4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 1 Oc. , WVe have bought the re- miaiader of the ediio of the remoeimber tlhat we coo supply you kith a $1.00 Fountain Pen, the Laughlin or Waterman, which ice fally gouaranutee. Whait ooie c iiiiyouak ?Try tm DOW TONox6SOUH-AINST MA E-ffV t SWH1Aw-LER 1902 Studeint Agents Wanuted to sell D. R1 TINKERf & SON~ HIAT'TERiS AND FURNISHERS~ Headquarters for HAOTS, CAPS, MoE', FcRiItS-11oS and Compete ine O GYMNASIUM AGENCY FOR LOINGLEY HATS 334 SouthState00Stre Capital. $50,000. Sarpluysit0,010. Tcrans'ctS S. K CcF Pe. C. E. ReENVice-Pre FIRST NATIONAL BA NK crgiA1 18- Caital, otocee. Surptltsiand Pits, 40001 echanttgelibought anditsold. Fbriitc etterse of E. D). KiNNTE, Pres. iiARRIOiiN SOTTLE, Vice-Pre S. W.iCLARiiSiON Cashie TIoflo!I1H lrbor Savings MaR Capital Stocko.$0,0i0i. Surpluso, $150,000. Reouorces,. O1,50i,000. iignoizeondrthd e GenOcecoal BoankingLoot of tisiitaiie.iReceives iepoitii, biiys aid sells exchanige oiiteciniciplticiiit iieso LheUited States. LDraftcashei opontproper identifiiction, Siifety deosiitoxies to reint. iiOIoCRS: Chriisin Maeik.Crcs.; W. 0. lioni- mion, Vice-Pres.; Chit. S. Hiscoek. Cashier; S. J. Fritz,AssiittCasierii W. J. OOT,PRES. STfl Th W. ARNOoLD, ist Vice-pitt J. V. SHoEHAN, 2d Vice-pre S ViG JOHo. C. W anr. zAsstiCashiecrIIU BfINK And d iill pot them o sale Wedesdotay, Jaiiii- ary' 24th iit SCHILEEDE'S BINDER Enqqire at 340 South State. F. J. SCHLEEDE. l0c EACH1!DO YOU $MOKE? Shdll & Go. 4 Pittsburg Stogies for 6i Bill Anthony Cigars for 4 Briunswick Cigatrs for 5c 25c 25c Publishlers, Booksellers, Stationeirs,Olubr 44 SO. MAIN ST., Transacts a general and Enigravers, ANN ARBOR. MICH. BankigtBucineso. c2OcSST7pTE ST.9 FANNY FRETOMORROW Ntifh. .Calendar. Mkr fA oe rti a oeanrcr s OLGAECAPS icboEt00 cot SThursday, Feb. 1-Focally Cotncecit - GOWNS and F0005, ANN ARBOR- - - - - MIICHItAN saying"F-my Rice is simply iiFecc iiiit{iO~l t, ible. Sloeis c comtcdienune. inithu tsm riaFe-b. ,(eveninog),first seines- CAPS itd GOWNS, U. of M. Barber TAPOR BATHS light lt-it Nil. Good outin miASol tcloss A SPECIALTY. Shop an ahOt iRea-Siotim ith "selae tomtiso She Saturday-,IFbcl3.Firsot uencstcr cx- CASCNS J.RTioc cuisk i liainimations0 i i-t lcontti c.- tL\ SSc PIPES, R 32 018,30STATE. 0 apsiTve dnamco.oucetakI Thotsdtt, Fech 0-Johtn S. Ciosby oCLASS STATIONERY, too itt hittollaittttanIdishakesa heityCOLLEGE PINS, WARR N g~tl out c .SPECIALTIES nuid~E S SE5I'EG ot.t tShectttirettheplayih 0 the Oi Fridayt, Fet. 9,tannoal Juttiocr1Hopin1A(1K R QW !O UNIVFRSITY SCHOOL OF every-i ne it thteit t ag ad i titt -b I Mtan-io cttola-t411 , t, i D A - C N G gre, gdthege-it charoi iit I i ix, Feb15nnutal cocirt 01 the 'Var D A~C L G uta the tt-Ilitch:tilt oimysiicat lltos at Unoixvcsity hall. PINK BRS., Instruciors tiper 00toryeish in ittri ac - eiltsx S0EC6, c- one reason in.,; oil thecotra, sh it ketminttti Sattirdtyi,'Feb. 1.-St valeitine'so Pipe Offiie and Aadimy, NikeiiHBlli 334--330 S.Stoic eta ntie mdsy ad eiay KTbac h l n that________________\____ \i-instica n ilds ubiitsicl gu-i nio on ateve i aAcLICoMAbiTtc TFbU h l n Spy CIAL HOLIUAY OFFER ils! tttti ttiO _liE Diit .g lish Curve isl itievetyitstnsetbf'thlitord.tt he L.A.1CIuciix t . 0-tixi0 ~Cut pipe to. One _si-it ofyoc othetstd bile. .tiS i"iti $3.00 dicd-Jt iac ic. 1 A Gtcio I:deo"bacco is so LAUGHLIN FOUNTAIN f LS- 2i Ibii o iIlCoral Untutn Serie's. ciWeloick car fromni etcitti Fr iday A contopleelint of Adler tlros.fanei oulr. y PENS itiolot. Fiiider please ieitet it Dalily soils -it Xadhiaiox, Ryan & Reie, 105-- 0 The curved cnt, Iiutaitti on cawcektstiaol ol57.9 . oronyI02S.Stain it, . 1. Studeints aecrilyivtdt n tin box that fits any pocket is another 1. p00 acur en cte ti-ilyofisitsdtovieur AnAco-iii o.bv Ifit doec not Si OU x i ecas etorcntifu isnishian , Oii ottne inciccements to offec otis Ireason. No other pipe tobacco has ever i TBC itO offr o $ s1 o rt oit.- no Es ibs ad dai tentsonotitable board; alsooone stitte i made as many friends in so short a time. Wadhas, RLyan -Route, S.Main 01. 100000s IfftsitsHAEeo iapit Is t dies nout soil OUMADE A WAN'i'110)-A par tner fot my itow Itdiaont no one." Anyoay you figuresu ittolesPadRObFITbcattem HiOTIOS FOil THE MItCH-IGANtEN- offere.oiCdl,.,iiI ( ..,inq ,w,,ll SIAN, A trial box will be sendtuo any one U.:;ens mi'llmr-W This ist -the et uliatc~Hce i cance ito itest i-FIS Onlity one tic sentto ore atdress ness andiacnttan11 tcavattite- cet youricdeinicseiacrly-oider today.ltateowctherilcady's sr gen'stiylecisdesired. Atcist LAUGHLIN MNFG CO. 1209fGrswold St., etroiHMih. Try The... NORTH SIDE LAUNDRY TWOS. iO WE, lropr 1003 Broadwauy. ,57 Bell Phone THOSE NOBBY GOLFS litico, 103 , ANTELD--Sltc rd Efoc ahouseoc i- c-oiinodattiiig txwclve boaicdecs. In- 11u1cc at 1215 5. tUnixersity avc, -93 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rihe maximum time lisnit allowsed to seniocs for handing in tbetr photo- gcaphis asid censuss slips for public tiosn is as folloxws Foc literary and engineectng studesits, Feb.43;lfoc taxi stiidents, b.20, I TROUS[D'cS., + Good Values in heavy and mnedium weight + * Trouserings. 'We invite inspection.+ +f Wagner & Co. Irmporting Tailors +1 123 S. Min St. anywhere on receipt of ten cents in stamps. Address Old English De- partment, The American Tobacco Co., Il Fifth Ave., New York City. All dealers sell it. SPALDINGS official Jfiltbkic 600d$ tiiall aipdopted by tceIleating r iolleges, Scoouls i nd Atlic Clutbs of the Coutrsy. ... EEcRYtFUSITEcFOR... Btase Stall ieunoi - Ftout tall Athletics Golf Gymnasoium ' Spaldings Official League Ball - Is the Officii5atll of the NationaIl Legu ancid all leadigcollege is- ciations. Spaidings Bose BolltGuide for 19BOO, l0e H ansoe Ctai~oueA G. Spaldieg & Bros. NOBBY TAILOR STATE ST. v S ti MIL WAR D