2 Publih ed Daily (Snay ecepted)i during the Colege yea, at THE UNIERSIIY Of MMCIGAN Oooicao TheoInlond Pess enninoog Block. Both Phooco. I47. MIANAGING EDITOR. F.BNooE~A RD. '00 L. HlUsINEOS MANA(EI. 0I. II51.lac.'00 L. S,'ITO RS. ATHILETICS, ...G. tD. ccacc, '1 B r. R. woovowo.'WOL. Aln. MrtooeOAoa.'O E A. G. BOoooa '02. E. J. B. WOO, 00, L.J.MNooosooc,'00, W. D. llcoso, '0M, Theolbshocio-aoprice of cikeso 1).is00250 tor he 0011g l yecrowih ic reglarceliiey bhoroe noona coo)dy. Noic, coooc ojatio, cd other mattritodeor cepblictio coot ho haaddioinathe DAILY offieeoreotosp eac mailod to thioroibiefore p inofithe day precotothct00on05which thyoeoexpets( to apeanr. Ochooipi oc oy h ltoath DILYoffice, ideye'sor ccSolft coccoicd, cc wih Bsiess Mcago. Shbscihecs will cocra faorc iy repoctinag eooclolatccthiol011cc ocy filureofc carirsitoiooocipper. All change. in0 advertisig natter aunt bi e1 theoth10ccby)i p. 00n. 00 th day pevouo lctht on owhich ithcooreto cooco. Life Certificates to College Gradu- ates in Indiana. The stte oard of edutiontcof Ito dianca recently amoeded its rule in referencero 1 the granting of state life liconses to tacers, by adoptncr0000 lutiotns 00 the effot that life lone should e grontedt oll aduate of higher institutions in fodaccco°othec institutions of equal ranck 10 other states, approved hy the oard, whh reqluhograduation fom 10 1100 Sionh l higho schools or ghiuahon 1100 toom schooic equivaet 1troem a acondi- tion of etrance, cod owhich mantsan standrd courses of at least four years, aia wosoe oork is approved y the tate ord of eduratioon. Thse resolutionts hoa1pr ovision at- tached to it, howeve., secifying that the applcas i for life lieecses shalt have pursued four years' resident study and passed extended examina- tions, and thaitiishal apply ony to appicants graduating after JIan. 18, 500. The applicatnts must asa have had sixy moth' license, and they must present to the oard satisfactory testimonials of their success as teach- ers. The oniy examinatios then re- quired from tho appicant sill e one in sujects reiating to the profesoional phase of educationai work. ThotUni- vrsity is paced on the approved lit. An Outside Opinion on Graduate Coaching. It seems flat t1hc systen of graduate coacohing, sarted in the West seral years ago, has ahout ist its favof, and that the Westrn colleges will again go hackc to the ig collegs of ilhe East for thif teachers It is too ad that the present movemoent has set it. It is ot a self reliant atitude of te Westert colleges. It is ott aditissionthlat the Western players have nt een taught the game as well as the Eastertibhoth- ers. Mihigatn, Illinois, Nore Dame, Purdue, and other Western colleges have iried graduate coaching and having failed to trn out as good a teaim as formerly, have concluded that the fault lay in the coaching, whether juty or not, time will tell.-Inidianaopoli Press. No Washington's Birthdaq Speaker Yet Secured. Thte commnittee of the three classest of the law department to provide for Washington's hirthday celehration haa not as yet secoured a npehker. Senators Depew and Bevcridge wore hoth in- vitod to speak hut werec competlod to decine on account of having alt thcir time taken up with congressional husi- THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY Professor Worcestor Objects His . eiht10Ga Remarks on the Phillipinos GMSOS egt1 u Misquoted. . Best Bck tanned El A Washington dispatch says thai rFll outside back stay Dean Worcester, of the Philippine om- lace facing and tip0 mission, nakes the following state- all sizes $.oo, now wnit: "I have eein greatly annoyed y Omis- LADIES GYM SHOES, lading reporis of remarks whicch I weight t0oz., alln ave recently made in public concern- PLAIN - sites, $.25, now 7C ing the itaitants of thoe Philippiine is--_ON__A antds. 'T'here are three very distiinct VTLrcsi h rhplgadteercsGassCern re agin subdivided iiito icumoorous (US7 tribcs, thoe told being no less tin 84. sethl 5 P. M. - I09 So T'hese tribcs ary' in toeir social tee-- opulent froomothic most bject ss-ges tol a relativety ighi degree of ciiieation.O ug amooog certainof i the wild tribes soit-to of cosoelos as brodbouting, lie scrific- bcocbig t etheno disinities,chl maorriagee polygamty, infaticide anic( svr aryeot to be founod, oalouoghlom i..I STL ON. of thoe 00ild tri bs arc very pacifitand practicaoenuertd e 01011046 ~ ,, Bt it may cease as so -lTitorearks swhicho I moade oncern-t 10started. Bear that in log oone or two of thec hicod lningY profit b it. toibee s h etaenlcoas alicabe to b thot enttioet pooultioiis'oc iso couroeo ao bsurid.iFurtheriore I ot - r en sthb rretcthot oter liy' adtre.14 Nbean foe theo Coommerciol clhub of Bosonlon sohicth lootscusdt hetros ad ons of0 0 thoc Toogolog chaoracter, tic todesirable Special $20.00 Sits and(1Oeroats $15 chooroctrisics wthicho I mncotioed wre Neck'wer 18.00 " i'°1 quliteofrilly' tnoumoerotcd, buoothegoodotl sle 15.00 11 quooliieoslichi I ws scial~ly' crcool 50 cent100" 7 to discoss, hooaveccoencitirly omittcod. Puffs ond1007 "Ionby hookciii te Philippineoos, s (dscots welosci alo maazinoooeaorticle ocntdono- now 35 ent or Noble's S ar'Clothing ocerots totiblic lectourcs ooond ooddresssI 3fr$ 0 hav reetel ccoct xprsscd myoopliiionl of te tosvilieoi ctie; cond tIswishlo wcos loret tha i t shioeoI conssioer himl,(AS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES guoo lttdonltotesiotbish ooo inoootai lEt~v IAXttPORTABLE LAM PS an idepnden naionl goernent.at SPCIALY. ANITRY LUMIN, STEdM A0000HOT 50055 UcATI tioe lootstltuic, I neerthlcess btliee tat his gotoodiqualitis lfr ouitwoeigii iis J . F. SCH UH, 207 E . WAIPSH INGT bo s ant od I ate greatopeoiotfotr is ______________________________________ future. Astecsma el anr n hcrto2ti eti 000IIO L M ' LIV E R Y miOhon~i, it is to ibc hoped thoitatbictFINEIJI COACHES opinioen maoy etstatooiy e ot rgit aondl "' For Parties, Receptions Etc. that thoe cotifousioots-hichi peihps lot AND ut uralst oly rtsouits froim atteomotot to descriiespatpscely certain ones of t COIJPES God and Prompt Servico numer01ous toihtsimay be asoied sohieoo ol are discusttd withoin te i moitsolo of a- singe5voiiuime Dr. Leonard Sends a Meteor. Moj. Soume, treasurer of the Univer- STU DENTS' LECTU RE ASSOCIJ sity,ha received a postai from Dr. Leonard, the famous hunter and trap- O RS TCK T pe.' of Washington state, who has o TIN CO R E TIK T mcany times generously rememered the University, stating that he woo ahout to ship to the University a 00-pound meteor which hoc reenty fallen He draws a diagram of thc shape f the stone on the posta. $1.50 REDUCED TO $1.50 EUTHYMOL Anticeptic Tooth ad Mothwas, SOUSA'S BAND S and Six Other *05 Euthymol Floe Numbers for Tooth Paste - . A popla and reialh ioleeat 5ctc TOHBRaSES. T MATCH Sua and his Band, University Hall, Mon QUA I\R R Y-'S Evening, February 20. CAMPcUWS D SG mwi OR.M, JOSEPH IGILLTT'S I1 LUUI0P'lF016U buy rubbers.yoarcn STEEL PENS. ----THE WISE MA GOLD MEDAL, PARIS EXPOSITION, 1889 - - AND THE CHICAGO EXPOSITION AWARD., buys rub0cc tnd has then THE OSTPERECT F PNS.wear when :occaon reqi TH OTrnu FPN. APRILL'S SHOE STORE haa lesa to pay the doctor. kskin Bals., yone piece, $1.35 Sale, )uth Main. iddenly as it imind and 3.50 1.25 7.50 House ,ETC., TON ST= 00 ,e Gaaranteed lay apehled to N n ready for auires-and PERFUMERIES AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.