4 THE UNIYER8-ITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY MARTIN C HLL R, Boo U. of M. Station-C D. l. TlNKL & c crv for -Ill (lenat-rt- LA('LNA 1111 ments. We Sell Fountain Pens .. X-1l are omlaraflteedl. OKSELLER DowN TOWN, 114; oIIl I 1 YLai c S o l; and ('Li"'. <<,nLI t;fiLu * 30731()LONG LII ILAGI ('usr3l Mai ad uro "ii- Caitsaul, el0,0.s. i . l t 1.30,1. fra= ato t 'F:L. H Bvoe'Fu,.(iLiuL If You Wart. ... Drivers Brassie Drivers Clubs Mid Irons Lofters Putters Caddy Bags Golf Balls YOU CAN FIND THEM AT W0e scrry in is lt ILL lIeIMLrris- tILown. and aleg lll Lre city a~gensrthe elebratedII5L Willie Dunn Clubs; Bin5ig s1youriold GAL I BLLILL and I xcLILIL-o thorm forLne5.10 Large" n bte a vr 'L( ILL'LLLLLIL. Nely ticGIL ILsILmuLy hacks andILLmanyLII101~lI'L lLIL 'Li thlllast uLyeaLr. Leave' yourLTrLLnklIChLecLks GwiLILuLLor ele willGal lIandII.-Yet 11115 III y'ourL baLggageGwill be deLlivered LIopl'IIy, I 'Piuonle iou. 515 East Libel-1, Street. FIRST NAIIUN L BANK f r"allmdc LCaitl 101 y) " ,,pus tiii Prois, 4000 LAMPS FOR S TUWD El Ts creit. Ii'i, le~s' he 'eal h ILU IN I Y r ARILSON 1011I+ 5 G I 313300 CII ice rs Rochester andiLhe Plumsewoodi, ThelBerlin iandLPerfection SIlLeLampoL" PheIINLew LL L.Lam ,IlismeLA". is m Il ajn i nS 1,M1111,1 It i ' m1 eig5 uany Lam fitsLILIkGinLNfLa iL ILLouitheibeatILing, for theiiL IE AND SEE. 1.o Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. MICH. DEAN6 October Outing. ! i Liiober (Outing5 iirovANes iIl;U]Iint'eStif the li. 1' II. and)1 1 lu 1111ia, nd ivesi boh C. Gn I ) i5 ies ern aii i cle i A th Gdesigna L ;iling ol IL boats Promoeters .u~uuns iii'iii~i~i.iiiiiI i L l of Golf ANeuN AR O ICH. IUII .''ilL (iL liii i()i010i. ll i ()' Li., STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSO- CIATION. Ils lac i'll Lthe'Ii(lame ~a nw lay( liLLA aristIL fthii dyLiii fuIishe oLdraingsl oLf.Ow Ii I foriL the depart'meulnt. AtI 3(111 ay's footllOLgiL~ali. '37 sea- Calen~dar. F~riday Ot.6.-3 hlic ' LI 5meiL- 1 ri lay, Oil. I6.--GeneLlLL LLIi'LIIil o S. C. A. at NiewiberyL Hll. Saturda Iy, (cLL 7.-Varil '3vs, Albiin Satuduoay, LOc. N-VarityI3vG. NI'stI IWednesday, Lit. 1Ii Gais'vIsI Note Dai'0iou Un~iIversity. SaturdayiI', Oct. 21.I .L LilL vs- Aluin IllII. 1 LI' r o i 12 '. Divisilon st.--t '1'L1ANi'M GEN NOICE ldly,(ILL. 2, 'aL thi'Ahltic13k' V Lo'lk to111 A (11 .11 l layr', ILl hIIaeLcii'Ii iof thel Gi1Li 12 J. .1"Mc LeanL,I'pt. G. G. Crozier, '99-M, who LisLtoL IILI fLLrAssaas 10aImedicl m Liss1ionary, 1w111 deliver a lecture, at the roins oIALtIe I-niLI'sity 7'. '14. .A,'Ihursiday even1-I ilkLo is week, 'I' Th ILis Iwill bei'heIlast IThe Rion lror SavhIias EdH I llCapial Stock.I L 1111 lriu i r0,d13 S IGLL 1l esotiilL (iinoil L331.ieg 1.051. OIiLi 'inier he" 11 r ,1100D LiCiOLI o ti"'. I . Iluuuo i, L'pi it, ilS yi.Ll exhageonth lrici-a c SlE f l~te U. ofJ. BarberPt Sho i ui~ 322 S L it 'V ic.eR.yrs a ow ki1P op 63 k li lu iss ). A i Sh oe ShBrbop p d me~I~i~~thosix andoBthaII FORhe nns 900-.Ml aellll. d 110)olr ~i3toug 322lStae St.J . Sbr ad Eos uiProp. SpoldingPhoBos, 0WA MRTIN.Th. FUNERAL Ave Ambuancenil001da. A1kir~es SNOW LAUNDRY. Yoladry asbedca aO el Pennsydvandic ronedl. Eeieun glaofbhesse mi. n , d e v ryaled infoe. tballts~ Twelve Numbers to be Given This son1 ti'ketsL a11015L9IIsinleadiLsionsLlL were1'sold. 'Ilubii the smllest;IL numberIL Year. Tickets to be On Sale Soon. COURSE OF 1899.- 1900. 1. Lyman J. Gage. 2. F. Hopkinson Smith. 3. Max Bendix Company. 4. John Temple Graves. 5. Oratorical Contest. 6. Brig. General Charles King. 7. W1ll Carleton. 8. Sousa and his Band. 9. Congressnan J. P. Dolliver. 1 0. Chicago Alumni Number. 11. Announced Later. 1 2. Announced Later. Season tickets $2.00. Reserved seats 50 cents. f if seasou n tiletsLosAl at IanS openIinL; game for)' ILrlee i' 3(11 to-am111mee'tIat 4ipIu IGWedne'Ls y cIL'. 4, .is ivied Liio be present. iIll he'rrilphy romitsiul La t i aita in~Il _______ Geo. I). Iduddnuai I. Mug)'. Studnts are coLilly ivited tLin-l GooLa.('101Lo ur complete ii 0rs110, over- cioa11, 1men1's (furnlisigs anudl lats. Studentls call ge'luchea lall h111105 G ai'3.~~0s, 1Ryan10 ILule, S. Mai1111St. mlade .goodds) put C) up nboxs tat Clue A unow'line1of Manhattan Shirts 9)1St Womuan'sExch~ange, C612 E. Liherty et. 1in at NNadhalao, iRyan & (teule. See -12 theml. S. Ma11110st.____ '4w r 4WAONER CO. 44+ TAILORS TO MVEN 4 t44 SLarge Collection of 4 Exclusive Novelties 123 S, MAIN ST. ~ I MILWARD.E THE NOBBY TAILOR, STATE STREET