Thy. Ul GN L1h .x 01 MICHIGAN DAILY Amonq the Colleges- ; fIAbout thirty- ren are la-ying faa- ',h, Puaiinhed Daily (Sundays exa-et,6 larig tha a clags veea, at1 uHS U Iv GIty OF I ' 0 OFFICE: The IllanalPre., Heasia lilock.1 Bothalh Ii an,.I;, NI I-AGI NO IEITORl. F. Ehasss~Aaaa,'51 L. I BUSINESS IATAAGED.II ct. 11. TAN,. W L. ItHalii rd laingĀ° ha ba al at P-'nayi- { itl a 'anad lliaar tis> aillai. A toa: ealila at ift al,nla-i <,a- miinute'anal ahalf, aaill take piaa: on jtMay ttla. It awil haeaiiule aonly in i aaorgia, to aihlsaataeilaa Easta-a Pavo astsla wiltsant alaering par- fr. MAIN TAL1j ON A VITAL) (11 I CC-rlrp ii MENS GYM SHOES, SWeight iaOGalacas. Best Back tanned Elkakin Bala., Fall autside back stay one piece, lace facing and tip, ,$.3 all sizes $2.aa, naw LADIES GYM SHOES, weight anoas,all 98C. aizes, $1.25, new yC GMass's Clearinq Sale. ATlal E TCS, G 1.)I. It. NTtn l,'0a Hai' alef atd heia n1adians i aI{~i~i1$ T. I.It la, o, '0alit . sIt. tall aaa L, 1E Ihoc ey an 2,iby a scea f a to 11avan A. G. it3aaaNNs'.. . 1. Wooal),a 00, sa alisaanto a vaaa Nvaater pl teamla ___-________-aei -P.NI G. J. MNTaaxnll Iall,', . ID. It slatY ' , h a awlit -aaaom p a'itha As.ti1 Yaa-l laae malo aaaldsaaa ofLi Htaa- tang laaritI a alast, ekinSanl t~la-alla antd - - - - ill entel a nderlllabilt tlaia l. t}, i 1 Thwllallll~ esa a ll~ slaf aalaill lreseaat pePI Ill us o I tl - hoa lllt a, a saltestmui ca a lais, d h hnnnala s n tiiitrcls . s J nh a atnIYwihlaa theylbeaaaaeneplaatedlto a aaaii } aaaiahia hanbcipati-i aayb let aie lttsllale , taisa spala ;lit h a ll trail s i lii- -aaiaed report1in ro l y a t thi slli 11151 11y Islilsre of i n iest spo tI There is to be Bett r roitac SAll ll ~aiaa las n ndv~r i I lls m atter lteina 1a til tt ~li~, Sln teoffceaby I p. in. on te a y prevl, ous 111 hat metstahrtecrst o . or on whgch. th a i~a a ia~ley are toel P11111 stallb\Ii t A ll E sn ui ve i ti lslll ~'as 1-4Off Means - 109 South Main. TILL ON... tmay cease as suddenly as it d. Bear that in mind and by it. Unicersities of Illinois. A pamlet otten ou. ait lay lthe nat - snxe-catinva laalllllll (las thIll Illianais Young MtensCtisltiaIll Assoaa tion111o101 tainls a lablaeatfslala a ai- a a oftheli slate, saomea Iof11whichaal ,arey inter1- The, talia-anty of1Chicago st1 adsalt1 thaeaeaaalinlptintloI hea th 11, intsibuila- igs bein~g valuedaat a $,60a,000, ad ill amounllt aol taloduaatiaa fusa$5,000,000aI. Chicagoaaaa to1tIa a ot ,307 stlld11111, awith 1,2938 in theand111 1sadlalia Ill ata- Norhsaa rntaaa5. a vlaalay tyll h --- as ,599 sudenais. Thel- Pava aaily aot Illiaois i tirdaataaitha 1515 studeatls. Laksi PFarest ashplacadIfIuat inpaainta alt numlbers, -wilath 1.39:;sataaaenslaaall thes Laaleaa Foraest's graunds anadtbuiladiags a-e-vaaueaatal $42,000, and its 1amoun11 t o taprod tcaia- tfunds is placed at $550,a000. Its fIa-ally is compoaasad af i1t58 pma,.VWe havs nat aerifiad thease slateme lnshbt giva theml as thay aptaaarad as theiaamaaaph- ltt Prstetsor GaorgeaIV. Patterson, at tiha phyaias departmeant awill givean11 addssaon tha subjet at Liaquid Air in Chicago Saturday, Fatbruary 3, ha- fore tha Narthuaestarn Alumani Assacia- tian ac the Massachausatts Iastitute at Tachnology. A snwavarlsonstrigaonmletry, aaila logar-ithmia and trigonomeltrie tables, has appaared frnis the pablishing fiiai ot Allyn & Bdacoa, Bostan. The authaas a Elmear A. Lyman ot the 'Miehigan StatseNrmal Collageanaid Edavin C. Goddard of the Uiversity. Substaiatia-llasian hblitMartinus Lather (Bibalanslage a-an 1545) is the titla nt thta thesis at Dr. W~arran IW. Florar, in- straetor ia Geriman in thae University, awhieh has reently been publishled by the Iantandi Press, Anni Arboa-. T1is is thte-thesis sabmaitted by Ma. Floa- -a-fta the degraa at dator oaat ltsatalay ata Cornel Uiaversity. After sevaral years afitniaetivity and alinast oblivisn lthe lmaseal rlubsare to apapear again amngnst us aith all thair old-tinma glory. Theirantorcead vaceationwhich tollaaved a tang abase aea-ssa thaeconetry seeias ta have given thornenwavstrength aiad they sill thais year give a cancsit thaat -\, -]irve tham avorthy oaitg. : ad to rtl e s-aj U~nivemsits-. 'ha ;. - .lpar- ,,n ' at Ann A: 5ar in UIal aity I- a:n February tenth. I retonaPin-setonais Iatoahave an ill I aaa- a--a a CornellIIin ta est~ablisha 1 a ,alayar all ill tlaaaa-aHalt. Praafe-sotale anis avainag a .11- scr11is ctpiead aainaaaaaah andC1111i for 1-ta-Ia-a at lOien,,taltseari--s. he - olgc,-ia-aaay in ltaaagaaaaaa is a a-a iin luatattist palmaa-laetaaafloosand11111111,. - eli-illpt, lioe athetase aaill soon be lil its wIay t)am11raadage. 710 tla ~ aI all re ps aaf tala vrs all 'lis-aaasiaa fotalal teamaaa ousnt1d toa $26,9871.5, anaaathel- tattallpendi a-res $24,9,1.40,lavaiag a tiall lalgaino 01,11 tedtatthal,-unaaierslay 1pl1aaan aaaraaf-tablaall gamles o Tansgvig laly. It Illas totad by theastudntals 11o1 to1 comp11lyaawilah thair rean sa Hdarar~ldthahaowaaaasoaa,,l ccne club. Its ,siaenba astait nisa-aafaa doz atn oraamore men lnohal toaiaaain imlprovaaatsaeial oardea, awha iaaet laa- tformllaly avery aeeks in otaiohe' -aos sand adiseuss laroblelas at'at-rast ta hum~aanity. Oeaassinl1Iy ad,,an-a are giaen byamena proin-nt ithe aayaiel at socaialism.a Lost Night's Whist Scorns. Tha talluawiag al-a the asres in last night'slaay oathlisaWistelsib: NORITH AND SOUTH. Aaea-agea - - - --..........2:11' 0Oaersnaitha and Haisel- --.......233 Veal IlandtBannetth- - - -1....... 32 Btabc-ocak and Smaith- --.... .... .230 EAST AND WEST. Averaga- - - --...........240. Paddaoek and Marshall- - -Hf..... 4 Raiver and Blillhairt- --. . .... .244. EUTHYMOL AntiasepticaToashand Mou~th Washa, Itc otle. Euthymol Tooth Paste At opalllarallrealiaaal te i fI esa2at lastalga TOOTH BRUSHES TO MATCH Q uARRY 1S C~A.PfratSt2tdMRttGSTO '1M JOSEPH GILLOTT'S STEEL PENS.- GOLD MEDAL, PARIS EXPOITION, 1889, AND THE CHICAGO EXPOSITION AWARD. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. i t t Special Neckgwear SoaJo 50 cent Puffs and Alscots flaw 35 Cents or 3 far $1.00 ,20.00 Sttitsandit1Oveteoats $5.o 18.00 cc c1 c 1 01331 15.00 a t $1)2 10.00 <<