4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Holiday Books NOT THlE CHEAPEST STORE IN TOWN. We have no 12 Mos. at 25 cents, We are not Selling BIBLES at Half Price $10.00 In Your Inside Pocket Isrwhat youcane o a ui toroercoat made to yor orderbytus.Wguarateeaperfet fitor no ale. Cal and se enoobigiationto byOr i menseso rtmoent of ovr' 3,00 samiples will pleaeou.o All Wail Shits and Overcants frio $12.00 up. Gorcal elle &YMur py Font Room oer First National Godih ' M rhj Bank, Ann Arbor. MAKE MONEY tDURING VACATION e Student Agents Wanuted to Sell We cannot sell you a good I E D 12 Mo. at 15c. Rut we will t ieyutebs au o your monny. The largest Sto k of Illustrated . . Enqqire at 340 South State, Ii'S BINDER F. J. SCHLEEDE. Gift Books, New Fiction, Bibles, Prayer Books, Calendars Christmas and New Years Cards In the City' DSO'YOU $1'OKE ? 4 Pittsburg Stogies for . r Bill Anithony (gioals for 4 Brtunswick Cigrars foer - .- 5c 25c 25c Old Number. r 44 SO. MAIN ST., 6hoohd & 604 ANN ARBOR. MICH ~ll6~hdl & 60 One of the theatr itcal succes505 last University Booksellers season was Warde & Saciiett'ecm edliatns, piresentig A laL clot s liIon- 320 S. State St. eymon.t.Next ITuesdais sluy sill pr-it soot to thec tneatit-goeof 1Anbn At ANN ARBOR - 1 1ICR5OjAN bor that clever farce. A few chaingest tCchave beetsmatle in the( compa inctY tse U. of M. Barber VPeORI BATHS last season. Amiss DiaMcywl TeOnynsinigsvrlof thlaties y ilt l Thoe aod ath othesCty.gRe seve.r lIsltetilila ShopaadlBat ates.01ls'-songs diltritshe seond1(1act of the, ROO S 0011, 2s STTE. . .Trotroaski l ifsrtimaniee. 'A Baielotr's Iltitey- sis_( oti''is aIt ce retit;tug ipoth l iil )EAN & CO8 Calendar. l'ridttyCan. 19-Ptresidetit Stamiu=.1 fliitpers on Th 'le Eight-Hour Lass" itt Goodil Goetrntent club. Fidy Joln. is19-House Warmting ins Gymt. by Womtten' s Lea"'ue. I'rilas' IJsti 191 Ciol loydl ad- i-sses the lPhilsoushica'l Society on 'It titlty uad violustii'' t4:15 p. min I iTipptinIHall. P'rida,-t.o 6.Mm. Josephitne _,scit situ-recital isiin nril Otnioit V6f11REN 11__ GUI'RI'SlEEP5 MO1TIt-3FGOTION. UNIVE.RSITY SCHOOL OF Ontiet sititbteitinlig lass, I citae,85tot10p)m PINK BROS., Instructors Offire and Aademy, Nicklrtallt, 334--33f i. itote ISPiCDIAL HOLIDAY OFFER tne of thise's $3.00 LAUGHLIN FOUNTAIN Ii tdes no sut you, nE u IToIrAC e ai fer you s .1t it it. IfitesuitsHfi os tn ts ti lot ,AV t AnyCay o igueioti PROit FIT-itto Thin isthebt p md.Hr isyurcanl i c re t etit -F'INT tC QULIYAULNM NGOLD tl o e e ett ci ddress on ctis tifer Sffit- g it of evelCinf ubsettnib- Tdr fthe.er NORy tae hthH ysIDE LAULNDRYG O. r T29Grs old St. htoi, Mich.ys 1003 Bandnor x57esBet pone i oit s blt , atit situaiittiins itti its Ciii-_______________ tileit It is titt, hotseverii,ia oiitit rtiici Ptrsif Cotev i s ittiable o so ueetIt atiilofsotii i'csai~ l)cal lasss'yesltrlay booaisesoof illness. sontgs Isbl iss St'cey'v Itt1( re in tt A tnow itnie itf bManhattati Slire te itititta lit t i t ro is t heCuet'i tin utSb CC ams Ryan& ieiti Cite sit'eat'e, Siti Critic o lst' Se 'tem, SMini st Augutstti'eSMorninug Ca'll stys:_____"A____--__ Bchielos Chottiymoiotiis pliyedby Clie Ciii tilts 'isitoCs. lit' onetof tiCtioei tibes tiii5itibaanedcopaieStstitit tilcoeeunts Cii offer s1 that ha is iecit beent hiten i a.Franhi-ideCtCon LailelibCiirdiialso tite sti iscoi" CTle etigg mtititis fCiii neii i C rooms. tight on]i"._____ Ells As 1 e. O tu- D. Fl. TINKE~R & SON~ HATTERS AND FURNISHERS. H'eadquartern for HAi, CAr, MENFeRNINS nd Copteiline o GYMNASIM GOOSad ircEARSn. AGENCY FOB LONGLEY IHAT 334 Snaih State Sren oo. Moteand itsro Streets. Capil, 50,00. Suirplts, $i,0.Tean sc geneal banking busiines. BK EMres. C. E OEnxVice-Pree FREDi. H B 'r Csier FIRST NATIONAL B CiK t eie A 01Ar 01 Cpitl,$1too0rsurptetluts td Pfis, 84,1 Trauiateene gtral baitittgeusites, Foreig ecaelitgbtoght ttd sld. Friih letters o cedi. t. . KINNE, Pee. HARISO5N SOULtE, Vice-ten. S. W. CLARKSCON Ctshie The flan flfr orsavings fank Capitl stoc. 50,000. Stptir. $150,000. Rettotrce.81.000000. Ogiziiedunde'rbheOGeel Bting Lara titthir State, Receisodiepsits,, by td Sell exctange nte printcialtitriiesi e Celnied Sates. trtite catted tpte protee ideticatin, Siety depositbxs t et. OFICES;mCiritiak, Pre. WD. Hr- ni, Vie-Pres.;ChCar. NHIicok, Cahier; M. J. Fritz, Asistant Ctshier W..BOTH, PRES. 8Thry TF W. AneO, tt Vice-peer C 1 J, V. SEN ,2cd Vie-tre Sf1 VINGS JON.. WALr, Ast. Cahier WINK Transact a general Blankig lBusiness ( COtEGATE CAPS, GOWNS and HOOS, q Rotig if CA PS od GONS, j' I \ 00SPECIALTY. OCLAS CAES. CAS STATIONEtRY, COLEE PIS, CCCALTCGE MG.KERN&CGO. itit: Cii --SecesiiihSt. S tYECV, ' one reason I bacon ' why Old En- - trnvetnu gsh Crve Cut pipe to- bacco is so The crved tin box that fits any pocket is another reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever made as many friends in so short a time. "It disappoints no one." A trial box will be Sent to any one anywhere on receipt of ten cents in stamps. Address Old English Dr- partment, The American Tobacco Co., Ill Fifth Ae , New York City. All dealers sell i. SPALDINGS Oficial Ofichrilly tdtitei by etelitg Clubs o the eouttiiy Bsle 13a1l Tennis Fooit 51alii Ahltis r Spaldings Offtcial Leage Rll Cisto 5Clircihlull iioftie Natioa League and all leitgrcolegeaso ciatittnsipaldngs ae all tuide for 19f0, 10fc Ilandomte Cai//fae A G. Salding & Bros. NOBBY TAILOR STATE ST. CI-Twrdilhatsait Vt dlt itts, Ryans NO C ILLC 11001 h L'T~iOS)H 1pu Cess t tii Che miarketat All ahican ts Ciii the cnt potitt 3.005. 200-202 S. Muainst. Citti of hutrstteortitiltthieGleIclb tilt iitrototuC, Sautusa eeinti.Th taalnSatrda''ving iassemt riio'clk t.it101. Sultphren.ily ill takCo e ae istCiratger's tAtc- itity test Saiturda y. H~enryC.outletrsunitnustuctso i tieshanuicaenneett g, i l''lur'dhiscsuss Vs A'sNi~l- r'omainuusterrard anus Ih Ct t i hal SbYotuk tiCOtterhauling ar a roits t'ep,"ii itat o'se.A getodltilt Locomouuitive eforc the Enuuinieering uuurtsiuty, bFor uthformua t1ion adhros., Soety, Stuirday eenuing, January 20."2-'I. 14., caire ofit ly. hASh' NOl)DAYS tOF AICTION. LOST-A ladies' goldh watch tntdlchii oit WVshingtoun, Statecur Motnrioe sts. F~ritaandtrt Saturda~y it 7 pi. m. h'his Rewrd~ii if roturnied to Daily offico. is yur ast chauce. IDont fail to ___________ comem l1'ist Florence t\Orhdgh. 1900, proph h'C5JTC~i2A5T'CIONS C~f, oeEss of te sentior ehass, wtill leauvo 106 S. Mtainst. coulege thsis ,veeh uuto accet a piositiont -- ini the Omaniiight school. Befoure ii umeetiig tf lie Clih'sirs -________ cotltoquitum, Catr-uil D. louses readatC PIrof. Geddhes, of Einughug,10suex- p-pe en sm ir Rei ii s He-ItpetedC to adddescitheChicltosopic'al ltdtElctrclDsg.Sotud hiursdilay, Februauy 8. / / ATTENTION . r ATTRACTORS Our hJir~dou, of F(INCY SE-JIE3TINGS COAT "UP-TO-NOW" SHIRTS PRODUCTIONS CLET, akrs1 COcORE WAGNER & CO. Alo LUTT"an ;RRWWRITE tHaberdashers THOSE NC)BBY .GOLFS MIL WARD