THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY elk S. LA Course. k", -. f at.. Student Lecture Association tickets Ilt~~d~aly (undas esepte) duin twll tte placed on sale today at 4 o'clock Collegeye ar, at alder'o Drug State on State at. 1 v E THE UNIERSII Y OF M CHIGAN. -taasetr-Tax Ilandesacs, Heing Bloc. Both Phaes, 17. diffANAGING SEDTOR. F.I. Bsss Ana, 'OL 111iIINESS MANAGER . a. H. HA~'00 . ^.D. lasscaa '015E, Athltic. EDI)TORS. ~5.woso,'00 L. AlH. MctOUtAasa,'010 s.n5san, 'E. . B. Wo, '0, ,.$,AoI "caoas ,e'0O , D5. 51. tra, 'cAt, P~Thehsntacltiaslprica sstheAL s acM.Ofo haesolg" yea, with a acgula odeliery hafoct ems seah dalo. Notcc assas icatios, and ethr cattes itenddlftar publicaisamst ha kstiessasinaat tha DALaoie beforehaas pIn., as ailed t the sturbeacoe 3 p. an. at th day arnasisnsa isthat asnawhica they aepcted as Rnhsecptisstay ha aeft at the DALLYs offie, steye's, as StOl's aewtalod, as with Busies fftsagsi, aalciharsswll tases a faoarly wslsecttse peasstly at this offie ayfailre at All hages as adertisamattec msst e is she offiae y 4pasmasontday peeisst that -as which hea ae tosasoas. ,1%e resuls of te organization af an- ma k3 s frehmen eleen will be watchd erldik intercst The "all-frehmn" has - oafemedly not been a success in the two pant yearstsila which it was tried. -..hits was practically admitted y the xtyleli authorities when they did not ke..a@L' steps towards repeating the i arstment until asked to do so by the 'tabr.~ That the coaches ae Iandi csIajST by a lack af anteiau is very 'elidesxt.Theta ceranly aought to be , ren material availale at tisip1e0iod the @ easin. There is god groasnd fotblaieviag sa t many good Varsity enotuogt to +r sdevelped rom all-reshtoen eleven. t 'as eoght to Pa a cnstant source am which the Varsity could daw ex- r..:Aacd players. That Varsity inate- 'ifor succeeding years has sot eas veinped in the frehmaenaevens is * e2tcalnly not due to a lack n the part thaeoachaes. Wetertpro'es a a,'-es thyear dependauon oa5th sin- telmanifcted in it. f such ganes ersaba seured as will induce cadi- satres to come ut and try fr the team, ax" traine faithfully, the venture wll to asuccsful and Ielful Io)foal:all g easly t3ut soitout etouagh menoaout a'.rPst :o:ISaSosc acrasonabslysgod r as ge a sho'duale fri. l'ba'0ating 'sw necesary ithOat feshmaenaoturaa atadwo'riafo thae'teamo, seatat y eccacs whit. it ogtlo ass a aaningscnhoolfrtarelsaiveseciytam RMoodija Program. '1w ght L. Moody swill bld oaclioais Ann 5ror on Satray, Sandayansoo _t. 'aday TltoSauraday a onltsday --aferoon metings soill bPahldcloilaothe 1t' Ihodit riaurcho adltle es'eraing 'sotngs and the ooe Suday afternoon - University Hall. lisa meetng are e conducsated under the united on- stot of the churches, the S. C. A. and tce Unverity and town Y M. C. A. The S5. C. A. will prvide the choir and he Unverity Y. M. C. A. will lok after the ushering and ther arrange- 'soont. A good representaton of the asulty, and the S. C. A. ads city hurches will occupy the stage in Ifn- aty ,'Fll. These meetings are for the espa'al 'esofit of the students, ut others will 'Sac welcomed. i Those desiing to sell tickets mot pro- cure orders rans theameamaers at the Board in their respective dpataents and present to the treasurer at SL. A., wolsueoo'the tckets at Wilder's Drug Store at 4 a'clock, Wednesday, Oct. 4th, and at t0 o'clock n lisa morn- icg oalah' reaaingdaysofattheswck 'ha usaal arralokenent at allowing 5 per rent caomissio oa each tickaet sold_ oill bP a ad this year. Tihcetog cure class'sfar eoaaaplted so h dates as giren eeowa 1.. Lymano J. age.......O~t. it 2. Congreanaao. 1'. lDollis c...Oct. 27 3. Max Beedo',ixeaeoCoeaae . ...No.d o. tBrig-Gen.oCh'lesiraKtg . ...No. 17 5. Senator Wn. Y. Faye.....Date opaa 6. Will Carloto .......... ...Ja.t, 7. Sousaadi his Baa........... FeP. 19 sJohn TempileaGraresc..... ... March 3 . FOHopkinaso Ssooall. ..... Msarch 05 t0. Oratorical Conatet ..........lhMarchi 25 0. Chicago Alumna Nu0100 er..Date open 2. Announced later........... Seats can Pa resrsed for lisa e'tica coutre at Wildr's Pharmacy at 9 o'clack Monday msorning, Oct. 9. DEBATING NEWS. The subject for te acxt deate of the Central Debatig tLeague sill e "Resolved, That municipal ownership and operation of street railways as preferable to own ership and opertin Py private corporations." The preliminaries will take place Ot 2tht. The Inter Dept. deates on the Friday preceding Thanksgiving. The semi-finaals on the second Friday in January and the hialsotehde frt Fri-_ day in April. Anly student is the Universit may participa~te, tprovided that ha Pa a mea- er at the Oatorical Assocationa and af one o the our deating scetis, the Alphla Nu, Adelphi, Jeffersonian or Webstr. Provided alo that he has st tpreiously represented the Univer- sity in a final cntest. The przes ae' Flat prie, seventy dollars, second prize, fity dollars' third arizae, thirty dollars. HISTOLOGY, BIOLOGY, BACTERIOLOGY Supplies and(IDisseting Instruments. We.,oatatotheaods. We 'uaoatec the place. J. J.1QUARRY, CA.T sasV' 7tsR''o- dJC AI teaes of the Ut oeM.OsAca'wilalacas e slat' rtheOPR117BTShNElll10'Bllt"O2', wher suscritio canbehefct frtoss i. Ti.e lU At v.aod os e s othaersI aoisog oailies as tes' D0 tatis Paee Prs, etrcoit 'T'ioae,Dr, aot EovoienirNo-'andasallli-LaoN'w 'ok asd Toaeoapetrsa. ~l'asalslteli,eadaltooall patoe aftcty Olc 01. 10oath M ' ainset GRANGFZR' School alfDancing MRsAss MRS. 11O1S1 GRANE, Issassemass. Office ad Aatlasmy 1Mayadstres-ass hawck wst oaiStatecsetstaores. Blli Posac Na.: UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DAN~CING' PINK BROS., Instructors. 7 Office nd Academy, Nickel Hll, 334.336 S. State1 SHOES nvIRRYTHTN SHOE N SHOES THE BIRAIlN SHOE STOKE Mleans Gaol Valatto, notlhig else. Liowest (asa Prica faor Gooti Shoe. W~e are soot satisfied unaleass youi are. We do tihe Beat Repairing, using good maateriali unly. D. E. GL ASS, PROP., LO9 SO'DT= 1IV-ZsIIN SCT E 'IT. J00 r. r~~ftO The Single Breasted Sack Suits Wicihi we offer are high class manufactured garments, are cut from heavy weight Surges, fancy Worsteds, Cher- jots, Tweeds and Thibets The fashionable broad shouldered, narrowv waisted cut is represented as well as the straight back coat- the only two styles in vogue now. Vests are single and double breasted, $10.00 to $20.000. NOhIc S tr IA-W BOOK".O" To the told tudeas we seed no introdatction; to the newo ones nwe will sa- WE fAIZIY F1lE MOS F' COMPLETE LINE IN THlE CITY saldca supply any law boaok poublished. A few of our miscellaneous publicatcca* with SPECIAL PRIaCEaS lion Hoist Constitutional History, 8 vols Sandars' Justinian Wilson's Works, 2 vinl Tucker on the Constitution, 2 veim Stats Trials Erskine Speeches, 4 vols Curran Speeches Roscher Political Economy, 2 evlk Cull for our Catatogne of Law Books. Pleased to quote ysou Prices. Ann Arbor Branch, a w oo Pblshrs. o. 340 Stats Street -- Opposite Lawi Building. GAS AND ELLOIR C LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., A .SPECIAL'r. SANITAnsRttoUaBNeO. STEAM sAsN Ov ssTIR IIA TIa~ i. ____ ___ J._F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. New ' Patent Lecture Book sea.. 5 or-, lcturae CcoN-er, albstl and eour ow aItentlcoet. the apsru st t t ecarorget assi eal as in the oil syle trhi ot bookas. Parker ond Waterman Peras from $1.25 up. Wholesale ar~d Retail Paper from 10 tents a Pound up. F. Ji. SCHLEEDE, 340 South State Street. GET YOUR 99' MICHIGAXZ4.3IA2N fIT T°HE INLRIND PRESS NEW SHOES FOR FALL. Htave you packed inoaour sham winsalyaept? Thee thesyace, styles withost enL. t all the trast talk yaoulhsne heard we will sell these sahosjsas lameas we said sqalal qiaieeat-sat pass.k-I' SHOP" STORE , 019 E. Waehingteon St.THEO POPULARt STORE SEE THE LONG HAIRED LADIES IN MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE- WINDOWS.