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i , oar _ : p '
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NTo :'i
H Fine Fall and Wlin
E Suitings, Golf Suit
Fancy Xestings,
AWe Carry the Larg
I Stock
LIn the City.
Athletic Board Engages Him for
Next Basebal'Season.
T 'it Alh~"l ' 't i a eld'l im portanit
me ingin ltiwTpliy racnt last night.
iter H i s' mter of the 'llfreshnman teamn
bs, E deciding thatsuchiateam.shld bet
ititeiatelly organizedI. It was noat the
intentian to dotsonabtt the fooatbalt
cacsay tthat. tieneetditmor'e n
LTY T outeontis fl,anitsr' deciyitetta
titbet wayIto ;et new maitteril ast
st A \vstooraie lan llfrshmnan eleven
Iet " tcac'.'' T il e noaidtcachs l
t lai ng t11thi t will he 'tsedto ta oa
at t' them. t ' 'iiilatid s te n or thin
ST. o (1th 111 oftir thl it iethisatin tin-
R cni t t ItoC ac}t
sA crlrat wits Iratifiedt isiththet'.
OfAT, it mit a~ti~n-i t'~reesv' c
thte fotbaiht eantan ' They awill be paidt
for I ay a ' lat ltthSix e lnainsg
1wtle ;'lliis aid t 11 lt'the11il lei l
Mass Meeting Fridai MNight.
A miasn uetitla at the flnty and
nstutents at tielierltsity 1willibtieelitt
inth ue ittItensttofathletlien next Fr iday
everling at ';:ltO o'lockl in the Wtaten-
tan (itititinati. 'The objet ofathelis
i:- msattnern net ititmtn tathletics hite
at 'Mintitan S hot I ee in beith
madieeby varioua siemtbeisnf at- n'ainsi-
ty aidtprmineiilnt athletesn. Aitosn
thse hhae co itsnsniteditoispea arie
ittLatighlititVitr H.t 'inn, I"Finlay
Jaistasai ex-t in p tias e Ifite alittittln
te1:111rea 1 tilee, o bet 'hilt
i't goiil"tretiAsythsiatitt:Ctinaini
liomi ettititit .
01 h iojcs oftte lilt inhg is
torio ennyt niyth ies isavi til
tat isiofthetii atalltic 111 liii litetilt'
ad tis fll t h'e -soitoi Ntsa)U
ttiy'itwo tusn15dletrs 1 ii lyl i
noiial anr e ii nd its silt a
ni3lt i tscg thes isdet.Nits i iii
wipd1ut 1 siit; tpst yeai . itt
liltit ill i athestitititis w(iii title
ii i e lia~liwth tis t ni 111sits
hits str~n fo ia lit lilt itit -
by asiyea's li mpiis liii' t:hgisa ndi
tt thandicapi tsuhah ydb
liii liiboobitts11111tinet5onitJules30tl
1<it l epetnaitresta thttatittet
tibe ltinpid 'ias 11well iihedii$t.ofthe
illssiriitt lit attin iii' t tu0,5hsititi
$100havebe' lendeI in istravig
lilittiellthi siiuni.Th lint moltnil
Nva sddd t mktius ilii suitble
,T usitwil e see h til i ,4 lii i in
to is it 'ist oit eri I 5itll inta e t an 1 i
season. Therelctswill elilaefr
I'h t'. ofttAt'tbindswillti ~kit lls
To Establish Insane Asyilumn tit Aza
'Pune Washtt ast counity IMni. l ta
ittiitmeets itat the ptooi~, 1
rPh'ory tlt '1 itttwtas It'll:: O
tel si potheliinitteritt the cut <I ii'
inen1 at a state asyluntfPr thnliPa.
tieen tile ttin b ilt'eI atiAnn ..'iteit
'Thoorhe iatte intiituiitn ' as tier-
'liy launc'heditandthotlise swhoit it'l _.
ttingisathe sna(te ieI'l e infidit t Lt
stinine s in s isaot. "oelit ifitis 'I& t
fi'm Jamteit'le:t I Iy lain I ii t
itiscson ithlii:'iexlasti n etait'
of tithei ''thnt toftti elis I ii' I i t-r
athorittity 1111i ti ijabeet, aIi ir~r
tes ''.luis, 'andItide lt'e ml<,i itittit
' lit, i'll '1 hIlt u it iireai ' i'"'
After 't Ft "iti thllits p ' a intre
titian -eteii llud tl I ikit1te
it' i iis Ptt ,iid tat gi' .'51 1 F_1 i' ith'
inromis thleslaturtoli truin 5 sa
tisn at a lange expensse. 'TaetiC 'in
lit' tis fPittn satiS etllyasylumuti' sit .-
der' ithe51sam'e1icontroiastinli ~es t
Iie thtn sit fottu iiiilititt' iai .;%
ftt anii lsy lmifithtile-tegmlaul is .
(-tittieh l in 7 iey 5w1v ' is Stl ii ,
1. Theiind laitil I telrig r i tx,-i
lilot.lArm Ambor
Ann Artbtort i's .ees' ite
i5. I'ti ii 'lit 1 1 1 tnIiilit-,' ai
it" ill th'e tuloItseoith 1 2?i' ,t t
andi li th e llen it t() I I t t i t' l:,-
couIllt of he ' ii i lli (; ' its
itte it l Iii 'iii I h
ir.eonl e Said:'ii " sl
Ilest'i,,dilli I 'e .s 1 } 1
pliii ti cutlt I i ii' 1I T .
liit liinthe 1WI 1a l'l i t o l) . 4t-
Ilct d . I tIlik i' iii Ii
iii 15Drlie 1 !it
' 11111nth31' 'ii' 1l1
BEFORE YOU BUY tegule ifv o hltie ilast y(c i'n
retur fo t ittr's generosity in Pa"-
DISSECTINGhingtl's%111tit they bt hi
a c' lic 11mnit tey itvill' ei ve.t' ll
LD ~ C arls %Vat'iiiens w;S eingedtoti
Cullandexa ine ur 2n 10 iec c ch t e b seb ll ine ntil i ng
Meth, )llt' it'it'll i iihtrdiiwoodiilose.tA
T 1H amid flly arl lntced.>1 i le -'vas Itle itc i t'on iigan i ' 9
sa'ii' ms ad thsyarh a
1111 5 1 tili II d. a'li ryitucitssfuli season for the
R. D E 4 D0yYon, C., li t , tuo i '1.Ilei l bgi n
1 is vv i -'ol 'I'aly T a dcn
Iii lii ii 'iiina it:f Se i c 1l 1l t i i of iic o'ort he
1 1(1 n w ) a r Wth i l lli~l ii 1 5 i; 1 il iscosi n
I :1)liiAnotl IwIosiIosleNt'll1 (sleml
sit i i tlt ii -it ni1e.'222LCuC. hS i Ct i es idnncgfite ut«.
;iil I>C I"ttik , i t1Ii'i', l. '51 , (se ts i 1 un' t Ltsa l is ()IlI
'\riC, .iy th Itihtofit i te iwt i ld.-;intphn'i ti teor a t-
y5, )0 ti a ~. M3.. se tilt :At1tiniLmul111111ills.'Itil 11) t.<Ila tits tie-
stC yost' tt ~ lietielijoi1iltcl!ii g e st 'ieptit itin ii
c'; V. t itOO iS 1'.1 ±, DOV I it'TO I 4N t1e m { ')'1ticyttonget a :t't p es
co 1*{Illrito ) t tie a (t ) ~ttt
14. StateiSt. Vin tSt literantyy.
l ime lPy ie,
'is~t ?rI't tutlu' 1' Si ' 1
tokp 'tilt khy iiirk
oti . It i ii:;.8t'd i m'inlY Il
tis it '1o M UonFLi
ii it it isig c n v, i<M L I he q
Kelly, a 210 is he oly o . wo i0 D11 11 n,__y
tie n"til e ights tutu itTin t ei iioni
the 1 el iis t tt i ltflue mrmlyii' inC yiouN"dh
moe eay enismon ipp let.ttoitlitiveaionoi U arh ut Nmitt'
to noli tseu melts ho aerIdyes trdl' Judge Neswklrk, D.Diet)rmlingli.t
ais eatnduidatsorimehatlf-back spousiltin. 'ittsanguermmmid1 pIt'y. tsmtocl a in;-
Thie unumbtrorenitmiiat liithetainig ingof51tizenstoii traft lap pt ptiat ' te
taul ttuss bemi inue'mis'u Iselevn mu'n, soilutiomnstolibelforwarteduto ilthsil
buesides Comuech Ferbert, by the addtitian littlrdImit c'recttions iald ehistltin.
of D)ickety, IHowe"I, Barkasmbamssmaml Lae- te«hihuaody insetsalidtobe multi t Maw-s
semi. SAore mentwsill tue taken emsastnt able Isolime eAtablishmeuut isf an s tu t..
liie'gamme swithi Albiothu mmxlt Saturdtlay. AntthIis city.