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January 19, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-01-19

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94 PaIls

VOL. X. \NN QtIBlOR, MICH., FRIDAY. JANUARY 19, 1900 No. 83.
t , IHOUSE WAARMlING formation of Trsto o.bohold be ose MEDICAL STU ET SUES
Iby legislation. Hn. ) . .. Ferry, ot OLG
Expected to be a Success With Detroit, will presde, and ddge JoephCOLG
W,. Donovan, of Detroit, te Honorable For Reusing Ito Grant Diploma after
TT L 20010 People Present. Davar E. Heineman, ddge George s. ThrqRqie ore
Fine ~IIrbrresbv enhoseer, and ddge William L. Car- Isaac Yeseim, of Brolklyn, N. Y.
H WITRadSPIG Hrade(for tis evening's seial, and Dr. penter will at as Jdges. The o- based - co... o regial Cl-
hII TTR and PRING sher chen seen yesterday bya test witb Pennsylvania cill errr at iege for $250 damages for refsinp
E Sutings, Gold Suits, E repesentative of Te Daily spoke asPiladelphia, Marrs 9, to alloc in In graduate as a piy-
follos: siiariin Ihree years as agreed.
Faneg Y esings. Vie nemsbers ot the -Womens Webster Society Banquet. H asIeetrdterieet
° Ifi e, ~se" ave been very artive during Wester siety iheld its forty-first take te usual corse, paid oe yeas-
T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY Tte pastceels arransgng for what tey annal banqse last evening in Elks des and remained tiere tal length
+.Thope iiile tr largest seial event all, Covers were laid for one hsn- of te. Cirsunstanes over c-kirk
A Aill Ann Arisor surcer teelebration sred and fifty. After serving an ee- e ad no control preentes iis at
A We Carry the Largest A of tle fiftieth anniversary of tse Ge- gantrpast, daning was esgged in tending tie colege te seenu year
St~kversity. The completion is ausse suf until a late hosr. The following toasts tater, ie rte Dean Egbert a lettm
SokIfirleit for general rejoiing. were responided to asking it he might retsrn for riseC re-
In thle Cityj"UP to Ie present inerie great d. Daniel r ebster by doh F. Has- mainder of tie term snd then grad-
Lo L Cniversity fanily has ad no seial kett, of Nrts Dakota, who ated ate errie n ~mtv el
toast-master, ae r eevda fimtv el
gathering paeupniste anpus. by 2. 0 ie Lawyer, by Will C. Moody ard stsdied another ear. He expet-
0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. 0 the generosity of many friends, the of mrihigan, edl to graduate this year, bt when he
Rhandsonse building wisch bears the 3. isel, Ladies by major Downing ofered his tuition fee it was refused,
R R honored name of a former regent, has Of Inia ate r halsSnonos the ground that he could not get
been made possible. It ,s pratirally of _irhianIhis diplona until feurnyers hal ap
recmpleted ad tonight, .y shall ece- 5s Oriental 1Problem, by Willians Csd
WL5 D biotaitsioornal oening. Dusof thosedeIsand
W I L D h~e insitaion goes forth to all 6 C S.V bylie W Means, of A BEQUEST OF $100,000
sheocre t sethe bidn s n o to FrEtalsin roesrsi i
toewho dsieto sedtpleasait FMullen, o1 Nebraska.FrEtbihnaPoesrhpo
W ILDER' SVevening, to creseand bring ith them R.I1uS enirsrby s.Pery Strirk- the Science ofGoenet LVV ythdnainfffycns-e mslt'ofIlos.nrgadotedspalf$10
stia untwichwoffirntthe rin'alser 1ilni Iperrit tr iiolofets,
S E I ou 9i.tr agegt astofUus biy Barnard . Stec- 000 for te establishmsent of aprf-
Sr EC I AL we hopie ieuficriet Is funisholiits is)Theirsisoir yusavus Ouing 005 sn 01olre Scerscserof Crvermirent
great pursoinsits lragueroom001 sn tie c slsrs hiant ii r us Inivsersty, tie sill of
siirrf uroisbrndoftoth othier rifirh uswoms ean.rns hese. llTh _ ruCeturybirs stirs Ii orsen risE13oCutheroirsnsrsrt ci-il
us -lushatwi ulot ho Crmnods,-o sr iu-sgan.s sr-ruiueureormser rut Nwu-sr. k r sys:
sinsritr w ,re si ll th-ee ruruss'suhens trrosun togs-rier 12 Vs s bSing iuv Thoma-s It isrstu.uiuutisiurossers
d<.fecti~~c, once. wuilimcrui us g i ticmanun aisoissi Mark s, osri anlur.r° o n tatm t o rsrb h
banqruerst his, ichunsin ai roairli uts 13- reshmssrieniyuJon A. Musrir sirssec itruction 5555rtsrbe iensrstrsorg
2 l>e uiia .J nir iup wil e he ry o Turer. ..s isssssors sirs -b rt I praysay 5thn
fis- o s.II Ieirbettrs-l H-l-si t h 1 frs ses I ishusse e idosedriintlarosl irlie faih
WIlder's fPharmacy TIsr~~u srr i utis rusrsVturrre5 l tr i is-s r si r--i
ussa ruili Ifu Il r rvunine susa wril 15. 0Sia us-srun irs-y 'Psr sic I. ils-I al spat ritis u c i is, sze luslodevoeud
be,5 ie , n eti ill 0we hopesleyus lchga ,t ts imo sr se bu irltse irhope that
slroemrie refl -Ir -un ---lu-rrri u-si-l rsms ~ ii, 55 ssiu Ossr Soiety issuerom so11. tinr ushih its fr-us-irs, ile is -re-t rirsri-
THE O sssu s55rnesIeis lsrs-lsI hes.unIls5105r in air frrs15ui~is
burys. ul ewe r easd wih seseo nds pussiswhchoisstonllostt
RELIABLE fis rrfulsrsis-11oles1hiolgialSoieilAilaa s urrdrSossi u5-i
R . E . J O L. 1..Y & .C ® firsmriersofsrtlie Lesgueacring s n 0lgicaul Sour-isyestrdavafternoon srs5r tonnehfr ttrehtreluiusaie
___ iurstsors ts-s-deurIle rs Trp lite tsremmiipsrtie sirndsgernmrent-,uill te
.029.1Irs Ospnngof thu "arh-srsioon. Hi le sttedshafrt tis ises nui slns hotfheosr-rsr i
Carsel Angell Hush." iRecitl iy U erutisorsnst smtteiui ad ie rplrainitsts t obid tio nrs-sor
A59up mn. isusi forurdanci~ng iir e Iseus ss h irs oaie-umsor ii partpoiics adshall official life
rut itrllstualirmevepmesn.Ili e'sir si,, Ie erouslyeon d; tha
rutimrisuns ynrrsaolsnr.srien six inr erif wayof01 ris
"Iiu. n. Fancy Marhred by5h.rg iemrMoerutai suetie just rertionso betrmenr upubli oin-
AM edical innnsarheu moonoa somheirofrwhihchi isahs
t+uWiliasisof tie Waterns mash ls er a-r ru hnng eansIrut ien, prtyrsopriniona niires uit l int sir
Snysisrrof tie hBarbounr Gymnassiumrmisodenlinsicn esims manI sugmiensro rand f tir eaeertll be shsret iilfrortthtalDc on ypriiaednbyllgss.iytcalrs.Aawoe--sra- tet nfuceilhe exeredfor
11:30u.stu ncinmyusi res d.iristsnrspuilicrtadAsnistraIssueasdtlegt
11~ i~i~i~na~t i55~ne Wo us or. thenumigusirern ersnt cws rrigri ruesoelIrish at times isations ins tie UnitedSttis wosrthy oi
r+asWum ftrm egnesr eriy humrusersall sriwrihs hios-
tuquestedultin ins present at 7:45 p.in.05 teunisIto iby enslrappremuiatre snsnrvtie hracnter airihnteligerce of their
5 ___________audience._people asusnd rt unt only tfirsu- i
Ine-eatetDebate. Gotry lesonsof01hstsry rwill be lre-
Inter-Departmentnd rpers too ll to Lecture onightLaig oPnsyvnaMihgnnnesh lbut thirt tiecrst apropsmriae
uS dug In Pennsyivinn-i5-hrinutrss hre =oddi tovemrrsmusf minkyestraml efetem neanss u romf sids
msnrfu-sf a ~~~~~~~~~~ly ill h edins Univsensiy hil, siay husceesion 1 atelsgramnofrom rsfrn- sfsn u suilm nu uvmsuet
S st n I sr-ess-, nsf e _l s isil i t-fi e ri bu nrr uru1JFsslsrrsf suu ofshru t s m n pltc n oen et
bunnasry ermentig lupl he e ntbiuus uus-eo rttiesn rninuin-g andshealingfie
CALKI N S PH ARMACY _ me nrrngfsn wo n cNn oFedetonto f Lnabe o ostorthy siss ie fair theseerisen
Inuniss s irisdrwill le r e rtsned iby trlurs th1atf e wars sour ill u rrslrsiIi iies rhl u xris
C. c~e, f armngonwh in'9 a uonrlliung upower ius tins rpubslie.
of satean in'97and9sspeialyuchaminu ay b rawivrn from
Have yaa Seen Those New mlnnl estnsuin7 si rs-ht Thimletunr r wil he giennisiusoyrtIeaumefitlansn
reis sns fine,, llionideainguuag ssns Ius5the h t 0 i nusrursI n istoreyiofbtheaniih fen tist ofn
Woo5ds'0Oihchins lielrn ins seenl Baird to Confer withr Stagg I usInushai vmhuen by n meanso ade-
Ab gg shotst inecterngcag;an utmy- xpoundnueiinstie te-rcmhiugs sf
vos osaus ntsuri sme Ihrm iior Birdnnulleft iast night finn nulls upoltel siences.
byl,.VYung, 'e00seine enterd tiere-usnCtniago uio rrnerence iths trof.____
OTH irniunaicns oi the Chcago deba. Strgg. It ho probrbe that arrange- At tie meeting of tie Moderns Lai-
I iherewtuets cave the negrth-*e uniuts will ie deinitly maduse guage Assoiraton hedi at Coubirs
Unoersty and Ann Arbor? ansi ave mutruoe. their work to W. for tie Tarnsgiving (ay foot- Univesity papuers rrere real by three
E. itydalch, nof Prove City, Utah, who al gae n d a conrat signed. members of the faclty of the Ui-
s rel knorwn ins University circlms for Trr aciandbasebal rwili be tioroughly versiy, by Prof. fempi on The His-
THEY'RE GREAT bs sneer as a debater; to 1H. F. a- disrussedi and if possibe dates agreed tory of the Contrations Ant and
____________ obs, of Watronsviiie, wine entered on for some of the games. Hirrit, by Prof. Scoft on Figurativ
from Abin inh Feb. '99, where hie Elements in the Terninoogy of Eng-
FV iv OLY2EAHmare the team of '97 against 0psilanti Junior Election. lish ~ranmar, and by Professor our-
- an in '98 woe the Intercolegiate cham- easre of qestios or illegality lanl on tie Date of the Rimed Chron-
pionship of the state; and to C. J. in the past eletion, the junior class ile of the Cid. Prof. Scotas re-
eleted president of the pedagogical
W A H R 9 'Asbster 01 L., of Eaton Rapids. will hold another eletion today at4 setion and Prof. ourland was made
V I A I"!R S The Question is Resolve, that the p. m, in Room C. a member of the exeutive conil.

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