THE UNIVERSITY 01" MICHIGAN DAILY. i ~ PR-INENTRY ALEAll Shoes Greatly Reduced 12O1\ DISCOUNT 2ON0 GOODSPEED'S ALL AN ~119 South Main Street MICHIGAN CENTRAL _ ss arS7Y._!G~I 'The Niagara Falls Route" AlrC 1I lr t A b tg a b r rCENTRAL STIANDARD TIMEII. Taking Effort Novmr 1~r 9, 21599. e, a , -- t rT R .G .R:r U. ()f M. Pins S50e to $ O .0. ine OAlacLpiessSee.. r 'Watch Rejl3131iI;g4a Opeiialty ClrndtipdsI pr 6 ... ...._1 1lni} i l oteo. .30(l 1 2r (liGots, J L G Mai ad ~ pes ................34l rm. e O G, J.L. AHPMAN, JEWELER,, N. Y. B~o .-on pcil........... s8 ie11,81 50 '. 0 Fast El tr 33 . .. .........3,.... 13 813131 I)C t) IOO Out tat 81 .15.20 ai Su . Mailan Expre3ss ............94 T Boston, 33NiY an C icno....,2.5 I to ~~~3 0 23-avio i oe~ba'113338o 3 53.N 171 ( 3 33' 3 S3,3 83313331 331 313p313c103313nL O SE3 a11C(ncd1301)sen 1urPO C LAINS', ner U. W. IILGOLEN .W HYS LO E-.0 3.0ti,( u-II lc n h i Men' Det. aSPECIALIRATES 10 S[NIORS \ 1RBP3e'sDet MFXOIK Go. 8'Donation From Chilna. Will Retire From Presldenclj cit Co-Ii)u ww n Su i _..- ) F ta i, n. ~r i" n' i. 1 i:",' lumb1111h15ia nicersile 112 W . Hurn,St. 1 N . . hn 119 TIETBL aking ect, slin13y, lay 3113 18991) Trajins.leave AnllArbor by Cent1ral1st1331313. a Sl 1133,3. o 03333 cif01 li3331 i3311 Ilb 113333'SO 330 131 IL 1.o Chow3, China , 33330 330 33333333 )f C'3hines : ll33 s 3n orchids 33 31 Cli P8 1U 108 0011 10j 3tv 33 33333333300 3 130Whit Athens Theatre .1333k3d F111%33333Fanny Rice 33 "A Wonderful Woman" MONDAY, JANUARY 29, *No. 6.- 7-25 A. Al. No. 31. .01S : . 1, o 13 33a3pa 'p133.3 3 33133fo33 3a No.2.-11:3) A. M. 'No. 5-123033, 33 1r.. 303s ul11Y 3501' No. 4.- 8300 P. . No. 3.- 4:x,6 Y. ,. h s° o cassci ma lc cu yclil- t P lyolce *1R3n13et1w0en1AnnIIArbo r 31831Toledo13 only1 All 80r1331 daly1except31(3Sunday. E. S. GILMIORIE, Agent3 . WV 11. 131NN131. 3G. I'. A Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars leave for Dtetroit aind Ypsilanti every hltf 1103r, begtining at 7:15a3. 51. ontil 7:45 p. m. ; After t13a1t to Dletroit at 8:45 plon, 0:45 pro.1a1d 11:13 p. m. Waitinlg room, corner Ann and Mlain sts.; Detroit, 111 Gtiswold st. SBREAKFAST - ANN ARBOR SUPPER - ST. LOUIS, MO. WABASH - FAST TRAINS FREE - CHAIR CARS R.S reenwrood, M1. P. A., Cliirago LZ25; W &j HOCKING VALLEY By. 4 TRAINS DAILY 4 Betweaen'Taledoan1811Columbushl, usif Union depot in bot itielis. Through Sleepr133 Washingtoan anltiolllre. GREAT RAILROAD TI-HE HOCKING V(ILLEY Write10 L. W. L 1NOMAN, 11 W. Fort113, Dtoitol. 22J. 1'. 13. 33333303. 330 133oney 3 1333 33 f3 0 1'r3 1 330 3303333 333033 33- , ___2____ ani100 etsntt 1S i: 33a33 13.I.C;AT, l 1.Thedalnli oOver $100. _____________ NEXoTooAaoRoACTOrFIIIEN'S RsW IF FLATS 33 0 030 01333 333 3 01 1 A 11033l1n30of SManhtattanlSlairta 33333anca 13 313033 303ll will,' make 13a31 just,331i33 at Wal1a131, 11y3131&5Reule. NEW TERM 3est 330 t1e 333 '33333 313313313333303station Se~o3333111, S. laill at 33a1 3303300t3e3 inid3le31of3Februaroy.i Choose Your Plarj. I~ 2 L IC I I The ma33'331chier ill thoe o u3303333'la Taheatre3''oers' 'nd 31all neeed e3I3 be esed ora cmpetewokig dyre~netdtowrte. llManiage 131S55aoltad GRANGER'S ACADEMVYI Dr . Pau l 3C. Freer, 33000000330 0f5. 33- 1013reld 1110elpublic owill3decidle inlth113- erolOhelioty, 333 lelorW0333333 he p3133f310m303c3313133330303130ve3331 y17 HEAD THElSDAILY. subect 33~LiquoidI Air 3304the L3iquefac3- th13ct. l- tionl 331(13300, inl33the Park(ongl'eg3 - 0330 Daily 3313l30310033i 3330103he o schemdulleln 3i313 hIllC 13 03333~ ea 30c dy 53301g3i150thle lnumbler ot letters MOMtioallCurclGand Rapds IIh. # tM boay .1 31 3 Se31o331 11335reeeiv ed toreaehltll February ____3. ___ 33.5. he flle owing33 3133 tile sceuleof03 , Wa 1rranted for 1 Year PuSf. A. V'. .tcAt an, af the 1033 fae- 131ays a3113d013heInumbler otf requ31estech$1 .oo uity, i on theprograme of 331fa 37 11y33asreeeived$10 olot 31teP034310o h a~lTragedties- A.i 1A Leading ers' institute ac Traver'se City, Febru- 5ltletl. . . ..... 33 "VrImII tio .ieweler ar1y 1, car an addre00s3333the asubjet otf 3133ev Stuar3t............ 19 /'+ IHomne Sanitationa. Iarie Antloinette .........312 Comedies-_____Tbe PMost GoipIete We have roam for 12 or 15 more VStilelA.o310 utlINothing..,..23 hoader at$275 wehor 1 mal Thle Ladlies'IBattle ..............4 lito e of Lawney Choeolates in the tiehets at $3.00 at Parker's Cafe. Oranges, Oranges, Oranges. eity ean he found at Tattle's Goad hoard guar anteed. Stewvard We shall nout have any oraogea wvanted. 709 N. University av. 9a eonsigned us, nor have we heen ap- 338 SOUTH STATE ST,! Howad has atWadhms, yan lointed selling agent far the Califor- howrdhat a WdhaaRy n na orange crop. Neither will we hol ,M Rcole. Bleat hat 00n0130elmarktet at up any train loads of orangas as they .M ATN. $3.00. 200-202 S. Mbailn at. paas Ann Arbor, 9311 our price for hest California Navels is $3 per box, 25 to FUNERAL Fr'ederickO Cate3, '02 1., of 133333033, N. 00 cents lesa thsan that of the other) DIRECTOR Y., est3alishoed a100330333e31r 30 303thfellow. Yo~u elahave any sizn at 33333lin~g alley last Saturda3y 333gh33. le "shove price. J. A. BROWN, Embalmtng a specialty. No. 209 S. 4t13 N. Washington St. Ave. Amohulance night and dsy. Re. made 0ar003 rd of 203. idenee 302 Fifthl.Ave. 30 .~l J Prtan Box Ca'06lf Shoes for Wo men Take and retain a polish like Patent Leathers and are Waterproof. Eight different Styles 1 10 IF . HUIRON $T K O .~Every /Kind ENOCH DIETERLE FuebalmDerctodUniversity 01Jst elflc etFn Mi, ~ rs. Ench lioete, eLady Assirstn. of15 hlla s All kinse3 oth Phoes Noo. 119.ahn-N.115. Liberty Street. ResidenebtS hoe Shop E. Lambert. RandaotFis lanSt0., AssArbo. Fosrth Ave, Balh Phosr x1t9. S o 1~031Sll aPoo WE PATRONIZE G00DYEAR'S DRUG .STORE