THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. .3 Price the Lowest Quality Considered I GOODSPEED'S 117 South Main Street MICHIGAN CENTRAL' L Ret "TeNiagara Fals Route.'ITij o "wI CENTRAL STANDARD) TIME. Schabele MUSic Store TatkingEffet Jun'e 2, 199. tantis Eniprees..i4 48 rand gl rd n 1 3. ... o .. li t1 Trade of the. ...........City. r M I1 14 W. Liberty S, Bell Phone 541 NY Boston Specil...........58 T a e o h iy at E a-ern .. ............ 94i t....«. ... ... ... Oton N .aChia.......74 BURCHFIELD, 106 EAST HURON STREET O R P O O Fast l4stnE epre....res. _____..- 1 38_r._m-ARE . Q} R. anit Ro. xRe ... .. ,4. Cisage N ght Etpes. .... 43" Fred .Brsle,, les let for Denver. Notre, Dome autd Chicago. PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH ltnia ExEtreess,.... . . t.... .. 30A l e hail Is 5:temployd its Schenectady N i ~it n hrg vl lylt 0, W RTGGLES 1It AyssV oieDmanChcgwllpyt-THE (94. &T. AgtChicago. A't AsnArbseby the An tI anleti eCotmpay, btotday on Marshallfield Marts iterest h__________ ______ is health id not permit tiis to re- silt be mnf'tted in this gmie as it iso mJS ~a tu transteere Consqueit y theasetesfist redscoyest.DetthveeaothenBWrrsan nitepnfrtrd toronscmboths DcollegesWes Berrys fomabthStudioe I L V ofietenitab ile himi to get list'beeeeit say the teams are Iis good shape atd II12 Wet Huron t. ot the tsreantrot thettoeie. playing well. Niotre Dame should put Robetsons Valley Laundry, of Sagi- tp:a good game and give Chicago a SaePes 11O 09. F R', ACJ lu s aw, whtich hasfortoeseveral year main- hr run tr her money. t .TTD H2'E~gS 32P 2, 511111E9; tained a sttstent ageney to the genra It is chetper to w a house than to TIME TABLE satistactittitootis patrons, is this year rnt. I show property without harge faking Effet, Sundy, May 21, 1899. represetted by Max Wather, 428 S. L. D Carr, Retl Estate. 1rimbo leave Ann Arbor by Cetal Stand- Main St. Prompt attention to alt mal ----- ar4 Tine, orders is assured. --10 ra. T. C. Trueblood yesterday estab- Kt _________________ dished a new reod tr th bet play SOUTHl NORTH Fo E r.-Large fot unse on the golf links on S. State St. Pro. ~. . iA. M. No. 1.- at0n A -Mi. sfonfunshdFred Tyo a edtercr o \ ". 2-iut1IA. M No. 5.-t2:.30P. m. rosi, half hbok nuls of camipu. In- Tyo ti edtercr o o. 4- 8:0 P.M. o. 3- 4:,6 P m.about three months, 9 il35, until Sat-s U0 .2,- 6t05 P. M. . t. 1,-9:05A M quire 303 S. State St.q ursay when Pro. Trueblood scored 9 - ___________ ______in 31 Yesterday he nade it in 3.8 i nSudyol.Beginning Moday, Oct 2, phyisyall.-___ o eenAsn Arbor aed Toledo only examinatioiisnill be gieit at the Gym- GRADUATE CLUB._' All other teamns daily eeept Sunday. niotm laity tfriss 2 to 4 and ronm 7 te A receptions to toe Uraduate Club sill E. S. OtLMOREE Agent. 9p. n. Keeme Fitzpatrick. be giast DrMtshers residence next W H. BENNETT. . P. A -t.ridasy e-, itri,6. All graduates are Detroit, Ypslilati and Ann Ar- 1 res. J.1. KerFr, oittheii'0 lawcso li0, Tswoaor tret ot the tilons up at the ' hrmsrcalleltiitetint ofit tclas triti tiit sare gaise to club together sol 'T1-EdID01 F rio si aid 71j bor Railway. Tiurayeat 200 p. it, frtettatnntal ent iats it fthestAnn Arbor Muic election itt nlee to.hithistetting the CO,,Wasingsitgoiini, Expense in vey 005'wlilts the eite of thls stage, r leave for Detroit anti Ypsilant athletic intertsofitte tcla s il be ight thatssay and 'While se iv etl- but the Ceettrt of ataton Still every half hour, beginning a td i:045 a 'discussed oand 0ltteitbesrs whlitintendl no list."remtainsat I Hitgterfer's where the enatil 8;51p.itm ; lst ear for lietrot tito be ratidtatfoe the rclss ootbal 11:10 P.i. Waiting room, ettrner Ann ttr.ii atte eeseilly reutitstd to be SOPHOMO1RE102CANEI BiBISITTIRi. Cttttfectitu-ita~e thio choi"et, the anid Main sts; Detroit, lit1(Griswvold sA.iprent. The nenbr ofithie sophotore cane variety thingteatestan imd tle pices ______ __________ comittiteesawill meet Thirsay night at right. Hoowaitd hats a t Wadisans, iyan &0olotsithBataBiisye d Nothiig prr thltnl their quality AT EN T EA RE IO20 erihat esr.1onthe market at $3.00, -tateSt. .K. Knight, cairman. cafnde made; itlisig hojor can AT E S T E T Eo 2 ~tS ain at______l~i For Ret-Front site, 2.2; back Peti. Gasrner S Lamsoot has ri- 20. Wsbingo Street ond -hsitt,$11.2; ront itige room, $175 All titrnetdromn his summers visit in Eng- 3t6 Sotb Stoe Street. nmodern coveniences 69 idll t. --9 blad dFrance. OXE ND EN P. dePont, whit has been withAl Cod U~ Nr'WEE MONDAY. OCT. 2. FOOTBALL MIN, NOTICE Makk & Co. ttte somsietlime has accit.t- - , 11l iu~ -_Petfi attesigilt swill be in the Trophy ed a positon with I oebntisA Sonl, ot D- Waranted for 1 Yar. rton romss3:30tolit4015 o'rick this a 10t- I ris, etling or the sale ot rater- JHA.nmEEN ternoon to reeive cerihcates itt eigi- i ty jeiey $1.00 1 V bltyfothe men swho hope to play -a-W. i-ff1 ftIs-U in IP IA ST C CO unteVriythis year. Lous Etelrex '00, sasfort Lespic 'IJmUI n ld, Jeweley tn Oct. S. He intends to study thete-a--'- Tise WHIST NOTICE. toe three ears user the instruction itt TFUTTFL E'S TONIHT Te U.of S. Whit Club wihinet toe LeshitiwkySM. Elbel was well TONIGHT o~ergni,onat 02 SonrcatThurs- flpansin olege a-thlii-composr at the l lf E 1 day evening, Oct. b, at 0 o'clock. Fe- popular "-Vitors Sach and oe ist day theerto heSomLUNCHI In the eart ofthe Sto m l and prospective membern are urged work in athleticslHe svas given aR O POPLRosPRCSo. 1t.200. AND 30 CNTrS. cided on at that meeting South Besd before his departure. Is at 338 S. State Street. rURITN SHES AL STLESALL SIZES, $3.5O~ 110 EAST HURON ST. ALEvery Kind ~ENCH DIETERLE EFuneral mamrDrco Ionn0., Ann Arbon uu 18E. LibertySte.Rsiec688 yoQ Forth Ae, Bo oS Phe s 8109 WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.I