence 302 Fifth Ave.
See the " jJ rF0"135c
And You Will Go No Further I0E uo t
-'C i- - r r-r- r-r 7r -=110-E=F r. Hu S ronr- - jt.
O A vr id EOH DEELEmbalmer and Y 13 East William Street
Evr idEOH DEELFuneral Director University js ohlfw block weAll Fin
Mre. Enoch Dttorle, Lady Assistantos la e-uiligblrbkiids
of.reiaiwnganeaingdone.Randall Fne
Both Phoneis No 8. '. shn-INo. 110 E. Liberty Street. Residence sM She3ho3s E.La bet' hto
ton Si., A:.,i.55r,,r Fourth Ace, Both Phoorolsm.E.L m et