Wbe 't.of S4 VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, JANUARY 20. 1900. No. 84. W IL T Fine H WINTER and SPRING E Suitincgs, Golf Suits, Fancy Testincgs. T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY A eCarry the Largest Stock L In the City 0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. R WiLL WILDER'S SPECIAL defece o nes 2v(> Wilder's Pharmacy TH LD F or several weekslwe h RE IB Eboos and nw anrerady w PIP-EhS A tSEIihCAt&Tr"'. R. E. JOLLY & CC A Medical Dictionary Verytomprete an JUNIOR CLASS ELECTION. sod held the halance of power, being A MERRY GATHERING. J ~easily able to control the election. ___ SThird Attempt-and Finally Nettled, sthe bitterness of the two factiono In Barbour Gymnasium Last Night. T The Junior closnoet yesterday anod was demonstratedl by the tact that House Warming s Great ale col bo' o alimn-both stiles challenged a large onumber Success. of voters on thse groutnd of nto ha---"Isn't it beautiful?" Hary okirtmishing steceeded in elect- ing etooughlous credit to be mom- 'How rdeligiotfult" ittg a oet of classoffoicero who 00000 to beta of the class. The catttlogute hadl "Wh~at elegant taste'. E hasve sotne chance too' to retain thteir evitdently been carefttlly gone over 'The wh-ole vocabstlary of adjectives respective offtees. toy the leaders of both factions and '-err exhasted, atod yet no one had As soon as the nictinegseas called -whlen a noeober appeared who was adequaotely described the loveliness of to order thoe tellers of thtelatotlrie- likely to vote for the opposition he Blarbotr gymnasionm, as its elegat T tion were called for. The chairman was at once challenged io he was not new oak wood'sork glistened in the reportedI that 19 balloto has been voted credited with thse requisite htours in rays of electricity last evening. A- Soc two itotependeost metober'sof the the catalogue. The tellers 'srote thse Itw's scarcely 8 o'clock 'shen theo junior flop committee whereas only nome of eachochoalletoged voter on his guests began to arrive, and the stream Ionse shossld have been votedI foc. Tho ticket. Wh~len the box was opened of humnanity through the btasement tellers hod divisded three each tot all these seere looked tsp aond it found door of the great hbuilding was an aoi- L and against tarowinog oot the ballots short throwouott. tooted one for nearly two hones. bot recononended as a soltutions thai 'Ike meeting was greatly prolonged Wraps for she ladies were cared for o the ballots be withdrawn anda by ,ioe looseness and careesosness in in the present rest room, just front new election hseld for the first three parliamentary proceeaure. of the entrance, whtile the gentlemen Rofficers on the ticket. this question The engineers had threatened to foutnd the necessary places for their Rwsas very hotly dstcussed, a noomber of leave the class and organize separ- overcoats and hats in what will be ) personalities being dragged in andI ately Sf the election seas reversed, the commodious kitchen, 'shen the one or two speakers had their re- 'lhe result of this meeting now in- boilding is finiohed. gaokstatgoe sected to prov. T e Mthat sotres the coutinuasnce of the engi- The wvomanos dean, Or. Eliza ga tttswr itdt rv htneerosith toe claon. Mosher, Mtrs. President Angell atod - h hl altssodntb a th'ie resoult of the ballot was as fol- as Louise Pagelson, vice-president out for a mistsake on one orice, and lows: of the leagote, received the guests ard lcth ihoe atse asagud a Lit.-Eng. ticket-President. Mono- turnoed thsemo over to thoe tetoder nmer- lenthin llitsphses Fnaly held Dudsley, 114; vice-president. Miso cocs of tat coleI 'ss.An hot mnotiots was masde to table thse motson JoootooolsStpottsood, 552; secretsrhotses ,se girlsawere; flitting to adopt thse comsmoittee's repoort. 'lissV'toand Cattoenter, 115; treasoorer, Miss abotfrom one to saotheo of thoe vote revealed thse strenthoe thse rsc aisvLongwlc,1 04. toerra'grostps;- nosw trippingooff ina Dossley factiots to he overwhlelmngn" Regular iterary ticket-Presideont, dotter now ao uip s ..ng to a gay Frcomosthis timosn0it 5was evisdent thsat Phloliop Fasrnhlein, jr., 52; vice-presidet ptomncade; seor todooest toerryttak- tihc awholc Disdley ticket wcosldid ossaJesse Hortons, il; secrctary, Leo'i000" their gracefool eauty, oan-oified evetuaolly lie electledl bya large OttOJ Keo'no-, o2;-treosuorer, Miss fHeleto tooldodevelopedo y haetoctoraonitog thoy josoile. loothel asyo f g wt tt aingk'it a"tttles, 58.hoave cre coted o-'eithyobu sosthost re- thsroooghs tlhc parliamenttty siesato Iftawil to e aemthlat each issooidato fnd U fM i orls;- iheayachocveda forsmsasly moake tb-st electionocertasis of ct'eI it "tog. tirct wasOOelectedl hy tr10000ph10laot c~is otowhs ois'soas at was lonog ansdsrotracteo. A mostions totirds otajort oy. the sameotinth le tleasantest of sot- waoss osasoitot declathie tsckset0whischo I lie tremanootg oiciers wsere lcit tie ' cool eetsand theptoo f of woasn'0s tto watsretadl sy thscmovser elcctcd. 'ibis samtoe is publishedolitolast Sastourdayos i exectitiv-e obilofy tot accomsplisho att Kith . ci- ostCiheiDudley tickect. 'The motion fttily. slet'etooReos, astotodo it righof. trim secondedlcoIby to sozeno at oonce stnodT'e guests last evenitngstore atofso inoosedioately avellnigh twoothoirods of Visit by Prolf, Fulton. -Ifit onttnmber.'Thoeir tpersotnelle D . the class hatd riseon to vote in floe Prof. Robert I. F'ulton, former as- emobracedoll thoe leadinog society peo- affirmative. lot before theiou0000 sociate of Proof. Troueloodl, stoola't101001 the University and city. .Mein- cooldobebceogoot sonoc of thoe lieoten- presetot professor of oratoory tt Oioo bess of the facoolty, busioness and to- saots of floe .,oooley factionodiscovered State and Ohio Wesleyan Universities,- fessonal moot, awiftofheir wiveo,sees float the persont omakinog the motion had1 is here to attentodfle Inter-D~epartnment fhere; the goose seoiors jostled witho inoadverfetly otaoed Miss Wattles idebate as the gouest of P'rof. 'trite. jolly ftreshonen; aood all score merry. candoidateon00 the other ticket for tres- blood, Loot night he ga-,ve a very sloe U. of MI. band rendered a half torer. Thous floe carrying of the noo- itstructive half-hotor talk on "Extem.t1bo1st nceot prograot in Saraho Ca3- tion wousld have defeated Miss Long- porary Speaking" tothfle elocution soell Angell hail. This swas follo'secd 'sell for treasurer. The 'sord was classes, he also gave two very clove' by twoouors of dancing and promn- quickly passed aroound and the enthou- dialect readings 'shich 's-re enthou odes on floe Waternoan gynmnasioum, siastic majority sat do'snaso quick siastically received. Prof. Fulton 'sill 5Tlose 'sete0s5 thoroughly enjoyeod as it hadts nondstolinstead of correct- remns 'till Suondasy. st at thsegrasoilmtarchowasothlrossn ing the name by amendment voted overboard for its contintoanoce. The dlow''n its owen motion. ''oen a mu- Oratorical Notice. proceeds of the function 'sill go to tion seas masde stoo carried to declare Entries for floe cooing prelimnarsoylootrtosho the parlorostooldttwo rootus 01 floe last eletifon voidl and to re-elect o,-otoioo 1t ,tr, P P 5'.t. ith. fl oassgymonasiumn. thfle swhole set of officero. CAKNSPH R AY Tis ws te third attempt AL NSPH R A Y to 10elet officers that floe clas is is ade this year. Sone icmue _____________________ ago a meetilos was called to Have yo Seen hose e osm athletics stoo several officers Hae o SenTos Nw were electedl. As no notice seas given c)OC~~nipthat iofficero would he elected at this meeting of's last 'seek declared a P o~t 'snap" meeting stoo therefore void. e o ~ ~IIJ~A At this second meeting then a com- plete set of officers was voted for. OF THE All candidates except president, vice- University and .Ann Arbor? president and secretary received a majority without counting the nineteen - doubtful ballots. Testerday's meeting THEY'REGREA seas then called to straighten up the THEYRE G EAT matter of those nineteen had ballots. FIVEKIND ONL 2c ACH The Dudley ticket was the Lit.- Enierticket and owed its success - to this fact. The engineers turned out Sin a body and voted solidly for the A~ ticket giving it an adequate repre- sentation. The engineers were united eiaWnc;ai c;eiitieSLs CIOSe rUD. Dcii, WIL2i r 2I A I f Secretary Spalingt , 421iS. 0'iti 5av0. AC a recent mteeting of the directoro 'T'hree typte-wyritteno copies of orations of teft. S. snd otmlninion Mining Co. notst be in floe hansts of the secretary Air. H. M. Walacee, '906JL., of Ann Arbor, before Feb. 12, noon. Orations re- 055s elected vice-president and gen- ceived after that slate or cottinng oral mnaser. inure than 1050 words will be dliquali- fled. Mr. Simons weill be in rosin24 Th'I oz tsart club gave a delighfulo0000- for consultation, next week Tuesday sicale 'Thutrsday at the honme of Mis anid Wednesday, 1 to 2 p. no. Pranoces Caspary. The prograoto sas Tonight before the Engineering So- itakento Scou t r comtposers: Neviot, Cbs- toolottoe, Ibserberino stoolLasseni.StMrs. ciefy Mr. H. C. Anderson will speak Bemntsaoog Neviot's "Hne Spritng Mornt- on "Overhauling a Locomotive." This tog,'"swithosiolino stoolcello obligato by is Mr. Anderson's first year in the Mtiss Prenchl stoldStr. Saosnt; also, engneeingfacltyandowig t th "T'he Silver Ritng' of Cboaoioadc. Miss engieerng acuty nd win totheDavis playeid Neviot's "A Day 10 Veto- fact that lie has had a large amount ice." Miss Camopbell and Stiss Carson of practical experience, the iecture sanog a duct frost Lassetn, "Jesus Lover will be an interesting one, and will of My Soul." Str. Anidreses song Nev'- be of benefit to every enginerring sftu-lo's "Little Boy Blue," and Stiss Vollanod gave "Doris," also front Nevin, weith dent. volin and 'cello obligato. M'sisses Davis Mr. H. M. Dickinson, '010 E., wyil and Preach stoodStr. Samson reondered also give a short talk on "Practical Ike Minuet from Boceberini, on piano. Work During Vacation." The ad- violitn and 'cello. The aecompanists for the evening were Miss Brooks and dresses wili be given in the physical Ms~ls Davis. Program comnmittee, StMis laboratory lecture room at I p. m. French.