2 THE UN a VEIISITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY Patnlied Daily (Sundays ecepted) during the Coleige yearat THE UIIVE. SIIYOf MICHIGAN, Orvcc The IntlandtlPress enincg Block. Both Phoee.,t14. HIANAGING EDITOR. F NEttette 'OiL. 1W,-4sltE I''VMA NAGERi. a titi 11.t'iti s. 00 t.fiec ,'0 B T. 51tte. \ovtw'oot L. .ti. McDeot,,'tth E A. G BtetEe ft2 . E. J. B. Wool),'00, L.J0aTOM~ , X'. it. tICEYe, 'GtfAl, Thetttttcrtti pittec eoftt ehe l e te $2.50ffofe the colife e arttetftettt f ua eliverye foe non fatcla. Notics o m ncto" n Ottheet'tttce ittendei ed for fpublicaton ltse h haieto tttthe e itortt befor ' e:i1,tn of th da preci toet toe w ihteyaeepetdt appear Suscitin f b eft :t thfce ui t 'tlc Manager. Ottftret'tt ilftt nfr' a fvertb repottt' ftromp tlyft ti eanyatlurttot the etteeftf tit tt ttte tttt atterhltt in Ie citaige of tday's etfue, Dean Hutcl tea on the Hoatue Con crence. nees Metn'e Citats't tte Cotgtega-h "Te att ionf e awit Cllf ctfercieenthe W ftail iat iac it itHerttftCe tttttook tef "i e' f "ttt.nd ti. nfieotatsited'titiit ttttitof' thti tcnftreneitfcias thefrst .epl~ ccettt prod ccfite uet i telyttt itt tti otcd i hiit faitu etbtit efthitd tiht ftheicri t tc ntingfteinithe recrcipit ofthei LAWS WIN. (Continettetinetpfage if trutet from getting a monopoly on improved maehinery. The negative was closed by Mr. Jacob. The troet is an indiepeoeibfe indusotrial factor. A piece of impreoted machinery Oboe benefits the whoee eystem instead of a few iodiridoalo. It providee a steadier and more cer- tain market. The cviis complined of are ail1 in operation. Trusts ore now regutlar corporations cod ameodable ho allthue reaulations of corporations. Aul that is neressaty is to provide a sysatemitofwceriegulfatitent. Aulfetd- eral legfition itt ofpttsition has Otil- tIt Bttu .f ttiras, itrance rem- pan~ies andt other great corptortistn rt'tattttitfe control by legislatiton. 'Tte safii shulCdtbe 'xtentded tothfurtvari- tt'ttollowifegOtetirti r igtumeentsefol- itowed tixetmnucte irbittaticchtdti- itatin. In titeethey sfimpyt piCfed~tt ci expitlained tireoriginalf argumntst dft'Onifttfhtule iiiof atttcingotheitirtf- fp oets ire ititgec Cerre Jutese phcitaWt. Sttottotvtn, o'ot'e 1i.llttaitercanti Weit. tli i ttti, f e troit.tt o rccc nt t oi pltctt ttiti$70, $;50, $")0 resetelyci ftcire itttley ftrtrheuer tstimontialst 01t' hettfc' ittihiatt tth reiinghtiti onlce 0tonStutdty.ift ittfFtrtititaclitt fihot adresenh hei ttut;; t 'Ilfit fitgturfec inititi'he ntamteo tttchftjudtge i aitt'sopercetgiitradig tttndOfte othter iohistaningtet ,tttte tcot- t'stattth. 'e'taitchtwcranksit are thte stitstoh tankstan thtof flilrnktiere- stieley. The ComnnqEbent. 'fiesocccif ethue aenitti cltoe whichr 1) SHOES Moneyed People Are not usually extravaat, They buy diamcede, bt they do neotar fancy prices for theta. They bay gsod shoes, hat they ttuy judlicsly. People who are working en smalal salaries are acre likely tocmes wealthy if they follfacethte exampies of wealthy people tina if they falloa the es- apies of ether people whoeare working as smasaasaries. lREPAIR WXORK RIthoT. Glass's Shoe Store, 109 5. Main Street. Ocpen eveningo cctii 8o'clock. Our 1-4 off Sale ...HIS STILL ON... .,, But it may cease as suddenly as it S started. Bear that in mind and profit by it. 1-4 Off Means Specito Neckweaor Sole 50 cent Puffs and Fiscots nows 35 Canto or 3 for $1.00 $20.01) SutsoantiOvercots $.15.00 18.110) 44t 4 44 1 3.50 15.00 cc c4 c4 11,25 10.0(14 4 4 4 7.50 Noble's Star Clothing House AS AND ELECTHiC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, U PORTABLE LAMPS, ETC., A hff :cAi hi aAeITfAitY'PLUct tiNG, STEAMeNe otetittr 'oTE AToI NGtt~ic. J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. ...IIOLMES' LIE 00. ence. is to be heltdSattirtdty night lin the Suct ttchtage cc distarmtmnict of lBarbiour gymnttaim wiltattrttct mcsi ntoscould nthbe imtate suddenly. if theueniiversiit pople wot k a It cwouldi leacve civilizatioiaesxtosed ho interest in csiichaftirs. 'iTe very babaim tht nedVter prescent contditionts btest etatsic ciii be engtaged. 'Theflotte theartament is impc iticbl eicndiii-also wilt be inifBrat cltiss condition, tila waoy to settle iterneatioetal dif-Ti assures an enjoyable affair. fictilties, tuch at by arbitiation, is The gtuests after arrivitig will be proven t be effcacious, disarmamenipesentecd to the chaperones. A short it not itruitet. When it is ftocnd that stecial time sift fsllow when all wciii the developtment of otmamnct is not ihtve on optportuinity to beconeacc- neetded, hhei it ciii cease ho hexist. ' ctiinted. TIbis time wilt be haketi Aitycontruitctive actioni of the ctofer- tttt before theiactncing cttmneces so corelookfintiho dicarimnct would thact theret oleftc itsntterruithionater have been ptremtue. the orciiestrc strikes sit for tto first itt, iif tetitic les dtawn tup by the titueber. Thae chaiterones will be Mrs. confrtieice arutaopited they wilt give tit ant internattittnaiiaw-icr thig weJ. B.Atngecli, Mrs. Hi. iiHutctriins ttnt htive'never haitibefote. It cwill be 0Mrs. 1G. W. tPatterson. the meantsetf ovoitiot wari ant, if ioti- I FINE COACHES AND COUPES For Parties, Receptions Etc. Gand and Prompt Service Guaranteed. STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSOCIA- TION COURSE TICKETS 4$1.50 REDUCED TO $1.50 toneett nc ttet cwts wiltlhoe less fro- tucunth andollets crertand ttthe moral obititonstrmeating uptttnthe miatiosI ratif'ying the articles will makle them tostify theit actions before the world it thtry estoultdclash it battle. The exhibit which the more import. atthAmerca ttnt Universaitesarftcplatn- tnitntito a o t'i-tirto in f1900,will ftc otf a titna atu utmmwtnf ifulrientfrottt thut t 'thit'oVld'ti a0tim in 18913. P1tti ouuo't'n city' istadfu a voult ctice a ctmpeutetoxh'ifbit remeniotaftitveoftttll the cworko door in thait entire institu- ttont ttscwas tue rce it Chicoiii teotet citsefto tutuexibit tf soetn Spcialut etpattment oh ttfsuactihvity. Haruvaurt l exhoiitts oactrontomicatl wctmfCo'tltumbi its mtc dagtogytthit'Uno- versity if Chicago if o0tllectiomaspci- iniePurinetotmiits Univemrity 11u1f'- cationstand chartt, illustiratmng thte hisctotry cutthe cmgantatotmscof the Univoersity, and the Unuivemrcity of P ennsylvania its Archaeologmcl col- lection. EUTHYMOL - 2Ott lttfan SxASBAND L'I- S Euthymol Fire Numbers for Tooth Paste , TOOTH BRUSHES TO MATCH ousa and his Band, University Hall, Monday U 'm R YEvening, January 19, JOSPH ILL TT' l~~ ? or 'O UGV To cwait tuntil youi fre comnpell JSTE IL EN S i~ bu________ y rubbers. STEE PE S. MNOW THE WISE MAN GOOD MEDAL, PARIS EXPOSITION, 1889, bcuys ruebbers and has then rea( AND THE CHICAOEXPOStTION AWARD. THE OSTPERECT F PNS.wear whten occasion requires- THE MOTPRETO ES PILS SHOE STORE baa less to pay the doctor. Ilh tto tdy for s-and PERFUMERIES AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.