'40( O U 4 VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICI. TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1900 No 86. 21 BIG GAMES. Baseball Team Will Be Kept Busg T H E T A 0 Fine WINTER and SPRING Suitings, Golf Suis, Fancy Vestings. DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY .We Carry the Largest Stock In the City 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. T H E on a Hard Schedule. Director Baird returned from Chi cago yesterday where he had been since last Thursday in conference with the western managers. While he was gone he met crof. Stagg, middle west have ever had. Arrangements are being made to start baseball training a i-ia rush immediately after examinations. Besides the track events mentioned heretofore another indoor meet is be- ing planned. This is to take place as soon after exams as possisle, prob- ably the first Saturday. A Comunication. Editor U. of M. Daily: The English would obtain some pointers on a successful press censor- ship, were t..ey tamiliar with Ine pres- ent situation as to news concerning the coaches for next year's football team. T A L 0 R R WILD WILIDER'S SPECIAL This refers to it brand of tooth brushes that will not shed their bristles. We replace all defective ones. 25 d Wilder's Pharmacy T HE O LD For several weeks we ae e 'en a wm iii s tockmore l RELIABLE ad neaeayi It'iSo A. hS-"EL1AIAUrY. R. E. JOLLY &_CO. A Medical DictionarV 75c Very Complete and Up-to-Date CALKIN'S PHARMACY Have you Seen Those New rSO0jvF1Ip When asked regarding the matter Coach Huff, of Illinois; Dr. Hollister;r onlyuing the student body can of football coaches for next fall s..rec- of orthwestern; sack" Hollister, ofor Baird stated that owing to the learn is the rumor teat Director Baird Beloit, and Manager Fisher, of Wis- press ef baseball besiiess isa. hso has tendered Messrs. Cochrane and but little time to devote to the mat Kelly more than uouile the sum ex- time with the latter and spent nearly ter' But he said definitely that not pended last year for coaches. The ma- two days with Prof. Stagg. a e two football games between -cago and only had no coaches been engaged jonly of luichigan students prefer not Michigan-next Thanksgiving day at but not even had they been decided to have eastern coaches, and -ere is Chicago and the following year on on. The nestion is still open and not one but will admit that our home Michigan's grounds-were fully dis further investigation will be made b system has not had a fair trial. This cussed and a general agreement fore aiy Definite 'action would be fact must be known to Mr. Baird and reached. Many of the details were taken. board-if they know what agreed on but one or two questions of "home coaching" means and are at poliy rossn usetted od ill Incestigatinq the Lighting Plant. policy remain unsettled and will be all familiar with the situation here- referred to the athletic hoards of the Messrs. G. W. Lunn and W. C. Mil- lereravd takehethehUniversiaydslectric My idea of "home coacamig" is not two institutions. When reese are set- icr have taken the University electri that we have one or two "Grads" tied contracts will be drawn up. lighting plant as the subject for their These are details of finance for the graduation thesis. 'or nearly a coach our teams but that we have a mnest part. month past they have been taking complete corps of workers on the A general arrangement of baseball readings on the switch board in the field, such as are to be found at Prioc. games was made by the various man- dynamo room. During the day time eton, ale, Harvard and Pnnsylvania, agers. Michigan is as a result of this the readings have been taken every Even Wisconsin had nine coacnes assured of twenty-one baseball games 15 minutes and during the night at on the field to prepare her team for with big colleges as follows: Five least once an hour. From the data the Thanksgiving day game while we with Illinois, four with Chicago, two secured curves have been platted had but two and expected these two with Wisconsin, two with Northwest- which show the actual work demand- to do the work which smi isconsin ern, two with Notre Dame, two with ed of the lighting plant. Besides the thought could be done none too well Beloit. three with Cornell and one readings that have already been taken by nine. Now if NMr. Baird was look- with Pennsylvania. Besides these a ' nd the curves that have be n platt-d in- out for n5 iflrigan's interests (other number of dates will be filled with another set of readings will be made than financial) why did hie not get the other leading schools in the west s on a week from now until toe end of more men and make it worth their Definite agreements have been ma e the college year. nese will be used while to come here. Our football m regori tm mst of time gams, time i-n platting another curve, and tiey "Grads" are not millionaries. Give dates of some even being settled, but ios' gone through all the University tmm seometinog more than their 'R, all are assured. No contracts have buildings and made a count of all of Iitl. fare" and board and if necessary oe-eer, brom siged anmi time m the lamps and motors actually usedi "room rent." agers have agreed to give out no The thesis when completed mcilshowS uppose "e review the history -,i dates until this is done as some the exact condition of the lighting our teams under home coaches and changes may be made. Contracts for system, the amount of work that it- notice if we really did have coaching. eight or ten of these games will be does and the cost of its operation. In '97 Ferbert was alone except for drawn and sent out today and upon sere been ammeters in the dyna- the month of October, when he was the receipt of signed copies the man mo room the endless amount of labor assisted by Archie Stevenson. Does agers will at once announce the dates. necessary to secure the readings from ony one believe toits was a system of A dual tractm meet between Chicago the switchboard would have been homecoaching. Every one knows Fer- and Michigan was fully .,scussed and saved as these meters would have beot asked for help but lhe did not get was decided to hold one. But as preserved these facts in permanent it. In '98 we had Ferbert and Hall Prof. Stagg and 1irector Baird soth form. who were asoy assisted by "Jimmie'' desired it on their own groundms and Baird at the close of the season. 00 agreement lss yet been eaced The Senior Class Social. This year we had Ferbert and 'Hen- nothing ...nite can be given out. At On Saturday evening the senior ninger and they got no outside help tenight's mostinog of the aroeric board class will hold its annual social at whatever. Why did not Mr. Baird some of these matters may be settled Barbour gymnasium. This will be get help? I understood ne did try tc so some of tue uates can be agreed on the first social of this class during get "Jimmie" Baird, but could not. this week. the year anu the prospects are that Was there no one else available? Why Director Baird reports the utmost it will be largely attended. No pains not Caley, Hadden, Price or Bennett? good feeling and frienuouiess mamni- will be spared in entertaining the Does any one call this a system of fested by all the managers and is . guests and everybody who attends is home coaching. Now why not take the berief that this season will prove assured of a most enjoyable evening. this money which Mr. Baird offers to an exception in the small number It is expected that most of the mem- Messrs. Cochran and Kelly and hire of squabbles it will bring in wester bers of the class will be present be- such men as Calley, Cunningham, Mc- _ athletics. sides a large number from the other Lean, Street or McDonaud, who are The baseball schedule this year will classes. The social will commence not available as players next year. be the most severe Michigan has ever promptly at 8 o'clock. Occuring as it Fitzpatrick says: Ferbert did all attempted to play. Not only will near- does upon Saturday evening the danc- anyone man could do" and surely he ly all the games be with representa- ming will stop before midnight. Every- ought to know, and yet Mr. Baird and tiy ah l t na h thing will be run off promptly and the athletic board think Ferbert is 17U 1 1 1w ive sc roo s, u nry every one nas an exceptionally strong team. The SOF THE -teams are for the most part com- posed of veterans and are all unusu- Unioersity and Ann Arbor? ally strong in the box. Chicago has opeed back; Gibson is at Notre Dame; McCollum and Lundgren, at Illinois; THEY'RE GREAT Anins at Beloit; Hunter and John- son at Northwestern. Wisconsin is FIVE KINDS ONLY 2e EACH the only one of these teams which will have to develop new pitchers. These men have all shown their worth Seven against as good a man as Miller An and are probably the strongest aggre- gation of pitchers the colleges of the I twenty dances will be enjoyed. The of no use as a coach. In this respect admission will be 50 cents per couple. I think their judgment is atvariance with that of the student body of whoom Athletic Board Meets 'lonighti Mr. Baird says: "They have not The re.u..r meeting of the athletic enough college spirit." For my part uoard will be held tonight in the if it is true that our graduate players Trophy Room. Nominations for direc are not fit coaches for a Michigan tor from the dental department willt be made and the election heldon team, as Mr. Baird gives us to tnder- week from tonight. 'ine election stand, then I would ask what have promises to be a hot one as both the we got to be proud of to arouse any Xi Psi Phi and Delta Sigma college spirit. Nu fraternities will run can didates. Manager Baird will report I say by all means let Ls have home on baseball dates wnich he arranged coaches and enough of them and pay in Chicago. (Continued on page 4)