THE UNIVERSITY 01: MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 JUST A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-NEVER IN PRICE. H ILDEBR AND THE NEW TAILOR, pI 120 WASHINGTON ST. MICHIGAN (CENTRAL The NiagaraFalls Route." k 1Rentschler, tbe flboto~vaPher. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Effert Naonmber19, 1899. Detroit Night Exprecs..........5, UI ED Atlantic Express ..............74 Granad Rapids Expresst....... ....110" Mail andfExpess.......:.34 at N. Y. Bostont Special ...........4rbF Fast Eatrntt..........94 Mail antdExprs...........9 40 AIt Boto,N. Y. andChicago ...... 818 Fat estrn Expes ..........138Pit G. Kal. Exirssro.......54" Chcao igt xpes ........... 94sThe Fine Tailoring Pacific Expres.............12 30A.. Steamship Tickets, all Classes, to and frtost Earopean points at lowest rates. Full intor- matios n applicationt. T a e of t e City G P . &tT A t C ic a g o . A 't A n nta A rh t r. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 BURCHFIELD, 106 EAST HURON STREET. What the '97 Loaws are Doiag. Collage Athletic Trainers And _'We ate in receipt of thse third oonnual Coaches. 131AT2M RWM.OZ.T P ED -S; coss bulletin of the toaw classof '9" 'Toc athletic comtitttees of the v'ou11 TIME TABLE It is edited by W. L. Hort of Alliose. , olleges have respectively selectedl the Taking Effec, Susnaday,3May 21, 1899. O. The editoce teived replies Itrom tfiowtgiiite5oidc5ce frte Tralns leave Ann Arhorhy Ceatrat Statad- fmemberngofrtinersoss allchhotftoonoi and Tisse. mmesoftecasol u ou rsaon: SOUTH NORTH ive. Eoch mmerhabs s totits int t o- Yle-troct leamt, Jamtes Robinson; cation, hupitness, successes otid pros- rew, Dr. Galltidet; footboll, Murphy. *Not. 6.- 7:25 A. sa. Not. 1.-8:56 A. M.pets; olso whlether mroried o o lt.I Piteo-tabbt,\otrCrs No. 2-li:3) A. M. *No. 5-12:00P. sM.Prneo-actamWlerCis No. 4.- 8:00 P. m. No. 3.- 4:56 'Ibis tntor-ststiott together w itditveto ____________________________________ toments ointttutoetrahle sijtcts15 Hreard-troc< teamr, Latitrop; foot- *RnAetr era Ana Arhttottan Toledo only volunteered by variostmembets-i All tralas daily escept Sunday. Aet be ttal obe taktlmball, U. H. Dibblec; boseball, E. H. W H. iBENNETT. G. P. A other attd takes interesting ettdtito iios rte cttot PentillInia-oracktlls, 7inrphy; Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- fttr thorm.hietl rtcltit;rtWiol All whlo reported, except sixaebrRiwy oubace r - .Pe bor Railway. .pratsingeiitthtmoreo trles Csnnuccceser.s.U.Pel Cttrs leave fsr lDetroit and Ypsilanti 4~, asbalH.W.Kctier. every htalf hottr, beginning at 7:15 a. m" Onehotbsetquentlystudeddeti. Wos in-cl~ rew, ODeo. until 7:45 p. m; After that to Detroit one is xo edito., ond otte in the armly, at 8:45 p. ot., 9:45 p. mo. and 11:15 p. M. Three noto repoteed practisingt. Bool- t..itago-Sltgg. Waiting room, corner Ann and Main ness not stated. Six report macelatae IllitistoHtff, footbtall, Fred Smtitht. sts. Detroit. 1I1 Griswold st. ond tour weon politicol hottors. iiglit trtactFitzpatrickc; base- ___________________ ballbe olleitt NOTICE ALL-FRESHMEN. All1 money for All-Freshmen swecat- Howard hots at Wadhams, Ryan & BREAKFAST - ANN ARBOR ers most he in to mc by toext Thors- rnie. Rest hat on the market at SUPE S.LOI, O day. H. K. CRAFTS, $3.00. 200-202 S. Main st. ProPPER H. PtteetertaiedMthe There will he a btsehata masmeet- WABASH - FAST TRAINS Prflcetfcf.HCul.athsPtefom netrane hm-te i on Monday evening at 7 o'clock in son stteet Saturday evening. Ro .Alitrse ntegm FREE - CHAIR CARS a hould coneot, even if not intending WANTED-Steward for a house oc- t r o h em R.5 rausnd 0.P .,Ciao commodating twelve boarders. In- EDWIN McGINNIS, Capt. quire at 12t5 S. University ave. -93 ________________ We have room for 12 or t5 more Z-A Harvard received donations amount- boardera at $2.75 a week, or 21 meal tng to $1,554,829 during the last college tickets at $3.00 at Parkter's Cafe. HOCKING VALLEY RBY. year. Of this nodly $35,000 was given Good hoard guaranteed. Steward itout restrictions. twanted. 709 N. Unaiveraity av. 9a 4 TRAINS DAILY 4 A committee of the Saline school The State Medical Registration Hoard Betw eanTledo and Columbsta, asing Union hoard visited the University on Satur- expects ts he called upon to defend the Oepot ia both cilies. day to study the heating plant for new medical registration law in the Through Sleeper to Washingtannand Baltinaore. ideas f or the heating of their newc high courts. The board has placed the two GREAT REILROAD school bulding.. medical colleges at Ann Arbor and the _____MOCKING________ Iwo in Detroit upon the approval list, THEHO KIG ALEY Miss Alice C. Manwaring, '01, has ac- and other colleges may he approved as Write cepted a position in the schools of Ore- soon as the hoard makes an investiga- L. W. LANDMAN, gnWi.tooftercusoftdy 11 W. Poet St, Deteait.goWntonothicure0sdy TI-E BEST MAKES OF Mandolins ad Guitars Suceh as Joseph Balasaan's, Waslheurnos and Ilrnn'tareonnsaleratithe = WaOcrlc MusiG Storo W.tLibrty, only 2dteoofrmMack's orer H-fave You senorPORCELAINS? Ptsert ttsing out-ontly p1ace in thk city weeyucngetthemo. SP~GlfGIL RTESI[ TO SENIORS Thli) Bmrumn Studio 112 W. Haron St. N. S. Phone 119 Athens Theatre MONDAY, JANUARY 29. The Dig Fttslesque atttlVoudeville Co. Miss New'York Jr. PRIESt, 25, 35, 50 ,ttnd 7t, Seatts now o011Sole, Nrst Attrac~tiaon-FANNY RICE in j4 A WONDERFUL WOMAN - NEW TERM DALNCING GRANGER'S ACADEMY. HEAD THE DAILY. Aloe~ C~Ill~ ocks! YWarranted for 1 Yenr $1.00 Win. ArnoldLedin Tbe Most Cormplete lin e of Lowney Chocolates in the city can he found at Tuttle's 338 SOUTH STATE STS 0. M. MARTIN.. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embhalmtng a specialty. No. 209 S. 4th Ave. Ambulance naght and day. Re. idence 302 Fifth Ave. PuritanBoxCalf Shoxaoes for Women Taeand retain a polish like Patent Leathers and are Waterproof. Eight different Styles 1 10 ZE. HUROLN $T, { KidEmbalmer and 3hastWlliamStreet - Qf olawrpEvengybiKind. eENlOCHldDneETERLEsE'aFuoneral DirecblocewesUniversity etETRLE ounealbnrecorblock ewesl y A! ' nIIFine ,hSM iOM g. , MrsEnEoch DOserle, Lady Assstnti. S S o s bilie llkeo Both Phones Na . 1159W.Waebs N.leB iet tet eiec fO .Lm e4Photos Inn Si., Ann Arbor. Fourth Ave, Both Phone ei29.SE. WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE