VOL. X. ANN ARIBOR 41[01., FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1900. No. 9.
* UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS.( America. Every reader of Chaucer Candidates for the Track Team.
Ii acknowledges a neavy debt of grst I The ollowing men haded in their
Del tne to the Founder and Diretrio
\IVefac.. per Addresses at Detroit Schools h une ocey vrbd name fo track work at the meeting
T ae the great Oxford Dictionary re
HFine H Piof. Fiancis 'AN Kelsey was the meners that sitot Dr. Furnivall Spints Saville, Wetfall, Snow,
H WNTR ndSPIN Hspeak ei at the gr adaatiisg exercises it never would have come into exis Nne.LeI iblee, Little, Klein, Witi-
WINTE andSPRIG 1fthse January, 1900 class, of the ast fene. And tese are bst two x als 0'Biei, Pirrng, Cornell,
Suiing, Glf uit, Eenshighs school, wich were held in5 amIles of the benefits wisih this sef oyli, Bickle, Lloyd, Hobrook.
Ph.armusic hal, Detroit, last niht, sacrificing wrker has conferred on Midlei Distaice Men-Hatch, Fitch,
Fac etng. and his subject was, Why go to cl- his generation. pirickei, Lasder, Psie, astin, Dsant,
00lee?" To te Early English 'text Society Spuldn, eals ikel Le is, on
Tie discsssed the corse of study
I DESSISASEITY which should properly be followed in -__-
0 ohigh schools, dealiisg with the cry
A WeArr~ theLr st a it only practical subjects should be
alloseed ic the csrriculsuic of high
Stock I schools, aind saying that the question
ancient and modern languages and se-
fi~~fi lected sciences is what colleges all 1 .
o 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. 0 over the world say is toe best prep.
aration for a college course, becasse
R R o their fitness, and they should hrm ~> ~
the basis oh any high school esrricu-
W I L D "he eason so many oh our young
men~ [ ls and women go to colege today /s
- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ___________ snot because of the accessibility o
college but because they recognize 1
N n hyreceive there i sed to e -
S E IAIthat only those intended oc the
SPE IALlearned professionsaeit to college,
but slc nowtoeitnigtcne o- hsrfr oabado ot ercial life recognize the benefit of- z. . i
a cllege trainisg because it gives " 4,
defctie ocethem greater ability to nieet the cim-
peitlioniiof today. Finaicial tranisac
c'tiuins of tihay require precisely the
qualties oftminidcudeelopedinicasscol-
Wilder 's Pharmacy ligi.
__ ______ __________ The initial commccecement exercises
T HE E OLD or evrlicwee ieavofthuenew 'senhihshoDe-
RELIABLE and ]lscicscI.cC Prof. BI. A. Hiisdale, of the University
t'tt'Ls A stt Gti teY. utfIticligan, talked os "Our systeiss
R. E . ~ JOaL L Y & C a. ofpublic instractio" iesais tata
_______- - - -- hicigai's eiucational systemi of
coimmnon scssols, high scusois ccaii cci-
versities is the resslt of 1Pruissians
iles, anid is liasied ctisely n sicTOTE1 M LIC COLUMN
A ___________________ preseintieitic the C3isuersity cisonisii the husts t their enius Thie cl-
A "ciclProf. Hempl ContributestoFurnoall ty sums J Cole ut the Harismmn Se~ia ms a'- dnthe iteia lie sice
ed c lFestschriftnifcexpeditionsic clunwa epee ie bo e is ashun tensfee
Prsf. Hlp has contributedl a ipaier takcin Ions a descirted village of te highs ansi thiee feet aide and coisists
sicina y nthe origi of the English IRiver I liscii Idias near Cpie Fox icco cc labIicfroi aicng trc the paisnt
isaise Ree or ea to tue Pstschr itt iuAska.iThcisiscoluincwaas ussrof the insoi ticsfigres is icc reci black. iini
lss hnr of Dr. Furnival sisnly ticsrese comsru ghiac~t hck vhit. 11ce columisn is isi the secnds
75c/ t). Furnivall swill hc scaveityfisaecqitc a numcsbcrof Toten'sple'wrc flor oteismcseumsii ldingshssi the
yecrs old cciithec -thc o1 iet Februaryaobtaied, se ccl temni iftlly feet alca
aind it is proposedl tict the congratlaIigh I ThceIciles as"- sirte iisside o
clis-t-Pat tionss of his frieisds takec shsspec(1) iii _____________ ______ _ ____
cs~~~e a pecisonalhprsccnt, (3) ic'a Fest DrFurniasll lhas dvtcdiawhat ms-in, cscrgcr Esisissiis nSippcc Bsrrett.
CAKN'S P A M C D 'liii lis fccishcsss cfcrsclingme. ici Its pubica tisns ice isvaluale Ici. istasc eius- vs cashbszari,
suggests aba 5t s aii5apppihc tatc perci ail .is still pushing ahsadinsicitsttas IncmisronCaldwellss Ali tg Kiight,
soncar sciint. Fr the Fetschslrit ccofImakinscg the imasusipmt itsratiue Wiitlaksuthis noss s eain iue,Pst
_________________________________ to___ the cuntints ccl which Enlshsscholccl., is' Old andsle EngclcIsslishspetissds rctllsci I sHsleyParryStddca'd.
cieiuccchtlutcirop IccccIIAmesi ccc wsillbSc'ity chs neercalcd sssscribcrs s \ l-hhsscscld'hcl'IlcrcauFelker.
c scuiuusuti trofcssors sl t EsNsap cicr clnou hoeca'ertic cnsable it t oticascl' 5 shslavrv basrest Milr,
S W E A Tr aveprmiedticitedt itfthis'topcof spedandsmtit hs no uer Sw el 5 sYut DavislscKllsBon
++1 sic esc s e ncf irst twsao iiict s isucuthsus ic rccuctsatr.elisScsi uitstt iWhislecc
na~ueutfior. Te frend of i. ~ui c Vislt NO icc'rry, Iavis Des
i555 irvie orb r.bunials nvll hrfre eiv'ta omoeEmaS ulitird, Hi'ri'st'c Ses-
persocna frieccis. For thel c 555 -55fiting , t iutcto Iis pubicserices csstCclv. Proak, Scuictuer
...GOING AT . . . lowusect scpublcihesubscitioncs otisisbepsidchatncuchculs snunes'Hcut rls-cs iden, Ileitenback.
couse iecessary. Tihis endowmssentiis c hcSccs s hllesr h iuo ascgl hc Yitc lctbcg
to be a fundshichc shall ut teEr ,f t I-urichal nur teco- T sliyc leyPstenvici Srt sul.
Nng_ Icclishs'I'xt -ocietyons ic rmic ccbasis tcccuaccccoh its ccwcrl. ThVense nticiloavics lisbicF 'Balwcuer sc' Wod.
Alv% Acerca has beens askecd to ccliiien-s not the cnccern of scholars alonecic rin icncg has aledy started ansI
ate with Enlanud icc tors tribute oh bst oh viirybody cwho is in ay way in the folowaing hous he been arran-
rjsespect and affectioci to one of the tes ested in the English lasguage and eh oc the diffe ent events
most helpful, uevoted and unselfishs Iose valte. and juipes before
sc l,0acs of our time. IThe invitation English literature. 4ceott ieaist ahesa
somost sappropriae; oc DrFusi- It s belived that the amont of the 44 3 rpo eport to tt Fit tzps sietalprsntr
val's outspoken sympathy with oii American subscription to this Plctlb at 440 report to Westall Hurtles at
insttutons and his countless favors day Fund will be commensurate with 44 reot to McLean
u ii to isa all. Nowhere are his ser- large subscriptions are oh course in ltce weight events and pole vault
l A vices to learning more generally un- looked hoc. But it is noped that the and we are assured oh good represen-
SA I lIiderstood and appreciated than in (Continued sn pose 41 laLcon inthes gvgnt..: