2 2 THE UNIVERSITY O1 MICHIGAN DAILY Patlsised Daily (Sndays sxrepted dr g the College yea, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OricE: The Ilad Pes, Heatng Block. Bllh Phoe,ta. AANAGING EDITOR. F. EOELAasaca, '01 L. HUIscNESS MANAGER. t,. IH. IlANSo'0 L. EDIITORS. ATHILETICS,. . . G. D fleece-e, '01 B r.BR. Wooaeo,'00 .. A.1.Meflerea ,'010 A. . Blow Ea.02. E. J. B. Wol, 'o, L. J. Moseaeooo,'00, IW. D. (iccoEr, 1'0M, 'rho e cpcceo pieo e DA1ccLY ,s $c 2.5 fee he cllee ,yercccih a reularce dliey eoec n000 ccl' cay Ntccccccccccccceoclcoancd ther cattiten ccdd fce plcctiocimocstceh hancded ccn ec lie DAccLYoffice eoree 8 p. i., o mailed cc th eitr efoe 3 p , a. afthdcacy prevocaceto thathcccwhc tcchey aeeopecec to appear Subscricticcnccinay be, etc cc thecDAcL ce le, ccc 510111cc 5 ccet's ecelccd, ccrcwichBicessec Managee. hbcc'ecchec cittclcner cc-avoriy repigcicompctcccly01 thcieoffie ay falucceeof Aicccchneecccavcetcsiccg matereccccct ie ic theofihe b cin.cconc lie cliy preicsatolcccc 00n'hichtc 10cc ae tolelecc. borttt Laty Committees. P11cc.IClonloo'ctclas yannocdc d the cil it ci c 1 Ctccioyes e ticay: i '.1. 1V ''coiiic L.L. TylyiriN . Sicrubniiirg 'c We'cn.cThe.cassavoted ma fi hsi- miue ccaiiut-hO. H. Hancileic itoJ A.Oeheo (9 iimeC.T iii ano C.111'. Attct/to eC 'c. i1111 SThe gadualtngc exercieseefatht~e laes at Jacary, 19t, at Detreit Cen- teal liOglchaeceecwa le,,in te cuil itoriumcofet tchol hbuildng yester- eay tocrnincgc, rat. Jhn . Reee, Pl. D., in charge afthe1c deprtmect ofa lhyis at the Unierity, delivered the address. Prof. Reed tokc fr hi suhjet, "he Relatin oathlie Highc Schonl In the cEate." "Mihigan is aunique itc the excl- lence at her high shos," said the specicer, "whlich is largely lae to the influence at the University at the state, whirls largely increases the at- tendance at the high scolsl. 'hronghaot Michigan te grwth in attetieance at the schosohaa been wandernl and outt at all prprtin t the ncrease in scholippanition. which under ordinary cirnmtance nmight e extected t e the lgical canoe at increased attendance at schools. The penmenal increase in ct tendance icicn high schols and uni- versities diring the pat law years is a tact at prime edcatinal in- tportance. There is scarcely a city in the eate in which the attendance in the high cheolba nt largely in- creaeed; ..a many cases dubed r trebled, atnd icc somea cases qadractlei, within the pat 13 years. A glance ai lie report at the state sperintecdeit at public instrutctin tr the years 188 and 1999showsta tclin all the i- portant high schois a srrising in reasenent in enrlment is aotce - able. "Taking in their order lie te principal iigh schaols in the state, we find that frtm 1891 ta 1899 the enrall- meal in Ann Arbr rse ram 46Is 682, Jackon ram 296 Is 448, Battle Creek trans 156 tIa.36, Saginw, E. S. tram 28 Ia 59, aamaooram 16 to 409, Mskegn ram 88toIa421. Grand Rapids ram 491 Ia 1562, while in Detrit the high schol enrlment ese ram 784 Ia 2494." Organization oif junior Hop Commit- tee. 'T'ccjuioir cap ccoittee bald a mceeticig yesterday aftercno n tocomc- plete arrangements ftlie cap. Thce comcmaitee is orgacnized as (allows: Gecncral Chairanc Edwcin Paot, Sig- Secretary, Wcn. K. ciliasAlpiha Delta Plct. Trrasucrer, W W _v' .cnaSigmca Comittliee Arcrangemccents-Chiarman. K. H. VancCleve, Beta Tta cPt A. S. Houcki, Sigma AlphcaCyasilon; J. Mi. Wcemaore, Delta Kappa Eipsiloc. Com11111tteoncccDecorat1101scChiccrccanci .C elPicDaltacThea -.. U hirtociebutld, Iopoendenc; H. J.Cccamp- Cccitatiee oiKocpion-1Cchticrmanii E.cc l.Kifer, DoltaI Upslilon;1'cili Gracy son, JcrI.a I'S'Upill lon;iW.It.lccctt, The01tacela Cti ltcI huhall cittliterion elatcon1111to liar liop1 oerclot sottiled 1Oct01rdayficnal ar- ccictgcccactsare los theitost p11art coli- pilotd hBieciccicc ci fDetroitcciii do tice odecoraingcancd taagslerlc'r tie catericng.cc Scicsrocao fulclIbad cad or1cheta of11Detot,wcilcproctvile tie (ITidco001ingcle ndi esocilly5 te ligihtinig ccill tis yi-c- cl- - li-c unccutt cttliic. Besidesacgrccl t iicicer (ct licylts ivariouccsiy- distriihted-c tere cili ibe tcoeloe slt perresof illumcincationt. O~ver tliar pec~oroncs' bacth wilicc a lug bliocto Z1. atutdcopposite cc-r thec cntrantce 1 T11 re ~-0cc be saller oc 's cancd 11 10fguretillvalaus11 acit toftoe gyi-c na cocacih giders citliice hicgiic~cth ai crcle oct tccacdoecta addeorated ccthlt Illei-i aes seci ches onlo a 1110er 10 Toe 110atcitctcrtof e ccct'o wil radIciiit ia 0111f to'm thgirdertout 11ictoh a\,]ITesdswll ho drapcd cithi 1110ng "'e rcl c locict b ])\- crdso t itthiceoiliegcoill apearcoil ate i tactive. .cicc Th eritIa 0 cilcli tAnni lAbor-i elctri111c lineohas I n cccl c l a rr a nic emcii sy tobgtheL D eNGLtviiSorCOA AEAr ho1gi rt anil',,p ilas. Parker',s Campus 'C afe+-++++++ French Cook in Charge FURNISHiESOFIRST-CLAISS BOARD. REGULAR BOARD $2.75. 11EAL TICKETS $3.00. Short ardcrs promptly filled. Fresh Home Made Candy now on hand with thc famous Sponge Caranoel a specially. Pop corn halls and salted peanuts nosy ready. Caoe in and try them. W S. PARKER 709 N. University Avenue ++++++++++++++++++++++fi rUti ti il-IHoliday -ci7 \4'(l k Goods Ilkf - Stabler's Art Store 217 so. 41h Ave. New State, 173. B 1ICYCLES STORED L) FOR THlE WINT ER Attica low caeof iptcac ScMacsel thcat the layer 21 cents per mconthi cc confoctcinnsocinnattreacst i; LEO N SHAW, - 117 E. Ann St.I w litiscc chacolate we nmake t i 7East Washingtonan ccd 316 ScuMh a e ate. Ec-erythinug in the candy TypewriterCoyn tine in pusrity' yaoll ficnd ct Hangstec'- frsCopy 3- el 00 ing. ,,+++++++++++++.l SCHOOL OF SHORTIHAN D 20272N. t ut IRIOTY 5AVE. 'SAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, U PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., A SPClIALTY.SAIocTeARYcPL'MIcNG, STircAND HOTc no ERHc A TlINGcc. J. F. SOHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. .,H lOLMES' LIV[RY... F O O m i i . T~ l m ~ U I EF o r P a rtie s, R e ce p tio n s E tc. A C V C Q I C O U "P E S osod and P rm pt Sc v e SPIPE TOBACCOa 3S.SMAIN ST. / zz-T ° TION COURSE TICKETS The Guarantee on 6s~ ., ..4....a$ 1.50 REDUCED TO $1.50 SHIRTS ,,"- is not all that makes them good- SUASBN ~ , itts the material in them-the way anSO therS *AND they fit-the amount of valne you an SxOte get for ( Fine Numbers for S ONE DOLLAR -it At Your Farnisher or Clothier - Sousa and his Band, University Hall, Mond; CLUETT, PEABODY & Co. Evening, February 20. (SuccesnsorstotCauettCona & to.) f-IEADQUIIRTE.RS FOR JOSEPH GILLOTT'S Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, Dress Suit STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS EXPOSITtON, 1889, terey aescr iptin TRUNK ANT) VALISE RECPAIRING tit Lacacci Pr AND THt tHItAGO EXPOSITIOIN AWARD. HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS, 307 Soutli Main Street. ANTON Ti eGuaranteed! Cases 'EUFEL. PERFUMERIES AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.