1 OCR 1loco THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. I ID. fl. TINKER~ & SON You 00 HAT'TERS ANSD FURNISHERS /In Yo r Inside Pocket Headquarters for s. HATS, CArS, MN a's FuRNaS ate Is what youeca aeona ittaor ercoat made toayourorer eb us.tWet'ttaeia perfet and Comapl etetefGYMNASU fit or no tale. Call aad see, na abligatiaa to bat. Oarimaenaassoatmat o toaer 3,0a GOODaSad SWEAoTERa. sape ilplease you. All Wool Snits andeSrats fromc $12.00 upEC.FRLOOEYHT Go dihPnhe up y ratt Reamotear First National - 334 aouth State Seree WYe have bhlt the re- inaider of tlae edition of the 1902 C AntI Nvill ptthIletnien aile W\edniesday , J aeet ay 24the at Sttadttt Agents Wanted to Sell 'SCHLEEDE'S BINDER Enqqire at 340 South State. F. J. SCHLEEDE. 10e EACH DO 'YOU $MIOKE ? 4 Pittsburg Stogies for - - - - 5C GI Bill Anthony C>igatrs for - 25C 6 , 4 IBrunswicko Cigars for - 25C Old Number: ~ Phlielisoelr, taier, 44 SO. MAIN ST., D E A ~N 0 0 attlshes EtootellerSainr, ANABReIH adEgavers, Profl. Hemp] Contributesto Suralt Calendar. Festschrift. Friday, an. 26.-Mmoe. Josephine 320 S. 4STMATL ST., (cantinuesdtrmaage Iacolty, sona recital in Choral Union plan trill appelilto mnty persons whociteseries. ANN ARBOR - - - .- fMICHIGAN canntot aiffordto it contribtute much, bitt Jan. 27-Senior clana aocial in Har- wowtill dleire toshoiarthteir grati- istitr gymnlasitum. 50 centts per couplle. U. 0f M. Barber VAPOR RATHSitttde to tic. Futrnivall orticteir attn. Feb. 10-Aneatal conacert osfte 'Vat- Tiac Only Oats in athy with thte proect by givitng whtat sity nausical clttbs at Untiversity ball. S hop and Bath the City. Rea. accessible to atl letntrttsttworthty tail- Sttriy e.1.S lni ROOMS, 322 aSTATE. JR.Trjasowskt ibons andtttat amette tr ice.TeI c i.eDutin Hlattis hall-After- thteyIcat.onand510 ev1en ing. nr iSr 'tttipitioltb mait bemtatde payabl lt tne treasusrcrfr AnoericaGeotrge A complete litne of AcilerBHoot. fCot BARBR trtt (nfl liei Matcmillat n o.lilt latis at Os asya tnt& Reuta, 200- OufitiN TES SIATISEICTION 1-ifth1avnuleNew York, N. V.ittnd 0 S.Mateat. thity ttill beteitcitiitt tyite Hontottra UNIVFRSITY SCHOOL OF SctarIt "ltsits(rAeitca) noftteIEatly 1110AnAtit boirsT'iteCe.Isaae IEtilishi Iext Ktcety:G.l1OOCit-sm ndt.Celoents to offer otta. rede tiarv tdliitt ritt t-Cambritlge tents ott Iabli bord Ialsooetosttite kisUnvriBatitIor HllitMd. ~ t etau s it class. dia ioMn toft.m'IlNVA TED-tpartir oC mlla Lotdies t ei i n cas eto 1 p. VAN Isine O and ira'r iteranxltt' PINK BIOS., Instructors Stutsoarettcotrdialti ta(dt o int- is tdht t iea em Office and Acadamy, Nickiel Hall, 334-3361S. Slate o=et ourt e'.tttietle of a itottvaer-tiftered. Edwartd 0.U-tins, Lowell, c___________'ots, etis furisnttgs ad at ts.or1jlnsc i. 103 _________________Wttdi s-sitss itsio- tue, S . Malts st. -________ SPA CIAL HOLIDAY OFFER ! --tti 1tinetn sl t(eft- PHOTOS FOR THE MItHIOTiNEN- nittire stare at Martiut taller, It12. 114, 'The nmaxinmumt titne limiit alloetot Oneotse t'anttlliE. L I erty at.o-sd- etniotrs fer hantding intthleirlphoto- $3.00 fll-_ rapohesatadcensuss sh ipstorptbic ATOH ATHENS. Lian is as folleos: Fer literary antI LAUGHLIN FOUNTAIN r At thse Athens theatre tenighlttwill enaginteerinigsttudents, Feb. 1; tes last PENS tCbeleenfo the Stast titme ito Ants At-- students, Feb. 20. 001,let se latte-t Sweedisha dialect cent- 53 " for, onlylttttati5 t Ak stes ine Ventleetats," srodec- AT CRANGERS SATtUtDAYbNH~T. eti byperietessistanofl Mbr. Jacob Litt 'IheSatuirtday eveninig assetmbly still S1.0)0 withs all theo riginoal scenery, prop- ttake place as ususal next Saturtdsy It itdoenoasetttsSu to inBur es ties ats rostutnes ceoplete.'Thle tigiht. 59 aTncsansdaoffertyatu $1.0loresit. cost is lheaded by the greatest at slt dtslect ceoetdiassMr. Hen Hendrickos, The Clee, HBanjo snd Mandiotinorlsubs If t suits _ ~~ HuVE wso will lit better renmenmbered hlere are practicing regularly for Iheis"ott Ifit does not suit Y01i MADE A as the esiginaI Ole Olsota. nelocncert ets Februtary tenthlThIle Soy ay uu tgue i eo trclubts hove practictally been i-n g- IC I . Tie gradutinitg exercises ef thte Oe- nixed for several y'ears. liTes-se Tll i sst, tt>tittttismal,tItee h trait Central high sctl oeecsresi lost nowesoerinitg faithofully to gI'"V lli is yatcance ta etit FN S QUAIT tieMsin tio oi at eGOLDa tight asti Prof. Je__n 0. Reelisdelive- cert ef the very lhighest trdetsite PENt'rttyed anaddess sea "The relation oathflat aill equlstthe bestwtrk .s1 ther Citt on n ett ntatsoi floes te sehootothe tststate." clutbs ialnmest tdays. Coe M4at and Ottontreets. Capital, 5eon0.tSupluts, 5at,00. 'Trasatst generalranking sCine.aaVn~ FRED.HBELSRCasbie. FIRT ATIONIAL B ANKorAnAbr Caltitul, 100,t00.SulsstansdtProfite, 40,SS 'raensat agtnerltantkintfbsiess. Fn tigr excneis boughatfit atid antd. Fureieh letesat creit. S. SI. KINNE, Pres. HARRISON SIOULE, Vtice-Pes. S. Wv. CLARKSON Cashier lhe fbiHfirfor Savincgs Bank Clapital toen. ote,000.ttrpits, $ete,0. Rtesoetts,e,50e00. Orgaiteduder b the5enralsning Latw- of 1thsStat.ReSetea depsits,taysand sells exchu~augeonthe priacipaltctiteseofebeeUllted States. DStstaeuhed spite preper identificatien, Safety depasit btestotaetnt. OFFICaun: Christiau tack, Prs.;lW. SI. Hueri- maut, Vice-Pres.; Chau. E. Hinteek, Cusher;lM. J Fiz,A siteat Cahier PT WJ.BOTPE.W. ARNOLD, 1st Vite-pt'es .V HEA,2 iepe l JOHC.V ssALTA.Csdie-pn BRINK Transacts a general MankiengBunsineta -- COLLEGIATE CAPS. i ONS and lOODS, C CAPS ued GOWNS, (I ftSPECIAILTY. CLASS CANES, COLLECE FLAGS, CLASS STATIONERY, COLLEGE PINS, W.C KERN & CCO 911i FSfy-rSe\asnts St. teIAtsOs.ILL. Uq> tE C&,,. -t one reason Tobacco "'5Z why Old En- g lish Curve Cut pipe to- - bacco is so D The curved tin box that fits any pocket is another reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever made as many friends in so short a time, It disappoints no one." A trial box will be gent to any one anywhere on receipt of ten cents in Stamps. Address Old English De- partmnent, The American Tobacco Co., Ill Fifth Ave., New York City. ne itd cts tatt-ttant r totday. Stat te t it v 5.oi gesslt lisei ed.st Aitresst R D LAUGHLIN MNFG. CO./ 129 Gtiswold SI., SnttriMitt. ' ATTRA( A Dyit rit . ttne a~tI Our tl/irdou, of * - -. FE(ICY SIDFT l tst'l l ll l t ~l AThe..(COAT UP-TO-NI NORTH !SI D E A.SHIRTS POUT # ~ I COLORED LAUINDRY Maer A II . 0COR RDWAGNER THOS. ROWE, Prapr. a~. C - i"ad ARO OLAS WHITE Ilaberdash+ 1003SBroadwasy. f57 elPhon ' THOSE NOBBY GOLFS MIL WARD SPAL'DINGS Official CTORS Jltic boos tOffiilyautedIbythue leadling tit egs, Scoosbndi 5AtOhletuic INGS ..LVE101R EUSTEas FOaRt... OW~ Fotot 13.11 Athletics 'IONS CGoalf (ynansatsun ISpalding's Official League Bal Is te Oficaial Rail of tbe National taOtiaguad alheadingetollegeo- caaions.Spaldints Baso Balt Ouido far 1900, 1 In cr f Athlei hrs FreeAG. Spalding & Bros. :oo a a i'rtno. NWsOn K HCG EVR NOBBY TAILOR STATE ST.