2 THE UN 1 V EL SITY Ol MICHIGAN DAILY 2 THE UNI VEt SITY 01 MICHiGAN DAILY Pub eled Dty (So dopo ecpte) dring the College yar, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. or'acE The Inlad Pess, Uenig Block. Both Phoes. 147. NAN AGING EDITOR. . NBaLnA 0, 'Ot L. "UINE.SS MANAGE. o.11.B.o,'00. EDITORS. ATHLETICS, .. . . Heaooce, 'Ot B T B. WOOsOu-,'0 L. Al. Mc~cOV(-LL,'tt E A.G. BROWN.'02. E. J. B. WOoOD,0 L.J.A0TttcoOOR,0, W. tD.1Lcat, '0M, The euhciptopieeofthe 1AILY0 is2.0Ofo he college ye, witha0reglr deieyeoree noneco day. Noice, communioctios, od othere uotoettended oe plcatiocnout e handed itoat the DAILY offe befoec 0p. Il'o mated to te edito eoe 3 p. mof olthe dy pevioe to tht oo which they aeo epcted to appeao. Shciptions loop e let at the DInY ottie, Meyeees, O oleotlotewsotod, oe with Bcteeo Mage. suhsciersewi111cofeifavlorey repoting pompty at thioroie 000 failre ofo arieee, to delivepoe. Altchangeetonoadveriig m00tteroutus e i the ofiec y 00p, m.00 te day prpecios o 0tht on which he ae o 00 000 intercollegiate Rlownlg A moveenett has en strted by tthc tntercotegiate Rowng Asoca- tion, compood f Cototottote Petn- syvania ;nd Crttclttilmateits cncoct regatta t Polt')etee,seth its yor 0a 000007ltrger 11c00 n-' and sonething otott theoderof te lieo. , roreo in EoIglotd. trodier to accoftt- pish this pupoeoc, e tlotcsrfne 05 univrsities thve toentittvttedtto setd crews to participate tto te tregatto Wiscotnsin,tooto ovSacs anot towit. tfsufficetttitttetet to naniested inthitts tmoant. (Othoc stewards of thc asor slotntentoto tovetot ony racer toin olhicth te eights, ht also foutrsdotobes aned oiamntd scotloscottlcompete po- vided that ettries 'P"tmoe tbefore May 1t. It seems anost ccrto tlat the universities wtttctthave hcet invited wilt accept, as Wiscotnsit has atreadly shown her wlltrguess, and the others woutot te favorabe to enter- ing into a contest whicsrould attract so much notice. Columbia Wants a Foot-Ball Game Thanltaicinq. Director Baird received a telegram yesterday from Colmia University offering to play Michigan it football on next 'Thanksgiving OlOy in New York City. There has been considerable dis- cussion of introducing the custono of "Junior Week" into the Uni- versity this year. Thio custom ob- tains in nost of the eatern Univer- sities. During the week are given the Juniot- Hop. Glee, Banjo and Man- dolin concert, Sophomore op, Com- edy Club play, and the various Ger- man, house arties and luncheon. While this arangement is not possible here at present a step in that direc- tion will be taken. Besides the Jsn- ior Hop and houste parties the mtsical clsubs concert will come in that week. This will be given the night after te Junior Hop. Daily rehearsals are now being held and will continue until the concert. The clubs are makin evey effort to make their firt appearance after several years of sleep a nemor- able one. Mr. Charles Simon will deliver the Alsmni ration tonight at the annual literary exercises of the Detroit igal School Alstmni Asociation. The re- ceipts of the exercieo are for the beneffi of the scholarhip fund, estab- lished to asit worthy graduate to attend the bniversity of Michigan. WHY THEY FLOCK APART Parker'sCmp lCntnefom pa~e 17am u to be content to worship mostly from a distanee. C f ... "Df the cauoes for this estrange- French Cook in Charge ment, which io by no means a new FURNISHES FIRST-CLAISS BOARD. thing, but rather one which has REGULAR BOARD $2.75. flEAL TICKETS $3.00. Short grown up with the system of co-edul- orders promptly filed. Frcsh Home Made Candy now on hand cation, no one has been so potent per- with the famous Sponge Caramel a specialty. Pop corn balls haps ao the systems of fraternities and salted peanuts nosy ready. Come in and try them. and sororities among the studento themselves. This system binding the W S. PARK students into 'cliques, excludes the70N.UiesyAv possibility of nouch outside friendship ____________________--______ _______ CER nue or even extended acqulaintance. Another cause which also applies tr thle great body of independents is the style of dress most popular with the noan stutdents for wear abotut college. Stnce sweaters of wonderfool hues and tmarvelous designs are worn toy nearly every student and practically all of the tinoe, morning, afternoon and es-ening. fur a student to makec himself present- lose to a young lady is always noore or less a task. "And witho it allthteo existitog condi- tion oftthtings seems satisfactory to both sides cotcerned, and in Ann Ar- bor at least, no one to very greatly shocked. Howsever, thougho co-eduoca- lion has been itexisteuce at the Utti- versity of Michigano for 30 years. thoere tre still stronger opponett of the spa- tenm u-oo oct1 seize on smatter things thoano flat of thoc onsociability of ttoe stotoetts too arguoe the ill-success of the co-edocation in Michigant, its great strongldo in tis country. "loe listory of c0-eductoiton tn thoe uiversity is ao folloows:lto 1855 Dr. E. 0. Haven, thoen a professor tn the iniversity, advocatedl the adnoissiono of wvomen 010 00n0eqouality switto m0010 Toe tgitation of thoe question rottinoted, ndot trominent educator s ott uver floe counttry were coosuliteto boot most of thoemo, inclotditogiPoesidenot Henory P. 'i ooat an ondthoeentotrc facolttv of ooor unliverity, oere opoposeod to thoe toeas- ore. Finally. pressed bty the demoanods of the state legislatotre, the botord of regnto in Januaory, 1870, passeod a res- olution which, in effect, admitted wo- noen to our tuniversity upon the sanoe footing as meno. Dn Feb. 2, 1870, ils Moandalon L. Stockwsell, of Kalamoazoo, wvas admitted, being the firottusoten to enter the university. "Another woman entered the sanoe year, making the ratio twoowomen to I -------------------------- 10rH a-Hit- ++++++++*+++++++++++Z+++++++'rlI LI I Holiday IiI~~ -o~o~ ~.Stabler's Art Store 217 So. 41h Ave. _ New State, 173. o:0 BICYCLES STORED ...o f FOR THE WINTER vAl tte tossrole of o. pting Morosel that floe lover 25 cetls pee motht~ 00 confecttons cannot resist it O N H W,-17 .A I t loocious chocolate w enmakce oa ENSHWt 1 E n~. v1 Fast Washingtono and '316 Sooth op0n -. s o ts. Everything in floe candy Tv Crit iei uit o'lfn tHnse- e'.Ol e 0 opying ++++++++++,+++++++;S C H O OL OF SHORTHAND 707 N. U-NIVER~SITY A V. GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., A SPECITYto . SANITARY l't0-10170, STEAMI AND HOT 5WATERo HEATING.. J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. ,,SHOLMES' LIVERY... FINE COACHES AND COUPES For Parties, Receptions Etc. Goad and Prompt Service Guaranteed In 1880 the ratio wvas hi to 367; tn " ',""i / "\M w 180 24to70,i 18,ALUMNUS. STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSOC IA- The sttbjects wvhich Hev. J. H. Crook- iO N C UinR TIK S er announces at the Unitarian churchTON iiii~ TIK S next Sounday are of especial interest to young people. In the morning: l.10 Helpfotlnesh of Science to Me-) ligion." In the evening: -"Th Con- tributions of Johon Ruskin and James( $1.50 R EDUCED TO $1.50 Mtartinean, to the wsorld's best lfe- a tilbute of affecttonate appreciation. Ii SOUSA'S BAND OLD ENGLISH ) arnd Six Other $ - (s Fipe Numbers for *P SCGRV Cur ' 10IE 0O AC O, Sousa and his Band, University Hall, Monday PP TO A CO Evening, January 19, G TAEBLER MAINCO.~ JOSEPH GILLOTT'S STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS EXPOSITION, 1889, AND THE CHICAGO EXPOSITION AWARD. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. fEADQUfARTBR8 FOR Truniks, Valises, Telescopes, Dress Suit Cases- I Evr Icescription. TRUNK AND VALISE REPAIRING at Lowieel Price-. HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. 307 South Maian Street. ANTON TE1JFEL. PERFUMERIES AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.