4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 1lOc. l Oc. We have bought the rc- onainder of the edition of the ST8BENTS remember that we can supply you with a $1.00 Fountaini Pen, the Laughlin or Waterman, whlich xve folly guarantee. What more can you ask ? Try no. D. ft. TINKER & SON HATTERS AND FURNISnERS Headquarters for HATS, CoPS, OtEs'S FURNSNSo and ComplesteineofnGYMNAoSIUM Goons and SWEATESoo. AGENCY FOR LONGLEY HATS 334 Sousth State Stree lQfl9 IDOWN TOWN, 116 II 0RV L [ Ktud At rss Imo And wssill pust thesei os sate NWedniesday,'Janti - are 24th sst SCHLEEDE'S Enqqire at 340 South State. SOUTH MAIN ST. .0J rnrr5 I nt#1~ (so.Aliadsiuro S~ treets. V Capital, $50,000.Suspius,.530(0.Tascs- R, KF-, Prs. CC.s. ssN, VieO'ss- FRE. l BL~S-o Cashier. F TIOINi FIRST NATIONAL BANK O ndt16 Ito Sell Coaia, 1005f00. Susrplussosnd Prosits, $40,00 Trassaseessss bankingobsiness. Foreign ossocsssge bousght ssi sold. 0Fussish Ilesrs o I 53E55D.KINNO ,Press. HARRlISON SOULE, S. W. CLARRSs5N Cashier F. J. CHLEED . 111 flIn flr11or Savings Bank F. J. S H L E D E. Cpital Stock. $SONS0. Surpluss,$150,0ON of tissState. Reisvess deposssis, bsys sodslls '37Yi. ooosexn seothe prinscipal citiesof the Uoitod States. Drafts caosdosnssspropersidentificatio, Safsty deposoit bsoso rento. ,++25c manViSe-es.;hs .E Hiscock 8Cashier;OM is otx. C. LrzAss. Coase 25c BINK l0c EACH ADO YOU $M( oI16l & Go. 4 Pittsbtutrg Stogies for 63 Bill Anithotty Cigars for 4 lBrtuswick Cig ars for Old Number: PubshberoBosoksellers, Slatisoel'o, 44 SO. MAIN ST., ansi Enosravers, ANN ARBOR. MICH. 320 S. STh9Th ST., ANN ARBOR- - - - - 11ICOIOAI U. ofl M. Barber VAPsOR BATHS Shop and Bath th City. Ross R OOMTS, 020 STATE.'J. R.Trotanowski WuesRceR"-sE N heteerol. UNIVE.RSITY SCHOOL OF DAIc~C1NG Lactic s'lueinnisngelass, SedslO3Iso11 ~i w PINK BROS., Instructors Sfftioe andAcademy, Niolkel Hail, 334--336 5. State I SPt CIAL HOLIbAY OFFER! $3.00 =1 1LAUGHLIN FOUNTAINE PENS $1.00 If it does not suit YOU MADE A Any sayyoaafigare it PROFIT UNCLAtIMED LETTERS. Tie fottossnluettters remasin t tlainmedtatthe ipostoffice. Allie,(Ds.tCilltion H.; tBriggseBHot tsoBeishisMs.Chias.;tBrowen, E. 1).;TI nettlMrse. Minnsie; Bennett Asiss t ailss Nettie; Connssor iHenry ' Cookli Minie: Carrasselo, Jams Ee Sal, Gostis;Issinsdesis'Mr-s. (.C.;I IeOsbssre OtMis.; scottMrs.s Saras Tseorsss Os d I'Fergusos, lMrs.N. 1 (,woss Mtars;iHoenbsecksI+ran llochbstaditerS.;sHector, Mary;55 Ri C.A. ii me, yon C.S; iilbai Ed.; Mslersirs. Vs It;sMetz, tChas esoa,5M's.Mass;Mcotetneslsl, R. 0N :BlillesrossisassistlelJosns Oive I iiesiasI'Plank, Mts.Ii's*ist). 1N tisshiss 1.7W.s lt'ery, tPhilipsVas Tye Mrs Ls.~t N.sOWlite, Jesepins i tnGo H.Vs itt 1s. Coss Msies F.; Cas,'issRose; Johisse Ms.eS.; eyeC H;Kppe lii Iyi; K~ sis CWm.; Paron Jasmes, SweetMrs. B. Steven, Ms L. N.;Stssey, MrssS.H.;Sensis Mtis.Joke. (let. D, L.0.Smsth, Jais Studensitoaresosrdiallyinvitedtto i peet our c- ipEte li-ro ofsuis oeve, coats, won'sofrnshinss and hot WaC dhams, tyan -Heute, S.Main st. Attend the invenitosy site 'it the fus nistusrestore 0 otrtsn Ratter, 1102.100 asid 000 E. Lisorty st. 68. WANTED-A partnserfos' my lto THURSDAY Esvu, INtE. Asdeoncedi practice closesit Grai ger's oaoademoy, Thusdoy. Twelv nihtse$3' No visitors. SO DEAN CON Transacts a general B Iankinagtbusines Calendar. 'kesofCAS nn Fridssomin. 26.lMte.Josephine ." GOWNOS ad 110000. 'seecby, song recitltini Chorot Union Retionof sesses, / CAPSN opd 00WN0, e- Jn27Sesisos elaseseroial iss Hor- tPCILpsTY. n1;i]ior gymnsasium.sa 0Scesnts iier cosuple. II~ CLAS RNEcSo F el. 10-Anasloncisertt Os tte'Var- OLECH LAG, I sits msissal libs aitv~sseriity isall. 5 50P~s Dss Ii(iSiiurayFeb.17iSt aleie~'s CLASS STATIONERY, ii O~~ls ssiii'S (sill'ShECIALTIES A comp~lete lisa' of Adiler tBros. fOne WC KERN & CO. co ils it 'iVoidt issRtya'n0& Reule, 200-. 45i 5 O s~iILiL. Ch 02Ii Stain ot.__________________ rd, "Asliceto v. soassin di remts tls liotofr Sstu-sieu iii deits isistabis, bossrd;.ause 0n0suite qyV C-,. ' 'N one reason a ~-~aED-A srtse or0 ylae Tobacco ~ why Old En. buisiniesisanid libirory. Libiersalterss su lTO i' $ glish Curve en, o oil dsori0.Ossisot0s'el, Cut pipe to- o S a t'-FtTEMIOIGNN bacco is so rs" ~SIAN... I isThensaximismsstime limit ollowsesd to pplr sessiorsobr haninsg iiithseir ptto- 4 ., The curved gr aptsasndsotcesues slips (or tpssllic 1_tion is as followss: For titerory ansi tin box that fits any pocket is another 'rongsineersng stusdents, Febi. 0;tfor toss t.student-, Fob. 20. reason. No other pipe tohacco has ever H.tsc.ciii lma, 98,bormserly atha- made as many friends in so short a time. _,been psracticinog in SosuthsDesid, Ind., It disappoints no one." 9 since Isis graduaotions hoe decidest to losole iss Arizono and wtill leave aouost A trial box will be sent to any one soFebruaryyfirst. anywhere on receipt of ten cents in AT CRANGER'S SATURDAY NtIGtT.stamps. Address Old English De- a- Vise Satusrdssy evensing assemnbly sill partmsent, The American Tobacco ve itke blocs as ussol next Saturdtay Co., Ill Fifth Ave , New York City. night. 89 All dealers sell it. ,+--+++++++++++++ ++++++ ++ SPALIDI NGS Official Altbletic 0d + 5Off iilaopted tsptIs leodisig + Colleges, Schoos t nsd Astetic + Cuofth e Counstry. Ivy and nmediuma weight + ' EsERY EQUSIT OR.. n~lB ispetio. Bse all Tennis +vt inpcto.o a ot1Ball Athileties + Golf Gymoasiums .. Spalding's Official League Ball ~r & C . n'porting Taitors + se ffcal IBalldof teNatoioal- 123 S. Main St. + aitos paldings Base Ball tuide tar 1900, 10c ~i~t++~++ ~Z 3, ,++++++ + anusone CtalgueA.G. Spalding & Bros- 44++++++++++++.S.4 of Ahetcdo tes-ce t5Josat eess. NEW YOR, CIAO EVR VARD NOBBY TAILOR STATE ST. llfl w FAR { Tis'is thbest ssiiiole. Here 'ssOlysoe p n se er address; eo"AAgift of nsir edn sfl { smisseof tihsigivr C oa.S tatsi e s whdethrli so vn~ tl s sred.Aidresis LAUGHLIN MNFG CO. { 120 trisold St., BelrasMich. AnyBanoroExpeoss osjasy inss Detrot.e YTy The.. NORTH SIDE A LAUNDRY THOS. ROWE, Propr. 1 1003 Bteadwaty. '57 Retl Phone 44 THOSE NC)BBY GOLFS i i s > I TROUS[RS,,, Good Values in hea) .. Trouserings. We in +3 Wagrn .+ + ++++ ++ ++++ ++++ +++ ++++ ++ M IL V