4 4 THE UNI'VERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. IlOc. l Oc. We have bought the re- mainder of the edition of the ST8BENTS remember that we can supply you with a $1.00 Fountain Pen, the Laughlin or WAaterman, which we fuoily guarantee. What mos. cain you ask ? Try us. JLrriN $CHYALLE"Rr 192DOWN TOWN, 116 SOUTH MAIN ST. 0 It1~L[DURING VACATION SuetAgtents \\ 'toted to Sell D. fl. TINKE~R & SON' HATTERS AND FURNISHERS Headquarters for HAT, CAre, AMEN's FURIrSHINS and Complete lineof GYMNeoSIUM AGENCY FOR LONGLEY HATS 334 South State Stree Csor.ainantooluoan Streets. Capital, $50,000. Surluls, $30,00U. Transacts geneal bantking buseinaess. H, KEYPP Pres. CE.OoGREEEVice-Prot FREDo H OELSER.Casher. FIRST NATIONAL BAN'K An J1 Capital, $100,too. Saeplae aed Profite, 840,001 Treaensateageereaaalaingbusieisse. Foereign exechaegelbeeghttaedeeold. Ptreish lettere of ceedit. E. tD. ttNNE, tees. HARRtSON POOLE, Vice-Pees. S. V.LARIKSON Caastier The flimn flror Savingas Bank Catital Sleek.$500,000. Stueplae, $150,0. Oeganieed ttedeerIte Geane aeltning Lawa et thie State. Rteceives depeeite,kuys tand sells exchange stn the peincipal cities of the Unsited State's. Dt~sasheedtuponaprper eidentification, Satety delpesit boesto seat. OFIEsaeChristiantMack. Pres.; Wt.D.Harri- mtas, Viee-Pres.; Chas. N. Hisesek. Cashie; M. J.Fritz, AssistantCashier. W. J. BOTHr, PE. ol W. Aaeaeroislt Vice-pry C J. V. SHnEEAN, 9d Vie-ttes " ^ t JOaN.C. WA Ae.Z, Asst. Cashier S flYNG BRINK And ewill put thiemaoil sole Wedlnesdlay, Jim-ll try 24thl at SCHLEEDE'S BINDER Enqqire at 340 South State. F. J. SCH1LEEDE. l0c EACH DO -YOU $MOKE? 4Pittsbourg Stogies for t6 Btll Atosiy Cigar's for ~)t161Id11& 60. 4 Btunswick Cigalrs for 5c 25c 25c Ptrblishters, Biooellers, Stationero, aild Engravers, 320 S. STfeTL ST., ANN ARBOR - a - - MICHIGAN U. of M. Barber TiePORBTrHSet Shop antd Bath teCitiea- Rooms9, liesSTATE J0R Tojanoasaash WA1RR[ N The U(NIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DA1NCIN~G PINK HROS.,Instructors Otfic arid Academyickelt Hall 3340-336 S.Sae i my ,; i H Sr CIA P OLIUAY OFFER! I iOreeofthtesee E $3.00 LAUGHLIN FOUNTAIN PENS s.et,ptaideon teeeesrial $1.00 tfetiteoestettotisst u E ettea IToert teead oefieyou $1.1 oer ite Iflitsuits 1Vtj AV fit daes sal sailtIU DEAna Any wa yaouigareeit eROFeT Tisteis tee' hest e t uate . er ise tyur cs netes. ti-FNS Oely oee senttire.addressdee otdas' Steoh Aggert lieft oeertenl &tr ueul LAUGHLIN MNFG tO. 129 Griswald 5., Detroae, Mich. Aeyto EoeEeeCEr aet Dnaan lr xsslt pnyi i.-j I }= 3 J 1 I it p I 010NumOt NAIN_ ST., T ransacts a general 44 SO MAINST..II~Lk ~ C ankireg Itusinesa ANN ARBOR. MICH D Eju _______________ A Comunication. Calendar. M.' C~.~aeCAPS. (iteteed hra om lmy p;ridas,'~au. 26.-Mine.Joephaine - GOWNS and IJOODS, 1thaem if we moat, aa othter celleges ceo aobehv seng recital iu Choral Unonutngo ate gie ar.t Baird alt ereedit feer the seriteas. CAPS apd GOWNS, tehaodseme betooce awitti whicha we ' ASPECIALTY. close the seaeon, bitt tothIle itl A c pe'ttete tine ef disc Bres. fGe CLASS CANES, suia esi efaelteta htes at h l.aaeee , Ryara & Reuts, 100.'CLLC FAS dent0boy- a teeateat.am canCLASS PPlES, etot toe of-aettoy itdttlla tandIX2S ans.CLASS STATIONERY, cetataBecause of therightdataess cep Ilee tilt Arbor Mtusic Ce. hteteCOLLEGE sorsip t i har toobtin fctsbutSPECIALTIES soee sleeto et litsicto toferottira theta&bit sIeeteued liac Io aetesiittere tieidtitsetatable boardi; alsooeseueete W. C KERN & 'O expesstatheirvesa tnd it rnecesatry oeeroms atlE Ii 'tt SeethSt. teats'preent lecigata, teetersit isto,00 Vt I t'i-A partoer feor a by-lose' sic t late, ftomstakitngleits first eack . at dbustinssssad libirary. tLiberal terms 00 11 ittieta inateits.eofeted .dward 0.ainto, Lostell,ppfl "LIOIE 111 1. l~l . ___________ ~ S~e~, "~ one reason Senors I WiltlTath Toniqht. Tobacco ' why Old En. Altlceasetussltpsetiteeteese, aeistaltleDr. Wilbeer 1.TIrlaeld, ~the newl'y ' SrIEeTO A PI.E 6tv1. dgsh Curve peleogstaa utatbe titeein t elected genetrat sectret ary of the Ep. u pp o aoice. ss'erthstetagutestill osatekerathe _.a.IE. Ctpp o Siesitt trevaie trll e tesecheercb tonighat at 7:30. Dt.c Ttirleielth lr tie satenir lawclssi, heeltTile011s a reetendtt stinto Cobacco is so engineera musalthave alt matter in tittontTheiictesalSeminary located at \ popular... before Feb. 1et. Atlareta Ga., ante 1s sated to be a very' nonrted photos ace treferable; fne seaker. No admissiton fee trill Q ,,, The curved either leave erie in ties lie in the be charged and alt are invited. -- Atunoni Iteena, ti~~ain Hatbraolptnhx that fits any pocket is another AOST-Aiteeomhea'agld Haal)hoand chai telintg sich phetegrapherhayorS- laaas'godyetheidchc reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever ptogteraph. ten Washingtoo, State etcMerroe ste. T. S. SYMeONS, Rewsared if retrnred to Daily offie. made as many friends in so short a time. Managing Editor. L. A. Moore, formerly a member of " It disappoints no one." the presetet senier medical clasa, beit AThHL.ETIC BOARD PICTURES. nose a senior in Rosh Medical, is in A trial box will be sent to any one Any nmember of the board swho can- the city visiting hie old clssmnates, anywbere on receipt of ten cents in net applear eercsettliog at 1 o'clockaA-itle in school here he played gusard stamps. Address Old Engliab Do. Satetrely aftsroon, notify comnmittee era the all-frceshman teana the fall aC 'partosent, The American Tobacco ley telepheeniog te The Daily office, '9d; and getard on the "eersi-_ tie Co., III Fifth Ave , New York City. Tueseday evening. 86 fall of '97. All dealers sell it. SPALD INGS Official ~TRO USERS.....Illbktic (Goods + .+ Ofilteet1 lysdotned t he lea inttg + +3.'3' iCtllegs, Sa holsal ndeetletie + *+ Clubsfthe te tr.ie 3. Good Values rn heavy and raediuminweigh btt ..hre tuastseaF oR.. 'Y'-a.+ Samst all T -l Ota +3. Jroueinigs. 'We invite insecio. Fotilrl Atletics i+pcto.+ Gorlf (Gymnaseum + + Spalding's Official League Ball W a ger& o. nporting Tailors + rsthe Offcal1 Ball ofe NatNionral' +23 S. MainCSt + Leagae adalt leadingecollegealso- 12 .ManS. Iciatns Spadingsuase Balil Guide for 1900, 1Ot .1: 1+ +. r+ ss ss :~s~sm mmss sssm~ss ssI Headspo 0 Fr U. apaAsrlC-1&1-rs.- Try .The... O NORTH SIDE LAUNDRY " THSOS. ROWE, Peopr. 1003 Israas3 l ay. ?,5.(7BBellPhon THOSE NOBBY GOLFS I t I I g' ' ° 3 ° i' ° g ° ° j ° a I °' "I" i' j i ' o' i"i' ' ° j i' j o' ' "I ° ° I' I" ' d ° "i' m ° ° ' j i' ' a j ° ' j"j i' j i' j ' j' j"j ' j"j' ' j"j' i' T' °j' a4 MIL WARD t0o a 'yeaddress, r~ e s sOR,CHAG DEVR NOBBY TAILOR STATE ST.