2 THE UNi V E E S1 11'O MICHIGAN DAILY Publibed Dily (undyee 111117dri1'bg the THE UNIVERSItY OF MICHIGAN. O) r.1 7The1 1nla1117Tre, Hnning Bok. Bo101711os, 17. MANAGINGN EDTOEIt. B. ..ooUoo.'01L. iiINE;SSO.1, A(71'11. i 11. ILN1'0L AT07tL1'IC, [. 7. ~ 1 11UT0155'01 17 7.P. .1\7oo1111111. '07.A 1 Nlb1Do, .1.1.,'10117 a,. Q, Ilio \voo11 . '70 . 1 . B.10W70f),1"Off7 L. J. bl1' 11rro'11, '0, \0.1).Ifc171771'110i , T it 117 tt N rI f te il - 12.50fo hie coll 071'r 17n 1 I 1771, 1111l 10 7111 1,1 11oo11111 11 111[ay o 11.7 otc raw111111n fa ,,ul utb mailed.I the1e1 itor 11f1 17 :;11,11o1 1111 t711 day All 11771717", 1 t1777'7' 11, 11111, a y fiue of7 Musical lubs CoMC rt 1a1111111 011 1)777 17.ts ha te Griot 1111177 777er 1111 gvenby7th i117771111t11.17,1777.0,fri77711b711o111sl1 00t707,7 11 7111 117111st71711117111111 77717 77711 or77770011 l7770' 71117 71 7h 1 byl 71711f 11171111117 1ie,111 77777711 and77 th7 fron17711 17717of717h17777,71 1.71w 11u1 7" HIh cusarcloliard eads ho77ding 71 dill1}1r' 17 11' ll 77T71ey '117 77117i 71111111nypo t o 77 11 717 777 17 11011-17 0711117711711, 777; s770770 n7 as771 e1,,111, 777 last111twent1111obur1year117077111171171lba 7011g ud~enlstis 11 he77117177th ot elI 771777117 11077707111117177 r01 c707 a0rg7171111a7rv 1171 students71in 771e70111rthentuof'electric77 11117111 7710o 1117l7s11 1111111177 it 77771s.s 77111 7111111111771 e ahi in77111117ha11s 11'w 117'11 70177e11177111sodesighne7,07111107,10771o or111three17pha71e7cu071en171s1711117e77 ,C"' '- ate 77171071 sresectit illd000t work '11117t71111e 771ffe11ent017i'nds'7of' 7011.- lishesitCOl' 'O une"c7(1 17 1elative7'to 7t71 71n1111111 onheliotwhtee 1'riter 7ca07111 "Jor'o Weaek."n oTh7711i7711101111111r117711 enose h ie a,7111b1171 t1111 oulthe ie to'11 710707oat'Yaletion.1117 7 ''atitht tne "Junior; teaerbe e it 0711o71177 eighidanlictwihtheaese11aminati7o.s aonds.ok rn h oca eiiisi A Communication. Parker's CQIIIIUS To the Editor of the Daily:I There11s11111070to1be a7 mo1107071110711077+++007 fott nuuaeacso iia othe one exi11st71177 71111107107o117the 70711ern 11071111110 that7 111h77777077 777117 is 11711d7FU RNIS1JIES Fl RST-( a "Jonior 7W111111 77111s7111117i7707111107 REGULAR BOARD $2.75. IlEA u1p 10o17707111177l71177777111 of tihe Uni- (orters promptl1y filleti. Fresh Hon vesiy e1 hese 11101111171177f11h771 7077111' 71t117the famoustoSponge Caranmel a 1111op 7711h7e1111111170711 1o7 7171e 1110711117 9a771saltetd 111.n7710s17771w1read7y. CO' 1101111111of1th771m11770711711 bs1 a nd 71 t7hoe 1177111717177777717 y77 he oe med0y111 lb.717 ou11 b1. is g11. e777'r7nmbers1of peopl17 77j' 7777111117th s ' 7111177' 1770111 177.1.17" c1 toth1t177111117 (oian ~en, 117177 1771777 Pi 11171'71 '' 1 The171111711117701110 1h701717117eresist is S 1<°1ia 177 n 17 Yi1101117t0of 17771 77 777717 li1eis7s117r71.'77cat o 177 , l1eryhiog lltit 171111 u++++ . i 5711107 elcLenav mutationfASANDELET;lOLIGTIN 111 '1777~ J. . SCHUH t k ta Sep 11 1 l' 177,71,1, 177C'l 1 111 177ii tl' 77' 7771771777 l d 11l h 1 \ 77 1{1. I 'I 1177717177111.011711171711110.71171111177717117 11'0V111 771717 711 ,11u"'1"77'and7th1117 110777!U1NtiFgAoslta h oe onstr1 t 1)111171110., 7107 7777101177 Matt. 117 ILcoAcioscanotsistor"P 71,,'~a yea thei ir e71111111117117111 ' 711177771171olat we mkeND French Cook in Charge -CLfgSS BOARD. AL TICKETS $3.00. Short me Made Catndy nosy on handhi sperialty. Pop corn halls 1)m0 i1n andtitry them17. W S. PARKER 709 N. University Avenue ,ROSpitd-on Japan Tissue of the Gibson Draw,.i ng54 Toaesn7110077t11 Origissl. For Sale at ;tabers rt Sore217 South tablrs rt sore4t7 Ase. B3 ICYCLES STORED FOR THE WINTER Aihlow rate o 211 770ts per 7 71171 LEON SHAW, -H17 E. Ann St. Typewriter Copying Q.uuI1 : 11 I, e I- 100 ' 4) 1-(1 S. DHOOL OF SHORTHAND ISUPPLIES, SHADES, TABLE LAMPS, ETC., ,207 E. WASHINGTON ST1 LIV[R... 'arties, Receptions Etc. Gaod and Prompt Service Gaaranteed itATUniaue Entertainment. COUIPES '77,. 1770 10 1171111111 711071111711 17'7ltit 7 scenes fro71171711lite 1111Palestine,1 w.0 thor- 11. It 00 1s117711111ted1 017' 71,ooTlen mionaroo7y 77111 completed h lis, juhilee 1111171171111 by 71111177 77101117 11111711 11o1707g1, 70111771117r 071'verybeutiful and Sousa, in) S. L. 11. 11177' s1, Tuieoday, F0eb. 70. SPIPE TOBACCO~ I~i STEBLER& CO, ~1'j301BLES. MAIN , JOSEPH GILLOTT'S STEEL PENS. GOLD McDAL, PARIS EXPOSITION, 1889, AND THE CHICAGO EXPOSITION AWARD. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS, STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSOCIA- TION COURSE TICKETS ;$1,50 REDUCED TO $1.50 SOUSA'S BAND and Six Other a Fipe Numbers for "H"O Sousa and his Band, Unieray2. Hall, Tuesday, AIBADQUfORTBRS FOR Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, Dress Suit Cases Evry IDesciptioni. TRUNK AND VALSI SIG PAIRISNG at Lou est Peices, HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. 307 Southt Mnim Street. ANTON TEUFEL. PERFUMERIES AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.