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January 24, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-01-24

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'3)IrUIIrUI 4



No. 87.

E Suitings, Golf Suits, E
Fancy Vestincgs.
WeCrythe LargestA
Stock I
L In the Cityj
Wielder's Pharmacy
THE OLDFoseeawekweav
peon-laindrwinasto adywiforh
RELIABLE au ndo ewae e ,C t
1. ,I

Communication, gym to the hield are to form seats for Grow~th o the Unicersitri.
The rabid article whiclh appeared a graorl stood, to seat 25,000 people. The enrollmeot at tire University
in yosur issue of yesterday was mnThy Irave fourteeo to eighteeo thoo- this year wrill certainly pass the
some respects very amosing to all sand attendaroe at their hig gooses 3,500 warp. At preseot it is shoot
sober stodents. The writer evirosotly now 3,300 sod new studeots are entering
has imhibed all tise wild-cat ruo" Speasking otfCWaternman and Barbosr daily. In a coup)le of weeks, at the
floating aroond tire canmpus for tirh Iele sid: Year gymrnasiums heginoing Cf tire secood '\semester,
past monotih, sod nose spits thsemo are sorteritar to an'. we navsee1-t via- trise will be as uisual shout 100
regardliess of tiseir reliability, or even ited. to frettiser e is nsotinig new fii,,satricolations. After Ihis there will
vague probahility. Sochr arseffusion rise Wiest to conisare pr.~emo. Is not he many entrances until the sum-
though it appears in all its rrediculous- the Univresity of Nebraskrarbothr sexes user school, wich is attended hy
ness als-hoig the vacity oS its peri se the sonic gym at - -ereist littrs. shout 200 students, who ore not at
pretators eraniiumn to 0ny Miehiganrinntireseta has a hone gym hut peer present enrolled. The enrollment hy
mnilieiknows the least fact shorn appliances, especially for tire girls. departmsents at present is:
er athletics, nosy create among our- Wisconsin is sell equipped, but net Literary .............1,324
aide people riot wcii informed of the so well as __.chigan. Worsen of tire Engineering............277
situation here, the opinion that every- country cannot do as treovy werkr as Medical............407
thing is rotten. men, lint they can he trained to do Last......... ..... ..821
In one point only does rationality the same krind of wvork. We must get Pharmacist .. ..... . ..75
appear through 'his phosphorescent over the idea that women are mode Hoeiepathic- - - --. .... .73
vaporings. That is in regard to the of glass. It is necessary for the rip- Dental ...........249
systemr of horns coaching. With hint. huildinig of the race." Ttl
I oalhi h ytr fgorsg Prof. and Mrs. Maigee were guests.'.'''.'.''..
ceactitog. It is the ideal system. Dot of Dr, and Mrs. Martin whirle in Ann Athletic Finances at Pennsylvania.
stofrturatey is irichgans cos i Aror.At the annual meeting of the ath-
con be nothing more than a dream. A Bad Muddle in the Central Debatr letic association of the University of
It cannot be pitt into seet, at least, ing League. Pennsylvania, held last wveek, tire
for several. years. We sonnet hove the league itself is not in trouble treasurrer's report was as followvs:
a oysters of coachhing without 0aon aydneroyrorpin u tEXPENSES.
coaches. Where are we to get enouig- the same time the Ilinnesots nmemoef Contrihbrtion to University . $ 2,500 00
Michigan tootball alumnsir fi try thisis having troubles of its own.Oe Office.... ......4,172 3t
beauitifuil systeni. The striterofy of the mensbers or their team which Creunds- - - --........10,020 35
terday shoe-s his ignorance of tire sub- eeated Northwsestern and will next Football- - - - - ... .....10,050 75
jeertrbytraining meni, as hr dots, as be met Michigan -as resigned. The de- Daseball- - - --.... .05,00 31
lng availabhle. Such a wise nian as IrebtigiboardIinsreadi of attesting tire Resting- - - - -0 ,303 27
should truest-that cacti roil cveryonot aiternatetin tire teanm to takre the Trackr Athletics- - -1 ... . ,140 41
itt these riers is fire goodireasons, net sretissaitr iurtri-nst yirists - - 702
avarilabile. Se far is-clihtse foundl only paetu aae pone e ynsis... .. . 862
rut mnleotire positiuon. 0. hoitltat riser-Cricet ...t- - - - - - ... 28000
twoa~rrsn , im cI nd er,(- troesatmssnredehatinre circles ef tht"t Hoceye.......- - - -.110 -i-i
siteoare compertent to ceich. lire uieriity~. Tire ness tauniwhoi.wstaSiseotinrg (tGusClris).... 100 00
formser fi unobtarrina-letanti so twe eissi tiir i ititiiri utTni- - - 10
irave stir graduiatesystemirr edusred ccti oire ot, i rruhrtrl- - - -00
'.0 es titn. Itdoesnt risn si iv re riebate. It is said that tire -'etieri
iris-ttott lst-w hiat hier r r it oe tsrsriI Total- - - $10,120 05
stintcoach a tents single iransiedi and ie ilatn ettitinDixSr uuRECEIPTS.
ire haiveshart three yearrs of iprooftt intotji. ci f 2Ii~etr taiDirts o em eobers-. ..$ 4,485 00
ire compsetenit assistants ears ie s- ie iiiar.i suie~ Interest err bank rdeposits ..- 15.590
thererichigan.eItrisi- - - - -40,554 05
c reuttier use graduiate systemrifor Fobal its..t....tic. reir- 8
hint. It secarrt get one assistantieetdb e togs emwelBsbls. .1260
wehere sillthtie hlt dozenis iieessarytire insets Mihin. Trackr Athletics .. ... , -1 6 oflyoeaetesse cncRwn ...... 00 0
front? Hol to Use the Campus Well. Gynstcs . ... ....... 525
iiirenomecoaching is ttrieltarirslr kAlthoughr tire camitpus telhalitretSHockrey ...- ... .. 80 0
see rmsust do the best undirer teeirr set brettut to spout sot pr ae Office ....... ... 69 59
curmstancess. Thfirsrtobecet irs any plairs for tilizsing iitstiresetflios are erreuns......s.. .. 20 00
systemr is to secure ai citd couch.i alrts-ynumnerours. An analysis ef tire l l - - $2024
'Titers is rio douibt that thsi sthleic uTsot letn ite tessi eb sstali....r..r.triter ..s.sirre 1,0ehert
boerritwill indeiasor to ito thisunrius ofieualrvasusfor mriscfinaltpilr- o ie-or ss 1ra54
tuibenit tie latirt o grineits fposes wi tintire ttater at Mit. Clenserns 'Thus it still be seem -.at therertsre
irrsessble tpersonso. We wstutgooedlor Ypsilnl ti. ithe latest tprropositionssntsattldirr le-r$~00
coaches ct-cifi it is necessary toigo i to eret iieat tarsks or asswsmiing
to Kamcheiatkta otter tirem.souls in the basenments of tr ysus Smah o the Ior
LIBERLt.I siumrstite wischnrin seraulwstier fromi Titers is talkanteng sense of tire
A Stranger'a Impression oil Our tins itch sill be iumue d. tudenrts err tire campltus if hinnga
Gymnasiums. r. Moalier suggests:- 'It swrulrd he nro-Deer dsemnstrrtfion. Thoewir
ItuS 41-u" cc thUnien sitins a ratndiSenotruSonits'ecuse- of- iithur ares urgngtire tnattersathiat titer's
Califotuu r-itrs esin tiers eeoreseerrlinealthfulipowtresns at tiresetter, butittsse esytsrge'numrrnho f tinsstu
cliasvixsiting thisCnursersity. l~e wa s theti'rlsicoulnti tnk uttnt-heottestiiiurdnstsNvioue isleongiung fortin opptor-
esp~ieilyyrinteriestedl un tire goin tsri in it itueytruid to." -turnity toiexpress te-fr sympartthyswith
unsis a missyea'sixaboutrttoire tumlt Inoatnage, Sun the nive arrut tirte '-outhi Afrrians timearcfihtitng
rt hsis nsuttution. Iitill inauseiCaluiria, u5hIo itas fi-se yesterrayStunthiritbnerty.
aluriurspacoe abohunt 21,000 xiii rut sai:iSfI IIn had tinhai rtswl nn eurncam- i'i'hee aue alseosalarge numberhr of
teest iiithe eutosufoIrieachrst ex, rn psis, I'ithruts itsucontnsinu isgexitsstudents ws x ee sympthyt 'is stillstire
ubu obet-a for-inaun na ,,,u -ri- surt turn." Englihitntetnspreset-nt xr whsouralso



ttleiistr ofguSit treusaid thrat it siwould eieacanetlxrssters
cs abut $2,000,000. It sir,. Ie of . Sector Lane Class. uatlhy feerC-reatS Britauin.
...GOING AT.. . . awhite sarble and siithr tun earules ste~rdary mrun ng thissenier lawxy- _______
tha it orrnngcsasitsqiIpn cltasstel a mesetinug to Staeatieon Man]Sport an Automobile.
inha nt i tiarngetrs euiethi san er ls snrueus Th'tnsfriendrs of "Jelt" Atkninseon, '981.
est inotire coruntry. Mir. Iarst seineosias descided hteatcruh member of tirestill he interested in tire feollowing-
us paying See it, is nosy sendingt Push.elass shoeuldhtrots ituee inserted clippiung from ti the Hnoulhu ndepen-
1A / E I jj ard Mrs. Magee on a visit to sit the in the is ihigonensian. Rentschle dent of recent dt':
4 eoiun iy ynsim f h a selected as the official photo- "The turn-out driven by attorney
The climate is such, in California, giapher and he with talus individnual "ok t onti onn a
very "nobby" indeed. The next thing
that the roof can be opened like doors, pictures of each menmber of the class JarS will sport will be an autumn-
iwhich gives almost as much ventila- and also a large class picture of these bile."
tion as exercise in the open our. Just grouped as hung in the law lecturre Atonytksnisnpanehp
S outside the gym. is to be a large ath- room. The president was empowered Atony tksoisnpanehp
A - letic hield, for football and outdoor to appoint class memorial, invitation with A. F. Jndd, the son of the Chief
WR ' w~rk. The steps leading from- the and banquet committees. anstice of Hawaii.

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