THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.4 4 _ _ __ 1HILDEBRA MICHIGAN CENTRAL "The Niagara Fails Route." CEONTRASL ST'ANDARDPTIME. Taping f'eet November 19, 1899. Deteroit Night E pes....... ... 5 55o.RI Atlantoicxpes..7 45" Grnd Rapids hExpr'es..........11 10" Mail an Exp esi ........... .... 04 It . N. Y. BostnSpecial........... 4 58 Fast Ea'tcr .... ........ .... 943 Botstn, N. Y. andticaego....... 805" Fast 1<4esten Exprss......... 1 G. iR. andttKao. Expres........5 30tt Chicano Night Epss............59 20 Pacif ictxpesso..............115 lAs. Steamtship Tickets, all Chasses, to and l'otti FEuropea poits atlttowest rates. Full infor- 0. W. RUGG LIES. 1.WHAES G.P. &T.A'ttihicago. Ag'thAnnsArbor. TIME TABLE Laini ijfeet, Sundai-y, May 21,1899, Trains -leave AnnAerbor ty Centrlal Stand- krS litre SOUTH1 (ORTH *N.6-7:5 I N o. 1. 8:5hAt!A No. 2.-11h31 A. At, *No. 5.-t2:0o.ot No. 4.- O8:30oF. t. No. 3.- 4:56 P.At *Runi between Annt Arbsoerand Toledo only All tratinsidoily except Sunay. E. S. GILMORIE, Agent. 5t' i. BENNETT. G. P. A Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. Cars leave for Dletroit andi Ypsilanti every half hour, beginninsg at 6:45 a.,1m. until 8:15 p.s.; last ear for D~etroit 11:10 p. m. Waiting room, corner Ann and Main sto.: Detroit, Ill Griswold st. BREAKFAST - ANN ARBOR SUPPER - ST, LOUIS, MON SWABASH - FAST TRAINS FREE - CHAIR CARS It, S. GeeiinuootniAl.l'.1., Cireago - -- y v YLv s _ L ( y Y y V y V y, _ ! V G V V V' V w JUST A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-NEVER IN PRICE. ND THE NW TALOR5120 WASHINGTON ST. l~entschler, tbe liboto~rapber. Alarm Clocks SI. L? oflD1Pitns 50c tott 10.00. Fiase Watch Repaniing a Specialty. LOSTr SOMEWHERE ON CAMPUS-A POCKEoT Booky containing 828.35 in ca sh, and a RAILRIOAD TICKET to NvW YORKi, ALSO a moemorandunm of the hig reduc tion of prices in Neckwear, Sweaters, Gloves, etc., at Mlack & Co. The inder ca n DEop the TICiKET and CASH, and receive a LIBERAsLR- «VARtI, hy retutrniig ahove memorandum to B. A. CUSTOMER. J. L. CHAPMAN, JEWELER, 206.1l i n South. Have You senorPORELAINS? Finest thigount-onlolacintothe ottr SPIL RTES1ITO 10ENIORS luG) 1M~aruidH Studio 112W. Huron St. N. S. Phone 119 /Athcns Theat re SATURDAY, JANUARY 20. Sol Siimit ?sclSlGeaot Plav A1 P001 RELATION UJNCLAIMSED l.ETEI"I.IS. AT THE ATHENS. Sloe foollowing letters 100eiunclied 0SSsiithEtisoellos coulpanlywhlichi st thocpostoflhoc: still ptreett"A :Poor Relation" att thse Coe. M~rs. Masry E.; Cole C11. AthlensOthleatre Satiirday evetning, is i...iile ClhsH B; DaisDr. oH.;11cc iioetel tntisital eceellence, ito equal hcl, '11 s. Jams; Edgeworiith, Nr.t 0110" rarcly metwstllsotside of tle EvansI lrs.(Carrie;- Grhiats Mt gisat cities .'Fraiiko. Keenats,wso Thoinos tiHarves' Ni.Harsy;s-la50 plas sthe Ipsit sof Noahs Vole, is is Gli,(;Hs'rtler NMioss Sophsisoactrt oittf sthesamequiet, isattirolnmethi Iboke, .s ;Joe s,(41 Ion;ocs is 1Sir. ssl'1lsiand hoo enjoy5edia Jhnerson, John; sineyNt Lmn;vaieepers ience,011 o011 of his lotest n Loonsis Srt C. R.; hMilleri-taty; taitements heing swith"Thse Christian" hillierCoo.. Mitshls MSiss Clita;tin its grist New York ru~n. Jaine: NewtitonNMrs.;CPioeekdros.iFranik: tlackiye Jacquies Martiii andilAfred Rodgrsllr Llu;RobbnsMrs Husonaremeimiers of tissgreat E.; Stotnebtuiy, Mrs.A.;TavlorAngie;(iompali,iiof hc iaCnes 'Tayloi, Eliei,2J.W.; olveirinc Rfg, the le adingl1disis Co.;NYkohl, Wm.Gs0o.RC CNIDTS Foreign -ScileedeNDi s laita; 5 RC ADDTS Schoenhiide, Luis All canid iates for '02 track teani lDmits--Cunninlgham, Daniel;SKel-svill iplease meet in the Trophy room sey, Mrs. Chas.;Moloy, Mi.Wni; of tile Grimnasium Thusday, Jan. 1S Ciamsh Mis.;Noting, .T t 4:30 p. so to elect temporary cap Ret. D. C.0.Sayies, AnnaiH.; Lain" Todsd, D.VC.S.lT.iI UMAN, Packageo-Hinderi Mrs. Fred; Price, 8 '02 T. T. Mgr. Sirs. Olive. Dr. Carrow hos arranged c Prof.LI C. King, of Obeilinstill work so that each member oc the give ai s011es5of fhoe zectuiieo, Feb. senior claoosvwill ohtain a great dcual 16i, 17,. iidi18, in Tappan.and Unive c Io practical wvork in retraction of ryco, sity Haillsioni"Christian, Evidences,"slid minlor operationo in the futsi e._ Tfle definits. subjects will ho sn- Ohiosincets the lapproval of the msoici- nounced later. 'Ihese lectuiieoste Isersofthoe claos. iinder the aiusices 151 the Univeirsity N'. M~. C. A. and ill be foes' to tote A conmplete line of Adler Bros. fOne isoblic. Mr. King is profesosor of th'eo- nulls at NWadhamsi, Ryan & Reule, 105-- lsgyst Oherliin;l iomerlvpirofesosi(sf202 S. Slain st. phiiloophy.i A censs of tile studseintsottnianail Uivsersity tisotermosothot sloty' fousr iper cenot. aie churchlo memnbers. Of thils tnmber thoere ore h.22SMethoo- 18 aisst,h-lb Cathlico,14 1'riends, H CKI G LLY y.10 EpIiscopallians, aisdl5Swso llooio to va1r0ioious o thourvlsis fromon(100to 4 TIRAINS IDAILY 4_ 1. 'toeathiy St.Louios browoerir, Bsch, Isrecetloff slersedti oidd $1,0s00 Btiweens Toleido ansiiColiiiis, i i , Untion t00 .11 vlos t fundilL or Drti I rosit col- dptin bthlisttts iiessoss ' I w saceped'1 yos thess ls - t'hrosgls Sieertiio 'shosg-ton and atio r e.e nt'hoo t h eIbo'stt'' "it's vtti3 l ' 5i '1 GREAT RAILR OAD Fust'tbtohuOto ail otidfom00a owi 'hoe juliosto eloss of \N'cobeyctn0001 THE FJOCI(ING V\ILLEY vsosOsity deidesdto (ol': sciliionof Write sounien stiudenits ini theio slicce annuael i.L 5 . 0W. I, A i\ODM00 ,0 1as 10(part o a is1I1itls;la0;d0 lh, (i- Alb(ert Kieth, '99, mniager of Ite '98 'Varii ty basoeball tetam ansi lromni-, neatilelloss ciroles, wao in thte city fso a fewvbotors ystoerday-. At pres- ent litoisvingageinsI thIle itanking butsi- iess in Chieago. 600 HOSTESSES. Doin't Is: "et the Hostie-NNariiig 1st, thc ilror Gymna0 isiumisnSFriday cvces1- 110 sngo titssoeels. All frieiido of thoc N oiossn's Iael 0'corilily invitsed. .ickets o5l cents. Studs 00ars.coridsially invitedso 10itl- hi'c;oI ilo csustic -s 0oe oilts, 0500- coatsmecots fuonshiugs andt hasol OS'ilh-ots, 1a- iti ole 0 S. ait. o IOT Oh1A Sorosisstpt ilsstwthobia- isisotis. inderles e leave at5 hiso t O v -I octI s offcosi at Storsoss isiosi'anal eciove risis osi I , - "') a I i i I 1 3 (i NEXT ATTRAICTION AL Bachelor's Honeymoon NEW TER~M DA2NCING GRANGER'S ACADEMY. HIEAD THE DAILY. Wu tarisnted for 1 Year $1.00 Win. Arnold,_ewele The Most Corr)plete litn C o ovwney Chocolttes noite ity solb oubndistt fToil'c 338 SOUTH STATE ST, 0, M. MIARTINI,. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Cttt1bltnig a spectilty. No. 209, S.4th Ave. Ambhulance nighsttiandiday.IRes sden~e :112 Fifth Ave. -°- ---j- 1'- -T=L-a(=1_-T°==L--- - L r-i_-r=t_-- .=f -r_!.--r-_.L-1=L==-L--T-_L-=1(,'_L-._7° .=1 -- -_1== -_[._=T-_L-- _L:_ =S_-- - ruri int KdInu Boots$ 50 1.Black and Tan for Moe~ ~~ArerSnot' nd Water4 Tr AT. Every Kind IENOCH OIETERLEEmbalmr aindes613 Eal/Csitv illiaminoShletI MS A B E , I Mr. Enohtilelerle, Lady AssistatI.loew101 uilstding. Alinhife1,m Botsh Phonee No 8S uS W.Wonhing. Nn. 116 E. Liberty Street. Residente6S3Sh ofof repaieing neatly done. ion St., Ann Arbnr. Fourth Ave, Both Phone s129. Sh eS o E. Lambert. I Photos WE PATRONIZE G0ODYEAR'S DRUG STORE