THE UNIVERSITY O1" MICHIGAN DAILY.3 3 rT - r i--- j- rs--tr-- r- r- - -- i- r- - s- =S=r -tr =i- =r--1= = r- r--- r- i-- [-_C-_r._ r--- r- r- r-- i- r- r r- r- r-- r-. RFDUGFED I lVI mistake i styles /1(eCe PRICES-to close out remainder of stock-on the hest line of strictly custom-made shirts ever shown in the city. The patterns are choice 1( and exclusive, and they also have a feature long sought and that you 4 can get nowvhere else. At the price-one forty-nine-they will he snapped op quick. 11 -I-/- ^ ____ ~a~oas YMICHIGAN (CENTRAL ,The Nialara Falls Rout." CENTRAL S'TANDARD TIME. Taking Effect Novemra19 a, sass. Detroit Nilelt ENrs..........55 7 SA. Atlantic Eapre-...........745 " Grnad Raids llExpress.........1t1011" Mail and 1 Epeo............. 3 4 7 ..31. N. Y.Boston Special ........... 5s Past Ea-Iwa.. ............. 9 43 Ma1i11fand Eapress.. ........... 940A. 1 BaosoN. Y. and 7lovao .......8 1S- Fast)NternaExpes..... ....1317,. G. R. and Kai.IE pes .........545 Chica~o NightExpess... ()a3 Steamshoipiets l-.l Ci-senoanad from Europeapoints,-at lowstarates. Fullinfo-- 0. . RU.111 , 11(7ilIA -. G.P. c '..A~;'t,(hiaoe A tAAbr 1..I -Dwar 27.. 213,.- 0 TIME TABLE Faking !!:fleet, 85a1o(1,v, I~Iay1, I1505. 1'a,- ave An-n Arblo-7by CentrallStand- *No.316- 7:25 A.ah1 N:. 1I - 177 . M. No. 2-11:31 A. aM. 'No. 5.-12::50 v% m No. a.-530 . Ni.a O. .3.- 4:06 P. m lRlaabetaa,-,An Arbor 11 adolTledo onl Alltrains aily ecept uday. 1E.3S. (.ILt5IORE, Age. i' II. IIENN11'TT. G. 1P. A Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. C'ars leave for D etroit te(nd1 5117ilti ev-ery haalf 1h011,, egi (111(11 at 7:15a1. m(. octi1 7:45 p. n1; ;f ter 1that1 to1 letroit, Waiting room, corner Ann iisd lain sta.: IDetroit.,I111tGr0i(111 at. BREAKFAST -ANN ARBOR SUPPER - ST. LOUIS, MO, WABASH - FAST TRAINS FREE - CHAIR CARS It.5S. Green,-v,,M11. 1. ., Chicao HOCKING VALLEY By. 4 TRA INS DAILY 4. IBe-Iwo-aToledo :and olumbus(:a, a-lag ~i depot1( in bot ctis GREAT REILIIOAD THlE H-OCKING VFILLEY 1.. 1v. i..SiIAN, IsvW. Fort5 1)Detroi. 4lveutscblet, tbe 1ht0b abe' LOST SOIIENWHEIZE ON CAM1 PUS--A POClaLT -Boom containiiig SIS.3.) i11 (ash, and a 1R.A IOAD II Tivairto NEW YORKa, Aiso a1mer andumtilllo(f tile hig reduc tion of Iprices iii Neckeaer,Swveaters, Cloves, Pet., iat ak & Co. The finder ca Phi En > he TIiIii(1andC 7711, 1an1(receve a LIBIit 1,(1.1 13. A. (Cs,. fj5ILt. Tloillt's Jobate. was11111r117lyini 5i1ilan1i w heirelie joa ga111(l1 1sy1s1t(11nt ofspakn1 b M.Ingralhami, a Wai-- 111e san11(, of1what (00011707to Iiyhn or 111n111:11. L. Young,1 be1t Ie esI deateh l h rln lal a ohe an1a1ee1n th at month. Thetoalls repese11ll1171 , (11(e 11 iersty1ll theI I d1ba7(e1t17 111)-. laaI7lad 117 77111 r 1111- ((11071171 A! 711in1i1 111 1 1I $ 1 7 1 111 1 Wt 'h trlssaiowllb .111 )11 cents,1I bl uti 1 (0111001lv ost 77o17, 011(11111- 71-71 W l ~ 1 1 (le lat 17 iOilig (laey 1111110 ilo I lll((1(Vel 11117 111 ical 11171 (ille oati al asia io n wilat l 117 1117 a7a117ce iill tleehspasti.l- :10 te v1e0711(17 11111 1110 eati(ilre1 t i oe (t1p ii vl ae 1 i be1(1the1 1(r-11elle of 101701117 ol.n lt i N oriigt7.ier 7ts1(7 111111. 1(1ffie . JI1(7M1(1( FerrIli thei ( 0 , S o 1077 1(10 an iw(17 a11 l iell111 frind o1ne 11(07 ( ha-0. 1117 (bee1n11villit 71111 , c ry unp t s op (1lar land eaun hal j(to ai and befiend (h(1177 1 1 ith1 111 1117 den1ts.1It I ~olilt~ sl time a nd51 11. (a (7 e1(1 as7111 s(11 (( l osm71tanPo nd 7-1 111)s 171ceiedl(or- (theOatorvical 1111 ciain w(1171 $0,1(1(7 1(1 on 111710 1(1 (11CC disca t iii nu117 e a partof whch wa give1in71sti 1te 0eve ig serv1ic1,7and' in1i1sp01ce 11--11i. s -.the - 55. W oflthe t0alit he5 ai er etivoo 1 0-1 e a-,13 t1h1 ird d Alarm Clocks $1, U1. of int. Pi1n3s 5t o $10.00. Flce AN itch 1Repaiirinlg aSpecialty. J1 L, CHAPMAN, JEWELERS 0 11 Sain 5Sout.I. Hjave You 1111 ou1101 LAIC 51.151Fines S11LGItlL lRA1TES10TSNIORS- 11w) IBwrUnStudio 112 W. Huran St. N. S. Phase 119 Athens Theatre SATURDAY. JANUARY 20. fi [OOI1 RELAITION NtaT ATTRAClTIONl A Bachelor's Honeymoon NE.W TERM DANCIN~G GRANGER'S ACADEMY. READ THE D)AILY. A* .. CIrlaocks Warranted for 1 Year $1.00 Win. ArnoldLedin The Most Comlplete i lins e of Loo-,ey Chola(tes ia the city can1 1(e'foundli lt 'lsile-. 338 SOUTH STATE ST, 0, M. MARTIN.. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Emobalmsing; a specially. No. 203 S. 4ths Av.Amsuhance night aind daye. Re-ideliell3:02 Fifth Aso rritd diD Black and Tan B0t5 er)a)d$3 050 1 for Wore)d Are Srow and Waterproof J.-r° -r- =-r- - -- T- t- r-" t- r- Cr_=I===..Z=rte T,=7 =? -. - -r.-.. --e- ' Every Kind IENOCH DIETIERL aE alneraleDi detJ(U iv r i l lust 6 13 111st1oAe--halfhafm tre BotihiPhoesio18.119W.Washnil o . N 111(116 E. 53ibrtySre. Residnce -3 SeS ho . La b r . to t. nnAbrd a IIrh vBohPhn s. WE PATRONIZE4 GOODYEAR'S DRUG S TORE