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January 22, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-01-22

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il ar®VO L . X . A N N A R B O R , 1 4 1C R ., lO N D A Y , J A N U A R Y 2 2 , 1 9 0 0 N o . 8 5 .
LA W S W IN . all tle rd cera f sa niaterial ea - Regent La eons A ddress.
I ___pecially agricltralsts The stand The ~aston Leader of Friday, D-
erienonoiylWntanoientTeiam.bS1addrs byReget Charlea D, Lawon
Penessiitaniawhen it became a monpoly and thai of the Lavsse ity OfMicihgan, read be-
T ~l Teasrithealltmentrosmeteatodeadete iaitorete oitei Farmes' Union, e-
WNT:R adSPRING H Plces83, Dthee-Theicehne il e l;; adTerRltint giutr n
E Sitiling s, Golf Suits, E University against Pennsylvania. Tihe liOls diloi sliscnpt tihiirIact s rseia iTerest:inge
Fancy estings. champions of the legal department prev ailed Tie teust has a ieioal i ti o htrs epehv
H.FoJcb Wso yalaiig inthence on society. It stifles ctiii slosw to apreciate the value of
an 3(. WMebser; those for rie lit- illsvidiual eiteisirise as the msnarsce iiieiaiesirsofieioriri
T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY T eratry, L. Yoiing, C. McGee amd A. H. crsselelt tah aeede salessinrarsucis linttohe sorter-
A eCarj'otd. Tiar qsestion discussed was, tiltir livese t o s vieiesadii
thAaretA 'Are theeonomie adsantages sfithes Tusts ae fousnded smies the laws
WeCar te aget entts rat nsnlt ther estencesundesflesase arihsial legal cieations. owssaccessible. Bust nswIssa1mssuone that
SIciscth isitelligeit portions of the peiple
- oi'h r tand---ini rie southernisesissusla realie the
L__Inthe _CityL_ Composition Delisey valie of mning iterests of the norris
Inth CterLn ci pesisula sad have every disposi-
tions to deal as justly widm that section
0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. 0 a '° r as aith their onv. It onily needs thai
o a o a ae ibe ell informed for 550 to under
Ra a sand wvhat is desirable and necessary,
{{{ ) x J w q nlr For there is a reciprocity of interest
W I L c)519 8s I~i: ~ . ~ 7~ 8~5 99 las .etseen the tao sections of or state,
L M)Vicee .. 4 831 6', 11I'-8 1 i 31() 01+ 1tl4 3 88L3 x~i I4norvthtaning that rie oseisalmstns
__________________________________ iislats 1/215 I~ I 18 Us8~J~s11/84 11)1wo7olly0 3 almcioiyna regiosng egionasidrisehther
W\ebster.... 156I. ':4 17'( 5 316411714 011 75811 841 0 to an equal extent, ass aricsltural
Rs calchli 1)01l 0>81 4 913 .1(t11/75S38' 4 174 ,j asicn. Teespper peninsula has a pop-
lamob.." 83 3 9 8' 3I zr 1 88 21(I s881110 4 ulatioss arely of laborers wvho are
forig bon helabor elesmentsits
SPECIAL the law. The ilasmaintained that the Ieasscs fasossng casslegilaionabe sasvas argely- pepondeate us that
fosrmatiointrusts shossul e opposed justifiedi secisossands iasy ifuture perodsa
T1a eeat rn ftoh by legislative enactment. Teseodspuotest wee in arise beweens labor
5-sisha scpeiakciion te inetive scpta ielie rsubr
maesthtw intsed Mri Yonmg opened tie debate by sa iaOnd is i enaci i caipss e isatere ofis nuimiscsc.
loseasiMtrisytalcHe ceodeclaredmttat
deeeieons ut ademhsze hefc Ita atut ido noss exist as aneonomico It is true thiat thel1amisg population
.-c spoaio l ess sssittrisitt ol hfa c itia n sst ibe so sei-si
,no L ee Sissesii issssustrois amd
rim 1101satomifecome itiitomyasmsl aonatroii t i i lim aw abiing flerI isie to alre-
ituttssls timanile omsstseitlomsenttao
thyeimaretaissifx Iprices amrbitiarilasistessisisiseib at sissst.i Btn, s simmstmes
Wilder 's armacy Itrusts isaie nmarsas e ota
WI hr ay lie insistedsilsmmtihe inecesity osithrse e s-i chimlsl ~"o alne;we anntewa
or i r-'isii seaveiiia crprtionism. This m iseeis rbe soeo temmnosis
THE OD omm i ais ia -tooifor s e isentisal diffierensec. Thm sebri-ass 5115 soithe fit --Ir acis- eis escry a-
RELIABLE -ifull inemss mIICl- foari ghitcseAssociation, i'sht sit'a iar Jolseser ieof sortiscafo,id i us iadeg-rcc
'rh(Associations ad te adytomc isiofmso idc iiaei sslsis 1semaogs .It misotresa to lre-
rZ't'LS A SrPCIASv'I' ha.troctioms 01 trusts'1Tusts iaePp rs ectdasuc.tn .echifer misamnnme o1firuiln ttall rie
milehsist le cieilas sns i' rtledantagsandas-Isrbesefcirs
R . E. J 0 L L Y &..C 0 a ishi en icOrdil."liai sisuiIie ir aet ~i~Ip riciolsinfmlusees to as smellthie
____ ________--theh/Unit ed states S'peme Court 1hooriig clsses sil e subjected, asill
oulsms ut udiisu s it of labrur issis thioumths
S i'lhe eils of tristas-erc conideredlautprodnie uice. But. i[lstanmt agitatoransld
I ensissct- hieand seiir basisandushto this hrl secret mansiuatoris salin hihe fituse
* first as hosesot cssnisally cnet b ueirquaity They- re also cselhr- isue-iaosaosau a
I cm auiri rie tusse, i c. o~i nisial he to lresemtaste The Standuasd tesumss osiuuruhrsi
Aizlastions ad ueishsative cnrrutin, onss e has cc iifcopneanthr
* -' Oil Comspny smufacture ai coz-esniloe' tie farmigisoiulaiuonm f
M e ic lsecond st those inherent iti the n5- whadbyproduictas wichi-ismaller conerslowersichigm-uasill rionste an ion
Trusts assst he straimned ispsite isf cheapsensflue,,iprice om i. ashSaes are abise safeguar-im- st She ihmoasis their
the fact ruseties- are asatural de slso raised ussde trust nmanagesment arso pay thess taxes nluse se their
Dictionarvyeosmes isa tomcsanme mmmansras col- chisldrens egumi-suntclicconducust1mm
wort g ihours are suns tesed assindmicorsaceeaiths lamas waciiriey sre
+ositions,.railroadss amd all othiersatsumore constinuosandsmsteaisysempoy. lareyinsstrumesntaal isnsakimgsre
7 Ural developmsentsaumst be restrainedsisient secured to labhorer. Fronts '5nt the class or menacmaong ashIom
haby lsa. t SbJOthe aserage anuallar sas cosmmunismandisismilrs .-' aemsie
Mr. -Webster opnedstthe margumencit increasesd fi-oums$3855to $85 pues yeas, dcurns mcilric mewhsaosr.pithar
vus eoniiiss.ad for the snegatie. The ecosnomiad Mah ous iacees resduced mananineteen sc e h acresd;- riey c- ars e eledh 05
17-oat antages o1 trusts aere takens sillBen sates tim eight The chief advantage t ho isldsl1a ash osder
cause osh their controllimg Ipowever as-c dmmieconmys the trust has is ma its "h le mprospeitym11of01te misues msaa
f prosductons they are able to stadtsiupm iierir saility to cotr ol distishusfluer hratpsclnariefatrthtoth
andscoritolfhle oustiput sothis-t 1isovoer t- - It sdoes notsit aie competitionminminmsmg regionms malliiimpsisorantma sret
prosuctionm resulsillus a steady anad because osly thosesrs successful thuatlIsis theirmmpmosuce ispropsrionmsn
CALKN'SPHAMAC Icomnstn supply. The opponsofsallesrupricecsad improvequalhity As Ithe mines are aormked, as or in~ea
Have you Seen Those New - iseea- -hasitotstmssmtvbyreapop uasionir to be rolndmshsupied be
e5sCI ?I ntniyof comsspetiiniriss its tssmitv for irofit andicosmetitions bi- is icreasesmad fur the product
ili n eraesbcmfi fComues ikeen.if our niess ash incrcase of irfit hum
0 pi. Iht i plyssiese ,comi ci The trust shiouldsh alt e abolsiseslthisrienu s stsofilboreii h bro s empoyed
ionichisei at once becosmes artis becausea it imphroves the qality of ins tie nusmbier of consumsr of rue
if tie trumnsssikes ureasonasbhe artices iproducesd and is able to meet prodhuct aofsr farms. If our [ninues
OF THlE iprices. The faults of manageensit te cmpeition of foreign pauper i- are active andsi prosperouss there wil
Uicersity and Ann Arbor? shaoul simpy he regulated ht trust -bor. b f plto fcnuest
shausld ot e abolished or detrayed. hle smipplieshdaiths the necesamries at
Mr. Wood concluded tie direct argu- life. Thus illv b e furishesdwithina
Puicity is a remedy fr over-capitai- aent fr the affirmative. He declared oussrhrdens ne of rise het outets for
ization. The United States needs our surpiusa products. Michigan pro-
tuttoototis foreign compethl crortan sutBereactdan iesa large surpus at grains and
THEY'RE GREAT ~~~truststaosfttrat prevented. Oppse their frm- fruits, and mchi of this finds narket
tors in the race tr the commerce oh thn by various regulative measures in the upper peninsla.
FIVE KINDS ONLY 2e EACH the wanld. such as the stopping of discrimina- "hr is surprising to nte how much

tuve. The trust reduces prices he- on trust-made articles. Prevents ma- worked. During that time more than
S cause it reduces the price oh raw terial stock by publicity. Prevent one hundred million tons oif iron ore
W A H R ' materials and this presses heavily ono(Ctnueomin Page (tislnued on page 41

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