THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.3 3 LIPaues-to cls=u eane fsoko h etln fstrictly n clseou1rmandr\fItok-nChebet in custom-made shirts ever shown in the city. The patterns are choice R E D U C E Daod exclusive, aod they also have a feature long sought and that you ~j1 ~ E JL ~ E ~ Dcan get nowhere else. At the price-one forty-nine-they will he snapped up quick. No 1e Gf11 WINSTREETil I M IL,~1su~ii1 LLclN I tkL ,,The Naara Falls Route." CENSTRAL, STANDARD SIME. Taking iea t Nas' aiber19, 1899. Detroit Night Epres .. -...... 5 55 A. M Atlatic Express......... ... 745 Grand Rapids x res...... ....1 1 Mailtan Expess......... .....347 P. N.Y.BostonSpecial ........... 4 58 " Fast Easten ............ ... 943 Mai andtExpess.. ....... ...Sti4 t AM. Bosto, Chisco....... - 1 FasttN'exter x rs .........13 ' t OttR. a d Ka1l . press ..........54 Chicago Nght Exlress...... ....9431 Pacifc Exps . ..............230A 1 Steamshtp Tictests, alt Cl1stesto ttdfrota Esropeant poitst'at ltest rastes. Fultinafot- msation sotappticattott (. W.tttUGGLES, tt.W.CHATS, G. P. & .A-t, Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor -A.S4D wG' .ZA9-===1= z=N.SQ 1Rentschrer, the Iphotographer. _. 1 t i ,. ,,. t ROU HEIELD The Fine Tailoring Trade of the City. BURCHFIELD, 106 EAST HURON STREET OLYMPIAN C A>..jSe AT PARIS. WHIST SCOiueiS. Thse dates of the -,,yttssian gamtstC At last night's mteetinsg of the Wisist to be held at Paris tnext summer hsave clubi the fsllowitng pluts scores were STHE BEST MAKES OF Mandolins and Guitars Sucas atJoseaph Bttlmtao -a, Washburna's tanda~oolare onasale at the SS~hcerle MusiG Store j.Liberty,sonly 2doos frle atscts's Garer H-ave You 1,; TIME TABLE bieetsdinitely idecided stpont. First tiade: f-l Taktingtg eieat, Suaaaiay, M~ay 21, 1899. willcouse thte lasts tennis clhaospions- NtORTHl AND SOUTHI. [ Traiss leatve Annror hb y iCestaralStnd-shsips, w hinthawill be playedint the itlat turill atnd Rusasell 274 plus10 and Titme. ter patt of Junet. IThriee sisys early ttn Ravect tnd Kelsey .....2616 pluth2 *Es. .- 7 E5sA.M o.-- ss. sAl tnets; atndlthe amsateurtrack ees, EIASTIAND T.V~___li a .lissat I o hett5SasttlatlNede lieie Ns.o. t.31A t. No. 6.-12301' t its whtchsthe tUniverssty of Peotisyl ssstsll olie 1No. 4.- 8:00 P. mst. No. 3.- 4:568>.a-. Oesli~ n elr..23pu I _Vatsli, Ptriscetots todlUnisversitsyiol Iachkson atndlJusttne....23 pu1- W 'Riss sltweesAtta Arblisr-and Tolil lee ly ichilgatstrash teaios isill pariticipa te.IJ astsnad Juttne t ...19 l 8 All trainss dailiyexept G11day. will takeiplacein t It thimile01frt'e tai n Irosa ss E. S. OILITUIE, Agent.KnzeadPets... -pls3 oo IC tO - BENNETT..1,G). A monthfliCucket wiill probbybepa Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- ed late ini Juty' but so 'attiseshavrevyet tsrnewlitse of ManshattanoShittts hor Railway. beenrouatngei. Sept. 9any-d ave just in a WdidtsRi-it & Itenle. Car len' fo Dtrot todYttilost bects allotted Ci) baseball.ItFratscewull See thetms.NSI-MitostPi every half hour, heginsting at 7:152a. m tmeet IBelgisumssat lhockey 0n Siept.10, until 7:45 p. m ;After that to IDetroit iandlP ElatndlotsOct. 7.IntshftsltteruA'PLEASANTI INFIORMAIO SOCIAL. at 8:45 p. ts., 9:45 p. m and 11:13 p. in. part of Sepstetmberb'r'snce will lay- ' Thle sconiorsosci'al st Darbourtgym. Wt:inetro, 11cosroldn n uai sssocaittons football against teamosrep.Satsirday noight, will be'i ty'picasl class ___________________________- reseontinig Switzerlansd, IBelgisumt, Let- social. It w5ill be atn esvent at whlichi ° mnansolEnglanod, respectively. Rutg' everybody will have an enjoyable by football osatchses will be playesd in titme. Otse of Ihose dansces where real p p thes. middle of October between Franice college spirit prevails, ntot otie of B REAKFAST - ANN ARBOR and Germany, Enoglatid ansd Germsany frigid forosality nor of utndue fansili- SUPPER - ST. LOUIS, MSO, A SIDEN COURtSE IN ATHLETICS. dress atid golf sutis will be tabooed. I WABASH - FAST TRAINS At thse University of 1Niscosinred- Dncn will contittie until almosto PUAID oastits in boixing anidclab swingtig. cents pier fy FRE - ~ CRS Howaid hats at Wadhaos Ryan & ATHILETIC BOARD PIClTURE. II. 5. Ga , ~Resule.Best hat 00 thse sarket at ITebado ieti fCi il -atoasaaaaal 11 .~.A, Casoaa, ~ $ 00200 02 . Sainetic association willh lave its pictote It'bre will be a basebait mass meet- faken at Randall's, 1 o'clock, Satsit lo ig on Mlonday evening at 7 o'clock o ayaferoo.Tb Noons 9. All interested to the came_____ y y shsould conse otut, even if tnot tntendtng Efforts itre ttaksing to msakse the HOCKINGV LLEYRYto tty for the EDWIN McGINNIS Capt. Juoior hop hot the leadinsg event of ci ___________________ several cltays or ita wsek01fsocial as- 4 TRAIN~S DAILY 4 CHILDREN'S CONtCENT. tivity at the University. In moist of The chilidren's concett foi this (lie eastern iiniversities they " so Betweens'Toledo and luoisot,using.Cniins onilwill be givets at Frieze SMemt depsotia boiii tities. mntweeks giveas sp to sociey. 11the Thouh lepe t Wsiuto aclt~tior.orial hall on r Friday at 4:Ia o'clock. edn oileens ,~ hs fl 'lleifh5ceestiWsii~ttitdPtltie.A very interestinsgiand tnsttacttve edn oia vnseces loe onu GREAT RAILROAD program will lie presentlsthesetilors then taepae - na cordance switho this i-csa the antnualiti THE MO~vING VjqL Y Seaits atenosw ont salc lot the fiil- ocr fteti S~~eils ~ low~ing attractions: "'Iwo Macrieil-nd t ten Mwtriitye ons iti lcs i a 0Februairy un tcnth ilayai Avelus tml I. W. LA1 W.ForAN, S Ii Mn~ick's its a Kly"s Kids" tfs n iiS'. iito , Derit. ie senouOlICE.LAINaSFinisa thin;ti~si-only ptie intihebsite- 5[EC tL RfXIES TO SENIORS ir Barmanli1 StudiO 2 W. Huron St. N. S. Phonc 119 thens Theatre +++ TONIGHT ++++ AO MARRIEDMRAEN KE~LLY'S KIDS TuS 255, 50, sindl75, SeasnsswoilSasle. NEW TER4M )ANCI2t3G G7RANGER'S ACADEMYS READ THE DAILY. .1 AlmrfCl~ocks! Warranted for 1 Yew $1.00 Tm. ArnoldJeele ie Most Cort~plete 'neoh Lowney Chocolates onsthI ity can be found it Tattle's 338 SOUTH STATE ST M, MARTIN,. FUNERAL DIRECTOR ibalmiang a specialty. No. ~IS. 4t e.Anshulance night and day.tRe- see '102 Fifth Ave. -.3=. T._.=L_"f"f _-I['_LT._t T==L-1(=LTt_ '_t =_L_.t_._1-T" _I =L'TL_'t__.t i 1.-- -_1.---t-_L (-- _.L-r L.-=- =_._I.= .__! --f-""i___.l .L--- -.=L. _.1. -r " _.LT..._L' r-._I.=_f"=.L. r uritdn Katinu mBoots Black and Tan for '"° ° Are Show and Waterproof $35O[C, Every Kind ENOCH OIETERLE, Fmb-almeradY"'EstWlla Sre FnrlDrc U niversity js nehl bokwetFn O M TA B ER Mr.Easel DieteleiLady Asitat, ofi ltain.Al idsc11 (aid li Fn Both Phosses Ns 8. 105WWanhiog- Na. 116 . Libe rty Strecet. Rsineel 3S S hoe5hop E L mbt. Photos to tAnAbr orhAe ohPoes2(PW E PA TRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE