THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Holiday ---Books NOT THIE CHEAPEST STORE IN TOWN. We have no 12 Mos. at 23 cents, We are not Selling BIBLES at Half Price We cannot sell you a good 12 Mo. at l5cs But we will give you the best value for yost money. The largest fIts k of Illustrated Gift Books, New Fiction, Bibles, Prayer Books, Calendars Christmas and New Years Cards In the City ~66Icdll & Go. University Booksellers 330 5S. State St. ANN ARBOR - - - - YIICJISOAN U. of M. Barber VAPOR BATHS Shop anti Bath teCt.Ra ROOS 322i, 00STATE. J. . Trjanowski WARR NThe GufIRSINrEE.8 SATISI500TION1 UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF $1000 In Your Inside Pocket Is whatiyocasave onsitor oercoat msde tyour order bysus.OWeguaate a perfete fit oeno ssle. Call andsee no obligtiotsbut'. Our iameesortment of seer 3,000 sam lswipe ou. 0C All WaotlSSuites aid Ove rcoats from $12.00 cup. Goodrieh, Waglker & Murphy~, Frant Rosa aver First National Bat, Ann Arbor. MY iY DURING VAC'ATION Student Agents Watoted to Sell D. R. TINKERF & SON~ HATTERS AND FURNISHES Headquarters tor HorS. Corn,MEN'S FeeURNISING and ComspleterlinerofOrYMNAS GOsesandSWEATRS AGENCY FOR LONGLEY HATS 334 Sauth State Siree Cor Main and HuoSres. Capitail,i,00. Surpls, $30,0M Tranracts enecralbansking bainss. R EMPreFa. C.E.REaN, Vie-Pree FEDe H B nE LE.Cashaier. FIRT IATIONIAL BANK I Ann d16 SiCHLEEDE'S B~INtDER Enqqire at 340 Sooth State. F'. J. SCHLEEE DSO YOU $1MOKE? 4 Pittsb~utrg Stogies for - - 5C 6 Bill Anitholly(Cigrs fot 25C 4 13t'otsxick Cigatts for- 25C Olid Number: SO AN STARBOR. MICH DE N 0 Capital. 100,000. Surplurscrnd Frofits, 54500f ransaets a eerlbningbuines. Foreign rescnange bnought and soid. Funsh stters of cednit. E. 0. IKINNE, Prer.EHARARISON SOULS, Vice-Fret- S. W.CLARKSON Cashier DE' Iflo flan flrbor Savincgs Bank CapitniStnecn. c50,000. Surplnns, $150,000. Rernonrcs, 61,500,000. (irganired nunder rine OeneraiBtnking Lowe of 01ir Starr. Iteceives depnsits, buys nd relif escinange on tseinrincipnal cities of tie nslited tates. Draftrsonashe upn oer identifcation, Safrty desitbones orentn. OFFIenRe: Christian Mackre.;W.oD. Harri- maon, Vice-Fer.; Char. E. Hircas. Cahir; M. J. Frit, Assistant Cashier W. J.BOOTHa,latES. 8fI J. V. SanE'nAN, 2d Vie-.prrsa fVIG JON.C. a.rWaWAATrAst. Cashier SIIO - BfINK Regent Laiston's Address. (Conisnueni from nn lno- losse been tiied fromc the Loin Supii- erior regiio and yet it is bcarely torts-fourtyears since the first test o1 line one stat smade. In 10510 the first sipmeint ifossfewthcousand tons of ore was bsIegun to tinee cniiCoelds of Peinin- soyIsvanni-asacall risvuiet tsat 0000 lisns lien-one c inighnty'streamthaIn~t wsill innr into tine natrketofthte csontny iii 1-)9 sestentiensililion Csve hundnnred tisocstndigross ltons ofoilrie."nilother i -coining renins canmaesuchi a shows'ng.'Orinally itscemncnsniy o5 sessd fw o t adantgestha pli'-- tie toohrliing isectins. It sees isoateasiiwsiili'rneisslittere ')'tO cimacte, lir Inom ihe coilhieldls to DAN~CING Getee'0 w innxcas.IT dv o1 ~a Laie'be;inngei , ~d,8 o o.V l PINK BROS., Instructors Offise anedAademy, Niskrl Hal, 334-336 S. State !'~ SPACIAL HOLIDAY OFFER! I I i A t I I ii!1 il : I, . 1 _ 1", .y 1, ,«, - i' I A .ys,} ! k:;t , d, h :?y ,~ :ii'' {t'. r1 p tttc . 4 _I -' i:: I .. i. ",i i Olne oftiere $2.00 LAUGHiLIN FOUNTAIN c et otad nn a teek's trial S $1.00 s T Ass.andsoffer'can $1.10 fort. If tsuits VfHlAsE I tadoesnot snilIYJ oAEn iny way youfigure it PROFIT nohcnnnsntnennestspn lestiiea r isyournchanc ositnn-FINcTe Onloeteientetoi)Li-saddrss Oc A giftofnever cndinnanusefln- cesat osantplaeonnirec- Getlyucoedr in eanl-ordee todan Statiswhtherlnll-d's as (entnsnyis ndetnred. Andsc LAUGHLIN MNFG, CO. 129 teinwold it, ieteai^, Mich. Anay Blak or EpressnCt>.,paiy in Detroit. rim l r I I J i n r \vichi tile are maust lieI ta( i n or5'- (Dition. 31tanitineoug"hCthe richnnesss ci Sa5it tooresa liteg"eat eit esnt of tine deptosits te tin'i"inihiso surpanssedI al ofc its 'anals. taldtoilano there 15s011o iro 010iinlg nreginenin iitine v,-onriltic 00 tasotsuccsflla5r1050111ciso iromc 10100 a future as thce region swhicha bonrder s tins south shorie 01 Laiks LIOCT -n inter-changeable mileage bccli issued by the F. & P. Bl., No. tots. Findaer rettirn and receive re- 615 S. Itigalls st. S5 P. F.Tir00wbiidge, instrtictor in the cinenasti s departnment,.hs nnounlialcetd thactConrse 2a9,lice Chenmistry of Best Suarstill baa'repeaotetd tin s ecnd semester provnided Cive or niore sic- den'nts signify'thceir initenltionsf taot- Calna.Bankitog Puniness Friday, .an. 26.-Mmne. Josephine Makers of .. aesoy, ssng recital in Choral Union I" COLLEGIATE CAPt. series.GOWNS and HO0005, Acaoinpltelinesof Adler Bros.,fne I CAPS an~d.GOWNS, tail at 5 aetccc, Sgoti Lils 20.lfS PECIAiLTY. suit Sain ec. CRa &Rel, 00 LASS CANES, Ot S is st. ro tan c sCOLLECE FLAGlS, nhnnnAbo Mui C.hae CLASS STATIONERY, solos naaacerents to offer stu- COLLEGE PINS, deaso 00 1 utsbcned; lso sin stltsSPECIALTIES of roms.W.C. KERN & CO. i dinllN. Eddy, of Pony City', swho 4ailSF it'ii.Sceaia51 . ;gradun eate frnomnthoe ShineldniSciein CHAGIL Ito OcShoocl last hisseswitt ente'r thne-Asiet Ininsi sty second sonnecter, to laue- soon a ecaorse in chnemicstry. He ptaycedsiefl ?sft hield sin thne Vate 1018 a0d1019tla- oerao basoeblclteamsintand wllbe e andi- iie , nerao note for lbs 'Varsity. Tobacco -~ why Old En- Anooe inn neBoMnattsn Shirts s J .~a ~ is uv joist in at UnaniasntREsan & Ronnie. - Sec ftsim. S. Mitnost ,Cot pipe to- PHowardihats .att At dhao,010Ryan & - bacco is so coneulP ectnott011 the acarket ct 5.08, 200-202S.'Slins.pplr LOST-A ladies' gcldl wa~tch and chain, The curved ona ashngto StAteIII cnrs ~ tin box that tits any pocket is another Rewaordlif retuniadonSto Daily office. reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever 'lie GPie, Bano andtoMBandlolin lubst ore hcldiang daaily rehearsals andl are' made as many friends in so short a time. raidily reachinlg a stats- nf iaerfetionri It disappoints no one." whlichtoinsures a Canishiedtconeert on Februnary' 10. M-anagereVcn Nieda hios A trial boa will be sent to any one snt oct circular letters to all the fra- anywhere on receipt of ten cents in ternlitieatnskngtheirunnanious 010 sap.sdrsuOdpgs e port ill makting the affair a seol n11011 ddes l Egis e nossnre sucesspartment, The American Tobacco assurd sucess.Co., III Fifth Ave., New York City. All dealers sell it. ATTENI Our lfirdou, FI1NC FION Try The... i NORTH SIDE Af LAUNDRY THO0. RIOWE, Proprca 1003 roaday. f57 Bll PhoneR THOSE NCB BY GOLFS 1%J1J , SPALDINGS Official ATTRACTORS JltbktiC 600ds of m~Oficaially adoptedmby thleadinag I (ylollers, Scholsi nnad SAhint i * CluabsofelaneCountrny. ,Y SHI RTINGS ...EVEY RQaStcaITErFO... lI\ arse tatl Taeanis Foc alltnt Athlicrs "UP-TO-NIOW" (SIccIf (Gymnnasim w>' PROUCTONS Spalding's Official League Bal IA f'~~~n f Is Ithae Official nail ofltheatoala Y/~UINI(, ciatioLns.aaaSptaldlin asBll Guidetor1900,10in Haberdashers Haancoe a CczorauanA. G Spaldiag & Bras- cf Atodlet0iSpocrts e Sos ,'anyan'r ccs. NEW OK HCG EVR COAT SHIRTS COLORED OR WHITE Vt MILWARD NOBBY TAILOR STATE ST.