2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN AILY Publisheed Diy (Sundysexeceptedcduring the Clege yerat THE UIVERSIIY OF MICHGAN oFFtcr The Inland Pess, Henneing Bich Bth IPhno'-.17. MANAGING EDITOR. R. BEsGEetatt,'1 L. BSINESS MANAGER. it K.IHnws. '0L. ATt tTtICS', . G. D I UTlttee, '01 B r. B A. Woeioee', 'CitL. A. i. tttDtttt-t, 'itt B A. . B CWet.'0. . J. B. WOOD, '5, G. J.Meeeeettettr, 'O, W. 0 ititte:, 'OM, TB hete icptoutict ethe it tta ot $2.50 L he ctlege"ye, ttth aIreglar idliteybtfoter noneactL tie. Ntitte, ci, uuiititttio ' ted otheremtein setded teer puliationmst e handed te et the DtLet.Yontionefoe p no maled tthe eite beoret 3 p. ioth.e da. y peiusto that ntwhih thu ae expeteto appear. Seheeeus i ayt be e efttattDAttLY ctie, Maager. Suttscribes wittconfe a tator by reprtng tprotptly at titsetee any filurteeeof dl hneintadvetisn mtertun.boi the oeite By a p. o. on the dayteyevousLc thti on whih tiet Catretetoa. In charge oC todays issue, L. J. MONTGOMIER. ittfilie Not ieet' 'titite Of te Amtercatn Natttro is s fount perui by r S. J. Hoth ; Ctteo1 h z ' t' iat departen, oni tit eItv esl efCle- age itt Anclitt. Warrttetn. Frer, itsructtor in Ger- mat, attentetdi the neeting eC .e Ce- teal :Divisioti of the hMoert Lagage Association felat Nasei le, 'rettn., recentlty. Hereaedea p ater tntite'i The Change itt (ender front ettlit eighi Germatn teeLthter as seen(i te 15475lEditionee of thie ile, adatt lstio sptoke on Professor George A. H-enh's ams as a teacher. / It is a matter of deete regret theat Miss Atna aley the ho oretd presuent of te wotets Leagute is too il to lit present at the receptiontisClievening. 'Phitoucte cess of the occasion, however, wilt largely te ue to the efforts tihe pite forth for it before her ilness twhich begate dittng vacation. She wilt re- trn hotme early et tweek. Five mtembiters of te Uiversity fa tlty were itt attentdance at te antual mteeting of te Anmericani Historica Associatiotn.'Piey were Prfessors . A. Hinsdae, Adirew C. McLaglin Asaith Hal, jr., P. N. Dow atd Mr. A. L. Cross. A tatter by Professor Dowy entitleti Gtttermttenta Cndtitions aC Lantgres inthie Etry itltetle Age attd Esptecialy inthle' Nintith Cetuttry teas readi it title. 'the net tteetits' Of this assoiationtilttlit~eeatlDetrit intl Atnn Arbor ini cotjuntction witt the nerting of te Amterican Econo- 111c13Assction~~t, duinig oneeelast tteek ofcembe'tttir 01' ie citrretCyear. Hr. Abert I. Presrott, dtenof tef phattrmacey deartmient, tir. Pal atC. Freer(rofessor of ginerat leiistr, andit Geore A. Iultett, itsttutor itt gentelt cittiistry, dLuttdeii tie' ueta-C (1gs ttfte' Amtericant '..ttiie Assit (fite thitologicalt laboiratory redt three hillels stmariig his ricet ivestigaltios. lieatteniedite ses- sinoti tf te Americanti Physiological andii~ee Anerican Anatmnical Asso- ciatitons. tie was eetet a vie-resi tent in tee Anatotmical Associatin. Hr. J. 1B. aolol of te otaical de- partment read a iaper beore the Society for Plant Morphology and Phyatology entitled, The Stimeuli that ttlue the So-called "Peg" or Heel' on toe Critrbita Seeling. Societu Programs. Webster-Saturday evening. hMusic. Inmpronmptus-L. L. Lewis, C. W. Reteciam, E. M. Priest. Hebtate, Resolved, that England's policy with regard to Sowtt. Africa is weroneg. Aherteative-E. H. Suttiterlatnd, Vir- gil ests,NV. W. Withienbhury. Negative-tG. A. hillier, L. Larson. hi. W\eigle. GenerstltDehate. Rea-ding-Pheo. tLake. C'titics Reprt. Jeff erseniae-Friday evening. CuirrtT 'opics-her. Lancashter. lIpromtu-M hr. Forreste r. Atddress-hit. Antdrews. Essay--H=atvis. ImpcromtuD ebtate-Rosenhtautiid HBoyton.i tseie itt Dtitate, .esotveii tehat thet contittionsctiuctldl te 5 amtend edl thti te tenet ors shall tie electediblia direcrtvote otrte people. Affirmatite-Corv-ill atnd ttio tiso. Ni'gativ e-Rtappotrt satd Ftaull. Alpha Nu-F-riday evening. 'Mutsic, Hebate-Is te worldtgrowvintg iet- ter? It is-hhr. Chiristiattsont. It isnot-Mrht. Lemteni. hMusic. Reatig tow Che chutrchtwati-u it at, Reinoe's Henit 3ir. hMoore, Sybtil NN. Nit. 2. Adelphi. Nit ieeetitig iecatise of Initer-diepart- mettdtetate. 'Te Daily is itt receittof Protfessor WNociese'rs speetcien "Samne Asptects if te Phtilipinite Q(ti itt' tete-eet deiliteredl befoireCthe H amsiltonti lii 'C 'Cigoi. Hi' ttC'-' I~iO samtie addre ss beefoete uDtetroit iluNt a1CC.NAvsstei'ijt { 1 4r ? 1 r' I) 1 .i . Moneyed People. Ace notustually Iextravagant, They buy diamosnds, but they dosnet hp fancey priees fer theme They Soy good shoeet.hut they buy juiioueesly. people who are woehitg en tsmaltlsalaiesitar~emore likely Cs becsme wealthty if they fslltow the exatmples sf wealtehy seoeithn ift tley follow the ex- amtples of sther pettleewhoe eeortking tn smaltltsataies. REPAhItRtWORK RIGaT. Glass's Shoe Store, 109 1. Main Street. Opent eenings util 8 oclckt-. lFor the t t1 :op Economical Buyer Men's Fine Suits, Men's Fine Overconts, Fancy Vests, Bath Robes, All at 1-4 Off. ....SPECIAL SHIRT SALE.... Welmv i- 1 Cwt-every tt-tidoller titd pely otte , '. i ft-i c an( t itC ltirt it C t eaee $1.15 each Protf. George WN. Pattersont, etfte' phtysicep ltartmtet of te Cniversity lets reretltybeen irotnferetice with Henry- N. Ahittey,' generalnmansger of he nnArbr aiload wth ASAND ELET C LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES, gardto Cte feasibility' oftesintg wite .PORTABLE LAMI/IPS, ETC., tessteegraiphly fotr comsntititon A SPEIAiTY. i'StN tIiT 11Y C tii1S BiBSTAIIt AtttND OrTvATs B IHEATINGI, acrsth ie tnorthternt part of Lake hitch- igant antd betweeentthie car-ferries aid J. F. SOCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST. te shonte. Nihiivsgettt lat , -s htate wrill.tc- tit otit of te tIic ttt-intwtichtiht et enttered. 'Iltoy t Iei'et NNiscoisit.' leneisty ttia, and'ut. eeiNorthatest- erti tUnitversitie's. ?.icu as ltsonit thte last fhe uteIt tas rereivedthCie totes of fotirteets out o1 tiltfifteent judges for thsose dl its EUTHYMOL 25ci o tl e t ES t Euthymol Tooth Paste Package. TOOTH BRUSHES TO MATCH QUARRY'S Z 25 4 EACft z BN ...1"OL ES' LIVERY... FINE COACHES For Parties, Receptions Etc. AND C OUPES Geed and Prompt Service Guaranteed. STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSOCIA- S TION COURSE TICKETS) S$1.50 REDUCED TO $1.50 SOUSA'S BAND nd Six Other Finye Numbiers for 't" Suaadhis Band, University Hall, Mna Sousa and Evening, January 19, Mna !. @UETT PEABODY & CO. MAMERS APRIL.L'S SHOE STORE To wait until you tire conipelledti o tbty roubhers. THE WISE MAN butya rutbbers and has thenm ready for wear when oecasion retquires-and has lean to pay the doel h.I.avv - PERFUMERIES AT MUMMERY'S DRUG STORE.