3.40f 9444Pa2 VOL. X. ANN ARIBOR, IIICII., WEDNESDAY, JAN UARY 31, 1900. U- EX-SENATOR PATTON. are guided by dark-hued Egyptian I II ____lads. One toilsome day we were pro- STo Delioer Washington's Birthdail reeding slowly along our way, thQ tad Address-Former Speahers. urgin the donklsyo with vigorcous No. 93. Diploma Freshmen From Michigan. The rattle below gives the number ot Michoigano freshmten enterisng tram at- credited diplomat schools for the taut T Fine H WINTER and SPRING E Suitincgs, Golfi Suits, Fancy Vestincgs. T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY AWe Carry the Largest Stock L In the City o 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. WILDER'S SPECIAL lisrefeotatrandtot tooth btuses ltstwilt uted ttheirSbrittle. lVerestplacs nit dreetiveons 25( Wilder's Pharmacy T Thblct omoromittee is thatgetotthe poosfront toe rtoss hen I ftllitotfOre years, and the tt Wasingt to's BLtrhdysxercses hasyctvrati ont'woth the booy' as ftc ts samoe iperiodt. H beets fottunatic nasecrtttng tot that o oths undertandsng of Otylasguagest, and_______ castonex-SentorrJohntR. Patton, of myoapp totitinot's wouldtptrt. E Grtnd Rapis.SeOnatosrtPattoniso a 'fht s ohissnasue's tasksedithsi oey cssrholasly tmoto being .s gsaduae ythtoughts oly upon the issossdiami ofiYTot, anti hassaatisonsoatlreputaionssutrounditngs.ttImasgne noysastontsh-t wet he te nserset eAdrian . ; asaour oftthte smost arcotto 'issied and sAetlesohesnth.an..e.se.t.te...eat3 polisheseakrsinthtcunisy.aWile tohsroughtthosansosf stosessitsote Alpena ......2 T riesen .aeoprecedting sI-s-sse attrld.Ann Arbor....40 tootvs, he vs sonett of thcenoost initluen- ttHss namoe" repeated the lad, His St. Thoms' Aam istao bsuobt oueMrta ~ s K alanoazootsSchool.....1 tial nd abe mebers n th MichganRattle Creeto.... 6 delegatiosn 'atWasingtons. Sinre his 'I base no doubt,' said Ptesisdent Roy City ....4 'retiremerni tssss the snato be hat do- An grit, 'that thot t beets able to en- Belding voted hitattenton entitely 1o hit bua gage himn suffirienty in eotnvsersation Benton Harbor.. L iness isnteets and taken no artive part I should hate discorered that the ant- agittuiuea in polities. hih Patton sc " ----otter tual avas notued in hossor of the junior Big Rapids ........1 0oa the day, this yeat's exercises on senator tram Michigan.' Ferris tIndustrial Washingtots aBirthday ore assured "ute usrtI i eprecs tntitute .... "Frterilusrain hs xprincsBirtmingham...1 R of ranking wi th those sn pant yearn. i h atadtefeunyo h uhnn. . TheonttheteasteanddteofrequencyyohaOtto luhanan...... The atet's reod o Febuar hoocc stuns when )he hail been madeCaue. . ) boon obsrsed or she University nmeawro f h -reahngiCuecs aoa ... . . . awreo te a-racig nfuncs fCassopolis .. or tesregular ly snce 1660 with asspra- the people and :institutions of Michigan, Cedar Rapids... priate exerises. A poartsot tint of the President Angett said: Chanopion ..... - speokert is gsaven below. A complete "'When, a ten' yeart ago, the Ar- Charlotte .... list is not obtainable aa no official eec- nsnoresceathirct, Chebuygan ot' ofthecotbsaion ha ben sptthese nors it a tat intorior iotna'saClyde The list is' cotmplete since 1686: sul Sthgnsaos ncag tflaae . 1868. President Benry P. fappaon, t ns-Cntnie ... asmissionary nochool.'d'he scenesstaily sCoststnno vesiyofMihga.see bsthrd in blosod, and her poti-Brts .. 18020. Sporthsaby atudenso eau ...... 18-1.No peialtin soarsnot only dangerous hostacel Detott rentral ...16 1. N iecitexercissnwaere hold. nih usstenabler except its constsant foerar aitrnH-igh 18-2. 'rho'HBotrable Thomsaa.1 0ott- o hSchool tooy, sntvrrsty tof Michgan. School tot Boys.4 1022 NoSlocta exret ct ac o htot Osse odaythr ox peeted came, and a Home oust Bay 18i. o pecalexrcieswee hld oodthtistay boody ot Hurdnattasckeod School 2 182. Pofesoo 's tttoe 1 O~-it 1th buildingasitih evidenot expectationt to sogiasc .. vceraiticof Michiogan.IEatont Raids..o..i . ot staogltcrtthOle Arenian child restn aat .. 109 ~t Iotosltelmo6 bea ito ' TistM'icshigan nosuan met Fentons2 vethoemstolrss at ther oldoor. Inher wac nlysstc Fliost ...... 1550. Pouft, cr0 ltito stit Grotnoasatleton Hvn.. *~~~ tot~~~~t .s ss h crho edstolthsemsobarik, sandin on Ba n ... al of each for the 1 2 .2 2 1.12 .1 122. . 2 22 cc 4 2 24 7 J 5 2 1 1 2 1 1 5 1 11 165 2 21 4 3 3 1 .. . 5 1 2 14 19 19 25 93 2 2. 1 9 2. 4 1 1 1 3 1 1 . . 4 1 2 22 12 . 3 2 1 7 peenU L stlaying its~ttofrthe RE I B E boas and new ste reatypwiths YPPRBA Bt.-'RIAL.'fY. R. E. JOLLY & CO. IA Medical Dictionary 1881. The BHonttoraleirThsomas N16. Coo- ley, Univesoity 5of Itlirlsigas. 1882. The Hdontortable Stewcart 1L. Wood- ford, ActsNTosrk0Csty. 1884. Colosnel Joshos Atkoinson, Bet roit. 1886. SenatrZ.Is B.Nance, North Cars Very op mpslelte sand Up-to-Date CALKIN'S PHARMACYJ S WEATERS 1-4 Off WAHR'S. 187. The BHontorable Chsarles A. Host., Betroit. 1088. Professor Williamos P. Wells, Uni- versity ot Michigan. 1889. No Special exercises awere held. 180. Thse Honorable Joshn H. Thurs- ton, Omtaha. 1891. A debate at uhich Professur Bradley M6. Thomsptn ot the tUni- versity sof Michigan presided. 1892. Es-President Braver Cleveland. 1892. The Honorable Stephen A. Bosug- last, Olicogo. 1884, The Honurabloe1J. P. Dolliv'er, Fort Badge, loacoa. 1892. The Honoreable John 1. Lents, Columubus, Ohio. 1896. The Hotnora ble Benjarmins Butter- wcorth, Cisncissiati, Ohios. 1896. President Henry Wade losgers, Etorthowestern OUniversity. 1898. Presidenti E. Benjamoin Andrew'oos, BroowntUniversity. 1899. The H'onosrable C!harles A. Towne, Duluth,Mintno. President Angell's Stories Told at Washington's Banquet. The fo'llowing is takon trsm yester- day's Detrotst Free Press in regard to a cosuple of stories tuld by President Angell at the Washington banquet: ' Whets I was traveling in the far east tans year's ago,' said he, 'I started for a trip up the Nile'. Far away fram anestern eivilizatisn, I had lsst myself 'to the scenes arsund me. One day. startin'g sn a trip the the ancient ruins of Abydos, the only practicable means of transportation was by don- key. The obstinate little creatures astonishmsenstthe' stoppsiod. sYsusshasitlsoot sestirthis doosoosr dos harsm toestcildiren, except ov'er soyodead body, she criesd. "' aves1 the boood-thir sty Ifurdos soosadefenselssrbehoraethis oposi-s tiots and leaving to' bosidiog ossnsipeo- Ite sunharmiert This tosave 'dichigan woa o~n wsaa Nliss Shatturis ofOttosso.'" New Conrse In Latin. A three-Isour couras' its Roan Com- edy oct11 be offered the secund semester, opien tot all students -nba have had routrset1, 2 asnd3,asnd to others by spersal petrmission. The work of the caoreoct11const-isaxcusively in the tratsationoandinterprtation ef se lected plays at Plautus ndtOTortue. Mbonday, Wednesday stud Frioday at 3 p. ito onRoousa9, University hails. The inusstin Chistan Literature (69)aill not be gsavon thin year, but may be cx- iectd its1988-1981. C. Lt. MEADERS. Sousa at the Paris Exhibition. 'T'he Americast peospe r' so use! to seeissgSousa and his lotsnd once a year thtb-tihoytong ago cameo to regasrdla Sousass'oncecrt an a sure thing. But the pr'est soas's irins a sursprise intiss re~spct except to a limied num- ber osf places. Sousa takes his ha-nd lb Eutrope kndoe contract, and his Atuericansconeerts must be compresse4 withis eight aweeks, January 21 to April 1. The entire .band, 'bag and b'agage, -tails toss after the latter dato tsr P.ario direct, ts open at the Paris Ha- posiios Aprit 14. Buring the summer and tall a tour of the chief eities is Europe follows. Sousa will be here in concert Feb. 20, his only appear- once for a year or more. The soloists for the coming tour are Miss Blanche Duffield, soprano, and Miss Bertha Buck-its, nioliniste. Greenviil . 1 . 3 2 32 1 8 Hancock . ...2 1 4 . 1 8 Rantings.....t1 2 1 2 2 Hillsdale .. ...... 1 .1 Betty .. .. ...... 2 .2 Houghtoon...... 2.. 22 Bonceit....... 4 5 2 2 2 18 Ionia ........ 21 21..6 Iron Miountains..... .1 1 Ironwcood... .t..1 Ishpenming..... 1 5 6 2 1 16 Ithaca.......... .. 1.. .. 1 Jackoson....... 2 .6 2 2 14 Jonesville .... 2 .. .. 1 Osatosoaooo. ...t 1 2 1 2 8 Lake Linden.... ...3. Las-sing . .. . . 23 4 5 9 228 Lapeer ....... 2 1 2 1 .. 7 Ludingtons..s.... . 2 2 0 Manistee ....,1 6 2 .. 2 11 Ma~rqtuette.....23 1 2 .. 7 Hot-shalt .. ..... 1 3 24 Mtats...........1..."1 Menominee..... 2 4 1 . 1 8 Monroe ... t...1... 1 2 Mt. Clemens....1 2 1 1 1 6 Mt. Pteasant. ...... 1 1 .. 2 Muskegon .....2 2 2 5 3 12 Nashville ....2 .. . . 2 2 Negaune....... . 3 1 Niles . . 1 1 4 6 Orchard Laoke Michigsan2'Iiitary Academy ......1 2 2 5.s Owcosso.... . 2 .. 4 1 2. 11 Poor Pac .. .. .. 2 .. 1 3 Petosey ....... 2 .2 Pontiac... 7 7 9 5 21 Port Huron . . . 08 1 73219 [teed City ..... 1 1 2 Romeo ...2... . 2 2 1 7 Saginasa', East Side 5 12 5 6 7 22 West Side...4 2 5 1 3 26 St. Clair . 2 .. ..... .1.....122 St. Johns .........2 1 . .. 3 St. Joseph ...2 .. 2 5 Sault Ste Marie.... 1 1 2 1 2 7 Sehoteraft .......... 2 4 6... I Sturgis .. .. .... .. ..... 1 .. .1 Tecumseh . 2 2 .. ..... 1 2 3 6 Three Rivers . ......... 1 .. 1 Trav-esrse City ....2.. 1 2 Utnios City ........... 1 . 1 2 Vassar ..........,... 1 .. 2 . . 3 Vicksburg ............. 1 1 . Wayne ............... .. .... 1 1 West By City ....I 5 .. 1 1 7 Wyandotte ............ 2 .. .. 2 Tpsilan-ti .. .. ....... 1 1 3 1 1 7