be 'of 94 I O h Pa iu VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDJAY, JANUARY 2a5 1900 No. 88. W ILD T T Fine H WINTER and SPRING H E Suitings, GoRf Suits, E Fancy Vestings. T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY T A We Carry the Largest A IStockI L In the City L O 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. 0 R R W ILD WIID ER'S SPECIAL Wilder's Pharmacy THE OLD Forceve-ni wa. k, hav RELIABLEGALKS and T013 -100 c-'I'Dh SA I'FCJIAftsY. R. E. JOLLY & CO. Medical ~Dictionary CALKIN'S PHARMACY SWEATERS .... GOING AT ... . 1WAHR-'S WILY THEY FLOCK APART Iccasio. As to tie daily lill there Salaries need not be Paid Quarterlsj. it: ht one condition to e oserved, Tie Uiersity professors and en- 0''nio o "Alumnus" on Co-edu-nsilsa sta.hegrsaetowr iys are resting easier now __an pinion rnd enjoy themseves in absluiste it15' they serer last wek. Last year the cational Social Problem. cscssiosness tiat asother sex exiss,leiatre naedaawrssrg Tise followisag is a comusinictioniias ice versa 3nss sssssa ight, fs ssis-een ocs-s il sigetllisiniss ii tselas sasahns(1one that is qcicte ,genesally re- osi smefiocifor coopuinsg salaries of ilss Michignaus Alums:asssarkedl iupon, vistof a yong ly for5frctional perids. Te Usiver- fo lsthsfrsAns rbsrstits" ss rbesen sg osilee ssa sssgna i.stv regents cosceived tie idea that sorla soso AassAs ossst s i li nsany casess yousssg msens liein th10 thclsssselsod povided for paynent of printedisa tisemsorsopslissof thse 05 s s owarlssisgouss saand sss the same slarls sea raterly sisy, .__- at last lios, thsat soeducations isson ifulshssdepar55tmssent swilo grls yetiarsly eksmeigadopted arslto tics. Cs-educations at theUniserstyIknon themia wsll enssssghsIstoseow toto t1111effclst 'fle nploysswere of Micicsgasssu sffersng lions awar5of thensssAC hosralUssosnCoscets, srprseu hweno siey lensned of Iis as. tlse sexes it is said, andsithe allantry Sdeits Lectusse Asscationslicc- ihsi ionuiti e ios osr of~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Olcogs isvriysiis5 ssv' oesasso sal ssss esacpettonss for the rescisding of gaiger ofsiamsagig impusttons s.e affssrsssoe sees lassre.a 10ow 1 cifisg i sc th reoltion.Seceay aswn chsarge insst lbe reutfed. einayiftesof thenm pretty,'ll joly andinto Lanasig ilosiay' o see if te nat- nets oast iselatedadoinfoe gul o-stls-es itii te t 5lngrs ri could lat e adjusted, asd dico- unisso t s iccasd, o io luh ofellows, arls paty itent upoi its sed that there was noting isa te gefther, do not associate with echsiown ienjosymsent ansd ohlivioussof te iwmfso opeet al s otne intha spiit f god fiiov- orsxinity' or evess existence of fle set, if the regents sas it to ass ship, or eer, lth sighc e expected onsler. hrnhm whiere 2000 younsg men are brousghtf isosigis floestatesoenit -aot te gils ________them.__ daily isifo contact witifome005600 or ass to paronize athletics y going to Ms aoai oqRctl o 710 young wiomns on fheloehisited the afheicfieldheis ofas 1rmmesog space of a college campus'The Nesstfue it is not to e denied that they morrow Eennq York Evesing Post ecently psihished woit go renain aloofi sss the sen The unqalfied success of Ms. Ja- a coussos oerneing, the dlie sil os ise vesa (wshichiever it may e) is coy 't the May fesival last year is ,ore r ecently still Hasrpsiar'sWeklyos little conciii; te vtal at is tht Isreshin i the mnsds of all and those co(aracteissig the condifion 01 thinspthley do nit siss). ascii when the wsho sead les on that occsoss are as rfts iii the soediscational ste" s"r5 g o isfle annual footall mass dobtes lookinig foiwasd to a grea of the sssiverisity editorially iolcssilp soeetisg iiithissgvymnasiusmasd they tieat Miss Jacoy awiilose heard iso itso hans iniidisissy.slitgotiniilasigesnumbshesos osas -a chsises soogsamsofotsos.gaWhile "Tue im asdsiandsss ftsegirlss stid ssely visnossubscie lible ally to tis the iroranoiso made silovesis lrgely dents, caysc tHarplesrs"irseval Bis;s it thylii' pat.Asew of nodtensons tflersare icudei years hisiseedfisl imioireind oroi thuesre ase fu se vwio ass cco-issniiit scsier al sndad Itlass arias rosck pat .c il oss'tgo sssichi panedit iya ysinus"msuisl.iuc osicma ciifai aliesidasic.5We slso give it- ts ftsegams'ons fur tiletie field, aildlbi55s5rltha teusc ot in eii ash esc programinoiliii iihe irsfi the oae .apttto o ,tii aiinsnds ,,Fi ir ( kpclti tiiy t 'is cOsl Si t iar e o"er Joy themseves un ssatendsecd 1by menSo iraian or is a-ile ravisuper.i Ol-s or' tBus I ts' f Sonir.Alitsos ciftsotettoncersftf cisc toss IUtion;isis tastyis-itsnfor Its-is sie ft psy ithsi oII,-sli ...s.....Schuman lh iiirl s sdents got oiithi-si-ntss enltyiscsiii joshinsg fritimshis mats c]clio tsltisis i sooul, andihe flo entssssscsie -cit scsi 'Sisc'Fircst 1et Thloe. ishbsosfeiss (atieen it arrangementis ii its hoholyplce cutt es vsifhosst''-rshsiigstrnsits .. ..Sicer fsh ioblsbeasaysts isimisnstetsif h iesityv:ifoclure" .ss asie fitlin i"t isc' neg"leccttfgirl'tisiests src'diretlysptnsibshle osftsset-s issHebst .........Frsn by this men vswio iiinage thcisc inss - rafion, is iiitflue, isso it(,csc r-serniss'Sappic Of" .il ...... iHarris ite hos.s terseswere'iris a i te s.I-v lsathisfratr-n esssfthissoldiee-s"adcr~ia"....' ......Hrris thopshi lsot all oh thesiscsase it tt5of ooitions ttthise sissih o 'itsar ' fromisscutt osf twni isnsdsvere' snot cii- ct-eution s105is cill strosg usnsdshots's"GoodBePvc ... 'P......osi uits a stsahgirls -t all" alsfthe ati sefvli aI stdiedsavid ioane oh this No siger vishoasstedcisvihinh ctells oh a-iusssssc'gaisnst this sessco-eslonisis flit' sicoh this sensers asyesr hiss xclled lesvsok, sd ess sminhcig oil this-camusits, sandsother Iis ties sot hold goosd iss fle caecof have euledtihloisTies samissig lie- grievo us triioulesvslwhichssia'eissusti- fih-ic or fisticof this fratersities. Ini soissits o valso ,,s i 'saipteciaed. iiedlsistil appsarenitly this mess sousld ass tissseasers of at least twso o hSe 1 s remarkahvygites personality' a sli lierseserssnogirls iiithissunsi- the reasonsahly' promoisent 'croswds" huhBusfloCtriesponodentf Musissal Cossr- vsrifeasid this girls feel that they lie nectertainedl or eess etertainiedh ei cusld get on jusf as swel us all the nmen by coeds this semester, hiss Jacohy' splendid omce sas werce dropped. "'fis feeling againsts co-edo in isdiluasd to saisfactiosn in "Wie Usto "NowHasrpsi's, as a nater of at, vidual cases often rises to thissunsalI'lens 'adad"0 Rest usn the ILnd"- sfate1 thflonssditionsof tings, bhilantsifintensity-of exresed contfesmpt;PmBroioklnm e uos April 't, 197 silidly' thooughs fle causes5related1 sre hit this hetter eeent amuonig thi stis- WA\'uh leexceptionof 0M'rs.chaoy, sac lions hesing thetfuse ones; tile mus- denss frowsuseverely- upson tils,Per- tflotshesoloistsoee sot sentirey adly, if it he consisderedi as such, lying sorial attractions certaisnly is at a pe stsfacory.-Brookyusnc'tanoard- Utn- far seeper asmithhnug o us cloonger ioii, hit this is hit nauraslwhere isis April 23, 197. inolucsation., thus smajoiy of younsg wooeons, fromu ___________ "h-lst, as to thes fats ii the as: pecuniary consierations casuit dress Scenes oil Life in the Evast. only do thae girl studtents plauy a elahoritely, sou, ins fut are too -- usy Some ir sit of our college young so -,viy infhiiesimoailoused ins thus chief in: thus sworkcof iting temsuseves cPofn social eventoftthetPole-alised isgenouiePaetn aocai s-slt f lmeyear, fle juniaor esrua usliing to cars o dress. ii scostums-wcavsil give a series of scenes nop, anod also go to thus atileic field consideration undobtedly hasosmuOSch o O ito se 51c ielsdrh isa hsssales by thsemsseves, etc., bout, if to uso itihl this at thaut outside girl ohMuiss en O Lel in Harris hus, snay ho stited, conssevaively, there sresimportedi for "J hops, In di s Modtay eeninsg st S oslock. is pratically usminimumsoof sociasl in- ipa c~ulasrinstance,'howssever, fereace fcrcosrse betweeno fle sexes usnfle other recasonss why outsiders ar hissnertcuanent is polaned o ilus- bug school Social cvents o1 any sort chosen; for instance, thus at tatytflaetefleise of acient tims ad sh are few and far betwecn at est when msost of the fraternitico the ocasion o a popua character, cnlivened by stsudents might meet each other'The is mauds one for house parties,'fhis Arab and Spanish songs and dances, freshlman banquet, whichs occurs along year, in fact, the fraternities are plains ''e Syracuse Standard says o an isa April usualsly, is the one notable cx- ning to make the party a three-ay entertainment given at Syracuse Uni- seption to this Freshmen are x- affair. All other' considerations h- versity-"A very vivid inspiring falls pected to take c-eds to t-s function, nosed, it would hardly e the thing to on Palestine-Her lectre was very However, even this hut proves the invite a house fsll of co-edo to leave brght and she told many laghale condition of things by the fact that their oarding houses to participate, anecdotes which were enthusiastic- usually as many as half he men stsu- "Finally, though there are pretty o- ally received by the assemled st- dents who go, know no girl well eds, some even who are noted for their dents" This is the first entertain- enough to ask her to accompany him, bety and talked sot and pointed ment of the kind given in Ann Aror and sometimes he has to see- an intro- omt to strangers, the young men seem and should e largely patronized by duction to some one of them for the (Cntinued onpae41 the students. i r r